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Return Ballots by Tuesday, August 4th
The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Vote in every race on your ballot! It's our right and our responsibility. This is a preview version of the guide. We will continue adding recommendations and adding details until ballots are mailed out.
1st Congressional District
Rep. Suzan DelBene is running for re-election in the 1st Congressional District. DelBene is a former executive at Microsoft who has used her technology background to become a leader in protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She was first elected in 2012 and has been an advocate for creating family-wage jobs in industries like aerospace, sustainable agriculture, and clean energy as well as advocating for reproductive justice. She also supports raising the federal minimum wage and passing comprehensive tax reform to ensure that corporations and the wealthy pay their share. This year, DelBene urged the Trump administration to send Washingtonians resources and use science to combat the coronavirus crisis and has pushed for relief for workers and small businesses.
DelBene is running against Republicans Derek Chartrand and Jeffrey Beeler, Sr., Libertarian Steven Skelton, Robert Dean Mair, Matthew Heines, and Justin Smoak. Chartrand considers himself a "Compassionate Capitalist" and wants to cut costs but has no other ideas for generating revenue. Beeler is a conservative running on a platform of term limits for elected officials and pushing our state to re-open unsafely in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Skelton is a consultant who believes that Democrats and Republicans "agree on just about everything that matters" and is not qualified for Congress. Heines ran for state Senate in 2018 as a New Republican. Mair has no policy ideas available as of mid-July and Smoak is running to quickly re-open the state in light of the "sensationalism" of COVID.
Rep. DelBene is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for her re-election.
Rep. Suzan DelBene is running for re-election in the 1st Congressional District. DelBene is a former executive at Microsoft who has used her technology background to become a leader in protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She was first elected in 2012 and has been an advocate for creating family-wage jobs in industries like aerospace, sustainable agriculture, and clean energy as well as advocating for reproductive justice. She also supports raising the federal minimum wage and passing comprehensive tax reform to ensure that corporations and the wealthy pay their share. This year, DelBene urged the Trump administration to send Washingtonians resources and use science to combat the coronavirus crisis and has pushed for relief for workers and small businesses.
DelBene is running against Republicans Derek Chartrand and Jeffrey Beeler, Sr., Libertarian Steven Skelton, Robert Dean Mair, Matthew Heines, and Justin Smoak. Chartrand considers himself a "Compassionate Capitalist" and wants to cut costs but has no other ideas for generating revenue. Beeler is a conservative running on a platform of term limits for elected officials and pushing our state to re-open unsafely in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Skelton is a consultant who believes that Democrats and Republicans "agree on just about everything that matters" and is not qualified for Congress. Heines ran for state Senate in 2018 as a New Republican. Mair has no policy ideas available as of mid-July and Smoak is running to quickly re-open the state in light of the "sensationalism" of COVID.
Rep. DelBene is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for her re-election.
7th Congressional District
Rep. Pramila Jayapal is running for re-election in the 7th Congressional District. She has a long history of civic leadership on immigration reform, economic justice, and civil liberties. Rep. Jayapal founded OneAmerica (formerly Hate Free Zone) in 2001 and built it into the largest immigrant rights organization in the state and a national model. She also played a key role on the Mayoral Advisory Committee that created Seattle’s $15 minimum wage.
Since her election to Congress in 2016, Rep. Jayapal has resisted the Trump administration at every turn and provided a voice for progressives across the country. She has supported the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the Dream Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for young DACA recipients. She has also fought back against the Trump administration's inhumane policy of separating families seeking asylum, and introduced legislation that paves a pathway towards a universal health care system. This year, Rep. Jayapal introduced legislation to expand collective bargaining and provide relief to workers and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. She has held nearly 100 town halls during her time in Congress and is the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Also in this race are Democrat Jack Hughes-Hageman, Independent Rick Lewis, and Republicans Scott Sutherland and Craig Keller. Hughes-Hageman wants to repeal federal marijuana prohibition with universal amnesty and seems to be very progressive but does not have any elected experience. Independent Lewis has a background in military intelligence and says he has the resume of a "highly competent James Bond villain." He is not a serious candidate. Sutherland's platform includes promoting renewable energy and proposing a constitutional amendment requiring all members of Congress to handwrite all proposed laws. Keller claims legislators have "lavished" billions of dollars "upon illegal aliens and their profiteer employers." He is neither progressive nor qualified for Congress.
Jayapal has been an outstanding progressive leader for the 7th Congressional District and the entire country. She has earned your vote for re-election.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal is running for re-election in the 7th Congressional District. She has a long history of civic leadership on immigration reform, economic justice, and civil liberties. Rep. Jayapal founded OneAmerica (formerly Hate Free Zone) in 2001 and built it into the largest immigrant rights organization in the state and a national model. She also played a key role on the Mayoral Advisory Committee that created Seattle’s $15 minimum wage.
Since her election to Congress in 2016, Rep. Jayapal has resisted the Trump administration at every turn and provided a voice for progressives across the country. She has supported the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the Dream Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for young DACA recipients. She has also fought back against the Trump administration's inhumane policy of separating families seeking asylum, and introduced legislation that paves a pathway towards a universal health care system. This year, Rep. Jayapal introduced legislation to expand collective bargaining and provide relief to workers and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. She has held nearly 100 town halls during her time in Congress and is the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Also in this race are Democrat Jack Hughes-Hageman, Independent Rick Lewis, and Republicans Scott Sutherland and Craig Keller. Hughes-Hageman wants to repeal federal marijuana prohibition with universal amnesty and seems to be very progressive but does not have any elected experience. Independent Lewis has a background in military intelligence and says he has the resume of a "highly competent James Bond villain." He is not a serious candidate. Sutherland's platform includes promoting renewable energy and proposing a constitutional amendment requiring all members of Congress to handwrite all proposed laws. Keller claims legislators have "lavished" billions of dollars "upon illegal aliens and their profiteer employers." He is neither progressive nor qualified for Congress.
Jayapal has been an outstanding progressive leader for the 7th Congressional District and the entire country. She has earned your vote for re-election.
8th Congressional District
Rep. Kim Schrier was elected to represent Washington's 8th Congressional District in 2018. Schrier serves on the Education & Labor and Agriculture Committees and prioritized gun violence prevention, health care (including reducing the cost of prescription drugs), and reproductive justice in her first term. Prior to running for office, she worked as a pediatrician in Issaquah for two decades. She is the first Democrat to hold this seat.
Rep. Schrier's strong re-election platform includes encouraging sustainable agriculture, addressing the climate crisis, safeguarding our elections, and protecting endangered species and lands. She is the only woman doctor in Congress and her perspective is incredibly valuable, especially during this unprecedented pandemic. Schrier held more than 50 town halls in her first term and is endorsed by numerous progressive partner organizations and Democratic elected officials.
Also in this race are Democrats James Mitchell and Keith Arnold, Independent Corey Bailey, Republicans Jesse Jensen and Keith Swank, Trump Republican Dave Saulibio, and Ryan Dean Burkett, who states he has no party preference. Mitchell is an anti-choice Democrat who describes himself as "old school" and believes vaccines are dangerous. Arnold is a perennial anti-choice candidate who has been on the ballot in every election since 2008. Bailey wants to prioritize re-opening Washington state, which public health experts agree is not safe.
Jensen is a manager at Amazon and a former Army captain who was recruited by Republicans to run in this district. He claims he will protect coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and lower the cost of health care but doesn't offer any substantial policy ideas. Swank is a police officer and commander of the Metro Special Response Section who wants to make the Trump tax cuts that benefited big corporations permanent. Saulibio also ran for Congress in 2018 and pledges to support all legislative actions that support Trump. Burkett is running to institute term limits and move the U.S. to the metric system. He is not a serious candidate.
Rep. Schrier is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Kim Schrier was elected to represent Washington's 8th Congressional District in 2018. Schrier serves on the Education & Labor and Agriculture Committees and prioritized gun violence prevention, health care (including reducing the cost of prescription drugs), and reproductive justice in her first term. Prior to running for office, she worked as a pediatrician in Issaquah for two decades. She is the first Democrat to hold this seat.
Rep. Schrier's strong re-election platform includes encouraging sustainable agriculture, addressing the climate crisis, safeguarding our elections, and protecting endangered species and lands. She is the only woman doctor in Congress and her perspective is incredibly valuable, especially during this unprecedented pandemic. Schrier held more than 50 town halls in her first term and is endorsed by numerous progressive partner organizations and Democratic elected officials.
Also in this race are Democrats James Mitchell and Keith Arnold, Independent Corey Bailey, Republicans Jesse Jensen and Keith Swank, Trump Republican Dave Saulibio, and Ryan Dean Burkett, who states he has no party preference. Mitchell is an anti-choice Democrat who describes himself as "old school" and believes vaccines are dangerous. Arnold is a perennial anti-choice candidate who has been on the ballot in every election since 2008. Bailey wants to prioritize re-opening Washington state, which public health experts agree is not safe.
Jensen is a manager at Amazon and a former Army captain who was recruited by Republicans to run in this district. He claims he will protect coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and lower the cost of health care but doesn't offer any substantial policy ideas. Swank is a police officer and commander of the Metro Special Response Section who wants to make the Trump tax cuts that benefited big corporations permanent. Saulibio also ran for Congress in 2018 and pledges to support all legislative actions that support Trump. Burkett is running to institute term limits and move the U.S. to the metric system. He is not a serious candidate.
Rep. Schrier is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
9th Congressional District
Rep. Adam Smith has been a reliable vote in Congress on progressive issues from taxation to immigration reform. He represents Washington's most diverse district, which is home to 30 percent foreign-born residents and large Asian, Hispanic, and Black communities. Smith is an advocate for greater equality, and supports a path to citizenship for immigrants, reforming the tax code, and Medicare for All. Recently, Rep. Smith spoke out against President Trump's call for the military to intervene and stop the "insurrection" of demonstrators protesting police brutality. He supported the $3 trillion coronavirus pandemic relief package and is supporting the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to dramatically increase accountability and transparency.
Also in this race are Libertarian Jorge Besada and Republicans Joshua Campbell and Doug Basler. Campbell believes that all Americans should "pick a side" and unite under one party while stating that voting for Trump was a good choice. Basler has challenged Rep. Smith before, making it to the general in 2014 and 2016 but losing to Sarah Smith in the primary in 2018. He does not have a strong campaign platform but has always run as a Republican and believes the Democratic caucus has "literally held Americans hostage" during the coronavirus pandemic. Besada is running on a platform including making taxes voluntary but does support reforming the criminal justice system.
Rep. Smith is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for Congress.
Rep. Adam Smith has been a reliable vote in Congress on progressive issues from taxation to immigration reform. He represents Washington's most diverse district, which is home to 30 percent foreign-born residents and large Asian, Hispanic, and Black communities. Smith is an advocate for greater equality, and supports a path to citizenship for immigrants, reforming the tax code, and Medicare for All. Recently, Rep. Smith spoke out against President Trump's call for the military to intervene and stop the "insurrection" of demonstrators protesting police brutality. He supported the $3 trillion coronavirus pandemic relief package and is supporting the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to dramatically increase accountability and transparency.
Also in this race are Libertarian Jorge Besada and Republicans Joshua Campbell and Doug Basler. Campbell believes that all Americans should "pick a side" and unite under one party while stating that voting for Trump was a good choice. Basler has challenged Rep. Smith before, making it to the general in 2014 and 2016 but losing to Sarah Smith in the primary in 2018. He does not have a strong campaign platform but has always run as a Republican and believes the Democratic caucus has "literally held Americans hostage" during the coronavirus pandemic. Besada is running on a platform including making taxes voluntary but does support reforming the criminal justice system.
Rep. Smith is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote for Congress.
Governor Jay Inslee has been a strong, principled leader on the important challenges facing Washington. Before he was elected as governor in 2012, Inslee represented both sides of the Cascades in Congress, opposed the Iraq war, and worked to increase accountability and oversight for Wall Street banks.
Inslee has established himself as a national leader on fighting climate change. He has invested more than $170 million into clean energy and energy efficiency projects, implemented the Clean Air Rule, and pushed for legislation that reduces pollution in Washington. In his 2020 bid for the presidency, Inslee brought a climate-centered focus to the race. Outside of his work on climate, Inslee has signed into law Washington's public option for health care, paid family leave, and the Equal Pay Opportunity Act.
Recently, Inslee has been a national leader in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. His proactive, decisive, science-driven efforts have saved countless Washingtonians from getting sick. Unfortunately, we've seen the flip side recently where states with governors who were slow or failed to act have seen dramatic increases in cases.
Inslee is facing 35 opponents this year, the most prominent of which are Republicans Sen. Phil Fortunato, Tim Eyman, and Bothell Mayor Joshua Freed. Fortunato is a social conservative who has abandoned working families while in the office. In past legislative sessions, he voted against protections for LGBTQ school children and against expanding access to reproductive health care for women. Freed believes we should be less cautious about COVID-19 protections and rapidly re-open the state, a faulty strategy in the face of death and difficult recoveries even for previously healthy coronavirus patients.
Eyman is one of the worst candidates for governor the state has ever seen. Eyman's legal problems range from fraudulently diverting funds from his ill-conceived initiatives into his personal bank accounts to wide-ranging campaign finance violations to stealing a chair from Office Depot. He is the face behind many of Washington's most damaging initiatives, including the most recent disaster that has cut tens of billions of dollars from state transportation projects. Eyman has lately been doubling down on his cringeworthy antics by comparing Gov. Inslee's COVID policies to George Floyd's murder.
As the coronavirus crisis continues and the gap in the state budget persists, we need real, experienced leadership at the helm of the state. Inslee is the clear choice for governor.
Governor Jay Inslee has been a strong, principled leader on the important challenges facing Washington. Before he was elected as governor in 2012, Inslee represented both sides of the Cascades in Congress, opposed the Iraq war, and worked to increase accountability and oversight for Wall Street banks.
Inslee has established himself as a national leader on fighting climate change. He has invested more than $170 million into clean energy and energy efficiency projects, implemented the Clean Air Rule, and pushed for legislation that reduces pollution in Washington. In his 2020 bid for the presidency, Inslee brought a climate-centered focus to the race. Outside of his work on climate, Inslee has signed into law Washington's public option for health care, paid family leave, and the Equal Pay Opportunity Act.
