Born and raised in Green Bay, Hannah Beauchamp-Pope is a community leader, nonprofit advocate, and current senior at UWGB. Beauchamp-Pope is deeply committed to an intersectional progressive vision for Green Bay and for Wisconsin, which includes supporting our public schools, rejecting rightwing culture wars in the classroom, and giving power back to Wisconsin's educators and the unions who represent them. Beauchamp-Pope believes healthcare is a human right, and supports expanding BadgerCare and restoring reproductive freedom and choice for all Wisconsinites. Beauchamp-Pope's platform also includes a commitment to fixing Wisconsin's broken criminal justice system, fighting for climate justice, and ensuring all Wisconsinites have easy access to the ballot. She is challenging Republican incumbent John Macco, who has consistently cast anti-choice, anti-public education, anti-environment, and anti-democracy votes. Beauchamp-Pope is the progressive choice in this race.
Born and raised in Green Bay, Hannah Beauchamp-Pope is a community leader, nonprofit advocate, and current senior at UWGB. Beauchamp-Pope is deeply committed to an intersectional progressive vision for Green Bay and for Wisconsin, which includes supporting our public schools, rejecting rightwing culture wars in the classroom, and giving power back to Wisconsin's educators and the unions who represent them. Beauchamp-Pope believes healthcare is a human right, and supports expanding BadgerCare and restoring reproductive freedom and choice for all Wisconsinites. Beauchamp-Pope's platform also includes a commitment to fixing Wisconsin's broken criminal justice system, fighting for climate justice, and ensuring all Wisconsinites have easy access to the ballot. She is challenging Republican incumbent John Macco, who has consistently cast anti-choice, anti-public education, anti-environment, and anti-democracy votes. Beauchamp-Pope is the progressive choice in this race.