The Progressive Voters Guide is an annual project of Fuse Washington. Since 2008, we've combined the endorsements of Washington's leading progressive organizations with research about candidates and ballot measures to give you the information you've been searching for to be an informed voter. More than 2.3 million Washingtonians have used the Progressive Voters Guide, and thousands come back each and every election for more of our thorough candidate research and trusted recommendations.
How do you choose which candidates and ballot measures to recommend?
Fuse staff research and compile the endorsements from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations, which are listed below. In most cases, we recommend candidates and ballot measures that have been endorsed by at least one of these partner organizations. In races where the endorsements are split, we strive to show voters which candidate has received the most support. We also seek input from partners and local community members to determine a candidate’s values and priorities.
You can read much more about the decision-making process behind our recommendations here.
While we cover more than 200 races in some years, unfortunately, we are not able to make recommendations for every candidate in every jurisdiction. If you believe we have omitted a key race or made an error, please let us know by using the “feedback” link above.
What's the Evergreen Future Pledge?
Evergreen Future is a four-year campaign led by Washington Conservation Voters to push elected officials across the state to support bolder environmental action. As we recover from an economic recession and seek justice for frontline communities, we need leaders who prioritize public health, protect workers, and invest in policies that address climate change, clean up toxic pollution, and restore our forests and waters. Read more about the Evergreen Future pledge