Recently, Inslee has been a national leader in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. His proactive, decisive, science-driven efforts have saved countless Washingtonians from getting sick. Unfortunately, we've seen the flip side recently where states with governors who were slow or failed to act have seen dramatic increases in cases.
Inslee is facing 35 opponents this year, the most prominent of which are Republicans Sen. Phil Fortunato, Tim Eyman, and Bothell Mayor Joshua Freed. Fortunato is a social conservative who has abandoned working families while in the office. In past legislative sessions, he voted against protections for LGBTQ school children and against expanding access to reproductive health care for women. Freed believes we should be less cautious about COVID-19 protections and rapidly re-open the state, a faulty strategy in the face of death and difficult recoveries even for previously healthy coronavirus patients.
Eyman is one of the worst candidates for governor the state has ever seen. Eyman's legal problems range from fraudulently diverting funds from his ill-conceived initiatives into his personal bank accounts to wide-ranging campaign finance violations to stealing a chair from Office Depot. He is the face behind many of Washington's most damaging initiatives, including the most recent disaster that has cut tens of billions of dollars from state transportation projects. Eyman has lately been doubling down on his cringeworthy antics by comparing Gov. Inslee's COVID policies to George Floyd's murder.
As the coronavirus crisis continues and the gap in the state budget persists, we need real, experienced leadership at the helm of the state. Inslee is the clear choice for governor.
There are two leading progressives running to replace Cyrus Habib as Lt. Governor: Sen. Marko Liias and Congressman Denny Heck. Both bring extensive legislative experience and progressive values to the race, although their visions for the office of Lt. Governor are somewhat different. Liias has earned more support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations.
State Senate Floor Leader Marko Liias was first elected to the Mukilteo City Council in 2005 before being appointed to the state House in 2007 and finally the state Senate in 2014.
In the Legislature, Liias has been a strong progressive advocate for all families. As the Democratic Senate Floor Leader, Liias has led the fight on LGBTQ equality and created a student loan bill of rights. His past legislation includes a ban on the inhumane practice of conversion therapy. This year, Liias sponsored legislation requiring informed consent to perform a pelvic exam and creating a new state financial aid program for undocumented students.
In his interview with Fuse, Liias said he would use the bully pulpit of the office to connect with voters across the state about progressive issues, including fixing our upside-down tax code. In addition, he laid out a strong set of proposals for how to increase police accountability. If elected, Liias would be the first openly gay statewide official in Washington history.
State Senate Floor Leader Marko Liias was first elected to the Mukilteo City Council in 2005 before being appointed to the state House in 2007 and finally the state Senate in 2014.
In the Legislature, Liias has been a strong progressive advocate for all families. As the Democratic Senate Floor Leader, Liias has led the fight on LGBTQ equality and created a student loan bill of rights. His past legislation includes a ban on the inhumane practice of conversion therapy. This year, Liias sponsored legislation requiring informed consent to perform a pelvic exam and creating a new state financial aid program for undocumented students.
In his interview with Fuse, Liias said he would use the bully pulpit of the office to connect with voters across the state about progressive issues, including fixing our upside-down tax code. In addition, he laid out a strong set of proposals for how to increase police accountability. If elected, Liias would be the first openly gay statewide official in Washington history.
Rep. Denny Heck is retiring from Congress and running for Lt. Governor. Heck has had a long, effective career in both the private and public sectors, most notably as a five-term state representative, House majority leader, chief of staff to former Gov. Booth Gardner, and TVW co-founder.
In Congress, Heck has fought to make college more affordable, worked to lower health care costs, ensure veterans get the benefits they deserve, and create middle-class jobs. He supports immigration policies that create a path to citizenship and worked to help prevent health care premium increases due to Trump's policies. Heck was elected to represent the 10th Congressional District after it was created in 2012 and decided to retire after the impeachment hearings in December 2019.
His top priorities as Lt. Governor would be reforming our regressive tax system, investing in infrastructure to rebuild the economy as well as the roads and bridges, and helping people "skill up". In his Fuse interview, he expressed support for police reform and wants to expand on the Electeds For Justice pledge to eliminate qualified immunity for police officers. In addition, Heck said he wants to use the office and his extensive experience to lobby swing senators on progressive issues.
Rep. Denny Heck is retiring from Congress and running for Lt. Governor. Heck has had a long, effective career in both the private and public sectors, most notably as a five-term state representative, House majority leader, chief of staff to former Gov. Booth Gardner, and TVW co-founder.
In Congress, Heck has fought to make college more affordable, worked to lower health care costs, ensure veterans get the benefits they deserve, and create middle-class jobs. He supports immigration policies that create a path to citizenship and worked to help prevent health care premium increases due to Trump's policies. Heck was elected to represent the 10th Congressional District after it was created in 2012 and decided to retire after the impeachment hearings in December 2019.
His top priorities as Lt. Governor would be reforming our regressive tax system, investing in infrastructure to rebuild the economy as well as the roads and bridges, and helping people "skill up". In his Fuse interview, he expressed support for police reform and wants to expand on the Electeds For Justice pledge to eliminate qualified immunity for police officers. In addition, Heck said he wants to use the office and his extensive experience to lobby swing senators on progressive issues.
Other Candidates
This open seat has attracted a large number of candidates, including Democrats James Rafferty and Michelle Jasmer, Libertarians Jared Frerichs and Matt Seymour, and Republicans Ann Davison Sattler, Joseph Brumbles, and Marty McClendon.
Neither Rafferty nor Jasmer has a strong campaign presence. Frerich's top three campaign priorities are reducing economic barriers, reforming red-flag laws, and decriminalizing sex work. Seymour's main focus is preventing any tax increases, but he is also not open to options for progressive revenue. Davison Sattler is an attorney who ran for Seattle City Council as a Democrat against Debora Juarez in 2019 with the support of conservative groups like Safe Seattle. She officially declared herself a Republican early this year. Her platform includes turning unused commercial and civic structures into field hospitals, temporary housing, or disaster relief centers. Davison Sattler is endorsed by Republican elected officials and is not progressive. McClendon ran for Lt. Governor in 2016 and claimed then-Senator Cyrus Habib (who is not running for re-election to this position because he decided to enter the Society of Jesus) was not Christian, but "anti-God."
This open seat has attracted a large number of candidates, including Democrats James Rafferty and Michelle Jasmer, Libertarians Jared Frerichs and Matt Seymour, and Republicans Ann Davison Sattler, Joseph Brumbles, and Marty McClendon.
Neither Rafferty nor Jasmer has a strong campaign presence. Frerich's top three campaign priorities are reducing economic barriers, reforming red-flag laws, and decriminalizing sex work. Seymour's main focus is preventing any tax increases, but he is also not open to options for progressive revenue. Davison Sattler is an attorney who ran for Seattle City Council as a Democrat against Debora Juarez in 2019 with the support of conservative groups like Safe Seattle. She officially declared herself a Republican early this year. Her platform includes turning unused commercial and civic structures into field hospitals, temporary housing, or disaster relief centers. Davison Sattler is endorsed by Republican elected officials and is not progressive. McClendon ran for Lt. Governor in 2016 and claimed then-Senator Cyrus Habib (who is not running for re-election to this position because he decided to enter the Society of Jesus) was not Christian, but "anti-God."
Former port commissioner and progressive state Rep. Gael Tarleton is now running for Secretary of State, who serves as the state's chief elections officer, among other roles. First elected to the Legislature in 2012, Tarleton has been a strong advocate for environmental causes such as Governor Jay Inslee's initiative to reduce carbon pollution. She sponsored bills during her first term in the House to strengthen the maritime industry, improve access to health care, and ensure gender pay equity.
Tarleton is running for Secretary of State to expand access to voting in Washington while safeguarding our elections against attacks "foreign and domestic." She wants to improve digital security and increase funding for county auditors to safeguard local elections from hacking attempts in the wake of the 2016 election. She would also expand audits of the state and local systems to identify any weaknesses that could be exploited.
Tarleton is challenging incumbent Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman, who has faced a bumpy road during her time in office. Last year, Wyman's office released a new $9.5 million voter registration database that was riddled with errors and led to a backlog of tens of thousands of registrations. King County elections director Julie Wise described the release as "irresponsible" and "not even functioning." In addition, Wyman was slow to support the Washington Voting Rights Act, same-day voter registration, and postage-paid ballots, and she has failed to condemn the president's relentless attacks on voting by mail.
Also in this race are Independent Ed Minger and Progressive Party candidate Gentry Lange. Minger wants to prohibit candidates from running paid ads, which is blatantly unconstitutional, and Lange wants to end voting by mail in Washington, a particularly confounding position during a pandemic.
We need a progressive leader in the Secretary of State's office who is fully committed to protecting our elections and removing every barrier to participation in our democracy. Tarleton is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Former port commissioner and progressive state Rep. Gael Tarleton is now running for Secretary of State, who serves as the state's chief elections officer, among other roles. First elected to the Legislature in 2012, Tarleton has been a strong advocate for environmental causes such as Governor Jay Inslee's initiative to reduce carbon pollution. She sponsored bills during her first term in the House to strengthen the maritime industry, improve access to health care, and ensure gender pay equity.
Tarleton is running for Secretary of State to expand access to voting in Washington while safeguarding our elections against attacks "foreign and domestic." She wants to improve digital security and increase funding for county auditors to safeguard local elections from hacking attempts in the wake of the 2016 election. She would also expand audits of the state and local systems to identify any weaknesses that could be exploited.
Tarleton is challenging incumbent Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman, who has faced a bumpy road during her time in office. Last year, Wyman's office released a new $9.5 million voter registration database that was riddled with errors and led to a backlog of tens of thousands of registrations. King County elections director Julie Wise described the release as "irresponsible" and "not even functioning." In addition, Wyman was slow to support the Washington Voting Rights Act, same-day voter registration, and postage-paid ballots, and she has failed to condemn the president's relentless attacks on voting by mail.
Also in this race are Independent Ed Minger and Progressive Party candidate Gentry Lange. Minger wants to prohibit candidates from running paid ads, which is blatantly unconstitutional, and Lange wants to end voting by mail in Washington, a particularly confounding position during a pandemic.
We need a progressive leader in the Secretary of State's office who is fully committed to protecting our elections and removing every barrier to participation in our democracy. Tarleton is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Mike Pellicciotti has served in the Washington state House representing the 30th Legislative District since 2016 and is now running for Treasurer. Pellicciotti has never accepted corporate campaign donations and has led efforts to make the Legislature's records open for public view. He also wrote the Corporate Crime Act, which increases financial penalties for corporate crimes by 100 times, and has successfully supported laws reducing property taxes.
Pellicciotti is challenging incumbent Republican Duane Davidson. In 2016, incumbent Jim McIntire retired, leaving the seat open. Because of the crowded primary, two Republicans made it through to the general election, giving them control of the Treasurer's office for the first time since 1957. Davidson previously served as the Benton County Treasurer from 2003 to 2016. In his term, he has been a traditional Republican and has referred to the state Legislature "raiding" the Rainy Day Fund. He has also only attended 3 of 18 critical pension meetings since fall 2017.
Pellicciotti has been a solid legislator and is the best choice in the race for Washington State Treasurer.
Mike Pellicciotti has served in the Washington state House representing the 30th Legislative District since 2016 and is now running for Treasurer. Pellicciotti has never accepted corporate campaign donations and has led efforts to make the Legislature's records open for public view. He also wrote the Corporate Crime Act, which increases financial penalties for corporate crimes by 100 times, and has successfully supported laws reducing property taxes.
Pellicciotti is challenging incumbent Republican Duane Davidson. In 2016, incumbent Jim McIntire retired, leaving the seat open. Because of the crowded primary, two Republicans made it through to the general election, giving them control of the Treasurer's office for the first time since 1957. Davidson previously served as the Benton County Treasurer from 2003 to 2016. In his term, he has been a traditional Republican and has referred to the state Legislature "raiding" the Rainy Day Fund. He has also only attended 3 of 18 critical pension meetings since fall 2017.
Pellicciotti has been a solid legislator and is the best choice in the race for Washington State Treasurer.
Washington Auditor Pat McCarthy has been a consistent advocate for government transparency and accountability during her first term in office. Previously, she served as Pierce County Executive and Pierce County Auditor, where she was honored as the 2006 Washington State Auditor of the Year.
Recently, McCarthy announced that her office has opened two independent audits of the Employment Security Department. The first will investigate the delay in unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The second audit will look into how criminals stole hundreds of millions of dollars through a sophisticated fraud scheme.
McCarthy is facing a challenge from Democrat Joshua Casey and Republican Chris Leyba. Casey is a CPA who wants to bring his financial expertise to the auditor's office. Leyba is a former police detective who currently runs an animal rescue on his farm. If elected, he would prioritize buying from Washington businesses and saving taxpayer dollars.
McCarthy's experience and commitment to oversight will be valuable as the state works to emerge from the pandemic and the recession. McCarthy is the best choice in this race.
Washington Auditor Pat McCarthy has been a consistent advocate for government transparency and accountability during her first term in office. Previously, she served as Pierce County Executive and Pierce County Auditor, where she was honored as the 2006 Washington State Auditor of the Year.
Recently, McCarthy announced that her office has opened two independent audits of the Employment Security Department. The first will investigate the delay in unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The second audit will look into how criminals stole hundreds of millions of dollars through a sophisticated fraud scheme.
McCarthy is facing a challenge from Democrat Joshua Casey and Republican Chris Leyba. Casey is a CPA who wants to bring his financial expertise to the auditor's office. Leyba is a former police detective who currently runs an animal rescue on his farm. If elected, he would prioritize buying from Washington businesses and saving taxpayer dollars.
McCarthy's experience and commitment to oversight will be valuable as the state works to emerge from the pandemic and the recession. McCarthy is the best choice in this race.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson's accomplishments during his two terms in office are impressive. From delivering millions of dollars back to consumers who were wronged by fraudulent corporations and his ongoing battle with the federal government to clean up the Hanford nuclear waste site to successfully fighting two Tim Eyman initiatives, Ferguson has been a strong and effective advocate for people in Washington. He has sued the Trump administration 50 times as of October 2019 and won every completed case (22 by his own count). Some of Ferguson's biggest accomplishments from the past few years include protecting consumer medical data, protecting statewide water quality from Trump's erosive environmental policies, and fighting back against the Trump administration's child detention laws.
