Progressive nurse Ingrid Anderson is challenging Sen. Mark Mullet in the 5th Legislative District. As a nurse, Anderson will bring an important perspective to Olympia as legislators craft a public health and economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If elected, Anderson would also prioritize keeping East King County affordable for working families, strengthening our K-12 education system, and balancing our state's upside-down tax code. As the mother of a son with asthma, Anderson understands the importance of protecting our clean air and will work to pass strong environmental protections for Washington.
Mullet is a small business owner and business-oriented Democrat who has been an obstacle to progress on many issues during his eight years in Olympia. He has taken thousands of dollars from oil and coal companies and hasn't been willing to vote for critical environmental bills. We need to address climate change and salmon and orca recovery, but Mullet has shown he won't support the solutions we need. In addition, Mullet voted against addressing the gender pay gap, opposed childcare assistance for working families, and even voted to cut teacher pay.
It's time for new leadership for the 5th Legislative District. Anderson is the clear progressive choice in this race.
Progressive nurse Ingrid Anderson is challenging Sen. Mark Mullet in the 5th Legislative District. As a nurse, Anderson will bring an important perspective to Olympia as legislators craft a public health and economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If elected, Anderson would also prioritize keeping East King County affordable for working families, strengthening our K-12 education system, and balancing our state's upside-down tax code. As the mother of a son with asthma, Anderson understands the importance of protecting our clean air and will work to pass strong environmental protections for Washington.
Mullet is a small business owner and business-oriented Democrat who has been an obstacle to progress on many issues during his eight years in Olympia. He has taken thousands of dollars from oil and coal companies and hasn't been willing to vote for critical environmental bills. We need to address climate change and salmon and orca recovery, but Mullet has shown he won't support the solutions we need. In addition, Mullet voted against addressing the gender pay gap, opposed childcare assistance for working families, and even voted to cut teacher pay.
It's time for new leadership for the 5th Legislative District. Anderson is the clear progressive choice in this race.