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Return Ballots By February 11

Welcome to the Fuse Progressive Voters Guide to the 2025 February election! Since 2008, we've compiled information about candidates and ballot measures that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. You can learn about our partners and decision-making process here. Please share this guide with your friends and family and vote by February 11!

Ridgefield School District


Vote YES to sustain our high-quality local education

Ridgefield School District relies on local levies and bonds to bridge the gap between what the state funds and the district’s actual operating budget. Proposition 12, if approved, would authorize a replacement for the district’s Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy to continue delivering the quality programs and opportunities that our students rely on.

This levy covers critical opportunities, services, and programs that enrich our students’ education and improve safety at school. The proposed levy would fund programs such as athletics, arts, outdoor education, special needs, and extracurriculars. The revenue would also sustain student technology and school supplies, utilities, insurance, facility repair, staffing to meet IEP requirements, the Ridgefield Family Resource Center, and more.

District voters last approved the EP&O Levy in 2022 at an estimated rate then of $1.50 per $1,000 in assessed property value. This election’s replacement levy has an estimated rate that is only $0.25 higher than the 2022 estimation, costing the owner of a median-priced $658,000 home approximately $1,152 annually.

Vote Yes on Ridgefield School District Proposition 12 to support a quality education for our local students.

Ultima actualización 2025-01-23

Ridgefield School District relies on local levies and bonds to bridge the gap between what the state funds and the district’s actual operating budget. Proposition 12, if approved, would authorize a replacement for the district’s Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy to continue delivering the quality programs and opportunities that our students rely on.

This levy covers critical opportunities, services, and programs that enrich our students’ education and improve safety at school. The proposed levy would fund programs such as athletics, arts, outdoor education, special needs, and extracurriculars. The revenue would also sustain student technology and school supplies, utilities, insurance, facility repair, staffing to meet IEP requirements, the Ridgefield Family Resource Center, and more.

District voters last approved the EP&O Levy in 2022 at an estimated rate then of $1.50 per $1,000 in assessed property value. This election’s replacement levy has an estimated rate that is only $0.25 higher than the 2022 estimation, costing the owner of a median-priced $658,000 home approximately $1,152 annually.

Vote Yes on Ridgefield School District Proposition 12 to support a quality education for our local students.

Ultima actualización 2025-01-23

Vote YES to invest in key improvements, modernization, and safety

Modern learning requires technological resources and upgraded facilities. Ridgefield School District Proposition 13 addresses this need in our local schools by proposing a Capital Facilities and Technology Levy.

This measure to raise revenue for the district’s capital projects and technology budget was recently approved by the school board in response to community feedback. The district has a number of critical capital projects and technology budget items that have been neglected because of lack of funding. If passed, the levy would fund the construction of a new elementary school, long-deferred maintenance repairs to Union Ridge and South Ridge elementary schools, and the restoration of the district’s technology device budget, including the one-to-one computing initiative. The levy rate amount and the projects it will fund have been highly guided by community input. For example, the current proposal does not include funding to resurface local tracks and replace turf.

The Proposition 13 levy rate would be $0.84 per $1,000 in assessed property value, costing the owner of a median-priced $658,000 approximately $553 annually. Compared with the previous bond proposals, this levy will carry a shorter tax commitment of only three years.

For our students to keep up in the digital age, we must invest in their modern education. Vote Yes on Ridgefield School District Proposition 13 to ensure all students have access to a quality education that includes modern technology and up-to-date facilities.

Ultima actualización 2025-01-23

Modern learning requires technological resources and upgraded facilities. Ridgefield School District Proposition 13 addresses this need in our local schools by proposing a Capital Facilities and Technology Levy.

This measure to raise revenue for the district’s capital projects and technology budget was recently approved by the school board in response to community feedback. The district has a number of critical capital projects and technology budget items that have been neglected because of lack of funding. If passed, the levy would fund the construction of a new elementary school, long-deferred maintenance repairs to Union Ridge and South Ridge elementary schools, and the restoration of the district’s technology device budget, including the one-to-one computing initiative. The levy rate amount and the projects it will fund have been highly guided by community input. For example, the current proposal does not include funding to resurface local tracks and replace turf.

The Proposition 13 levy rate would be $0.84 per $1,000 in assessed property value, costing the owner of a median-priced $658,000 approximately $553 annually. Compared with the previous bond proposals, this levy will carry a shorter tax commitment of only three years.

For our students to keep up in the digital age, we must invest in their modern education. Vote Yes on Ridgefield School District Proposition 13 to ensure all students have access to a quality education that includes modern technology and up-to-date facilities.

Ultima actualización 2025-01-23