Ferguson is running against Republicans Brett Rogers, Mike Vaska, and Matt Larkin. Rogers states that with over 20 years of law enforcement experience, including time with the Seattle Police Department, he would be well-suited to research and set criminal justice policy. A member of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Vaska's priorities include reducing regulations for business and streamlining the permitting process. Larkin states that he's running to prioritize "the homeless situation" that "no one is doing anything about," and promises to empower law enforcement while making Washington more business-friendly.
Ferguson is the clear progressive choice for Attorney General of Washington.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson's accomplishments during his two terms in office are impressive. From delivering millions of dollars back to consumers who were wronged by fraudulent corporations and his ongoing battle with the federal government to clean up the Hanford nuclear waste site to successfully fighting two Tim Eyman initiatives, Ferguson has been a strong and effective advocate for people in Washington. He has sued the Trump administration 50 times as of October 2019 and won every completed case (22 by his own count). Some of Ferguson's biggest accomplishments from the past few years include protecting consumer medical data, protecting statewide water quality from Trump's erosive environmental policies, and fighting back against the Trump administration's child detention laws.
Ferguson is running against Republicans Brett Rogers, Mike Vaska, and Matt Larkin. Rogers states that with over 20 years of law enforcement experience, including time with the Seattle Police Department, he would be well-suited to research and set criminal justice policy. A member of the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Vaska's priorities include reducing regulations for business and streamlining the permitting process. Larkin states that he's running to prioritize "the homeless situation" that "no one is doing anything about," and promises to empower law enforcement while making Washington more business-friendly.
Ferguson is the clear progressive choice for Attorney General of Washington.
Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz has been a proactive force for protecting our communities from climate change. As the head of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, she has focused on wildfire management and climate action.
This year, Franz released a climate resilience plan for rural Washington that includes expanding wind and solar farms and massive reforestation. Given the statewide threat and impact of wildfires with recent record-setting fire seasons, she has also worked on a 20-year forest health plan and a 10-year fire protection plan.
Franz is running against six other candidates: Republicans Cameron Whitney, Steve Sharon, Maryam Abasbarzy, and Sue Kuehl Pederson, Democrat Frank Wallbrown, and Libertarian Kelsey Reyes. Wallbrown and Abasbarzy have no campaign details available. Pederson is the former chair of the Grays Harbor Republican Party and says she's running to bring new leadership to the office and to balance the state's economy and ecology. Reyes works in the restaurant industry and has no concrete campaign details or website available. Finally, Sharon is running to investigate the effects of 5G towers and Whitney is running to follow Trump's suggestion of raking forests to stop forest fires.
Franz has the experience we need to guide and protect our state from increasingly dangerous fire seasons to the rising threat of climate inaction. Vote Franz for Commissioner of Public Lands.
Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz has been a proactive force for protecting our communities from climate change. As the head of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, she has focused on wildfire management and climate action.
This year, Franz released a climate resilience plan for rural Washington that includes expanding wind and solar farms and massive reforestation. Given the statewide threat and impact of wildfires with recent record-setting fire seasons, she has also worked on a 20-year forest health plan and a 10-year fire protection plan.
Franz is running against six other candidates: Republicans Cameron Whitney, Steve Sharon, Maryam Abasbarzy, and Sue Kuehl Pederson, Democrat Frank Wallbrown, and Libertarian Kelsey Reyes. Wallbrown and Abasbarzy have no campaign details available. Pederson is the former chair of the Grays Harbor Republican Party and says she's running to bring new leadership to the office and to balance the state's economy and ecology. Reyes works in the restaurant industry and has no concrete campaign details or website available. Finally, Sharon is running to investigate the effects of 5G towers and Whitney is running to follow Trump's suggestion of raking forests to stop forest fires.
Franz has the experience we need to guide and protect our state from increasingly dangerous fire seasons to the rising threat of climate inaction. Vote Franz for Commissioner of Public Lands.
Chris Reykdal is running for re-election to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to continue his leadership of our state's public schools through this challenging time. Previously, Reykdal spent 14 years serving on local school boards and in leadership positions at community and technical colleges, as well as serving 6 years in the Legislature. In the state House, Reykdal had a strong progressive voting record and was a consistent champion for public schools.
In his first term as Superintendent, Reykdal has pushed the Legislature to fully fund K-12 education, increase teacher pay, and close the opportunity gap for students of color. More recently, Reykdal has worked closely with Gov. Inslee to help Washington's schools navigate the pandemic. He made the tough decision early to close schools for the year to keep kids and families safe and slow the spread of COVID-19. If re-elected, Reykdal will continue to advocate for these priorities and work with schools across the state as they make the transition back to in-person education.
Reykdal is facing a handful of opponents in this non-partisan race: conservative Ron Higgins, former Republican legislative candidate Maia Espinoza, Dennis Wick, Stan Lippman, and David Spring. Espinoza has garnered attention by publishing a false and inflammatory voters pamphlet statement attacking Reykdal. Lippman is a disbarred lawyer and anti-vaccination advocate, Spring doesn't think we should have closed schools during the pandemic, and Higgins wants to inject religious teachings into public education. Wick is a former member of the Snohomish School District Board of Directors who wants to modernize our school system.
Reykdal is the clear choice for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Chris Reykdal is running for re-election to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to continue his leadership of our state's public schools through this challenging time. Previously, Reykdal spent 14 years serving on local school boards and in leadership positions at community and technical colleges, as well as serving 6 years in the Legislature. In the state House, Reykdal had a strong progressive voting record and was a consistent champion for public schools.
In his first term as Superintendent, Reykdal has pushed the Legislature to fully fund K-12 education, increase teacher pay, and close the opportunity gap for students of color. More recently, Reykdal has worked closely with Gov. Inslee to help Washington's schools navigate the pandemic. He made the tough decision early to close schools for the year to keep kids and families safe and slow the spread of COVID-19. If re-elected, Reykdal will continue to advocate for these priorities and work with schools across the state as they make the transition back to in-person education.
Reykdal is facing a handful of opponents in this non-partisan race: conservative Ron Higgins, former Republican legislative candidate Maia Espinoza, Dennis Wick, Stan Lippman, and David Spring. Espinoza has garnered attention by publishing a false and inflammatory voters pamphlet statement attacking Reykdal. Lippman is a disbarred lawyer and anti-vaccination advocate, Spring doesn't think we should have closed schools during the pandemic, and Higgins wants to inject religious teachings into public education. Wick is a former member of the Snohomish School District Board of Directors who wants to modernize our school system.
Reykdal is the clear choice for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has spent his entire career serving the people of Washington. Prior to running for statewide office, Kreidler was a doctor of optometry, state legislator, and member of Congress.
As Insurance Commissioner, Kreidler has been a consistent advocate for consumers and patients in overseeing insurance companies in Washington. Kreidler set up one of the first and most effective Obamacare exchanges in the country, helping expand access to health care for hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians. More recently, Kreidler moved quickly to issue an emergency order requiring insurance companies to waive copays, coinsurance, and deductibles for COVID-19 testing and office visits. In addition, he forced insurance companies to allow consumers to access other health providers if they did not have an in-network option for testing.
Kreidler is running against Republican Chirayu Avinash Patel and Libertarian Anthony Welti. Patel wants to model the office of the insurance commissioner based on a hybrid of the Ronald Reagan and Thomas Jefferson administrations, though he gives few details on what this would mean. Welti is running on a vaguely anti-corruption platform and wants to allow insurance companies to offer cheaper plans with fewer protections for consumers.
Kreidler has earned your vote for re-election to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler has spent his entire career serving the people of Washington. Prior to running for statewide office, Kreidler was a doctor of optometry, state legislator, and member of Congress.
As Insurance Commissioner, Kreidler has been a consistent advocate for consumers and patients in overseeing insurance companies in Washington. Kreidler set up one of the first and most effective Obamacare exchanges in the country, helping expand access to health care for hundreds of thousands of Washingtonians. More recently, Kreidler moved quickly to issue an emergency order requiring insurance companies to waive copays, coinsurance, and deductibles for COVID-19 testing and office visits. In addition, he forced insurance companies to allow consumers to access other health providers if they did not have an in-network option for testing.
Kreidler is running against Republican Chirayu Avinash Patel and Libertarian Anthony Welti. Patel wants to model the office of the insurance commissioner based on a hybrid of the Ronald Reagan and Thomas Jefferson administrations, though he gives few details on what this would mean. Welti is running on a vaguely anti-corruption platform and wants to allow insurance companies to offer cheaper plans with fewer protections for consumers.
Kreidler has earned your vote for re-election to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
Legislative Races
1st Legislative District
Derek Stanford served nearly 10 years as a state representative before earning an appointment to the state Senate to replace Guy Palumbo. Throughout his tenure in the Legislature, Rep. Stanford has been a strong proponent of LGBTQ rights, consumer protections, environmental sustainability, and strengthening access to higher education in Washington state. Most recently, Rep. Stanford sponsored legislation that prohibits state agencies from creating databases based on an individual's religious affiliation. Stanford was the prime sponsor of the Kuhnhausen Act, named after a transgender teen who was killed in Vancouver this year. The law prevents the use of the "panic" defense if someone commits a crime after learning of a victim’s actual or perceived gender identity.
Stanford is running against Dr. Art Coday, who previously ran for U.S. Senate in 2012 and 2018. In 2018, Cody's top priority was to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act and leave tens of millions of Americans without health insurance and at the whims of a few private insurance companies. His campaign also strenuously opposed any gun safety legislation and was anti-abortion.
Stanford is by far the best choice in this race.
Derek Stanford served nearly 10 years as a state representative before earning an appointment to the state Senate to replace Guy Palumbo. Throughout his tenure in the Legislature, Rep. Stanford has been a strong proponent of LGBTQ rights, consumer protections, environmental sustainability, and strengthening access to higher education in Washington state. Most recently, Rep. Stanford sponsored legislation that prohibits state agencies from creating databases based on an individual's religious affiliation. Stanford was the prime sponsor of the Kuhnhausen Act, named after a transgender teen who was killed in Vancouver this year. The law prevents the use of the "panic" defense if someone commits a crime after learning of a victim’s actual or perceived gender identity.
Stanford is running against Dr. Art Coday, who previously ran for U.S. Senate in 2012 and 2018. In 2018, Cody's top priority was to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act and leave tens of millions of Americans without health insurance and at the whims of a few private insurance companies. His campaign also strenuously opposed any gun safety legislation and was anti-abortion.
Stanford is by far the best choice in this race.
Rep. Davina Duerr is running to retain her seat in the 1st Legislative District. Appointed to the Legislature in the summer of 2019 to replace Derek Stanford, Davina Duerr is a former Bothell City Council member and deputy mayor.
Duerr has long been a strong regional advocate for improved transit and protecting parks and forested land. If re-elected, she would continue her work advocating for transit and climate action in the House. Her other priorities include improving public education with greater equity between districts, increasing the number of pre-K programs, bridge and road repair, funding gun violence research, and reducing the impact of the coronavirus.
She is running against Republican Adam Bartholomew, whose platform is very conservative. He does not support commonsense, age-appropriate sex education and is not open to finding new sources of revenue. Duerr is the clear choice in this race.
Rep. Davina Duerr is running to retain her seat in the 1st Legislative District. Appointed to the Legislature in the summer of 2019 to replace Derek Stanford, Davina Duerr is a former Bothell City Council member and deputy mayor.
Duerr has long been a strong regional advocate for improved transit and protecting parks and forested land. If re-elected, she would continue her work advocating for transit and climate action in the House. Her other priorities include improving public education with greater equity between districts, increasing the number of pre-K programs, bridge and road repair, funding gun violence research, and reducing the impact of the coronavirus.
She is running against Republican Adam Bartholomew, whose platform is very conservative. He does not support commonsense, age-appropriate sex education and is not open to finding new sources of revenue. Duerr is the clear choice in this race.
Rep. Shelley Kloba is running for re-election for the 1st Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to joining the Legislature, Rep. Kloba served her community as a trustee for the Lake Washington Schools Foundation, as a Kirkland City Councilmember, and as the Washington State PTA Legislative Director for two years.
In the Legislature, Kloba has extended her knowledge of education policy to become an advocate for Washington's youth. In 2018, Rep. Kloba was the primary sponsor of a bill that extended the Expanded Learning Opportunities Council, which increases opportunities for students from low-income backgrounds. This year, she expanded workers' rights by sponsoring legislation that would prevent a positive marijuana test for disqualifying people from most jobs, excluding positions like firefighters and federal workers.
Her challengers are Republicans Jeb Brewer and Gary Morgan. Brewer is running on a conservative platform and wants to prioritize issues including traffic and homelessness. He believes the government should better support businesses but doesn't mention supporting people. Morgan's website is inactive. He does not have a detailed platform but opposes a statewide income tax.
Kloba has been a strong advocate for her constituents and deserves another term in the House.
Rep. Shelley Kloba is running for re-election for the 1st Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to joining the Legislature, Rep. Kloba served her community as a trustee for the Lake Washington Schools Foundation, as a Kirkland City Councilmember, and as the Washington State PTA Legislative Director for two years.
In the Legislature, Kloba has extended her knowledge of education policy to become an advocate for Washington's youth. In 2018, Rep. Kloba was the primary sponsor of a bill that extended the Expanded Learning Opportunities Council, which increases opportunities for students from low-income backgrounds. This year, she expanded workers' rights by sponsoring legislation that would prevent a positive marijuana test for disqualifying people from most jobs, excluding positions like firefighters and federal workers.
Her challengers are Republicans Jeb Brewer and Gary Morgan. Brewer is running on a conservative platform and wants to prioritize issues including traffic and homelessness. He believes the government should better support businesses but doesn't mention supporting people. Morgan's website is inactive. He does not have a detailed platform but opposes a statewide income tax.
Kloba has been a strong advocate for her constituents and deserves another term in the House.
