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Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot.

  • Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border. A former executive at Microsoft and other technology companies, she has used her technology background to become a leader of protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She has also been a strong advocate for job development, economic fairness, women’s health, and immigration reform. DelBene’s top challenger is Pedro Celis, a Republican and retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. Edwin Moats, Robert Sutherland, and several other extremely conservative candidates in this race are not running competitive campaigns. DelBene’s experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Suzan DelBene

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border.

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border. A former executive at Microsoft and other technology companies, she has used her technology background to become a leader of protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She has also been a strong advocate for job development, economic fairness, women’s health, and immigration reform. DelBene’s top challenger is Pedro Celis, a Republican and retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. Edwin Moats, Robert Sutherland, and several other extremely conservative candidates in this race are not running competitive campaigns. DelBene’s experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.

    Suzan DelBene

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border.

  • Rep. Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District since he was first elected to Congress in 2000. He has also led efforts to protect voting rights, fought to reform student loans, and has been a champion of Wall Street reform. Unfortunately, Larsen angered many progressives with his support of the new contract that eliminated hard-earned pension benefits for Boeing machinists. Before serving in Congress he served on the Snohomish County Council and worked on economic development for City of Everett.

    Larsen is facing two opponents who have far less resources in the primary. BJ Guillot is running on an extremely conservative Tea Party platform. Independent Mike Lapointe is running against Larsen on a very progressive platform that includes raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour immediately. Larsen’s experience, broad support, and generally progressive track record make him a good choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Rick Larsen

    Rep. Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District since he was first elected to Congress in 2000.

    Rep. Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District since he was first elected to Congress in 2000. He has also led efforts to protect voting rights, fought to reform student loans, and has been a champion of Wall Street reform. Unfortunately, Larsen angered many progressives with his support of the new contract that eliminated hard-earned pension benefits for Boeing machinists. Before serving in Congress he served on the Snohomish County Council and worked on economic development for City of Everett.

    Larsen is facing two opponents who have far less resources in the primary. BJ Guillot is running on an extremely conservative Tea Party platform. Independent Mike Lapointe is running against Larsen on a very progressive platform that includes raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour immediately. Larsen’s experience, broad support, and generally progressive track record make him a good choice in this race.

    Rick Larsen

    Rep. Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District since he was first elected to Congress in 2000.

  • Apoyadas Por: Snohomish County Democrats, Whatcom County Democrats, Washington State Young Democrats

No Good Choices

There is no good choice in this race. Incumbent Norma Smith is a far-right conservative who voted against equal rights for all loving couples. Her opponent, Libertarian Michael Scott, seems more interested in party ideology than representing his district. If you are interested in running for office in the future, please contact our friends at Progressive Majority.

Norma Smith

There is no good choice in this race. Incumbent Norma

Smith is a far-right conservative who voted against equal rights for all loving

couples. Her opponent, Libertarian Michael Scott, seems more interested in party

Elecciones del condado

Dependiendo de su lugar de residencia, es posible que en su papeleta figure una de las elecciones del condado que se indican a continuación.

  • Tom Pasma is a Democrat vying for the office of retiring Assessor Don Munks. He is former chair of the 40th District Democrats who has worked closely with state lawmakers to create agricultural internships. Pasma carries the endorsement of the Skagit Democrats. His opponent is Dave Thomas, a Republican with 17 years of experience working in the assessor’s office where he is currently senior residential appraiser. Pasma’s commitment to agriculture would be an important consideration in the office of county assessor.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Tom L. Pasma

    Tom Pasma is a Democrat vying for the office of retiring Assessor Don Munks. He is former chair of the 40th District Democrats who has worked closely with state lawmakers to create agricultural internships. Pasma carries the endorsement of the Skagit Democrats.

    Tom Pasma is a Democrat vying for the office of retiring Assessor Don Munks. He is former chair of the 40th District Democrats who has worked closely with state lawmakers to create agricultural internships. Pasma carries the endorsement of the Skagit Democrats. His opponent is Dave Thomas, a Republican with 17 years of experience working in the assessor’s office where he is currently senior residential appraiser. Pasma’s commitment to agriculture would be an important consideration in the office of county assessor.

