Father of three, community volunteer, and employee rights attorney who previously served as executive director of a labor-management organization representing Southeast Wisconsin's union trades and affiliated contractors, Nathan Jurowski is running for the 21st Assembly District on a platform of community-based leadership. Jurowski's priorities include ensuring our public schools have adequate funding, protecting Wisconsin's labor force, and defending civil rights like marriage equality, reproductive freedom, and voting rights. He is committed to focusing on kitchen table issues and to rejecting mean-spirited policies designed to divide and marginalize people. Jurowski is challenging Republican incumbent Jessie Rodriguez, who holds a leadership position within the Assembly Republican caucus and is a member of the Joint Finance Committee where she has cast consistently anti-healthcare, anti-public education, anti-worker, and anti-middle class votes. Jurowski is the progressive choice in this race.
Father of three, community volunteer, and employee rights attorney who previously served as executive director of a labor-management organization representing Southeast Wisconsin's union trades and affiliated contractors, Nathan Jurowski is running for the 21st Assembly District on a platform of community-based leadership. Jurowski's priorities include ensuring our public schools have adequate funding, protecting Wisconsin's labor force, and defending civil rights like marriage equality, reproductive freedom, and voting rights. He is committed to focusing on kitchen table issues and to rejecting mean-spirited policies designed to divide and marginalize people. Jurowski is challenging Republican incumbent Jessie Rodriguez, who holds a leadership position within the Assembly Republican caucus and is a member of the Joint Finance Committee where she has cast consistently anti-healthcare, anti-public education, anti-worker, and anti-middle class votes. Jurowski is the progressive choice in this race.