5th Legislative District
Progressive nurse Ingrid Anderson is challenging Sen. Mark Mullet in the 5th Legislative District. As a nurse, Anderson will bring an important perspective to Olympia as legislators craft a public health and economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If elected, Anderson would also prioritize keeping East King County affordable for working families, strengthening our K-12 education system, and balancing our state's upside-down tax code. As the mother of a son with asthma, Anderson understands the importance of protecting our clean air and will work to pass strong environmental protections for Washington.
Mullet is a small business owner and business-oriented Democrat who has been an obstacle to progress on many issues during his eight years in Olympia. He has taken thousands of dollars from oil and coal companies and hasn't been willing to vote for critical environmental bills. We need to address climate change and salmon and orca recovery, but Mullet has shown he won't support the solutions we need. In addition, Mullet voted against addressing the gender pay gap, opposed childcare assistance for working families, and even voted to cut teacher pay.
It's time for new leadership for the 5th Legislative District. Anderson is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Progressive nurse Ingrid Anderson is challenging Sen. Mark Mullet in the 5th Legislative District. As a nurse, Anderson will bring an important perspective to Olympia as legislators craft a public health and economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If elected, Anderson would also prioritize keeping East King County affordable for working families, strengthening our K-12 education system, and balancing our state's upside-down tax code. As the mother of a son with asthma, Anderson understands the importance of protecting our clean air and will work to pass strong environmental protections for Washington.
Mullet is a small business owner and business-oriented Democrat who has been an obstacle to progress on many issues during his eight years in Olympia. He has taken thousands of dollars from oil and coal companies and hasn't been willing to vote for critical environmental bills. We need to address climate change and salmon and orca recovery, but Mullet has shown he won't support the solutions we need. In addition, Mullet voted against addressing the gender pay gap, opposed childcare assistance for working families, and even voted to cut teacher pay.
It's time for new leadership for the 5th Legislative District. Anderson is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Rep. Bill Ramos is running for re-election for the 5th Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to serving in the Legislature, Ramos was an Issaquah City Council member as well as a member of the Human Services Commission and the Planning Policy Commission. In his time as a local elected official, Ramos earned a reputation as an environmentalist by fighting for sustainable development and growth policies, as well as supporting expanded transit options. He built on that reputation in his first term in Olympia by sponsoring a slate of environmental bills this legislative session, including House bills on carbon sequestration and expanding equitable community renewable energy projects. Ramos states that his priorities if re-elected would include transportation improvements to replace aging infrastructure and passing more environmental protections.
Running against Ramos are Cyrus Krohn and Ken Moninski. Though he brands himself as a "Unity Restoration" candidate, Krohn's political experience includes working with a Republican gubernatorial candidate and co-founding a startup targeting center-right voters in elections such as Mitch McConnell's campaign in 2014. Republican Ken Moninski has yet to build a campaign website as of early June.
Ramos is by far the best choice in this race.
Rep. Bill Ramos is running for re-election for the 5th Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to serving in the Legislature, Ramos was an Issaquah City Council member as well as a member of the Human Services Commission and the Planning Policy Commission. In his time as a local elected official, Ramos earned a reputation as an environmentalist by fighting for sustainable development and growth policies, as well as supporting expanded transit options. He built on that reputation in his first term in Olympia by sponsoring a slate of environmental bills this legislative session, including House bills on carbon sequestration and expanding equitable community renewable energy projects. Ramos states that his priorities if re-elected would include transportation improvements to replace aging infrastructure and passing more environmental protections.
Running against Ramos are Cyrus Krohn and Ken Moninski. Though he brands himself as a "Unity Restoration" candidate, Krohn's political experience includes working with a Republican gubernatorial candidate and co-founding a startup targeting center-right voters in elections such as Mitch McConnell's campaign in 2014. Republican Ken Moninski has yet to build a campaign website as of early June.
Ramos is by far the best choice in this race.
Incumbent Lisa Callan is running unopposed for re-election to the 5th Legislative District, House Position 2. She serves as the vice-chair on the House Budget and Finance Committee and the House Human Services and Early Learning Committee. A former Issaquah School Board, one of Callan's top priorities is equity in education, as well as the completion of State Highway 18 and increasing housing affordability.
After a strong first term in Olympia, Callan has earned your vote for re-election.
Incumbent Lisa Callan is running unopposed for re-election to the 5th Legislative District, House Position 2. She serves as the vice-chair on the House Budget and Finance Committee and the House Human Services and Early Learning Committee. A former Issaquah School Board, one of Callan's top priorities is equity in education, as well as the completion of State Highway 18 and increasing housing affordability.
After a strong first term in Olympia, Callan has earned your vote for re-election.
11th Legislative District
Bob Hasegawa is running unopposed for re-election to the state Senate. Since first being elected to the House in 2005, Hasegawa has distinguished himself through his social justice work. He is a labor advocate and founding member of several labor boards, including Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance AFL-CIO and the Washington State Labor Council. Hasegawa has also been a strong advocate for reforming our state's regressive tax system and has pushed to established a state bank.
Hasegawa has earned another term in the state Senate.
Bob Hasegawa is running unopposed for re-election to the state Senate. Since first being elected to the House in 2005, Hasegawa has distinguished himself through his social justice work. He is a labor advocate and founding member of several labor boards, including Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance AFL-CIO and the Washington State Labor Council. Hasegawa has also been a strong advocate for reforming our state's regressive tax system and has pushed to established a state bank.
Hasegawa has earned another term in the state Senate.
There are two strong progressives running in this race. We recommend Hudgins because of his impressive track record in Olympia and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners.
Rep. Zack Hudgins has become a strong progressive leader in the Legislature. Throughout his tenure, Hudgins has focused on standing up for vulnerable Washingtonians, strengthening election transparency, and making effective investments into our state economy. In particular, Hudgins played a lead role in passing automatic voter registration legislation and increasing the number of ballot drop boxes in 2018. This year, he organized bipartisan support for legislation to restrict the use of facial recognition software. Hudgins is running for re-election on a platform of preventing budget cuts due to the economic downturn, addressing affordable housing and homelessness, and continuing to support stronger privacy laws.
Rep. Zack Hudgins has become a strong progressive leader in the Legislature. Throughout his tenure, Hudgins has focused on standing up for vulnerable Washingtonians, strengthening election transparency, and making effective investments into our state economy. In particular, Hudgins played a lead role in passing automatic voter registration legislation and increasing the number of ballot drop boxes in 2018. This year, he organized bipartisan support for legislation to restrict the use of facial recognition software. Hudgins is running for re-election on a platform of preventing budget cuts due to the economic downturn, addressing affordable housing and homelessness, and continuing to support stronger privacy laws.
Democrat G. David Hackney is a former federal prosecutor, senior attorney at The Nature Conservancy, and employee relations manager at Amazon. Hackney has a strong record of community service, including as a member of the Washington State Human Rights Commission and on the board of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility. In his Fuse interview, Hackney laid out a bold progressive platform that prioritizes income inequality, health care, and education. He also wants to see more leadership from the 11th district on issues like gun safety, racial justice, and support for renters.
Tim Eyman supporter Jay Stark is also on the ballot but is not running a competitive campaign.
Democrat G. David Hackney is a former federal prosecutor, senior attorney at The Nature Conservancy, and employee relations manager at Amazon. Hackney has a strong record of community service, including as a member of the Washington State Human Rights Commission and on the board of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility. In his Fuse interview, Hackney laid out a bold progressive platform that prioritizes income inequality, health care, and education. He also wants to see more leadership from the 11th district on issues like gun safety, racial justice, and support for renters.
Tim Eyman supporter Jay Stark is also on the ballot but is not running a competitive campaign.
Rep. Steve Bergquist is running for re-election for his seat in the 11th Legislative District. A former public school teacher, Bergquist has fought hard to fully fund education and is focused on improving the quality of schools in Washington state. Throughout his tenure, Bergquist has also been a reliable advocate on social justice, health care, and environmental issues. In recent years, he has also been a strong advocate for young voters, including sponsoring bills that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote and let 17-year-olds participate in primaries if they will be 18 by the general election.
His opponent is Republican Sean Atchison. Atchison states that his top priorities are homelessness, "keeping government out of the way" of small businesses, and reopening after COVID, but he does not have a detailed platform or relevant experience.
Bergquist has earned the endorsements of many of our partners and is the best choice in this race.
Rep. Steve Bergquist is running for re-election for his seat in the 11th Legislative District. A former public school teacher, Bergquist has fought hard to fully fund education and is focused on improving the quality of schools in Washington state. Throughout his tenure, Bergquist has also been a reliable advocate on social justice, health care, and environmental issues. In recent years, he has also been a strong advocate for young voters, including sponsoring bills that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to preregister to vote and let 17-year-olds participate in primaries if they will be 18 by the general election.
His opponent is Republican Sean Atchison. Atchison states that his top priorities are homelessness, "keeping government out of the way" of small businesses, and reopening after COVID, but he does not have a detailed platform or relevant experience.
Bergquist has earned the endorsements of many of our partners and is the best choice in this race.
12th Legislative District
There are no good choices in this race as Sen. Brad Hawkins is, unfortunately, running unopposed for re-election. Hawkins is a conservative who has opposed raising the minimum wage and closing tax loopholes to fund schools. Write in a candidate of your choice.
There are no good choices in this race as Sen. Brad Hawkins is, unfortunately, running unopposed for re-election. Hawkins is a conservative who has opposed raising the minimum wage and closing tax loopholes to fund schools. Write in a candidate of your choice.
Adrianne Moore is running against Republican incumbent Keith Goehner for the 12th Legislative District, House Position 1. She is a former manager at Room One, a health and social services center in Methow Valley. For several years, she was the center's sole employee, helping adults and children who were escaping domestic violence, or needed mental health or substance abuse services. She's running for Legislature to continue her service to the community, especially for working families. Moore's platform includes incentivizing high-quality rural health care systems, bringing in more climate-friendly industries, and ensuring affordable housing.
Her opponent, Rep. Goehner, is a consistent block against climate votes and does not represent progressive values. Goehner stood against a bill that would ensure that farmworker beds were six feet apart to protect farmworker safety during the pandemic.
Moore is the best choice for the 12th Legislative district.
Adrianne Moore is running against Republican incumbent Keith Goehner for the 12th Legislative District, House Position 1. She is a former manager at Room One, a health and social services center in Methow Valley. For several years, she was the center's sole employee, helping adults and children who were escaping domestic violence, or needed mental health or substance abuse services. She's running for Legislature to continue her service to the community, especially for working families. Moore's platform includes incentivizing high-quality rural health care systems, bringing in more climate-friendly industries, and ensuring affordable housing.
Her opponent, Rep. Goehner, is a consistent block against climate votes and does not represent progressive values. Goehner stood against a bill that would ensure that farmworker beds were six feet apart to protect farmworker safety during the pandemic.
Moore is the best choice for the 12th Legislative district.
There are no good choices in this race. Rep. Mike Steele is running unopposed for re-election for the 12th Legislative District, House Position 2. Steele voted no on a slate of progressive reforms this year, including bills to curb climate pollution and multiple gun safety measures. Like many of his Republican colleagues, Steele originally asked constituents to "Stay Home, Stay Safe" and practice social distancing and increased hygiene practices during the life-threatening coronavirus outbreak. But by April 30, Steele declared that the protective measures were "successful" and pushed a rushed, early, and dangerous re-opening.
Write in a candidate of your choice.
There are no good choices in this race. Rep. Mike Steele is running unopposed for re-election for the 12th Legislative District, House Position 2. Steele voted no on a slate of progressive reforms this year, including bills to curb climate pollution and multiple gun safety measures. Like many of his Republican colleagues, Steele originally asked constituents to "Stay Home, Stay Safe" and practice social distancing and increased hygiene practices during the life-threatening coronavirus outbreak. But by April 30, Steele declared that the protective measures were "successful" and pushed a rushed, early, and dangerous re-opening.
Write in a candidate of your choice.
21st Legislative District
Democratic Rep. Strom Peterson is running for re-election for the 21st Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to running for Legislature, Peterson served on the Edmonds City Council for six years, where he proved to be a capable leader in Snohomish County.
Peterson had a hand in passing several important progressive bills in Olympia. In 2018, Peterson was the primary sponsor of the Secure Drug Medicine Back Act, an innovative program to limit the usage of unused and expired prescriptions present in Washington communities. In 2017, he was also a sponsor of Breakfast Before the Bell, a nutrition program for hungry students. If re-elected, Peterson states that he would continue to prioritize education, the environment, transportation, and more.
Peterson is running against Republican Brian Thompson and Democrat Gant Diede. Thompson runs a fire protection engineering consultancy. He is running to roll back the recently passed comprehensive sex-ed legislation and Gov. Jay Inslee's emergency coronavirus safety measures, stating that "we are all essential." Diede is a self-identified progressive running to strengthen labor, advocate for a Medicare For All type system at the state level, and create a Washington state version of the Green New Deal.
While Diede appears to have strong progressive values, he has not earned any endorsements from our Progressive Voters Guide partners and has not released a detailed policy agenda. Peterson is the best choice for House Position 1.
Democratic Rep. Strom Peterson is running for re-election for the 21st Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to running for Legislature, Peterson served on the Edmonds City Council for six years, where he proved to be a capable leader in Snohomish County.
Peterson had a hand in passing several important progressive bills in Olympia. In 2018, Peterson was the primary sponsor of the Secure Drug Medicine Back Act, an innovative program to limit the usage of unused and expired prescriptions present in Washington communities. In 2017, he was also a sponsor of Breakfast Before the Bell, a nutrition program for hungry students. If re-elected, Peterson states that he would continue to prioritize education, the environment, transportation, and more.
Peterson is running against Republican Brian Thompson and Democrat Gant Diede. Thompson runs a fire protection engineering consultancy. He is running to roll back the recently passed comprehensive sex-ed legislation and Gov. Jay Inslee's emergency coronavirus safety measures, stating that "we are all essential." Diede is a self-identified progressive running to strengthen labor, advocate for a Medicare For All type system at the state level, and create a Washington state version of the Green New Deal.
