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Election Day November 5, 2024
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Vote NO on I-2066 to keep moving forward on clean energy!

Initiative 2066 is the fourth initiative to be put before voters that's sponsored and funded by millionaire Brian Heywood and a cadre of Washington Republicans. This initiative would raise energy bills and costs for families and businesses by rolling back or eliminating modern standards that make homes more energy efficient.

Backed by powerful interest groups who want to make more money off households’ energy use, I-2066 aims to overturn parts of the state's building code that incentivize clean energy and clean air. Next to transportation, Washington's buildings are the second highest source of pollution, contributing 25 percent of emissions. To that end, the state Legislature has required that building construction reduce pollution through energy-efficient electrification and other means, including rebates for electric appliances instead of natural gas-fueled ones.

I-2066 would roll back some of these laws, which would force utility companies to continue to invest in costly outdated technology. It would also jeopardize Puget Sound Energy's ability to provide financial assistance to homeowners switching from natural gas to electrification, and potentially end neighborhood electrification programs. It would stop towns, cities, and counties from making their own decisions that work best for their communities by forcing them to subsidize the use of natural gas in appliances or buildings, 

The fossil fuel industry and wealthy conservatives want to stop energy efficiency and clean energy in order to increase their profits, saddling us with higher energy bills. Don’t let them raise our costs while polluting our air, vote No on I-2066 this year.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-13

Initiative 2066 is the fourth initiative to be put before voters that's sponsored and funded by millionaire Brian Heywood and a cadre of Washington Republicans. This initiative would raise energy bills and costs for families and businesses by rolling back or eliminating modern standards that make homes more energy efficient.

Backed by powerful interest groups who want to make more money off households’ energy use, I-2066 aims to overturn parts of the state's building code that incentivize clean energy and clean air. Next to transportation, Washington's buildings are the second highest source of pollution, contributing 25 percent of emissions. To that end, the state Legislature has required that building construction reduce pollution through energy-efficient electrification and other means, including rebates for electric appliances instead of natural gas-fueled ones.

I-2066 would roll back some of these laws, which would force utility companies to continue to invest in costly outdated technology. It would also jeopardize Puget Sound Energy's ability to provide financial assistance to homeowners switching from natural gas to electrification, and potentially end neighborhood electrification programs. It would stop towns, cities, and counties from making their own decisions that work best for their communities by forcing them to subsidize the use of natural gas in appliances or buildings, 

The fossil fuel industry and wealthy conservatives want to stop energy efficiency and clean energy in order to increase their profits, saddling us with higher energy bills. Don’t let them raise our costs while polluting our air, vote No on I-2066 this year.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-13

Vota en contra de la I-2109

Si se aprueba, la Iniciativa 2109 de Washington (I-2109) derogaría el impuesto de plusvalía actual de Washington sobre las ganancias en el mercado de valores superiores a $250,000, eliminando más de $5 mil millones en financiamiento para educación temprana, cuidado infantil, educación K-12 y construcción de escuelas en los próximos 5 años. Esto es un beneficio fiscal para los multimillonarios y billonarios de Washington.

Todos los niños de Washington, sin importar su código postal o cuánto dinero ganen sus padres, deberían tener el mismo acceso al cuidado y la educación temprana. En su primer año, el impuesto de plusvalía de Washington financió la educación temprana y las escuelas con casi $900 millones. Este financiamiento educativo ya ha evitado que el sistema de cuidado infantil de Washington colapse, evitando los problemas que enfrentan otros estados.

El impuesto de plusvalía es pagado por solo el 0.2 por ciento de los habitantes de Washington, todos ellos extremadamente ricos. En 2023, 3,300 personas extremadamente ricas pagaron el impuesto. Un nuevo informe dice que este impuesto es una de las principales razones por las que Washington ya no tiene el código fiscal más regresivo de la nación. Algunas de las personas más ricas de nuestro estado han pasado los últimos dos años tratando de derogar este impuesto o hacer que se anule en la corte, y han fracasado. Ahora, están tratando de convencer a los votantes de eliminarlo para que ellos no tengan que pagarlo. 

Sin este financiamiento, los programas de cuidado infantil se verán afectados, las escuelas seguirán estando mal dotadas y las reparaciones y construcciones tan necesarias de escuelas se detendrán. Esto perjudicará a las familias trabajadoras que dependen del cuidado infantil, a los estudiantes que intentan aprender con libros de texto obsoletos y a las comunidades rurales que necesitan actualizaciones pendientes en los edificios escolares en ruinas.

Liderando este esfuerzo está el mega-donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien personalmente gastó $6 millones para poner esta medida en la boleta. Él y el presidente del partido republicano MAGA, Jim Walsh, preferirían privar a nuestros niños de oportunidades de aprendizaje que pagar lo que realmente deben en impuestos. Vote en contra de la I-2109.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-12

Si se aprueba, la Iniciativa 2109 de Washington (I-2109) derogaría el impuesto de plusvalía actual de Washington sobre las ganancias en el mercado de valores superiores a $250,000, eliminando más de $5 mil millones en financiamiento para educación temprana, cuidado infantil, educación K-12 y construcción de escuelas en los próximos 5 años. Esto es un beneficio fiscal para los multimillonarios y billonarios de Washington.

Todos los niños de Washington, sin importar su código postal o cuánto dinero ganen sus padres, deberían tener el mismo acceso al cuidado y la educación temprana. En su primer año, el impuesto de plusvalía de Washington financió la educación temprana y las escuelas con casi $900 millones. Este financiamiento educativo ya ha evitado que el sistema de cuidado infantil de Washington colapse, evitando los problemas que enfrentan otros estados.

