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About the Progressive Voters Guide

The Progressive Voters Guide is an annual project of ProgressNow New Mexico and Fuse Washington. Starting in 2023, we will be combining the endorsements of New Mexico's leading progressive organizations with research about candidates and ballot measures to give you the information you've been searching for to be an informed voter. We are excited to provide this resource to New Meixcans and hope you will visit our website to read our thorough candidate research and trusted recommendations.

How do you choose which candidates and ballot measures to recommend?

ProgressNow New Mexico staff research and compile the endorsements from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations, which are listed below. In most cases, we recommend candidates and ballot measures that have been endorsed by at least one of these partner organizations. In races where the endorsements are split, we strive to show voters which candidate has received the most support. We also seek input from partners and local community members to determine a candidate’s values and priorities.

While we are thrilled to launch our first New Mexico specific progressive voter guide, unfortunately, we are not able to make recommendations for every candidate in every jurisdiction. Due to limited staff and funding, we are focusing our efforts for the 2023 municipal elections solely on Albuquerque and Las Cruces City Council and School Board races. If you believe we have omitted a key race in these two cities, or made an error, please let us know by using the “feedback” link above.

About our Partners

The Progressive Voters Guide is powered by ProgressNow New Mexico and includes endorsements from the following partners:

  • Albuquerque Teachers Federation
  • Central New Mexico Labor Council
  • Dreams in Action
  • EL CENTRO Poder y Acción
  • Equality New Mexico
  • Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate
  • NEA New Mexico
  • NM Native Vote
  • OLÉ
  • Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico
  • Sierra Club
  • Working Families Party New Mexico

Note that not all groups endorse in all races and ballot measures.

Albuquerque Teachers Federation

Albuquerque Teachers Federation

The Albuquerque Teachers Federation (ATF) is committed to improving the conditions of teaching and learning in our public schools while advancing the causes of social justice and democracy for our members, students and the ABQ community.

Central New Mexico Labor Council

Central New Mexico Labor Council

The Central New Mexico Labor Council is one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO and are the heart of the labor movement. They are democratically elected bodies dedicated to represent the interests of working people at the state and local level. They mobilize our members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin.

Dreams in Action

Dreams in Action

Dreams in Action NM believes we can advance and achieve equity, justice, wellbeing, and opportunities for our families and communities by empowering and activating the BIPOC, Immigrant, LGBTQ+, Workers, Youth & Women electorate in New Mexico.

EL CENTRO Poder y Acción

EL CENTRO Poder y Acción

El CENTRO Poder y Acción is an Albuquerque-based civil rights and workers’ justice organization that advocates for just working conditions and policies that ensure that all New Mexicans’ have the opportunity to thrive. They focus on growing the power of our community through policy advocacy as well as voter education and mobilization.

Equality New Mexico

Equality New Mexico

Equality New Mexico (EQNM) is a statewide education and advocacy organization that works for full recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights. EQNM believes every LGBTQ New Mexican is a vital community member in the Land of Enchantment whose health and well being is crucial to creating a stronger, more balanced world. This belief compels EQNM to challenge structural and individual barriers that limit LGBTQ self-determination and ability to thrive. EQNM strives to be a trusted partner and to uplift LGBTQ voices and leadership in creating a reality of equity, full access, and sustainable wellness for all LGBTQ New Mexicans.

Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate

Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate

Gun Sense Voter is a campaign of Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund, with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the volunteer grassroots network of Everytown for Gun Safety. Together they form a non-partisan grassroots movement of people organizing to elect candidates at every level of government who support common-sense gun safety laws.

The Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction lets voters know which candidates will stand up for gun safety if elected into office. Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers across the country have been distributing questionnaires to candidates to ensure that those with the Gun Sense Candidate distinction will advocate for safer communities. These candidates have proven that they will support stronger gun laws.

NEA New Mexico

NEA New Mexico

NEA-NM, the New Mexico state affiliate of the National Educators Association, has been an advocate for New Mexico Public Schools, its students, and its employees. NEA-NM fights for the best possible learning conditions for children, and working conditions for teachers and other school employees. The union is more than 5,500 active members strong, and organized into local affiliates across the state. These affiliates work for members through collective bargaining and other advocacy mechanisms, while NEA-NM works to influence policy makers at the state level.



OLÉ (Organizers in the Land of Enchantment) is a non-profit, grassroots member organization of working families. Since 2009, OLÉ’s members and staff have worked together to strengthen their communities using issue-based campaigns and electoral engagement to ensure that working families are playing a critical role in shaping New Mexico’s future with a united voice. By centering the experiences of people of color, early educators, parents, workers and Immigrants, OLÉ creates a space for people to grow their leadership and create lasting change in New Mexico.

Sierra Club

Sierra Club

The Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club is a volunteer-led organization representing  more than 10,000 members in New Mexico and West Texas. With a mission to explore, enjoy and protect the planet, and Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter prioritizes protecting our climate, air, water, wildlife and public lands in New Mexico and West Texas.

The Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter works to elect environmentally-minded candidates with the hope that they'll enact the environmental protections our communities need.  Our volunteers are actively involved in endorsing pro-environment candidates and then working for their election.