While Diede appears to have strong progressive values, he has not earned any endorsements from our Progressive Voters Guide partners and has not released a detailed policy agenda. Peterson is the best choice for House Position 1.
Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self is running for re-election to the 21st Legislative District, House Position 2. She is a counselor in the Everett School District, and an active member of the community, focusing on childhood education and strengthening health services through numerous community organizations.
Since joining the state House in 2009, Rep. Ortiz-Self has emerged as a progressive champion for improving the health and well-being of youth and families statewide. This year, Ortiz-Self was the prime sponsor on bills to increase student access to counselors and provide resources for homeless college students. Her bill to fund nonprofits in low-income communities passed this year as well. She has been a member of the state’s Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee for more than six years.
Ortiz-Self's opponents are Willie Russell and Amy Schaper. Though he has declared no party preference, Willie Russell is a former Democratic precinct committee officer. He doesn't have a campaign website or platform available, but he ran last year for Snohomish County Council on the desire to prioritize more short-term solutions to pressing problems and being a better listener than the incumbent. Amy Schaper is a far-right Republican who states that she is running to protect our borders, promote free-market solutions, and oppose civil rights like same-sex marriage.
During this time of economic and health crises, the 21st Legislative District needs a representative who has demonstrated care and knowledge in protecting the district's most vulnerable residents. Ortiz-Self is the clear choice in this race.
Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self is running for re-election to the 21st Legislative District, House Position 2. She is a counselor in the Everett School District, and an active member of the community, focusing on childhood education and strengthening health services through numerous community organizations.
Since joining the state House in 2009, Rep. Ortiz-Self has emerged as a progressive champion for improving the health and well-being of youth and families statewide. This year, Ortiz-Self was the prime sponsor on bills to increase student access to counselors and provide resources for homeless college students. Her bill to fund nonprofits in low-income communities passed this year as well. She has been a member of the state’s Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee for more than six years.
Ortiz-Self's opponents are Willie Russell and Amy Schaper. Though he has declared no party preference, Willie Russell is a former Democratic precinct committee officer. He doesn't have a campaign website or platform available, but he ran last year for Snohomish County Council on the desire to prioritize more short-term solutions to pressing problems and being a better listener than the incumbent. Amy Schaper is a far-right Republican who states that she is running to protect our borders, promote free-market solutions, and oppose civil rights like same-sex marriage.
During this time of economic and health crises, the 21st Legislative District needs a representative who has demonstrated care and knowledge in protecting the district's most vulnerable residents. Ortiz-Self is the clear choice in this race.
27th Legislative District
Sen. Jeannie Darneille is running for re-election in the 27th Legislative District. Sen. Darneille has been a strong advocate in her 12 years in the House and six years in the Senate, particularly for families who are struggling to make ends meet. She is a champion of women, people with disabilities, health care access, and expanded economic opportunities for all. This year, Sen. Darneille sponsored legislation requiring schools to incorporate curriculum on local tribal history and voted to prohibit discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status.
Also in this race is Republican Kyle Paskewitz. Paskewitz is the Executive Director of Parentalink, a nonprofit organization. He is anti-choice and wants to cut taxes rather than reform our upside-down tax code. Paskewitz's campaign social media includes pictures of the protests to recklessly re-open Washington state before it was safe to do so.
Sen. Darneille is a strong progressive and has earned your vote.
Sen. Jeannie Darneille is running for re-election in the 27th Legislative District. Sen. Darneille has been a strong advocate in her 12 years in the House and six years in the Senate, particularly for families who are struggling to make ends meet. She is a champion of women, people with disabilities, health care access, and expanded economic opportunities for all. This year, Sen. Darneille sponsored legislation requiring schools to incorporate curriculum on local tribal history and voted to prohibit discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status.
Also in this race is Republican Kyle Paskewitz. Paskewitz is the Executive Director of Parentalink, a nonprofit organization. He is anti-choice and wants to cut taxes rather than reform our upside-down tax code. Paskewitz's campaign social media includes pictures of the protests to recklessly re-open Washington state before it was safe to do so.
Sen. Darneille is a strong progressive and has earned your vote.
Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins is running for re-election to the 27th Legislative District, House Position 1. Jinkins is the first woman LBGTQ Speaker of the House in Washington and has been a passionate and effective champion for progressive values, particularly in her fight for women, equality, and closing tax loopholes. She was the first lesbian to serve openly in the state Legislature and helped pass marriage equality. Jinkins also sponsored bills to improve education funding and secured funding for a new low-income health clinic in Hilltop. Rep. Jinkins has advocated for a capital gains excise tax on the wealthy that would fund schools. This year, Speaker Jinkins oversaw the passage of progressive legislation as well as emergency funding to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Jinkins is being challenged by Ryan Talen, a Democrat who doesn't have a strong campaign presence.
Speaker Jinkins is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins is running for re-election to the 27th Legislative District, House Position 1. Jinkins is the first woman LBGTQ Speaker of the House in Washington and has been a passionate and effective champion for progressive values, particularly in her fight for women, equality, and closing tax loopholes. She was the first lesbian to serve openly in the state Legislature and helped pass marriage equality. Jinkins also sponsored bills to improve education funding and secured funding for a new low-income health clinic in Hilltop. Rep. Jinkins has advocated for a capital gains excise tax on the wealthy that would fund schools. This year, Speaker Jinkins oversaw the passage of progressive legislation as well as emergency funding to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Jinkins is being challenged by Ryan Talen, a Democrat who doesn't have a strong campaign presence.
Speaker Jinkins is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Jake Fey is running for re-election to the 27th Legislative District, House Position 2. He is a reliable progressive who has championed youth, environmental, and education issues in Olympia. As the son of German immigrants who helped raise his younger siblings at age 13 when his father passed away, Rep. Fey is very committed to ensuring future generations of Washingtonians have the support they need to succeed. This year Fey sponsored a Green Transportation bill designed to move Washington towards more sustainable and cleaner ways of traveling.
Also in this race is Independent Barry Knowles, a perennial candidate whose campaign materials have not been updated since 2016.
Rep. Fey is the clear choice in this race.
Rep. Jake Fey is running for re-election to the 27th Legislative District, House Position 2. He is a reliable progressive who has championed youth, environmental, and education issues in Olympia. As the son of German immigrants who helped raise his younger siblings at age 13 when his father passed away, Rep. Fey is very committed to ensuring future generations of Washingtonians have the support they need to succeed. This year Fey sponsored a Green Transportation bill designed to move Washington towards more sustainable and cleaner ways of traveling.
Also in this race is Independent Barry Knowles, a perennial candidate whose campaign materials have not been updated since 2016.
Rep. Fey is the clear choice in this race.
30th Legislative District
Jamila Taylor is running for the 30th Legislative District, House Position 1 to succeed Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, who is running for state treasurer. Taylor is an attorney who advocates for crime victims and has an extensive record of volunteer service. She served as the statewide advocacy counsel for the Northwest Justice Project, where she managed a network of legal aid attorneys, and has worked on youth intervention programs and other violence reduction efforts. Taylor's progressive campaign platform includes increasing affordable housing, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and improving transparency in government.
Taylor is running against Democrat Cheryl Hurst, Republican Janis Clark, and Independent Republican Martin Moore. Hurst runs a community drive called the March of Diapers through her nonprofit Do The Right Thing. Clark is running on a conservative platform of reducing property taxes and funding education without offering any detailed plans for doing so. Moore is a Federal Way City Council member and the Executive Director of Audiobook Ministries. While running as an Independent, Moore has a conservative platform. In particular, he has sometimes aligned himself with socially conservative former Sen. Mark Miloscia, who lost his race after years of inflammatory comments about abortion and LGBTQ members of the community.
Jamila Taylor is the best choice in the race for the 30th Legislative District, House Position 1.
Jamila Taylor is running for the 30th Legislative District, House Position 1 to succeed Rep. Mike Pellicciotti, who is running for state treasurer. Taylor is an attorney who advocates for crime victims and has an extensive record of volunteer service. She served as the statewide advocacy counsel for the Northwest Justice Project, where she managed a network of legal aid attorneys, and has worked on youth intervention programs and other violence reduction efforts. Taylor's progressive campaign platform includes increasing affordable housing, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and improving transparency in government.
Taylor is running against Democrat Cheryl Hurst, Republican Janis Clark, and Independent Republican Martin Moore. Hurst runs a community drive called the March of Diapers through her nonprofit Do The Right Thing. Clark is running on a conservative platform of reducing property taxes and funding education without offering any detailed plans for doing so. Moore is a Federal Way City Council member and the Executive Director of Audiobook Ministries. While running as an Independent, Moore has a conservative platform. In particular, he has sometimes aligned himself with socially conservative former Sen. Mark Miloscia, who lost his race after years of inflammatory comments about abortion and LGBTQ members of the community.
Jamila Taylor is the best choice in the race for the 30th Legislative District, House Position 1.
Rep. Jesse Johnson is running for re-election to the 30th Legislative District, House Position 2. Rep. Johnson previously served as a member of the Federal Way City Council before being appointed to the legislature in January. He also works as a staffing analyst in workforce planning and development for Highline Public Schools and has sponsored multiple bills to support at-risk youth. This year, Johnson sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation, as well as establishing a student loan program for undocumented students.
Johnson is running a strong re-election campaign promoting equitable access to quality education for every student, affordability for working families and seniors, and improving services to help homeless and housing-unstable individuals.
Johnson is running against Republicans Mark Greene, Jack Walsh, and Chris Dowllar. Greene is using his campaign social media to call for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and is not a serious candidate. Walsh owns an ice cream shop in Federal Way and has twice led advisory vote campaigns to prevent retail marijuana shops from expanding to Federal Way. Dowllar does not have a campaign website or platform available as of mid-July.
Rep. Johnson is a strong progressive and deserves your vote.
Rep. Jesse Johnson is running for re-election to the 30th Legislative District, House Position 2. Rep. Johnson previously served as a member of the Federal Way City Council before being appointed to the legislature in January. He also works as a staffing analyst in workforce planning and development for Highline Public Schools and has sponsored multiple bills to support at-risk youth. This year, Johnson sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation, as well as establishing a student loan program for undocumented students.
Johnson is running a strong re-election campaign promoting equitable access to quality education for every student, affordability for working families and seniors, and improving services to help homeless and housing-unstable individuals.
Johnson is running against Republicans Mark Greene, Jack Walsh, and Chris Dowllar. Greene is using his campaign social media to call for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and is not a serious candidate. Walsh owns an ice cream shop in Federal Way and has twice led advisory vote campaigns to prevent retail marijuana shops from expanding to Federal Way. Dowllar does not have a campaign website or platform available as of mid-July.
Rep. Johnson is a strong progressive and deserves your vote.
31st Legislative District
Katie Young is challenging Rep. Drew Stokesbary for the 31st Legislative District, House Position 1. Young has worked as a director and stage manager for a decade and is a member of the Actors' Equity Association. She is running on a platform of quality education and health care for all and investing in the economy to create living-wage jobs.
Stokesbary has voted against raising the minimum wage and equal pay for women. This year, he voted against prohibiting discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status and establishing the Washington State Office of Equity. Stokesbary is one of the Republicans who filed a lawsuit against Governor Inslee for extending the Stay-At-Home order. Zach Stover, who states he has no party preference, does not have a strong campaign presence as of mid-June.
Young is the best choice for Legislature in this race.
Katie Young is challenging Rep. Drew Stokesbary for the 31st Legislative District, House Position 1. Young has worked as a director and stage manager for a decade and is a member of the Actors' Equity Association. She is running on a platform of quality education and health care for all and investing in the economy to create living-wage jobs.
Stokesbary has voted against raising the minimum wage and equal pay for women. This year, he voted against prohibiting discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status and establishing the Washington State Office of Equity. Stokesbary is one of the Republicans who filed a lawsuit against Governor Inslee for extending the Stay-At-Home order. Zach Stover, who states he has no party preference, does not have a strong campaign presence as of mid-June.
Young is the best choice for Legislature in this race.
Democrat Thomas Clark is running for the 31st Legislative District, House Position 2. Clark served in the Navy for six years and worked at Boeing for three decades supporting engineering development and system testing. While Clark is running as a Democrat, he believes there is room for independence within a party. He does not have a detailed campaign platform as of mid-June but does support expanding access to technology for students and campaign finance reforms to reduce the influence of big corporations in politics.
Also in this race are Republicans Eric Robertson and Jerimy Kirschner. Robertson previously served as an administrator with the Valley Regional Fire Authority and as a legislator until 1998. He used his time in the legislature to work to lower taxes and is not very progressive but has earned some support from labor unions. Kirschner is very conservative and his campaign priorities include $30 car tabs and lowering taxes without any plans to replace the revenue with a more progressive structure.
There are no strong progressive choices in this race, but we recommend voting for Clark or Robertson over Kirschner, who is very conservative.
Democrat Thomas Clark is running for the 31st Legislative District, House Position 2. Clark served in the Navy for six years and worked at Boeing for three decades supporting engineering development and system testing. While Clark is running as a Democrat, he believes there is room for independence within a party. He does not have a detailed campaign platform as of mid-June but does support expanding access to technology for students and campaign finance reforms to reduce the influence of big corporations in politics.
Also in this race are Republicans Eric Robertson and Jerimy Kirschner. Robertson previously served as an administrator with the Valley Regional Fire Authority and as a legislator until 1998. He used his time in the legislature to work to lower taxes and is not very progressive but has earned some support from labor unions. Kirschner is very conservative and his campaign priorities include $30 car tabs and lowering taxes without any plans to replace the revenue with a more progressive structure.
There are no strong progressive choices in this race, but we recommend voting for Clark or Robertson over Kirschner, who is very conservative.
32nd Legislative District
Rep. Cindy Ryu is running for re-election in the 32nd Legislative District, House Position 1. Formerly the mayor of Shoreline, Ryu was the first Korean American mayor in the country and the first to serve in the state Legislature. She is the Chair of the Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee. In this role, Ryu has been an advocate for affordable housing, including supporting the development of tiny homes and upzoning in urban areas, as well as proposing a bill to create "housing opportunity zones" near high-quality transit. She has also advocated for reforms to hold law enforcement officers accountable. This year, Rep. Ryu sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation.