El impuesto de plusvalía es pagado por solo el 0.2 por ciento de los habitantes de Washington, todos ellos extremadamente ricos. En 2023, 3,300 personas extremadamente ricas pagaron el impuesto. Un nuevo informe dice que este impuesto es una de las principales razones por las que Washington ya no tiene el código fiscal más regresivo de la nación. Algunas de las personas más ricas de nuestro estado han pasado los últimos dos años tratando de derogar este impuesto o hacer que se anule en la corte, y han fracasado. Ahora, están tratando de convencer a los votantes de eliminarlo para que ellos no tengan que pagarlo. 

Sin este financiamiento, los programas de cuidado infantil se verán afectados, las escuelas seguirán estando mal dotadas y las reparaciones y construcciones tan necesarias de escuelas se detendrán. Esto perjudicará a las familias trabajadoras que dependen del cuidado infantil, a los estudiantes que intentan aprender con libros de texto obsoletos y a las comunidades rurales que necesitan actualizaciones pendientes en los edificios escolares en ruinas.

Liderando este esfuerzo está el mega-donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien personalmente gastó $6 millones para poner esta medida en la boleta. Él y el presidente del partido republicano MAGA, Jim Walsh, preferirían privar a nuestros niños de oportunidades de aprendizaje que pagar lo que realmente deben en impuestos. Vote en contra de la I-2109.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-12

Vota NO en I-2117 para mantener la CCA en su lugar.

La Ley de Compromiso Climático (CCA) obliga a los grandes contaminadores a pagar por el daño que causan a nuestro aire, agua y comunidades. La Iniciativa 2117 eliminaría la CCA y prohibiría que Washington creara algo similar en el futuro. Los votantes de Washington han apoyado durante mucho tiempo los esfuerzos a nivel estatal para proteger nuestra salud del cambio climático y la contaminación. La Iniciativa 2117 (I-2117) es una iniciativa financiada por multimillonarios que busca revertir ese progreso. Revocaría la Ley de Compromiso Climático de 2021 que protege el aire que respiramos y el agua que bebemos utilizando fondos recaudados al hacer que los contaminadores paguen por el daño que causan.

Votar no en la I-2117 es crucial para nuestro medio ambiente y comunidades. Sin los fondos recaudados por la CCA, se terminarían, amenazarían o reducirían una gran cantidad de programas, incluida la restauración de pesquerías y costas, la resistencia a incendios forestales, la preservación de tierras naturales, programas de bicicletas escolares, tarifa de autobús gratuita para estudiantes, actualización de nuestro sistema de transbordadores y aumento del suministro sostenible de agua. Los ingresos de la Ley de Compromiso Climático también crean empleos locales bien remunerados, como hacer que los hogares sean más eficientes energéticamente e instalar bombas de calor y paneles solares. Terminar con este programa resultaría en la pérdida de muchos de estos buenos empleos y evitaría la creación de más.

Detrás de esta iniciativa está el mega donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien ha gastado personalmente más de $6 millones para poner esta medida en la boleta electoral. Se ha asociado con el presidente del Partido Republicano MAGA, Jim Walsh, para revertir las formas en que nuestros líderes electos han mejorado la vida en Washington en los últimos años sin importarle el daño que deja en nuestras comunidades.

Mientras las corporaciones de combustibles fósiles obtienen ganancias récord - BP Oil solo obtuvo $80 mil millones el año pasado, un aumento del 30 por ciento respecto a 2022 - nosotros, los consumidores, estamos pagando el precio con nuestra salud. La Ley de Compromiso Climático es nuestra mejor oportunidad en el estado de crear un futuro saludable para todos nosotros en Washington. Vote no en la I-2117 para mantener la CCA en su lugar.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-11

La Ley de Compromiso Climático (CCA) obliga a los grandes contaminadores a pagar por el daño que causan a nuestro aire, agua y comunidades. La Iniciativa 2117 eliminaría la CCA y prohibiría que Washington creara algo similar en el futuro. Los votantes de Washington han apoyado durante mucho tiempo los esfuerzos a nivel estatal para proteger nuestra salud del cambio climático y la contaminación. La Iniciativa 2117 (I-2117) es una iniciativa financiada por multimillonarios que busca revertir ese progreso. Revocaría la Ley de Compromiso Climático de 2021 que protege el aire que respiramos y el agua que bebemos utilizando fondos recaudados al hacer que los contaminadores paguen por el daño que causan.

Votar no en la I-2117 es crucial para nuestro medio ambiente y comunidades. Sin los fondos recaudados por la CCA, se terminarían, amenazarían o reducirían una gran cantidad de programas, incluida la restauración de pesquerías y costas, la resistencia a incendios forestales, la preservación de tierras naturales, programas de bicicletas escolares, tarifa de autobús gratuita para estudiantes, actualización de nuestro sistema de transbordadores y aumento del suministro sostenible de agua. Los ingresos de la Ley de Compromiso Climático también crean empleos locales bien remunerados, como hacer que los hogares sean más eficientes energéticamente e instalar bombas de calor y paneles solares. Terminar con este programa resultaría en la pérdida de muchos de estos buenos empleos y evitaría la creación de más.

Detrás de esta iniciativa está el mega donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien ha gastado personalmente más de $6 millones para poner esta medida en la boleta electoral. Se ha asociado con el presidente del Partido Republicano MAGA, Jim Walsh, para revertir las formas en que nuestros líderes electos han mejorado la vida en Washington en los últimos años sin importarle el daño que deja en nuestras comunidades.

