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Election Day November 5, 2024
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The Wisconsin Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk by Tuesday, November 5 at 8PM. Vote in every race on your ballot, then share this guide with your friends and family!

State Assembly

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Assembly races on your ballot.

Representante, Distrito 67 de la Cámara Estatal

Social worker and dairy farmer Jeff Foster frames his campaign around the values of freedom, family, and community. He recognizes that rural healthcare is in crisis, and the 67th district needs mental health support and expansion of Medicaid. As a grandfather of five, Foster is well aware of the unaffordable cost of healthcare for many Wisconsin families, and will also fight for paid family medical leave. His experience as a livestock farmer taught him about the importance of environmental sustainability and wisely stewarding our natural resources. Foster supports measures to address out-of-control housing costs and believes in the right to choose an abortion. Opposing Foster is Republican Representative Dave Armstrong, who has previously been endorsed by a radical anti-abortion group that wants to ban the procedure without exception. Jeff Foster is the progressive choice in this race.

Social worker and dairy farmer Jeff Foster frames his campaign around the values of freedom, family, and community. He recognizes that rural healthcare is in crisis, and the 67th district needs mental health support and expansion of Medicaid. As a grandfather of five, Foster is well aware of the unaffordable cost of healthcare for many Wisconsin families, and will also fight for paid family medical leave. His experience as a livestock farmer taught him about the importance of environmental sustainability and wisely stewarding our natural resources. Foster supports measures to address out-of-control housing costs and believes in the right to choose an abortion. Opposing Foster is Republican Representative Dave Armstrong, who has previously been endorsed by a radical anti-abortion group that wants to ban the procedure without exception. Jeff Foster is the progressive choice in this race.

Representante, Distrito 68 de la Cámara Estatal

Richard Pulcher has served his community in several capacities over the last two decades: as a union steward, a volunteer firefighter, a first responder, and an EMT basic. He believes the Golden Rule should be the guiding principle for our government. Pulcher will fight for accessible, quality healthcare and inclusive economic growth, as well as thriving public schools and sustainable business practices. Pulcher is opposed by Republican Representative Rob Summerfeld, who has been previously endorsed by an extremist anti-abortion group that wants to ban abortion without exception in Wisconsin. Richard Pulcher is the more progressive choice in this race.

Richard Pulcher has served his community in several capacities over the last two decades: as a union steward, a volunteer firefighter, a first responder, and an EMT basic. He believes the Golden Rule should be the guiding principle for our government. Pulcher will fight for accessible, quality healthcare and inclusive economic growth, as well as thriving public schools and sustainable business practices. Pulcher is opposed by Republican Representative Rob Summerfeld, who has been previously endorsed by an extremist anti-abortion group that wants to ban abortion without exception in Wisconsin. Richard Pulcher is the more progressive choice in this race.

Representante, Distrito 91 de la Cámara Estatal

An Eau Claire native, Representative Jodi Emerson feels compelled to run for reelection to the Assembly by challenges in education, healthcare, and a lack of well-paid jobs. After being diagnosed with a chronic health condition, Emerson saw firsthand the importance of affordable and accessible healthcare for all - a value that has become more relevant than ever in light of the devastating hospital and clinic closures in the Chippewa Valley area recently. She is also an advocate for social justice, more education funding, and protecting natural resources. She authored a bill to phase out Wisconsin's private school voucher program and has been a strong defender of Wisconsin's democracy as a member of the Assembly Campaigns & Elections Committee. Emerson also sits on the Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Consortium. Her opponent is Republican candidate Michele Skinner. Emerson is the progressive choice in this race.

An Eau Claire native, Representative Jodi Emerson feels compelled to run for reelection to the Assembly by challenges in education, healthcare, and a lack of well-paid jobs. After being diagnosed with a chronic health condition, Emerson saw firsthand the importance of affordable and accessible healthcare for all - a value that has become more relevant than ever in light of the devastating hospital and clinic closures in the Chippewa Valley area recently. She is also an advocate for social justice, more education funding, and protecting natural resources. She authored a bill to phase out Wisconsin's private school voucher program and has been a strong defender of Wisconsin's democracy as a member of the Assembly Campaigns & Elections Committee. Emerson also sits on the Wisconsin Anti-Human Trafficking Consortium. Her opponent is Republican candidate Michele Skinner. Emerson is the progressive choice in this race.

Representante, Distrito 93 de la Cámara Estatal

Nonprofit professional and community organizer Christian Phelps believes the Assembly must return to prioritizing public wellbeing by investing in public schools and public health. He also wants to protect our natural resources by investing in renewable energy and ensure that pregnant people have the right to choose an abortion. Phelps recognizes the critical importance of renewing Wisconsin’s commitment to workers’ rights, as well as the benefits of legalizing, taxing, and regulating cannabis. Also running for the 93rd Assembly seat is Republican candidate James Rolbiecki. Christian Phelps is the progressive choice in this race.

Nonprofit professional and community organizer Christian Phelps believes the Assembly must return to prioritizing public wellbeing by investing in public schools and public health. He also wants to protect our natural resources by investing in renewable energy and ensure that pregnant people have the right to choose an abortion. Phelps recognizes the critical importance of renewing Wisconsin’s commitment to workers’ rights, as well as the benefits of legalizing, taxing, and regulating cannabis. Also running for the 93rd Assembly seat is Republican candidate James Rolbiecki. Christian Phelps is the progressive choice in this race.