Ryu is running against Democrats Shirley Sutton and Keith Smith. Sutton is a Lynnwood council member who does not have a strong campaign presence. Smith previously challenged Ryu as a "centrist" but is now running as a Democrat. He is a Lynnwood grocery clerk and community advocate who states that his goal if elected is to protect workers on the frontlines of COVID and streamline the unemployment system.
Rep. Ryu is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Cindy Ryu is running for re-election in the 32nd Legislative District, House Position 1. Formerly the mayor of Shoreline, Ryu was the first Korean American mayor in the country and the first to serve in the state Legislature. She is the Chair of the Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee. In this role, Ryu has been an advocate for affordable housing, including supporting the development of tiny homes and upzoning in urban areas, as well as proposing a bill to create "housing opportunity zones" near high-quality transit. She has also advocated for reforms to hold law enforcement officers accountable. This year, Rep. Ryu sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation.
Ryu is running against Democrats Shirley Sutton and Keith Smith. Sutton is a Lynnwood council member who does not have a strong campaign presence. Smith previously challenged Ryu as a "centrist" but is now running as a Democrat. He is a Lynnwood grocery clerk and community advocate who states that his goal if elected is to protect workers on the frontlines of COVID and streamline the unemployment system.
Rep. Ryu is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Lauren Davis is running for re-election to the 32nd Legislative District, House Position 2. Davis is the founding Executive Director of the Washington Recovery Alliance, which seeks to help families and individuals who are struggling with mental health and addiction issues. She helped launch the suicide prevention nonprofit Forefront in King County and serves on King County's Behavioral Health Advisory Board as well as the Public Policy Committee for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Washington State. This year, Davis sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and to require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Davis is running against Democrat Gray Petersen and Tamra Smilanich, a non-partisan candidate. Petersen says he is running a campaign without taking PAC contributions and supports a full moratorium on evictions and foreclosures during the coronavirus pandemic. He wants to work towards a single-payer healthcare system and address the climate crisis. Smilanich is a perennial candidate who previously challenged Rep. Eric Pettigrew as an Independent in 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, and Adam Klein in 2010. She does not have a strong campaign presence.
In just her first few years, Davis has emerged as a principled and effective progressive leader in Olympia. Davis has earned your vote in this race.
Rep. Lauren Davis is running for re-election to the 32nd Legislative District, House Position 2. Davis is the founding Executive Director of the Washington Recovery Alliance, which seeks to help families and individuals who are struggling with mental health and addiction issues. She helped launch the suicide prevention nonprofit Forefront in King County and serves on King County's Behavioral Health Advisory Board as well as the Public Policy Committee for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Washington State. This year, Davis sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and to require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Davis is running against Democrat Gray Petersen and Tamra Smilanich, a non-partisan candidate. Petersen says he is running a campaign without taking PAC contributions and supports a full moratorium on evictions and foreclosures during the coronavirus pandemic. He wants to work towards a single-payer healthcare system and address the climate crisis. Smilanich is a perennial candidate who previously challenged Rep. Eric Pettigrew as an Independent in 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, and Adam Klein in 2010. She does not have a strong campaign presence.
In just her first few years, Davis has emerged as a principled and effective progressive leader in Olympia. Davis has earned your vote in this race.
33rd Legislative District
Rep. Tina Orwall is running for re-election to the 33rd Legislative District, House Position 1. In Olympia, Orwall is the lead on a suicide prevention task force and has sponsored a bill that would provide suicide prevention training and messaging in firearm literature. This year, she sponsored legislation to prevent race-based hair discrimination and require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Rep. Orwall is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Rep. Tina Orwall is running for re-election to the 33rd Legislative District, House Position 1. In Olympia, Orwall is the lead on a suicide prevention task force and has sponsored a bill that would provide suicide prevention training and messaging in firearm literature. This year, she sponsored legislation to prevent race-based hair discrimination and require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Rep. Orwall is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Rep. Mia Gregerson is running for re-election to the 33rd Legislative District, House Position 2. Gregerson is a Democrat with a long record of advocating for transportation in SeaTac, where she has fought for light rail infrastructure, safe and complete streets, and transit-oriented development. She was the prime sponsor of the House version of the Washington Voting Rights Act. This year, Rep. Gregerson sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and establish the Washington state Office of Equity.
Also in this race is Libertarian Marliza Melzer, who is not running a strong campaign but has used her personal Facebook to call for Washington state to re-open unsafely.
Rep. Gregerson is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Mia Gregerson is running for re-election to the 33rd Legislative District, House Position 2. Gregerson is a Democrat with a long record of advocating for transportation in SeaTac, where she has fought for light rail infrastructure, safe and complete streets, and transit-oriented development. She was the prime sponsor of the House version of the Washington Voting Rights Act. This year, Rep. Gregerson sponsored legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination and establish the Washington state Office of Equity.
Also in this race is Libertarian Marliza Melzer, who is not running a strong campaign but has used her personal Facebook to call for Washington state to re-open unsafely.
Rep. Gregerson is the best choice in this race and deserves your vote.
34th Legislative District
Rep. Eileen Cody is running for re-election to the 34th Legislative District, House Position 1. Cody worked at Kaiser Permanente for 40 years and is a registered nurse. She is also a founding member of SEIU 1199 Healthcare NW. Cody serves as the chair of the House Health Care & Wellness Committee and has led efforts to implement the federal Affordable Care Act in Washington state. This year, she sponsored legislation to increase funding for the coronavirus pandemic response and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Cody is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Rep. Eileen Cody is running for re-election to the 34th Legislative District, House Position 1. Cody worked at Kaiser Permanente for 40 years and is a registered nurse. She is also a founding member of SEIU 1199 Healthcare NW. Cody serves as the chair of the House Health Care & Wellness Committee and has led efforts to implement the federal Affordable Care Act in Washington state. This year, she sponsored legislation to increase funding for the coronavirus pandemic response and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Cody is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Environmental champion Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon is running for re-election to the 34th Legislative District, House Position 2. This year, Fitzgibbon pushed for clean fuels legislation that would have reduced greenhouse gas emissions and led to cleaner air. In addition, he supported legislation to reduce plastic bag pollution, reduce gender pay disparities, and improve gun safety laws. Fitzgibbon is running on a platform of defending the environment, reforming our tax code so everyone pays their share, and funding education.
Fitzgibbon is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Environmental champion Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon is running for re-election to the 34th Legislative District, House Position 2. This year, Fitzgibbon pushed for clean fuels legislation that would have reduced greenhouse gas emissions and led to cleaner air. In addition, he supported legislation to reduce plastic bag pollution, reduce gender pay disparities, and improve gun safety laws. Fitzgibbon is running on a platform of defending the environment, reforming our tax code so everyone pays their share, and funding education.
Fitzgibbon is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
36th Legislative District
Rep. Noel Frame is running for re-election for the 36th Legislative District, House Position 1. Frame has served the district since 2016 and has put her organizing skills to use as a strong advocate for funding public schools and reforming our state's regressive tax system. She previously served as the Washington State Director of Progressive Majority, where she worked to recruit and elect progressive candidates from underrepresented communities.
Rep. Frame's re-election platform includes continuing to fight for tax reform, funding our public schools, and moving our society towards a world that values all people through policies that remove discrimination and barriers to people of color. This year, Rep. Frame sponsored legislation to prevent race-based hair discrimination and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Rep. Frame is running unopposed and has earned your vote.
Rep. Noel Frame is running for re-election for the 36th Legislative District, House Position 1. Frame has served the district since 2016 and has put her organizing skills to use as a strong advocate for funding public schools and reforming our state's regressive tax system. She previously served as the Washington State Director of Progressive Majority, where she worked to recruit and elect progressive candidates from underrepresented communities.
Rep. Frame's re-election platform includes continuing to fight for tax reform, funding our public schools, and moving our society towards a world that values all people through policies that remove discrimination and barriers to people of color. This year, Rep. Frame sponsored legislation to prevent race-based hair discrimination and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Rep. Frame is running unopposed and has earned your vote.
There are two talented progressive candidates running for the open 36th LD seat. We recommend Berry because of her track record advocating for progressive issues and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners.
Democrat Liz Berry is running for the 36th Legislative District, House Position 2 to replace Rep. Gael Tarleton, who is running for secretary of state. Berry is the director of the Washington State Association of Justice. She previously served as the president of the National Women's Political Caucus and on the board of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington.
If elected, her priorities include rebuilding our economy so it works for everyone, affordable childcare, health care reform, and an end to systematic police violence against Black people. Berry has numerous endorsements from progressive partner organizations and elected officials including Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
Berry's experience and strong support from progressive advocates make her the best choice in this race.
Democrat Liz Berry is running for the 36th Legislative District, House Position 2 to replace Rep. Gael Tarleton, who is running for secretary of state. Berry is the director of the Washington State Association of Justice. She previously served as the president of the National Women's Political Caucus and on the board of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington.
If elected, her priorities include rebuilding our economy so it works for everyone, affordable childcare, health care reform, and an end to systematic police violence against Black people. Berry has numerous endorsements from progressive partner organizations and elected officials including Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
Berry's experience and strong support from progressive advocates make her the best choice in this race.
Other Candidates
The third candidate in this race is Jeffrey M. Cohen, who works in the travel and tourism industry. His top priorities would be to advocate for COVID-19 pandemic relief, health care, and greater LGBTQ equality and protections in Olympia.
The third candidate in this race is Jeffrey M. Cohen, who works in the travel and tourism industry. His top priorities would be to advocate for COVID-19 pandemic relief, health care, and greater LGBTQ equality and protections in Olympia.
Democrat Sarah Reyneveld is an assistant attorney general and currently serves as the chair of the King County Women’s Advisory Board. In addition, she serves on the board of Washington's Paramount Duty and previously was a board member of Washington Conservation Voters.
Reyneveld is running on a strong platform focusing on environmental protections, creating more affordable housing, and reforming our criminal justice system, which disproportionally affects communities of color. She supports a Green New Deal for Washington state as well as increasing support for working people impact by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Democrat Sarah Reyneveld is an assistant attorney general and currently serves as the chair of the King County Women’s Advisory Board. In addition, she serves on the board of Washington's Paramount Duty and previously was a board member of Washington Conservation Voters.
Reyneveld is running on a strong platform focusing on environmental protections, creating more affordable housing, and reforming our criminal justice system, which disproportionally affects communities of color. She supports a Green New Deal for Washington state as well as increasing support for working people impact by the COVID-19 pandemic.
37th Legislative District
Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos is running for re-election to the 37th Legislative District, House Position 1. Tomiko Santos chairs the House Education Committee and serves on the House Capital Budget Committee as well as the Consumer Protection & Business Committee. This year she sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety as well as establishing the Washington State Office of Equity. Tomiko Santos is a former banker and a moderate Democrat who has previously voted against transit-oriented development. In addition, Tomiko Santos was an obstacle in past years to implementing medically accurate, comprehensive sex education.
Also in this race are Democrats John Stafford and William Burroughs, as well as John Dickinson, who states that he has no party preference. Stafford and Burroughs are both running to the left of Tomiko Santos. Stafford serves on the Executive Board of the 37th District Democrats and his platform includes urgently addressing the climate crisis and addressing our regressive tax structure. Burroughs has worked in health care and customer service and is running on promoting a green economy, better access to health care, and expanded affordable housing. Dickinson previously challenged Tomiko Santos in 2016 and did not submit any information to the Voter Guide.
We recommend Rep. Tomiko Santos because she has the support of all our partner organizations who chose to endorse in this race.
Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos is running for re-election to the 37th Legislative District, House Position 1. Tomiko Santos chairs the House Education Committee and serves on the House Capital Budget Committee as well as the Consumer Protection & Business Committee. This year she sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety as well as establishing the Washington State Office of Equity. Tomiko Santos is a former banker and a moderate Democrat who has previously voted against transit-oriented development. In addition, Tomiko Santos was an obstacle in past years to implementing medically accurate, comprehensive sex education.
Also in this race are Democrats John Stafford and William Burroughs, as well as John Dickinson, who states that he has no party preference. Stafford and Burroughs are both running to the left of Tomiko Santos. Stafford serves on the Executive Board of the 37th District Democrats and his platform includes urgently addressing the climate crisis and addressing our regressive tax structure. Burroughs has worked in health care and customer service and is running on promoting a green economy, better access to health care, and expanded affordable housing. Dickinson previously challenged Tomiko Santos in 2016 and did not submit any information to the Voter Guide.
We recommend Rep. Tomiko Santos because she has the support of all our partner organizations who chose to endorse in this race.
There are two strong progressives running for the open 37th Legislative District seat. Kirsten Harris-Talley and Chukundi Salisbury both bring decades of experience in advocacy and community engagement to the race. Harris-Talley has earned the most support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations.
Democrat Kirsten Harris-Talley is the interim director at NARAL Pro-Choice Washington. Previously, she worked at the Progress Alliance of Washington helping raise money for progressive and community organizations across the state. In addition, Harris-Talley briefly served on the Seattle City Council in 2017 after Councilmember Tim Burgess stepped down.
Harris-Talley is running for the 37th Legislative District, House Position 2, to bring her experience in political campaigns, policy writing, and fighting for racial justice to Olympia. In her Fuse interview, she said that most progressive policies in the last decade have come from ballot measures because legislators have not been bold enough, and she wants to fix that. If elected, her top three priorities would be to help people stay in their homes by putting money in their pockets, pushing back against conservative attacks, and raising revenue by balancing our state's upside-down tax code. Finally, Harris-Talley believes too much of the district is still zoned for single-family housing and will push for greater density.
Democrat Kirsten Harris-Talley is the interim director at NARAL Pro-Choice Washington. Previously, she worked at the Progress Alliance of Washington helping raise money for progressive and community organizations across the state. In addition, Harris-Talley briefly served on the Seattle City Council in 2017 after Councilmember Tim Burgess stepped down.