    Tom L. Pasma

    Tom Pasma is a Democrat vying for the office of retiring Assessor Don Munks. He is former chair of the 40th District Democrats who has worked closely with state lawmakers to create agricultural internships. Pasma carries the endorsement of the Skagit Democrats.

  • Incumbent Jeanne Youngquist has served as the Skagit County Auditor since 2007 and carries the Skagit Democrats endorsement. Since 2009, Youngquist has been on the Board of Directors of the Skagit Women’s Alliance Network. As Auditor, Youngquist collaborated with other county offices to digitize and make myriad records available online for the public. She has enhanced the convenience of ballot boxes and spearheaded the Online Voter’s Guide for the county available through the Auditor’s website. Throughout her career, Youngquist has taken numerous steps to increase the transparency of the Skagit Auditor’s Office. Her challenger is Libertarian/Republican Cheryl D. Mitchell, Skagit Deputy Auditor for fifteen years. Mitchell has not presented a campaign plan or vision for what she wishes to accomplish. Youngquist’s proven commitment to government transparency makes her the better choice.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Jeanne Youngquist

    Incumbent Jeanne Youngquist has served as the Skagit County Auditor since 2007 and carries the Skagit Democrats endorsement. Since 2009, Youngquist has been on the Board of Directors of the Skagit Women’s Alliance Network.

    Incumbent Jeanne Youngquist has served as the Skagit County Auditor since 2007 and carries the Skagit Democrats endorsement. Since 2009, Youngquist has been on the Board of Directors of the Skagit Women’s Alliance Network. As Auditor, Youngquist collaborated with other county offices to digitize and make myriad records available online for the public. She has enhanced the convenience of ballot boxes and spearheaded the Online Voter’s Guide for the county available through the Auditor’s website. Throughout her career, Youngquist has taken numerous steps to increase the transparency of the Skagit Auditor’s Office. Her challenger is Libertarian/Republican Cheryl D. Mitchell, Skagit Deputy Auditor for fifteen years. Mitchell has not presented a campaign plan or vision for what she wishes to accomplish. Youngquist’s proven commitment to government transparency makes her the better choice.

    Jeanne Youngquist

    Incumbent Jeanne Youngquist has served as the Skagit County Auditor since 2007 and carries the Skagit Democrats endorsement. Since 2009, Youngquist has been on the Board of Directors of the Skagit Women’s Alliance Network.

  • John Lovick is the current Snohomish County Executive, running to retain his recent appointment to the position following the resignation of previous County Executive, Aaron Reardon. Lovick spent nine years in the state legislature representing the 44th District, during five of which he was Speaker Pro-Tem. He was elected as the Snohomish County Sheriff in 2007 and successfully merged the County Jail with the Sheriff’s Office. Two people are challenging Lovick. His Democratic challenger, James R. Deal, is not running a credible campaign. Republican Carolyn Eslick is the current Mayor of Sultan. She is critical of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage and intends to entice Seattle businesses into Snohomish to avoid paying higher wages. Whoever wins the Executive position in the General Election will be up for reelection again in 2015, when a candidate will be elected to a full four-year term. While Lovick angered many progressives with his vocal support of the new Boeing contract, he is still the best choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    John Lovick

    John Lovick is the current Snohomish County Executive, running to retain his recent appointment to the position following the resignation of previous County Executive, Aaron Reardon.

    John Lovick is the current Snohomish County Executive, running to retain his recent appointment to the position following the resignation of previous County Executive, Aaron Reardon. Lovick spent nine years in the state legislature representing the 44th District, during five of which he was Speaker Pro-Tem. He was elected as the Snohomish County Sheriff in 2007 and successfully merged the County Jail with the Sheriff’s Office. Two people are challenging Lovick. His Democratic challenger, James R. Deal, is not running a credible campaign. Republican Carolyn Eslick is the current Mayor of Sultan. She is critical of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage and intends to entice Seattle businesses into Snohomish to avoid paying higher wages. Whoever wins the Executive position in the General Election will be up for reelection again in 2015, when a candidate will be elected to a full four-year term. While Lovick angered many progressives with his vocal support of the new Boeing contract, he is still the best choice in this race.

    John Lovick

    John Lovick is the current Snohomish County Executive, running to retain his recent appointment to the position following the resignation of previous County Executive, Aaron Reardon.

  • Apoyadas Por: Snohomish County Democrats, Washington State Patrol Troopers Association