Mientras las corporaciones de combustibles fósiles obtienen ganancias récord - BP Oil solo obtuvo $80 mil millones el año pasado, un aumento del 30 por ciento respecto a 2022 - nosotros, los consumidores, estamos pagando el precio con nuestra salud. La Ley de Compromiso Climático es nuestra mejor oportunidad en el estado de crear un futuro saludable para todos nosotros en Washington. Vote no en la I-2117 para mantener la CCA en su lugar.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-11

Vote NO en I-2124 y rechace este intento de derogar WA Cares

Si se aprueba, la Iniciativa de Washington 2124 (I-2124) eliminaría efectivamente la cobertura de cuidado a largo plazo para los adultos mayores de Washington al recortar fondos para el Fondo WA Cares. Esto significaría que millones de personas no tendrían cuidado en el hogar, cuidado familiar, modificaciones en el hogar y mucho más.

A medida que envejecemos, el 70 por ciento de nosotros necesitaremos cuidado a largo plazo: recibir ayuda con las comidas, las tareas domésticas y las tareas diarias son cosas que nos ayudan a vivir en nuestros propios hogares por más tiempo, pero muchos no pueden pagar esta asistencia. WA Cares funciona contribuyendo automáticamente el 0,58 por ciento de su salario a un fondo al que puede acceder cuando necesite asistencia o cuidado a largo plazo después de un accidente, cirugía o a medida que envejece. Eliminar la financiación para WA Cares significa que ninguno de nosotros podrá acceder a los beneficios de cuidado a largo plazo que necesitamos a menos que paguemos por un seguro privado. La I-2124 quitaría beneficios a los trabajadores de Washington que los han ganado al pagar al sistema.

La I-2124 está diseñada para hacer que el Fondo WA Cares fracase. Al hacer opcional el pago al programa, asegura que el fondo no tendrá suficiente dinero para operar y colapsará. Los habitantes de Washington solo tendrán la opción de comprar cuidado a largo plazo a través de costosos aseguradores privados, que típicamente solo los más ricos pueden pagar.

Liderando el esfuerzo para sabotear el cuidado a largo plazo está el mega donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien ha gastado personalmente más de $6 millones financiando todas las iniciativas de este año junto al presidente del Partido Republicano MAGA, el Representante Jim Walsh. Sus continuos esfuerzos por derogar cualquier fuente de financiación para necesidades públicas como la salud no solo son profundamente cínicos, sino peligrosos para la mayoría de nosotros.

La mayoría de los habitantes de Washington necesitarán asistencia a medida que envejecemos a través de cuidadores o modificaciones en el hogar que necesitamos para seguir viviendo en casa, y WA Cares nos proporciona eso a todos nosotros. Este esfuerzo impulsado por millonarios a corto plazo dejará a muchos de nosotros sin cuidado. Vote no en la I-2124 y rechace este intento de derogar WA Cares.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-24

Si se aprueba, la Iniciativa de Washington 2124 (I-2124) eliminaría efectivamente la cobertura de cuidado a largo plazo para los adultos mayores de Washington al recortar fondos para el Fondo WA Cares. Esto significaría que millones de personas no tendrían cuidado en el hogar, cuidado familiar, modificaciones en el hogar y mucho más.

A medida que envejecemos, el 70 por ciento de nosotros necesitaremos cuidado a largo plazo: recibir ayuda con las comidas, las tareas domésticas y las tareas diarias son cosas que nos ayudan a vivir en nuestros propios hogares por más tiempo, pero muchos no pueden pagar esta asistencia. WA Cares funciona contribuyendo automáticamente el 0,58 por ciento de su salario a un fondo al que puede acceder cuando necesite asistencia o cuidado a largo plazo después de un accidente, cirugía o a medida que envejece. Eliminar la financiación para WA Cares significa que ninguno de nosotros podrá acceder a los beneficios de cuidado a largo plazo que necesitamos a menos que paguemos por un seguro privado. La I-2124 quitaría beneficios a los trabajadores de Washington que los han ganado al pagar al sistema.

La I-2124 está diseñada para hacer que el Fondo WA Cares fracase. Al hacer opcional el pago al programa, asegura que el fondo no tendrá suficiente dinero para operar y colapsará. Los habitantes de Washington solo tendrán la opción de comprar cuidado a largo plazo a través de costosos aseguradores privados, que típicamente solo los más ricos pueden pagar.

Liderando el esfuerzo para sabotear el cuidado a largo plazo está el mega donante republicano Brian Heywood, quien ha gastado personalmente más de $6 millones financiando todas las iniciativas de este año junto al presidente del Partido Republicano MAGA, el Representante Jim Walsh. Sus continuos esfuerzos por derogar cualquier fuente de financiación para necesidades públicas como la salud no solo son profundamente cínicos, sino peligrosos para la mayoría de nosotros.

La mayoría de los habitantes de Washington necesitarán asistencia a medida que envejecemos a través de cuidadores o modificaciones en el hogar que necesitamos para seguir viviendo en casa, y WA Cares nos proporciona eso a todos nosotros. Este esfuerzo impulsado por millonarios a corto plazo dejará a muchos de nosotros sin cuidado. Vote no en la I-2124 y rechace este intento de derogar WA Cares.

Note: content is machine-translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-24


In this pivotal election, Vice President Kamala Harris embodies a hopeful vision of unity, freedom, and progress for our country’s future. Harris made history as the first Black woman and first South Asian woman to serve as Vice President and she has worked closely with President Biden to implement a broad and impressive agenda. Before that, she had a strong track record, ranging from leading the nation on recidivism reduction as San Francisco district attorney to fighting for marriage equality as California’s first woman attorney general to her hard-fought progressive victories in the U.S. Senate.

Throughout her public service career, Harris has demonstrated integrity, leadership, and tenacity in fighting for regular Americans. As a California senator, Harris sponsored progressive bills such as the Climate Equity Act of 2020 and the COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force Act of 2020 to build community safety that doesn’t leave anyone behind. Her 2024 campaign priorities include ensuring American billionaires pay their fair share in taxes while alleviating the burden on middle-class families, strengthening the Affordable Care Act, restoring and protecting reproductive health care across the country, defending civil rights against the authoritarian vision of Project 2025, making housing, child care, and education more affordable for all Americans, and more. In all of her leadership roles, she has never shied away from confronting bullies and she is more than qualified to stand up to Trump’s low blows, misinformation, and hate-based campaign.

