Lifelong 51st Assembly District resident, local elected official, mom of three and small business owner Leah Spicer is running for Assembly because she believes in a vibrant, prosperous, and thriving future for her community. As someone who is family focused and solution oriented, Spicer's top priorities include access to affordable healthcare, high quality childcare, investment and support for small businesses and farms, and ensuring our rural public schools have adequate funding. Spicer also supports expanding access to broadband internet and views clean water, land, and air as essential to our economy and way of life in Wisconsin. In the Assembly, Spicer promises to protect reproductive healthcare including the right to choose. Also running is Republican Todd Novak, who is endorsed by an extreme right wing group that supports Wisconsin's criminal abortion ban, which prohibits abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and who has consistently cast anti-choice, anti-public education, anti-environment, and anti-democracy votes. Spicer is the progressive choice in this race.
Lifelong 51st Assembly District resident, local elected official, mom of three and small business owner Leah Spicer is running for Assembly because she believes in a vibrant, prosperous, and thriving future for her community. As someone who is family focused and solution oriented, Spicer's top priorities include access to affordable healthcare, high quality childcare, investment and support for small businesses and farms, and ensuring our rural public schools have adequate funding. Spicer also supports expanding access to broadband internet and views clean water, land, and air as essential to our economy and way of life in Wisconsin. In the Assembly, Spicer promises to protect reproductive healthcare including the right to choose. Also running is Republican Todd Novak, who is endorsed by an extreme right wing group that supports Wisconsin's criminal abortion ban, which prohibits abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and who has consistently cast anti-choice, anti-public education, anti-environment, and anti-democracy votes. Spicer is the progressive choice in this race.