Hernandez understands the intrinsic connection between environmental protection and quality of life. He pledges himself to building on the Virginia Clean Economy Act and protecting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which Youngkin has placed under threat. He also supports increasing funding for conservation, protecting the Chesapeake Bay and local waterways, and advancing environmental justice initiatives. He pledges to prohibit public utilities from making political donations. Having previously served in President Obama’s Office of Energy and Climate Change, he has a proven track record of commitment to these issues.
Hernandez supports expanding affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage to more Virginians, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and safeguarding consumers from “skinny” plans that can leave families with large medical bills because of significant gaps in coverage. He also supports establishing a paid family and medical leave program. Additionally, he aims to improve access to mental health care by investing in community-based care, raising pay to address staffing shortages, and supporting the implementation of the Marcus Alert system to improve outcomes in response to mental health emergencies. He also supports protecting access to abortion in Virginia.
Hernandez aims to continue Norfolk’s history of civil rights work by drawing on his experience as a civil rights attorney. He supports protecting the fundamental right to vote and standing up against any efforts that create barriers to the ballot box. He also supports creating a more inclusive commonwealth, including strong non-discrimination laws and policies that protect the rights of people with disabilities. Lastly, he supports advancing Virginia laws that make the Commonwealth a leader in safeguarding LGBTQ+ rights and preventing any attempts to roll back provisions of the Virginia Values Act.
Hernandez supports increasing Virginia’s minimum wage, empowering more workers to engage in collective bargaining for better wages and working conditions, and advancing policies to bring high-quality jobs to Norfolk. He also supports reforming Virginia’s upside-down tax code, making child care more affordable, and providing targeted tax relief to working families. Lastly, he supports efforts to reduce gun violence in Hampton Roads and keep communities safe.
Hernandez’s Republican opponent is Andy Pittman, an attorney. Pittman is a conservative through and through. He wants to give unchecked power and funds to police and greenlight the mistreatment of inmates and suspects. He makes clear his intention to ban abortion, ensure that our LGBTQ youth continue to face harassment from right-wing smear campaigns and demonize immigrants.
Because of his commitment to economic justice, equity and equality, and access to quality healthcare, Hernandez is the progressive choice in this race.