Braxton is a working man running for working people. He understands that the process is rigged against working people, but wants to fight for a system that grants adequate representation to all voices and perspectives in the community. Braxton supports many measures designed to benefit working families, such as a Child Tax Credit, universal public pre-k, paid parental leave, high quality maternal care, access to IVF, and affordable healthcare.
As a public school teacher, Braxton has an intimate understanding of the needs of our students, faculty, and school staff. He wants more funding for schools in general and specifically wants to ensure teachers are given the support they deserve and require. He opposes Republican attacks on public education and wants to fight back against the restrictive social agenda they’ve been pushing. Additionally, he supports universal free lunch and increased funding for transportation that would ensure all students can get to school and feel safe and appreciated.
Braxton is fundamentally a believer in a person’s right to choose what is best for themselves. That’s why he’s a staunch advocate for abortion access: he believes that the government has no place in the doctor’s office. Additionally, he names religious freedom as a core principle of our state and nation. He says that people should be free to worship in any manner they see fit, regardless of faith, and opposes Republican efforts to push a Christian agenda.
Braxton also believes in a multifaceted approach to public safety. He wants to ensure all people feel safe by increasing funding for mental health, incentivizing police to live in the communities they police, requiring higher standards for police training, funding a more diverse police force, banning assault weapons, raising the minimum age for firearms purchases to 21, and establishing universal background checks.
Braxton is challenging incumbent Republican Scott Wyatt, a retired telecommunications manager. Wyatt opposes legislative measures to keep our communities safe from gun violence and is against abortion access. He also voted against raising the minimum wage, legalizing marijuana, and abolishing the death penalty.
Given his support for common sense gun legislation, initiatives that benefit working people, and public education, Braxton is decidedly the progressive choice in this race.