Joining Harris as a running mate on the Democratic ticket is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a champion of working families and former high school teacher. Walz’s community leadership experience ranges from serving as a local football coach, representing a primarily Republican district as a Democrat in the U.S. House, and his current term uniting a purple state in Minnesota’s highest executive office. Walz’s priorities are firmly rooted in his Midwestern upbringing, union membership, and Army veteran background; he believes in responsible gun ownership, uplifting rural farmers, and protecting LGBTQ+ kids. He worked to lower the prescription cost of insulin to $35 for many Minnesotans and stood up for reproductive freedom after _Roe _was overturned as the first state to codify abortion rights into state law. His community-minded leadership and track record of bringing people together make him a strong partner for Harris.

While we can continue to push Kamala Harris’ platform towards even more progressive goals, it is clear that she is the best choice to make history as our next president of the United States.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19

In this pivotal election, Vice President Kamala Harris embodies a hopeful vision of unity, freedom, and progress for our country’s future. Harris made history as the first Black woman and first South Asian woman to serve as Vice President and she has worked closely with President Biden to implement a broad and impressive agenda. Before that, she had a strong track record, ranging from leading the nation on recidivism reduction as San Francisco district attorney to fighting for marriage equality as California’s first woman attorney general to her hard-fought progressive victories in the U.S. Senate.

Throughout her public service career, Harris has demonstrated integrity, leadership, and tenacity in fighting for regular Americans. As a California senator, Harris sponsored progressive bills such as the Climate Equity Act of 2020 and the COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force Act of 2020 to build community safety that doesn’t leave anyone behind. Her 2024 campaign priorities include ensuring American billionaires pay their fair share in taxes while alleviating the burden on middle-class families, strengthening the Affordable Care Act, restoring and protecting reproductive health care across the country, defending civil rights against the authoritarian vision of Project 2025, making housing, child care, and education more affordable for all Americans, and more. In all of her leadership roles, she has never shied away from confronting bullies and she is more than qualified to stand up to Trump’s low blows, misinformation, and hate-based campaign.

Joining Harris as a running mate on the Democratic ticket is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a champion of working families and former high school teacher. Walz’s community leadership experience ranges from serving as a local football coach, representing a primarily Republican district as a Democrat in the U.S. House, and his current term uniting a purple state in Minnesota’s highest executive office. Walz’s priorities are firmly rooted in his Midwestern upbringing, union membership, and Army veteran background; he believes in responsible gun ownership, uplifting rural farmers, and protecting LGBTQ+ kids. He worked to lower the prescription cost of insulin to $35 for many Minnesotans and stood up for reproductive freedom after _Roe _was overturned as the first state to codify abortion rights into state law. His community-minded leadership and track record of bringing people together make him a strong partner for Harris.

While we can continue to push Kamala Harris’ platform towards even more progressive goals, it is clear that she is the best choice to make history as our next president of the United States.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19

Otros Candidatos

Harris is running against former President Donald Trump in this election. Since the last presidential election when the American people rejected Trump’s hateful messages, he has incited a coup to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, been convicted of 34 felony counts of falsified business records, and continued to amplify white nationalist rhetoric. Donald Trump’s explicit goal with another term is to further dismantle our democratic institutions. His leaked Project 2025 would lead to an unprecedented rollback of basic civil rights and freedoms that we all enjoy. In his single term, Trump mishandled the national coronavirus response, separated thousands of immigrant children from their families and locked them in cages, sought to strip millions of Americans of health care, and eliminated climate protections that safeguard our air and water. Despite losing the 2020 election, the effects of his catastrophic presidency are still unfolding, most notably with the Supreme Court he installed overturning our reproductive freedoms. Trump’s running mate Ohio Governor JD Vance previously described Trump as “a total fraud that is exploiting [his base]” but is now running as another dangerously extremist figurehead. We cannot afford the damage and division of another Trump term.

There are a number of third-party candidates in this race. Perennial Green Party candidate Jill Stein is seeking the presidency again in this race. She sought the party nomination after Cornel West left the party to run separately. Her top priorities include climate policy that is even more aggressive on climate change than the Green New Deal, withdrawing American support of Israel and Ukraine, reforming the size and term limits of the Supreme Court, and securing free education from pre-K through college.

Decorated scholar, author, and professor Cornel West is running as a Justice For All Party candidate. Alongside his running mate Professor Melina Abdullah, West is campaigning against Biden’s strong support for the Israeli military in the ongoing war in Gaza. The rest of his platform is strongly justice-focused, viewing issues Americans face in the full context of their history and attempting to right historical wrongs while building community safety and prosperity.

Libertarian Chase Oliver represents more moderate Libertarian leadership in the face of a rising far-right faction within the party. He is an openly gay candidate and first discovered the Libertarian Party at an Atlanta Pride event. He is running with Mike ter Maat, a George H.W. Bush administration economist and retired “pro-reform” police officer, to decriminalize marijuana, withdraw aid to Ukraine and Israel, streamline citizenship pathways, defend NRA gun ideals, eliminate the Federal Reserve, and more.

Also in this race is Socialism and Liberation Party candidate Claudia De la Cruz running on an anti-capitalist platform. De la Cruz is an educator, working mother, organizer, and theologian from the South Bronx. Her running mate Karina Garcia is a Chicana organizer, working mother, and educator. Together the socialist candidates have a leftist view of what will empower working people and our country, including the nationalization of America’s top 100 largest companies, cutting the U.S. military budget by 90% to fight for a peace agenda, reproductive freedom for all, reparations for Black Americans, and criminalizing corporate lobbying, amongst many other priorities.

