City of Weyerhaeuser
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Election Day is Tuesday, November 3!
The Wisconsin Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Absentee ballots must be received by your municipal clerk by Tuesday, November 3 at 8PM. Vote in every race on your ballot, then share this guide with your friends and family!
State Assembly
Representative, District 68
Mental health professional and business owner Emily Berge is running to help create an economy that works for everyone, not just big corporations. She believes in investing in her community through accessible healthcare, reliable internet, and quality education. She also believes in non-partisan redistricting and conservation efforts. Her opponent, Jesse James, is a private school vouchers proponent who opposed the Safer at Home order, and was one of the signatories of a letter pressuring school superintendents to reopen their local schools. Berge is the more progressive choice.
Mental health professional and business owner Emily Berge is running to help create an economy that works for everyone, not just big corporations. She believes in investing in her community through accessible healthcare, reliable internet, and quality education. She also believes in non-partisan redistricting and conservation efforts. Her opponent, Jesse James, is a private school vouchers proponent who opposed the Safer at Home order, and was one of the signatories of a letter pressuring school superintendents to reopen their local schools. Berge is the more progressive choice.
Representative, District 87
Richard Pulcher is the Democratic candidate for the 87th District. Pulcher's biography includes a varied work history; he is recently retired from the Clark County Health Care Center and his 2020 candidacy is endorsed by Wisconsin AFL-CIO. Pulcher supports reforming the drawing of legislative districts and getting big money out of politics. Assemblyman James Edming supported overturning of the Safer at Home order, and is endorsed by conservative PAC Wisconsin Family Action, the NRA, and extreme anti-choice group Wisconsin Right to Life. He has minimized the COVID-19 crisis and was also the author of a bill that allowed children of any age to hunt while supervised and allowing the child to carry their own gun. There is no verifiably progressive candidate in this race.
Richard Pulcher is the Democratic candidate for the 87th District. Pulcher's biography includes a varied work history; he is recently retired from the Clark County Health Care Center and his 2020 candidacy is endorsed by Wisconsin AFL-CIO. Pulcher supports reforming the drawing of legislative districts and getting big money out of politics. Assemblyman James Edming supported overturning of the Safer at Home order, and is endorsed by conservative PAC Wisconsin Family Action, the NRA, and extreme anti-choice group Wisconsin Right to Life. He has minimized the COVID-19 crisis and was also the author of a bill that allowed children of any age to hunt while supervised and allowing the child to carry their own gun. There is no verifiably progressive candidate in this race.