Progressive Todd Donovan is the incumbent in the current District 1 seat, and is now running for Position 2. Donovan wants to clean up Lake Whatcom and restore native vegetation. He is a solid environmental leader who supports public transit, equal park access, and who voted no on the coal export terminal. We hope he will reevaluate the proposal for a costly new jail and support jail alternatives and funding for mental health and drug addiction treatment.
Donovan is facing progressive Amy Glasser. As a mental health professional, Glasser resists the structure of the current jail system as a means to house people with mental illnesses and people struggling with substance abuse. We believe Donovan is the best choice in this race because of his track record in office and support from progressive organizations.
Progressive Todd Donovan is the incumbent in the current District 1 seat, and is now running for Position 2. Donovan wants to clean up Lake Whatcom and restore native vegetation. He is a solid environmental leader who supports public transit, equal park access, and who voted no on the coal export terminal. We hope he will reevaluate the proposal for a costly new jail and support jail alternatives and funding for mental health and drug addiction treatment.
Donovan is facing progressive Amy Glasser. As a mental health professional, Glasser resists the structure of the current jail system as a means to house people with mental illnesses and people struggling with substance abuse. We believe Donovan is the best choice in this race because of his track record in office and support from progressive organizations.