Former Baltimore resident Rachele Fruit is running as a pro-Israel, pro-working class candidate with the Socialist Workers Party candidate. Fruit believes that the major parties are too capitalist while other socialist movements do not stand against anti-semitism. The pillar of her campaign is upholding the state of Israel as a refuge for the Jewish diaspora from rising anti-Jewish hatred, and she believes strongly in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s vision, which includes settlement expansion, Palestinian displacement, and the eradication of Hamas. Her single-issue views are on the more extreme side of this debate.

Joseph Kishore, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party, is running with Trotskyist Jerry White on the party’s ticket in this election. Kishore’s platform is that of his party which seeks to mobilize the global working class against international, late-stage capitalism. It criticizes the United States’ support of Israel’s war in Gaza, warns of the rise of fascism within Trumpism, and advocates for the nationalization of major corporations, amongst other socialist goals.

Nirvana bassist and co-founder Krist Novoselić recently created his own new, Washington-based party called the Cascade Party to serve as a centrist option. Some priorities of the party include protecting family farming, reforming the judicial appointment process to include voters, environmental conservation and protection, and creating a hypercompetitive health care market where hospitals can reference credit scores when evaluating a patient’s ability to pay.

Finally, Independent candidate Shiva Ayyadurai is a known anti-vaccine activist who faced controversy when he claimed to have invented email as we know it when he was a teenager. He lacks a campaign platform in this race but his past Senate run seems to misunderstand progressive priorities adopted by the Democratic party in recent elections.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-20

Harris is running against former President Donald Trump in this election. Since the last presidential election when the American people rejected Trump’s hateful messages, he has incited a coup to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, been convicted of 34 felony counts of falsified business records, and continued to amplify white nationalist rhetoric. Donald Trump’s explicit goal with another term is to further dismantle our democratic institutions. His leaked Project 2025 would lead to an unprecedented rollback of basic civil rights and freedoms that we all enjoy. In his single term, Trump mishandled the national coronavirus response, separated thousands of immigrant children from their families and locked them in cages, sought to strip millions of Americans of health care, and eliminated climate protections that safeguard our air and water. Despite losing the 2020 election, the effects of his catastrophic presidency are still unfolding, most notably with the Supreme Court he installed overturning our reproductive freedoms. Trump’s running mate Ohio Governor JD Vance previously described Trump as “a total fraud that is exploiting [his base]” but is now running as another dangerously extremist figurehead. We cannot afford the damage and division of another Trump term.

There are a number of third-party candidates in this race. Perennial Green Party candidate Jill Stein is seeking the presidency again in this race. She sought the party nomination after Cornel West left the party to run separately. Her top priorities include climate policy that is even more aggressive on climate change than the Green New Deal, withdrawing American support of Israel and Ukraine, reforming the size and term limits of the Supreme Court, and securing free education from pre-K through college.

Decorated scholar, author, and professor Cornel West is running as a Justice For All Party candidate. Alongside his running mate Professor Melina Abdullah, West is campaigning against Biden’s strong support for the Israeli military in the ongoing war in Gaza. The rest of his platform is strongly justice-focused, viewing issues Americans face in the full context of their history and attempting to right historical wrongs while building community safety and prosperity.

Libertarian Chase Oliver represents more moderate Libertarian leadership in the face of a rising far-right faction within the party. He is an openly gay candidate and first discovered the Libertarian Party at an Atlanta Pride event. He is running with Mike ter Maat, a George H.W. Bush administration economist and retired “pro-reform” police officer, to decriminalize marijuana, withdraw aid to Ukraine and Israel, streamline citizenship pathways, defend NRA gun ideals, eliminate the Federal Reserve, and more.

Also in this race is Socialism and Liberation Party candidate Claudia De la Cruz running on an anti-capitalist platform. De la Cruz is an educator, working mother, organizer, and theologian from the South Bronx. Her running mate Karina Garcia is a Chicana organizer, working mother, and educator. Together the socialist candidates have a leftist view of what will empower working people and our country, including the nationalization of America’s top 100 largest companies, cutting the U.S. military budget by 90% to fight for a peace agenda, reproductive freedom for all, reparations for Black Americans, and criminalizing corporate lobbying, amongst many other priorities.

Former Baltimore resident Rachele Fruit is running as a pro-Israel, pro-working class candidate with the Socialist Workers Party candidate. Fruit believes that the major parties are too capitalist while other socialist movements do not stand against anti-semitism. The pillar of her campaign is upholding the state of Israel as a refuge for the Jewish diaspora from rising anti-Jewish hatred, and she believes strongly in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s vision, which includes settlement expansion, Palestinian displacement, and the eradication of Hamas. Her single-issue views are on the more extreme side of this debate.

Joseph Kishore, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party, is running with Trotskyist Jerry White on the party’s ticket in this election. Kishore’s platform is that of his party which seeks to mobilize the global working class against international, late-stage capitalism. It criticizes the United States’ support of Israel’s war in Gaza, warns of the rise of fascism within Trumpism, and advocates for the nationalization of major corporations, amongst other socialist goals.

Nirvana bassist and co-founder Krist Novoselić recently created his own new, Washington-based party called the Cascade Party to serve as a centrist option. Some priorities of the party include protecting family farming, reforming the judicial appointment process to include voters, environmental conservation and protection, and creating a hypercompetitive health care market where hospitals can reference credit scores when evaluating a patient’s ability to pay.

Finally, Independent candidate Shiva Ayyadurai is a known anti-vaccine activist who faced controversy when he claimed to have invented email as we know it when he was a teenager. He lacks a campaign platform in this race but his past Senate run seems to misunderstand progressive priorities adopted by the Democratic party in recent elections.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-20

Democrat Maria Cantwell is running for another term in the U.S. Senate, where she has served the state of Washington since 2001. Before that, she served in the state Legislature and had a successful career in the private sector, leading marketing efforts for a large tech company.