Harris-Talley is running for the 37th Legislative District, House Position 2, to bring her experience in political campaigns, policy writing, and fighting for racial justice to Olympia. In her Fuse interview, she said that most progressive policies in the last decade have come from ballot measures because legislators have not been bold enough, and she wants to fix that. If elected, her top three priorities would be to help people stay in their homes by putting money in their pockets, pushing back against conservative attacks, and raising revenue by balancing our state's upside-down tax code. Finally, Harris-Talley believes too much of the district is still zoned for single-family housing and will push for greater density.
Democrat Chukundi Salisbury is a 23-year employee of Seattle Parks and Recreation and the founder of two non-profit organizations focused on youth and community empowerment, as well as a nationally-recognized DJ. In his Fuse interview, Salisbury cited his organizing against an anti-gang bill in 2008 that disproportionately targeted Black and brown youth as evidence of his longtime advocacy and commitment to justice.
Salisbury is running for the Legislature on a platform of tax reform, including a capital gains tax, climate change, and youth employment and engagement. He's a strong supporter of climate policies, including a carbon tax, taxing polluters, and doing more to reduce solid waste. Finally, Salisbury would work to increase access to childcare by increasing subsidies for low-income families and increasing training for providers.
Democrat Chukundi Salisbury is a 23-year employee of Seattle Parks and Recreation and the founder of two non-profit organizations focused on youth and community empowerment, as well as a nationally-recognized DJ. In his Fuse interview, Salisbury cited his organizing against an anti-gang bill in 2008 that disproportionately targeted Black and brown youth as evidence of his longtime advocacy and commitment to justice.
Salisbury is running for the Legislature on a platform of tax reform, including a capital gains tax, climate change, and youth employment and engagement. He's a strong supporter of climate policies, including a carbon tax, taxing polluters, and doing more to reduce solid waste. Finally, Salisbury would work to increase access to childcare by increasing subsidies for low-income families and increasing training for providers.
Other Candidates
Democrat Andrea Caupain suspended her campaign on June 29 and endorsed Salisbury but will remain on the primary ballot. Caupain is the chief executive officer of Byrd Barr Place, formerly CAMP, that helps low-income Seattleites with essential services like food, housing, and financial assistance. She suspended her campaign to focus on providing direct services to the community, saying:
“As we’ve seen rising cases of COVID-19 and the disproportionate impacts on Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants and refugees, persons with disabilities, and people experiencing poverty, I feel my service is most urgently needed at Byrd Barr Place.”
We hope to see Caupain run for office again in the near future.
Democrat Andrea Caupain suspended her campaign on June 29 and endorsed Salisbury but will remain on the primary ballot. Caupain is the chief executive officer of Byrd Barr Place, formerly CAMP, that helps low-income Seattleites with essential services like food, housing, and financial assistance. She suspended her campaign to focus on providing direct services to the community, saying:
“As we’ve seen rising cases of COVID-19 and the disproportionate impacts on Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants and refugees, persons with disabilities, and people experiencing poverty, I feel my service is most urgently needed at Byrd Barr Place.”
We hope to see Caupain run for office again in the near future.
41st Legislative District
Sen. Lisa Wellman is running for re-election to the Senate for the 41st Legislative District. Wellman was first elected in 2016 and has been a champion for reproductive rights, education, and progressive technology policies. This year, she sponsored legislation establishing regulations for facial-recognition technology and requiring schools to incorporate curriculum on local tribal history. Wellman is running for re-election to push for stronger actions on combating the climate crisis and gun violence prevention.
Also in this race is Republican Mike Nykreim, who does not have a strong campaign presence but has rallied with the Tea Party in support of recklessly re-opening Washington state during the pandemic. Nykreim has no concrete policies available aside from stating that he will rely on "conservative business pros" to manage the state's economy.
Wellman is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Sen. Lisa Wellman is running for re-election to the Senate for the 41st Legislative District. Wellman was first elected in 2016 and has been a champion for reproductive rights, education, and progressive technology policies. This year, she sponsored legislation establishing regulations for facial-recognition technology and requiring schools to incorporate curriculum on local tribal history. Wellman is running for re-election to push for stronger actions on combating the climate crisis and gun violence prevention.
Also in this race is Republican Mike Nykreim, who does not have a strong campaign presence but has rallied with the Tea Party in support of recklessly re-opening Washington state during the pandemic. Nykreim has no concrete policies available aside from stating that he will rely on "conservative business pros" to manage the state's economy.
Wellman is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Rep. Tana Senn is running for re-election to the 41st Legislative District, House Position 1. Senn is a former member of the Mercer Island City Council and a reliable progressive advocate in Olympia. She has worked to pass legislation to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work and sponsored common-sense gun regulation that would allow the state patrol to destroy confiscated firearms. This year, Senn supported legislation to establish the Washington State Office of Equity and require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Senn is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Rep. Tana Senn is running for re-election to the 41st Legislative District, House Position 1. Senn is a former member of the Mercer Island City Council and a reliable progressive advocate in Olympia. She has worked to pass legislation to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work and sponsored common-sense gun regulation that would allow the state patrol to destroy confiscated firearms. This year, Senn supported legislation to establish the Washington State Office of Equity and require the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Senn is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Rep. My-Linh Thai is running for re-election to the 41st Legislative District, House Position 2. Thai previously served on the Bellevue School Board and was a unifying leader who showed unwavering commitment to providing a high-quality education for every Bellevue student. This session, Thai sponsored a bill to ensure access to justice for everyone by protecting all people from warrantless civil immigration arrests at courthouses. She is running on a strong re-election platform that includes reforming our regressive tax code, building more long-term affordable housing, and investing in clean energy and a green economy.
Also in this race are Democrat Aaron Leedham, Independent Harlan Gallinger, and Republican Al Rosenthal. Leedham is an educator from Oregon who does not have a strong campaign presence. Gallinger is a member of the Issaquah School District Board of Education who wants to prioritize re-opening the economy and schools. Rosenthal does not have a strong campaign presence but wants to fix traffic congestion by expanding I-405.
Thai is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Rep. My-Linh Thai is running for re-election to the 41st Legislative District, House Position 2. Thai previously served on the Bellevue School Board and was a unifying leader who showed unwavering commitment to providing a high-quality education for every Bellevue student. This session, Thai sponsored a bill to ensure access to justice for everyone by protecting all people from warrantless civil immigration arrests at courthouses. She is running on a strong re-election platform that includes reforming our regressive tax code, building more long-term affordable housing, and investing in clean energy and a green economy.
Also in this race are Democrat Aaron Leedham, Independent Harlan Gallinger, and Republican Al Rosenthal. Leedham is an educator from Oregon who does not have a strong campaign presence. Gallinger is a member of the Issaquah School District Board of Education who wants to prioritize re-opening the economy and schools. Rosenthal does not have a strong campaign presence but wants to fix traffic congestion by expanding I-405.
Thai is the clear progressive choice in this race.
43rd Legislative District
Rep. Nicole Macri is running for re-election to the 43rd Legislative District, House Position 1. Rep. Macri is a strong progressive who has worked as an advocate for those with mental illnesses and people struggling with homelessness. She is currently the deputy director at the Downtown Emergency Service Center and president of the board of directors of the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance. This year, Macri sponsored a bill to allow King County to tax corporations for the highly-compensated individuals they employ, a key first step in rebalancing our upside-down tax system. In addition, she supported requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. She also supported gun safety legislation and establishing the Washington State Office of Equity.
Macri is running against Republican Leslie Klein and Brandon Franklin. Franklin does not list a party preference and does not have any concrete campaign policies available. Klein is running as a Republican to "give you someone to vote for besides Donald Duck or Minnie Mouse."
Macri has earned your vote for state House.
Rep. Nicole Macri is running for re-election to the 43rd Legislative District, House Position 1. Rep. Macri is a strong progressive who has worked as an advocate for those with mental illnesses and people struggling with homelessness. She is currently the deputy director at the Downtown Emergency Service Center and president of the board of directors of the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance. This year, Macri sponsored a bill to allow King County to tax corporations for the highly-compensated individuals they employ, a key first step in rebalancing our upside-down tax system. In addition, she supported requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. She also supported gun safety legislation and establishing the Washington State Office of Equity.
Macri is running against Republican Leslie Klein and Brandon Franklin. Franklin does not list a party preference and does not have any concrete campaign policies available. Klein is running as a Republican to "give you someone to vote for besides Donald Duck or Minnie Mouse."
Macri has earned your vote for state House.
There are three progressive candidates running in this race. Rep. Frank Chopp has earned strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organization because of his track record of advocacy in Olympia.
Rep. Frank Chopp was first elected to the House in 1994 and served as Speaker of the House for 17 years before stepping down last year. Chopp has dedicated his career to advocating for long-term resources to address homelessness, health care, and affordable housing. This year, Rep. Chopp voted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels and increase business and occupation tax on large financial institutions.
Chopp is running for re-election on a platform of fighting the climate crisis, addressing social and racial inequities (including mandating free college and university for all low-income students), and finally balancing our upside-down tax code. In his Fuse interview, he said he will be able to pursue more progressive reforms now that he's no longer Speaker and responsible for the success of every legislator in the Democratic majority. He has the support of many of our Progressive Voters Guide partners as well as many elected officials from around Washington state.
Rep. Frank Chopp was first elected to the House in 1994 and served as Speaker of the House for 17 years before stepping down last year. Chopp has dedicated his career to advocating for long-term resources to address homelessness, health care, and affordable housing. This year, Rep. Chopp voted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation fuels and increase business and occupation tax on large financial institutions.
Chopp is running for re-election on a platform of fighting the climate crisis, addressing social and racial inequities (including mandating free college and university for all low-income students), and finally balancing our upside-down tax code. In his Fuse interview, he said he will be able to pursue more progressive reforms now that he's no longer Speaker and responsible for the success of every legislator in the Democratic majority. He has the support of many of our Progressive Voters Guide partners as well as many elected officials from around Washington state.
Other Candidates
Also in this race are Jessi Murray and Sherae Lascelles. Murray is a technical program manager who started her campaign when she thought Rep. Chopp was retiring but decided to stay in the race because she feels that it's time for new progressive leadership. She wants to focus on balancing our tax code, including implementing a capital gains tax and possibly a wealth tax, investing in green jobs and combating the climate crisis, universal childcare, and single-payer health care. Murray was a co-chair on the Seattle LGBTQ Commission and is endorsed by the Washington Stonewall Democrats. Murray is very progressive and is running a strong campaign.
Lascelles is a community leader and entrepreneur who was instrumental in the founding of non-profit organizations People of Color Sex Worker Outreach Program and Green Light Project. In particular, they played a lead role in pushing the Seattle City Council to strike racist loitering laws from the city municipal code recently.
Lascelles is running a strong campaign on an incredibly progressive platform including major increases in funding for housing and anti-displacement programs and ending the practice of sweeping homeless camps. In addition, they would prioritize environmental justice for communities of color and indigenous communities who have been the most impacted by climate change. They also believe in personally empowering communities to tackle the issues that impact them most and wants to encourage statewide bias training for police officers, including racial bias training.
Also in this race are Jessi Murray and Sherae Lascelles. Murray is a technical program manager who started her campaign when she thought Rep. Chopp was retiring but decided to stay in the race because she feels that it's time for new progressive leadership. She wants to focus on balancing our tax code, including implementing a capital gains tax and possibly a wealth tax, investing in green jobs and combating the climate crisis, universal childcare, and single-payer health care. Murray was a co-chair on the Seattle LGBTQ Commission and is endorsed by the Washington Stonewall Democrats. Murray is very progressive and is running a strong campaign.
Lascelles is a community leader and entrepreneur who was instrumental in the founding of non-profit organizations People of Color Sex Worker Outreach Program and Green Light Project. In particular, they played a lead role in pushing the Seattle City Council to strike racist loitering laws from the city municipal code recently.
Lascelles is running a strong campaign on an incredibly progressive platform including major increases in funding for housing and anti-displacement programs and ending the practice of sweeping homeless camps. In addition, they would prioritize environmental justice for communities of color and indigenous communities who have been the most impacted by climate change. They also believe in personally empowering communities to tackle the issues that impact them most and wants to encourage statewide bias training for police officers, including racial bias training.
44th Legislative District
Rep. John Lovick is running for re-election to the 44th Legislative District, Representative Position 1. Lovick is a former Snohomish County executive and Mill Creek city councilmember. During his time on the Legislature, Lovick has been a strong supporter of unions and working people. This year, he sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation.
Lovick's opponent is Republican John Kartak. Kartak has been serving as mayor of Snohomish since 2017 and will be up for re-election in 2021. He is running to stop bullying of businesses and push back against taxes, though his website platform has no mention of the huge budget gap the state will be facing due to the pandemic, or how he would respond to the pandemic as a member of the Legislature. Kartak was recently criticized for allowing a gathering of 100 armed vigilantes with hate symbols to tailgate and intimidate Snohomish protestors.
Rep. Lovick is the best choice in this race.
Rep. John Lovick is running for re-election to the 44th Legislative District, Representative Position 1. Lovick is a former Snohomish County executive and Mill Creek city councilmember. During his time on the Legislature, Lovick has been a strong supporter of unions and working people. This year, he sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and supported gun safety legislation.
Lovick's opponent is Republican John Kartak. Kartak has been serving as mayor of Snohomish since 2017 and will be up for re-election in 2021. He is running to stop bullying of businesses and push back against taxes, though his website platform has no mention of the huge budget gap the state will be facing due to the pandemic, or how he would respond to the pandemic as a member of the Legislature. Kartak was recently criticized for allowing a gathering of 100 armed vigilantes with hate symbols to tailgate and intimidate Snohomish protestors.
Rep. Lovick is the best choice in this race.
April Berg is running for the 44th Legislative District, House Position 2. Berg is a former small business owner who now serves as a director at the Everett School District and a planning commissioner for the City of Mill Creek. Her platform is very strong and includes ensuring workers have safe conditions and living wages, affordable child care, increasing support for early learning, and reducing disparities in graduation and discipline rates for students of color. Berg wants to support the Housing Trust Fund to build more affordable housing and reduce barriers for shelters. She has endorsed a Clean Fuel Standard and pledges to advocate for environmental justice in underrepresented communities.
