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Election Day November 5, 2024
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The Wisconsin Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk by Tuesday, November 5 at 8PM. Vote in every race on your ballot, then share this guide with your friends and family!

State Assembly

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Assembly races on your ballot.

Representante, Distrito 68 de la Cámara Estatal

Richard Pulcher has served his community in several capacities over the last two decades: as a union steward, a volunteer firefighter, a first responder, and an EMT basic. He believes the Golden Rule should be the guiding principle for our government. Pulcher will fight for accessible, quality healthcare and inclusive economic growth, as well as thriving public schools and sustainable business practices. Pulcher is opposed by Republican Representative Rob Summerfeld, who has been previously endorsed by an extremist anti-abortion group that wants to ban abortion without exception in Wisconsin. Richard Pulcher is the more progressive choice in this race.

Richard Pulcher has served his community in several capacities over the last two decades: as a union steward, a volunteer firefighter, a first responder, and an EMT basic. He believes the Golden Rule should be the guiding principle for our government. Pulcher will fight for accessible, quality healthcare and inclusive economic growth, as well as thriving public schools and sustainable business practices. Pulcher is opposed by Republican Representative Rob Summerfeld, who has been previously endorsed by an extremist anti-abortion group that wants to ban abortion without exception in Wisconsin. Richard Pulcher is the more progressive choice in this race.

Representante, Distrito 92 de la Cámara Estatal

Joe Plouff has been a resident of western Wisconsin for almost 50 years, and has previously served the region on the Menominee City Council, the Dunn County Board of Supervisors, and the State Assembly. His board experience in Dunn County taught him that counties continue to be underfunded, compromising public safety, and the state must increase its support. While Plouff served in the Assembly, he pushed for environmental protections, sensible gun control, and fully funding our public schools. He understands that clean water is a basic human right, as well as an essential piece of economic development, and supports the right to choose an abortion. Also running in the 92nd Assembly District is Republican Representative Clint Moses, who has previously been endorsed by an extreme anti-abortion group seeking to outlaw the procedure in Wisconsin. Joe Plouff is the progressive choice in this race.

Joe Plouff has been a resident of western Wisconsin for almost 50 years, and has previously served the region on the Menominee City Council, the Dunn County Board of Supervisors, and the State Assembly. His board experience in Dunn County taught him that counties continue to be underfunded, compromising public safety, and the state must increase its support. While Plouff served in the Assembly, he pushed for environmental protections, sensible gun control, and fully funding our public schools. He understands that clean water is a basic human right, as well as an essential piece of economic development, and supports the right to choose an abortion. Also running in the 92nd Assembly District is Republican Representative Clint Moses, who has previously been endorsed by an extreme anti-abortion group seeking to outlaw the procedure in Wisconsin. Joe Plouff is the progressive choice in this race.

Endorsed By: WI AFL-CIO , WEAC