In Congress, Cantwell has been a strong advocate for environmental protections and clean energy. She recently sponsored bills to protect waterways while promoting clean energy and strengthening tribal involvement in matters relating to conservation and land management. This spring, Cantwell partnered with Sen. Patty Murray to secure $28 million in funding to replace lead pipes in Washington and ensure safe drinking water across the state. In this race, she is running on a broad and detailed platform to address Washington’s most pressing issues, including protecting and restoring reproductive health access, increasing funding for K-12 and student loans, and expanding the affordable housing tax credit and other housing solutions.

Dr. Raul Garcia is the Republican challenger for the U.S. Senate seat. After initially announcing a campaign for governor, he is now running to install conservative leadership in one of Washington’s senate seats. Dr. Garcia is a Yakima-based doctor and hospital medical director who previously ran for governor in 2020. He has served in leadership positions across medical institutions, nonprofits, and small businesses. Garcia has received support from some of Washington’s most prominent conservatives.

Cantwell has been a thoughtful and hard-working advocate for the people of Washington. She has earned your vote for another term in the U.S. Senate.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Maria Cantwell is running for another term in the U.S. Senate, where she has served the state of Washington since 2001. Before that, she served in the state Legislature and had a successful career in the private sector, leading marketing efforts for a large tech company.

In Congress, Cantwell has been a strong advocate for environmental protections and clean energy. She recently sponsored bills to protect waterways while promoting clean energy and strengthening tribal involvement in matters relating to conservation and land management. This spring, Cantwell partnered with Sen. Patty Murray to secure $28 million in funding to replace lead pipes in Washington and ensure safe drinking water across the state. In this race, she is running on a broad and detailed platform to address Washington’s most pressing issues, including protecting and restoring reproductive health access, increasing funding for K-12 and student loans, and expanding the affordable housing tax credit and other housing solutions.

Dr. Raul Garcia is the Republican challenger for the U.S. Senate seat. After initially announcing a campaign for governor, he is now running to install conservative leadership in one of Washington’s senate seats. Dr. Garcia is a Yakima-based doctor and hospital medical director who previously ran for governor in 2020. He has served in leadership positions across medical institutions, nonprofits, and small businesses. Garcia has received support from some of Washington’s most prominent conservatives.

Cantwell has been a thoughtful and hard-working advocate for the people of Washington. She has earned your vote for another term in the U.S. Senate.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18


Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot.

1st Distrito Congresional

Rep. Suzan DelBene is seeking another term representing Washington Congressional District 1 in the U.S. House. DelBene has been a staunch advocate for working families, consumer protections and data privacy, health care, technology, and small businesses since she was first elected to the position in 2012. She also serves on the Pro-Choice Caucus. Professionally, her background is in tech, including working at Microsoft and leading a handful of local startups. In addition, she worked as the director of the Washington State Department of Revenue before joining Congress.

Some of DelBene’s greatest accomplishments in office include expanding the low-income housing and child tax credits, increasing access to baby formula across the country, funding job-training opportunities (resulting in $22 million for Washington state alone), and securing programs to support Americans struggling with substance abuse issues. In this race, she boasts a detailed, thoughtful platform that includes priorities to defend reproductive freedom, reduce the cost of living for working families, increase access to affordable health care, safeguard our local ecosystems and natural resources, strengthen the Social Security program, support Washington farms and food security, and more.

Jeb Brewer works in program management and construction services. In 2022, Brewer challenged progressive Sen. John Lovick in Washington’s 44th Legislative District. Now, in his bid for Congress, Brewer is running on a moderately conservative platform. He says he wants to streamline the tax payment system but offers no ideas about how to balance our tax code so that corporations and the wealthy pay their share. Brewer shares support for health care affordability and environmental protections but criticizes the type of bold actions that can actually create progress on these issues.

DelBene is a strong Democratic voice in Congress who deserves another vote to continue advocating for Washington’s 1st Congressional District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Rep. Suzan DelBene is seeking another term representing Washington Congressional District 1 in the U.S. House. DelBene has been a staunch advocate for working families, consumer protections and data privacy, health care, technology, and small businesses since she was first elected to the position in 2012. She also serves on the Pro-Choice Caucus. Professionally, her background is in tech, including working at Microsoft and leading a handful of local startups. In addition, she worked as the director of the Washington State Department of Revenue before joining Congress.

Some of DelBene’s greatest accomplishments in office include expanding the low-income housing and child tax credits, increasing access to baby formula across the country, funding job-training opportunities (resulting in $22 million for Washington state alone), and securing programs to support Americans struggling with substance abuse issues. In this race, she boasts a detailed, thoughtful platform that includes priorities to defend reproductive freedom, reduce the cost of living for working families, increase access to affordable health care, safeguard our local ecosystems and natural resources, strengthen the Social Security program, support Washington farms and food security, and more.

Jeb Brewer works in program management and construction services. In 2022, Brewer challenged progressive Sen. John Lovick in Washington’s 44th Legislative District. Now, in his bid for Congress, Brewer is running on a moderately conservative platform. He says he wants to streamline the tax payment system but offers no ideas about how to balance our tax code so that corporations and the wealthy pay their share. Brewer shares support for health care affordability and environmental protections but criticizes the type of bold actions that can actually create progress on these issues.

DelBene is a strong Democratic voice in Congress who deserves another vote to continue advocating for Washington’s 1st Congressional District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

2nd Distrito Congresional

Congressman Rick Larsen is running for re-election to the U.S. House in Washington's 2nd Congressional District. Larsen is a moderate Democrat who is serving his twelfth term in Congress and previously worked as a Snohomish County Council member. In office, he has specialized in areas of global trade, environmental conservation, and transportation and infrastructure, a committee on which he is the lead Democrat.