Berg is running against Democrat Anne Anderson and Republican Mark James. Anderson is the Executive Director of Victim Support Services and was previously Executive Director of the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank. Anderson is strongly pro-choice and wants to invest more in communities to help them during the economic downturn. In her Fuse interview, she stated that the police officers she works with would welcome more training if only they had the funding for it. James is a member of the Marysville City Council, veteran, and local business owner who does not have a detailed platform.
Having a strong progressive in this seat is incredibly important, and Berg has the experience and progressive ideas to be a fantastic leader in Olympia. Berg is the best choice in this race.
April Berg is running for the 44th Legislative District, House Position 2. Berg is a former small business owner who now serves as a director at the Everett School District and a planning commissioner for the City of Mill Creek. Her platform is very strong and includes ensuring workers have safe conditions and living wages, affordable child care, increasing support for early learning, and reducing disparities in graduation and discipline rates for students of color. Berg wants to support the Housing Trust Fund to build more affordable housing and reduce barriers for shelters. She has endorsed a Clean Fuel Standard and pledges to advocate for environmental justice in underrepresented communities.
Berg is running against Democrat Anne Anderson and Republican Mark James. Anderson is the Executive Director of Victim Support Services and was previously Executive Director of the Lake Stevens Community Food Bank. Anderson is strongly pro-choice and wants to invest more in communities to help them during the economic downturn. In her Fuse interview, she stated that the police officers she works with would welcome more training if only they had the funding for it. James is a member of the Marysville City Council, veteran, and local business owner who does not have a detailed platform.
Having a strong progressive in this seat is incredibly important, and Berg has the experience and progressive ideas to be a fantastic leader in Olympia. Berg is the best choice in this race.
45th Legislative District
Rep. Roger Goodman is running for re-election to the 45th Legislative District, House Position 1. Goodman has helped expand early childhood education, fund local high-tech education, and strengthen our economy with investments in family-wage jobs. He brings his professional experience to his work, including his legal practice, serving in federal and state government positions, and working in the nonprofit world. This year, Goodman co-sponsored legislation requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and supported establishing the Washington State Office of Equity.
Goodman is being challenged by Republican John Gibbons, who is not running a competitive campaign. He has no elected or community experience, and one of his only available campaign policies is to limit the governor's powers in emergencies.
Goodman is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Roger Goodman is running for re-election to the 45th Legislative District, House Position 1. Goodman has helped expand early childhood education, fund local high-tech education, and strengthen our economy with investments in family-wage jobs. He brings his professional experience to his work, including his legal practice, serving in federal and state government positions, and working in the nonprofit world. This year, Goodman co-sponsored legislation requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and supported establishing the Washington State Office of Equity.
Goodman is being challenged by Republican John Gibbons, who is not running a competitive campaign. He has no elected or community experience, and one of his only available campaign policies is to limit the governor's powers in emergencies.
Goodman is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Representative Larry Springer is running for re-election to the 45th Legislative District, House Position 2. Springer is a small business owner, former Kirkland City Council member, and moderate Democrat. He is progressive on social issues and more conservative on taxation and workers' rights. This year, Springer supported establishing a student loan program for undocumented students and founding a Washington State Office of Equity. He has also sponsored net neutrality legislation and voted yes on progressive issues like banning conversion therapy on LGBTQ youth, making contraceptive coverage mandatory for state insurers, and banning bump stocks for firearms.
Also in this race is Republican Amber Krabach. Her campaign social media is full of far-right content including support for Donald Trump and unsafely re-opening Washington state during the coronavirus pandemic. She is not running a serious campaign.
Rep. Springer deserves your vote in this race.
Representative Larry Springer is running for re-election to the 45th Legislative District, House Position 2. Springer is a small business owner, former Kirkland City Council member, and moderate Democrat. He is progressive on social issues and more conservative on taxation and workers' rights. This year, Springer supported establishing a student loan program for undocumented students and founding a Washington State Office of Equity. He has also sponsored net neutrality legislation and voted yes on progressive issues like banning conversion therapy on LGBTQ youth, making contraceptive coverage mandatory for state insurers, and banning bump stocks for firearms.
Also in this race is Republican Amber Krabach. Her campaign social media is full of far-right content including support for Donald Trump and unsafely re-opening Washington state during the coronavirus pandemic. She is not running a serious campaign.
Rep. Springer deserves your vote in this race.
46th Legislative District
Rep. Gerry Pollet is running for re-election to the 46th Legislative District, House Position 1. He is the Executive Director of Heart of America Northwest, a group devoted to cleaning up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. In the Legislature, Pollet has been a reliable vote for protecting the environment and has become an education champion through his bills to lower class sizes and offer free community college. This year, he also sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination.
Also in this race is Republican Eric Brown, who does not have a strong campaign presence or detailed policy proposals available. Brown states that he is running to "confront the problem of thousands living unlawfully in Washington" and says that focusing on race or gender will divide Washington.
Rep. Pollet is the clear choice in this race and has earned your vote.
Rep. Gerry Pollet is running for re-election to the 46th Legislative District, House Position 1. He is the Executive Director of Heart of America Northwest, a group devoted to cleaning up the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. In the Legislature, Pollet has been a reliable vote for protecting the environment and has become an education champion through his bills to lower class sizes and offer free community college. This year, he also sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination.
Also in this race is Republican Eric Brown, who does not have a strong campaign presence or detailed policy proposals available. Brown states that he is running to "confront the problem of thousands living unlawfully in Washington" and says that focusing on race or gender will divide Washington.
Rep. Pollet is the clear choice in this race and has earned your vote.
Rep. Javier Valdez is running for re-election to the 46th Legislative District, House Position 2. Valdez was appointed to the state House in 2017 and was retained in 2018. This year, he worked on legislation to prevent discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status, and advocated for requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Valdez is running for re-election on a platform that includes increasing access to education and protecting our social safety net.
Valdez is running against Republican Beth Daranciang. Her priorities include repealing the sex education legislation passed last session and re-opening the economy of Washington state, regardless of the coronavirus pandemic. She has signed onto a pledge refusing to defund police departments and is anti-choice.
Rep. Valdez is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Javier Valdez is running for re-election to the 46th Legislative District, House Position 2. Valdez was appointed to the state House in 2017 and was retained in 2018. This year, he worked on legislation to prevent discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status, and advocated for requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Valdez is running for re-election on a platform that includes increasing access to education and protecting our social safety net.
Valdez is running against Republican Beth Daranciang. Her priorities include repealing the sex education legislation passed last session and re-opening the economy of Washington state, regardless of the coronavirus pandemic. She has signed onto a pledge refusing to defund police departments and is anti-choice.
Rep. Valdez is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
47th Legislative District
Rep. Debra Entenman is running for re-election to the 47th Legislative District, House Position 1. Before her election, Entenman served as the District Director for U.S. Representative Adam Smith. She was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to the Renton Technical College Board of Trustees.
In her first term in office, Entenman had a strong progressive record, including sponsoring legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination. Entenman is running for re-election on a strong platform that promotes mitigating the effects of the coronavirus epidemic while addressing the root causes of inequality.
Also in this race is Republican Kyle Lyebyedyev. Lyebyedyev is a member of the King County Republican Party Region 8 Executive Board. His platform includes bringing people from the private sector into classrooms to be teachers, evaluating every individual homeless person to find out "why" they are homeless, and the false belief that sanctuary cities and states have hurt Americans and negatively impact the economy.
Rep. Entenman is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Debra Entenman is running for re-election to the 47th Legislative District, House Position 1. Before her election, Entenman served as the District Director for U.S. Representative Adam Smith. She was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to the Renton Technical College Board of Trustees.
In her first term in office, Entenman had a strong progressive record, including sponsoring legislation to prohibit race-based hair discrimination. Entenman is running for re-election on a strong platform that promotes mitigating the effects of the coronavirus epidemic while addressing the root causes of inequality.
Also in this race is Republican Kyle Lyebyedyev. Lyebyedyev is a member of the King County Republican Party Region 8 Executive Board. His platform includes bringing people from the private sector into classrooms to be teachers, evaluating every individual homeless person to find out "why" they are homeless, and the false belief that sanctuary cities and states have hurt Americans and negatively impact the economy.
Rep. Entenman is the obvious choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Pat Sullivan is running for re-election to the 47th Legislative District, House Position 2. Sullivan was going to retire after this term but when the coronavirus pandemic hit, House Speaker Laurie Jinkins asked him to re-consider to help craft a path forward for the budget.
In his time as a legislator, Sullivan has focused on helping working families by improving access to child care and protecting affordable health care. This year, he supported requiring the state to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, gun safety legislation, and prohibiting race-based hair discrimination as well as discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status. Sullivan was heavily involved in crafting the 2008 budget and we sincerely hope that he uses his influential role as Majority Leader to prevent knee-jerk cuts in the coming months.
Also in this race are Republicans Ted Cooke, Peter Thompson Jr., and Joseph Cimaomo Jr. Thompson Jr. does not have elected or community leadership experience, and is not running a serious campaign. Cimaomo Jr. has been a member of the Covington City Council for six years. He is running on a platform of using public and private organizations to solve our affordable housing crisis and provide tax relief, yet he fails to offer any ideas for bringing progressive revenue to the state. Cooke's campaign platform includes insisting Washington unsafely open up in the face of the coronavirus epidemic and lowering taxes. None of these challengers are progressive.
Rep. Sullivan is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Pat Sullivan is running for re-election to the 47th Legislative District, House Position 2. Sullivan was going to retire after this term but when the coronavirus pandemic hit, House Speaker Laurie Jinkins asked him to re-consider to help craft a path forward for the budget.
In his time as a legislator, Sullivan has focused on helping working families by improving access to child care and protecting affordable health care. This year, he supported requiring the state to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, gun safety legislation, and prohibiting race-based hair discrimination as well as discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status. Sullivan was heavily involved in crafting the 2008 budget and we sincerely hope that he uses his influential role as Majority Leader to prevent knee-jerk cuts in the coming months.
Also in this race are Republicans Ted Cooke, Peter Thompson Jr., and Joseph Cimaomo Jr. Thompson Jr. does not have elected or community leadership experience, and is not running a serious campaign. Cimaomo Jr. has been a member of the Covington City Council for six years. He is running on a platform of using public and private organizations to solve our affordable housing crisis and provide tax relief, yet he fails to offer any ideas for bringing progressive revenue to the state. Cooke's campaign platform includes insisting Washington unsafely open up in the face of the coronavirus epidemic and lowering taxes. None of these challengers are progressive.
Rep. Sullivan is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
48th Legislative District
Rep. Vandana Slatter is running for re-election to the 48th Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to running for the Legislature, Slatter was Bellevue's first Indian-American city councilmember. In her role as representative, Slatter has focused on education and equity issues, working on legislation benefiting homeless youth, fully funding schools, and providing health care for all. She has served on the boards of several organizations and nonprofits, including the Children's Institute for Learning Differences, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Global Social Business Partners, and the Cancer Center at Overlake Hospital Foundation. This year, Rep. Slatter sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Slatter is running against Victor Bishop and Scott Dusenbery. Republican Bishop is strongly anti-transit and the former chair of the Eastside Transportation Alliance, a group funded to promote cars and oppose the advancement of Sound Transit. He claims traffic congestion is the top quality-of-life issue for voters in the district but is not interested in expanding transportation options. Bishop has repeatedly called on expanding freeways as the only solution for traffic congestion and is not qualified to be an elected official. Dusenbery, who does not have a party preference, also has no campaign website and submitted no official voter guide statement.
Rep. Slatter deserves your vote in this race.
Rep. Vandana Slatter is running for re-election to the 48th Legislative District, House Position 1. Prior to running for the Legislature, Slatter was Bellevue's first Indian-American city councilmember. In her role as representative, Slatter has focused on education and equity issues, working on legislation benefiting homeless youth, fully funding schools, and providing health care for all. She has served on the boards of several organizations and nonprofits, including the Children's Institute for Learning Differences, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Global Social Business Partners, and the Cancer Center at Overlake Hospital Foundation. This year, Rep. Slatter sponsored legislation prohibiting race-based hair discrimination and requiring the state to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Slatter is running against Victor Bishop and Scott Dusenbery. Republican Bishop is strongly anti-transit and the former chair of the Eastside Transportation Alliance, a group funded to promote cars and oppose the advancement of Sound Transit. He claims traffic congestion is the top quality-of-life issue for voters in the district but is not interested in expanding transportation options. Bishop has repeatedly called on expanding freeways as the only solution for traffic congestion and is not qualified to be an elected official. Dusenbery, who does not have a party preference, also has no campaign website and submitted no official voter guide statement.
Rep. Slatter deserves your vote in this race.
Rep. Amy Walen is running for re-election to the 48th District, House Position 2. Walen previously served as the mayor of Kirkland. Her campaign is focused on fixing Washington's upside-down tax code to ensure lower-income families don't pay more than wealthy families. She is also promoting gun safety legislation to raise the age of purchase for semi-automatic weapons, treat homelessness and addiction as public health crises, and prevent discrimination.
Walen is running against Democrat Morgan Puchek and Republican Tim Hickey. While Puchek is running as a Democrat, his platform emphasizes fiscal conservatism and partnerships with corporations. He does not have any meaningful endorsements. Hickey is running to fund police officers and fire departments as a response to homelessness and "senseless attacks on our persons and our property," as well as to reject comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education, lower all taxes for businesses, and fight socialism.
Rep. Walen is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.
Rep. Amy Walen is running for re-election to the 48th District, House Position 2. Walen previously served as the mayor of Kirkland. Her campaign is focused on fixing Washington's upside-down tax code to ensure lower-income families don't pay more than wealthy families. She is also promoting gun safety legislation to raise the age of purchase for semi-automatic weapons, treat homelessness and addiction as public health crises, and prevent discrimination.
Walen is running against Democrat Morgan Puchek and Republican Tim Hickey. While Puchek is running as a Democrat, his platform emphasizes fiscal conservatism and partnerships with corporations. He does not have any meaningful endorsements. Hickey is running to fund police officers and fire departments as a response to homelessness and "senseless attacks on our persons and our property," as well as to reject comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education, lower all taxes for businesses, and fight socialism.
Rep. Walen is the clear choice in this race and deserves your vote.