Rhinelander city council president Eileen Daniel is running to represent Vilas and Oneida counties in the State Assembly. Recognizing that many significant issues are going to come down to the state level, Daniel promises to listen to all of her constitituents and make sure the people of the northwoods are heard in the legislature. Daniel strongly supports women's reproductive rights and believes everyone deserves good healthcare, which is why she supports expanding BadgerCare. Her priorities also include ensuring public schools have adequate funding, strengthening PFAS standards, promoting affordable housing, and fighting for equality. Daniel favors common sense gun safety measures like stronger background checks and red flag laws, but notes that her household owns guns, uses guns, and stores guns properly. Daniel is challenging Republican incumbent Rob Swearingen, who has cast consistent anti-public schools, anti-environment, anti-choice, and anti-democracy votes in the Assembly. Daniel is the progressive choice in this race.
Rhinelander city council president Eileen Daniel is running to represent Vilas and Oneida counties in the State Assembly. Recognizing that many significant issues are going to come down to the state level, Daniel promises to listen to all of her constitituents and make sure the people of the northwoods are heard in the legislature. Daniel strongly supports women's reproductive rights and believes everyone deserves good healthcare, which is why she supports expanding BadgerCare. Her priorities also include ensuring public schools have adequate funding, strengthening PFAS standards, promoting affordable housing, and fighting for equality. Daniel favors common sense gun safety measures like stronger background checks and red flag laws, but notes that her household owns guns, uses guns, and stores guns properly. Daniel is challenging Republican incumbent Rob Swearingen, who has cast consistent anti-public schools, anti-environment, anti-choice, and anti-democracy votes in the Assembly. Daniel is the progressive choice in this race.