In office, Larsen has helped to make historic investments to address climate change, modernize infrastructure, and combat the opioid epidemic by giving Americans struggling with substance abuse the support they need. He is a reliable vote with the Biden administration’s priorities such as child tax credits, lowering prescription medication costs, voting rights, student loan reduction, and clean energy. He continues to be a more moderate voice in this race, rather than a leader for bold progress. If re-elected, Larsen wants to support working families and small businesses, address climate change, support reproductive freedom, prevent gun violence, and expand affordable health care so that everyone, regardless of income, can access the care and medication they need.

Conservative Cody Hart is also in this race with the familiar tagline to “Make America Great Again.” Hart is a civil engineer and Navy veteran who is using this campaign to espouse far-right ideas and conspiracy theories that only serve to distract from the issues facing the district. If elected, he wants to enact extremely restrictive laws on reproductive health care access, eliminate gun violence prevention policies, and prevent students from learning age-appropriate sexual health education.

We recommend Rick Larsen.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Congressman Rick Larsen is running for re-election to the U.S. House in Washington's 2nd Congressional District. Larsen is a moderate Democrat who is serving his twelfth term in Congress and previously worked as a Snohomish County Council member. In office, he has specialized in areas of global trade, environmental conservation, and transportation and infrastructure, a committee on which he is the lead Democrat.

In office, Larsen has helped to make historic investments to address climate change, modernize infrastructure, and combat the opioid epidemic by giving Americans struggling with substance abuse the support they need. He is a reliable vote with the Biden administration’s priorities such as child tax credits, lowering prescription medication costs, voting rights, student loan reduction, and clean energy. He continues to be a more moderate voice in this race, rather than a leader for bold progress. If re-elected, Larsen wants to support working families and small businesses, address climate change, support reproductive freedom, prevent gun violence, and expand affordable health care so that everyone, regardless of income, can access the care and medication they need.

Conservative Cody Hart is also in this race with the familiar tagline to “Make America Great Again.” Hart is a civil engineer and Navy veteran who is using this campaign to espouse far-right ideas and conspiracy theories that only serve to distract from the issues facing the district. If elected, he wants to enact extremely restrictive laws on reproductive health care access, eliminate gun violence prevention policies, and prevent students from learning age-appropriate sexual health education.

We recommend Rick Larsen.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

8th Distrito Congresional

Dr. Kim Schrier is running for a fourth term representing Congressional District 8 in the U.S. House. She was first elected in 2018 when she turned the seat blue for the first time in its history. Schrier is a former pediatrician who previously ran a local practice in Issaquah. In her past three terms in Congress, she has come to represent a pragmatic voice working across party lines to advocate for Washington’s working families and economic prosperity across our state.

In Congress, Rep. Schrier has leveraged her background in medicine as well as her strong community experience to advocate effectively for her constituents. This recent term, she sponsored a slate of health-related legislation, including bills to establish a state public option to make health care more affordable, to protect providers who work in reproductive health care, and to help kids access primary care. She was also a leader in bringing climate solutions to the agricultural industry, providing tax credits to working families, and addressing the baby formula shortage. Her past key votes have aligned with Biden’s more progressive bills including Build Back Better which would have made huge strides in addressing climate change, funding early childhood education, and extending the child tax credit. Schrier’s campaign platform in this race reflects her continued goals to build a healthy, prosperous future for all Washingtonians. Some of her progressive campaign priorities include women’s rights, gun violence prevention, corporate accountability, veteran support, child nutrition, environmental protections, and lowering the cost of living.

Carmen Goers is a Republican challenging Kim Schrier in Washington’s 8th Congressional District. Goers is a veteran and a financial services professional of 25 years who has also served with the Kent Chamber of Commerce. In 2022, Goers ran for the state Legislature in the 47th Legislative District but lost to Chris Stearns. Now, she is running on to bring conservative fiscal policy to Congress. This would mean bigger tax breaks for the wealthiest, prioritizing business profits above considerations like environmental sustainability or fair wages, and cutting public services that allow all Americans, regardless of background, to access the basics and build better futures. Washingtonians in the 8th CD deserve a representative who will place community needs first to make Washington a place where all residents have the opportunity to thrive, and Goers is not that candidate.

Schrier has earned your vote for another term.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-20

Dr. Kim Schrier is running for a fourth term representing Congressional District 8 in the U.S. House. She was first elected in 2018 when she turned the seat blue for the first time in its history. Schrier is a former pediatrician who previously ran a local practice in Issaquah. In her past three terms in Congress, she has come to represent a pragmatic voice working across party lines to advocate for Washington’s working families and economic prosperity across our state.

In Congress, Rep. Schrier has leveraged her background in medicine as well as her strong community experience to advocate effectively for her constituents. This recent term, she sponsored a slate of health-related legislation, including bills to establish a state public option to make health care more affordable, to protect providers who work in reproductive health care, and to help kids access primary care. She was also a leader in bringing climate solutions to the agricultural industry, providing tax credits to working families, and addressing the baby formula shortage. Her past key votes have aligned with Biden’s more progressive bills including Build Back Better which would have made huge strides in addressing climate change, funding early childhood education, and extending the child tax credit. Schrier’s campaign platform in this race reflects her continued goals to build a healthy, prosperous future for all Washingtonians. Some of her progressive campaign priorities include women’s rights, gun violence prevention, corporate accountability, veteran support, child nutrition, environmental protections, and lowering the cost of living.

