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Election Day November 5, 2024
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The Wisconsin Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk by Tuesday, November 5 at 8PM. Vote in every race on your ballot, then share this guide with your friends and family!

Senado Estatal, Distrito 16 del Senado Estatal

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Senate races on your ballot.

Former warehouse employee and paralegal Melissa Ratcliff has been involved in Dane County politics since being elected to the Cottage Grove Village Board in 2018. Since then, she has served three terms on the Dane County Board and one term in the State Assembly, all while continuing her paralegal career. Ratcliff now plans to serve as a full-time legislator working to increase investment in roads and public safety, ensure safe communities for our LGBTQ+ neighbors, and create more affordable housing. She is also a strong supporter of reproductive freedom and will fight Republican efforts to dismantle diversity, equity, and inclusion measures. Ratcliff is unopposed in this race and is the progressive choice.

Former warehouse employee and paralegal Melissa Ratcliff has been involved in Dane County politics since being elected to the Cottage Grove Village Board in 2018. Since then, she has served three terms on the Dane County Board and one term in the State Assembly, all while continuing her paralegal career. Ratcliff now plans to serve as a full-time legislator working to increase investment in roads and public safety, ensure safe communities for our LGBTQ+ neighbors, and create more affordable housing. She is also a strong supporter of reproductive freedom and will fight Republican efforts to dismantle diversity, equity, and inclusion measures. Ratcliff is unopposed in this race and is the progressive choice.

State Assembly

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Assembly races on your ballot.

Representante, Distrito 43 de la Cámara Estatal

Brienne Brown is a well-respected leader in her community, having been elected to three terms on the Whitewater City Council. Brown is an educator, hunter, and small business owner who understands the challenges faced by many different groups of people in our state. She believes in the right to choose an abortion, in the necessity of investing in local public safety, and common sense gun laws. Brown also wants to fight for better infrastructure and internet access for the 43rd Assembly District. She is running against Republican Representative Scott Johnson, who has previously been endorsed by radical anti-abortion groups seeking to outlaw the procedure in Wisconsin. Brienne Brown is the clear progressive choice in this race.

Brienne Brown is a well-respected leader in her community, having been elected to three terms on the Whitewater City Council. Brown is an educator, hunter, and small business owner who understands the challenges faced by many different groups of people in our state. She believes in the right to choose an abortion, in the necessity of investing in local public safety, and common sense gun laws. Brown also wants to fight for better infrastructure and internet access for the 43rd Assembly District. She is running against Republican Representative Scott Johnson, who has previously been endorsed by radical anti-abortion groups seeking to outlaw the procedure in Wisconsin. Brienne Brown is the clear progressive choice in this race.

Representante, Distrito 46 de la Cámara Estatal

Joan is a former Jefferson County Board supervisor, a Wisconsin native who has taught high school math for 33 years, and a mom of two. While teaching, Fitzgerald was an active member of the Jefferson Education Association and served as President, Vice President, and Treasurer, as well as sitting on the Negotiations Team. As part of the County Board, Fitzgerald was chair of the Broadband work group and developed partnerships with businesses to bring in $5 million of grant money for Jefferson County. She is passionate about making sure Wisconsinites can access affordable childcare, can send their children to strong public schools, and can live in safe neighborhoods free from gun violence. Opposing Fitzgerald is Republican candidate Jenifer Quimby. Joan Fitzgerald is the progressive choice in this race.

Joan is a former Jefferson County Board supervisor, a Wisconsin native who has taught high school math for 33 years, and a mom of two. While teaching, Fitzgerald was an active member of the Jefferson Education Association and served as President, Vice President, and Treasurer, as well as sitting on the Negotiations Team. As part of the County Board, Fitzgerald was chair of the Broadband work group and developed partnerships with businesses to bring in $5 million of grant money for Jefferson County. She is passionate about making sure Wisconsinites can access affordable childcare, can send their children to strong public schools, and can live in safe neighborhoods free from gun violence. Opposing Fitzgerald is Republican candidate Jenifer Quimby. Joan Fitzgerald is the progressive choice in this race.