Carmen Goers is a Republican challenging Kim Schrier in Washington’s 8th Congressional District. Goers is a veteran and a financial services professional of 25 years who has also served with the Kent Chamber of Commerce. In 2022, Goers ran for the state Legislature in the 47th Legislative District but lost to Chris Stearns. Now, she is running on to bring conservative fiscal policy to Congress. This would mean bigger tax breaks for the wealthiest, prioritizing business profits above considerations like environmental sustainability or fair wages, and cutting public services that allow all Americans, regardless of background, to access the basics and build better futures. Washingtonians in the 8th CD deserve a representative who will place community needs first to make Washington a place where all residents have the opportunity to thrive, and Goers is not that candidate.

Schrier has earned your vote for another term.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-20

A nivel estatal

El Fiscal General Bob Ferguson se postula para gobernador con su impresionante historial de defensa de todos los habitantes de Washington. Ha servido como fiscal general desde 2012 y ha ganado algunos de los casos legales más grandes y más importantes en la historia de Washington durante ese tiempo.

Ferguson tiene un impresionante historial de éxito en litigios contra la administración Trump y corporaciones codiciosas. Cuando Donald Trump atacó el acceso a la anticoncepción, Ferguson lo llevó a los tribunales y ganó. Ferguson ha demandado al gobierno federal para limpiar más rápidamente la instalación nuclear de Hanford y ha defendido la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio de la Administración Trump, ayudando a preservar la atención médica para 825,000 habitantes de Washington. Otras victorias incluyen proteger la calidad del agua en todo el estado de las políticas ambientales pro-contaminación de Trump, asegurar más de $1 mil millones de fabricantes de opioides para financiar tratamiento, y luchar contra las leyes de detención de niños.

Todas estas victorias reflejan las prioridades de Ferguson al postularse para gobernador: seguir luchando para mejorar el acceso a la atención médica, proteger a los consumidores y fortalecer los derechos de las familias trabajadoras en Washington. Si es elegido, tiene planes de ampliar la atención de salud conductual. Reconociendo que actualmente "nuestras cárceles son colectivamente nuestro proveedor de salud mental más grande", está comprometido con una gran cantidad de intervenciones en nuestras comunidades, incluida la prevención, agregar más proveedores de salud y más apoyo de servicios entre pares. También está comprometido a romper los monopolios corporativos y reducir el costo de vida, establecer a Washington como un centro de energía limpia y explorar la infraestructura de ferrocarril de alta velocidad.

El republicano y ex Representante de los Estados Unidos Dave Reichert se postula contra Ferguson. Reichert sirvió en el 8º Distrito del Congreso de Washington en la Cámara de Representantes durante 14 años. Durante ese tiempo, tomó algunas malas decisiones en contra de las protecciones climáticas y la accesibilidad a la atención médica y votó a favor de una prohibición nacional del aborto, entre otras votaciones antiaborto. También sirvió anteriormente como Sheriff del Condado de King y trabajó en el prominente caso del asesino del Río Verde.

Aunque Reichert es hábil para sonar más moderado que algunos de sus colegas de MAGA, sus posiciones políticas dicen la verdad, especialmente cuando habla con grupos amistosos de republicanos a puerta cerrada. A principios de este año, Reichert dijo que se opone a la igualdad matrimonial, que los votantes de Washington aprobaron en 2012 y se convirtió en ley a nivel nacional en 2015. Más recientemente, Reichert finalmente admitió que planea votar por Trump en noviembre y citó su gorra MAGA firmada como evidencia de sus credenciales republicanas. Finalmente, Reichert cuestionó el impacto de los humanos en el cambio climático, a pesar del abrumador consenso científico. Reichert claramente está fuera de sintonía con los valores de la mayoría de los habitantes de Washington.

Bob Ferguson es un progresista consumado que lidera con integridad y determinación. Es la mejor opción para ser el próximo gobernador de Washington.

Content is machine translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

El Fiscal General Bob Ferguson se postula para gobernador con su impresionante historial de defensa de todos los habitantes de Washington. Ha servido como fiscal general desde 2012 y ha ganado algunos de los casos legales más grandes y más importantes en la historia de Washington durante ese tiempo.

Ferguson tiene un impresionante historial de éxito en litigios contra la administración Trump y corporaciones codiciosas. Cuando Donald Trump atacó el acceso a la anticoncepción, Ferguson lo llevó a los tribunales y ganó. Ferguson ha demandado al gobierno federal para limpiar más rápidamente la instalación nuclear de Hanford y ha defendido la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio de la Administración Trump, ayudando a preservar la atención médica para 825,000 habitantes de Washington. Otras victorias incluyen proteger la calidad del agua en todo el estado de las políticas ambientales pro-contaminación de Trump, asegurar más de $1 mil millones de fabricantes de opioides para financiar tratamiento, y luchar contra las leyes de detención de niños.

Todas estas victorias reflejan las prioridades de Ferguson al postularse para gobernador: seguir luchando para mejorar el acceso a la atención médica, proteger a los consumidores y fortalecer los derechos de las familias trabajadoras en Washington. Si es elegido, tiene planes de ampliar la atención de salud conductual. Reconociendo que actualmente "nuestras cárceles son colectivamente nuestro proveedor de salud mental más grande", está comprometido con una gran cantidad de intervenciones en nuestras comunidades, incluida la prevención, agregar más proveedores de salud y más apoyo de servicios entre pares. También está comprometido a romper los monopolios corporativos y reducir el costo de vida, establecer a Washington como un centro de energía limpia y explorar la infraestructura de ferrocarril de alta velocidad.

El republicano y ex Representante de los Estados Unidos Dave Reichert se postula contra Ferguson. Reichert sirvió en el 8º Distrito del Congreso de Washington en la Cámara de Representantes durante 14 años. Durante ese tiempo, tomó algunas malas decisiones en contra de las protecciones climáticas y la accesibilidad a la atención médica y votó a favor de una prohibición nacional del aborto, entre otras votaciones antiaborto. También sirvió anteriormente como Sheriff del Condado de King y trabajó en el prominente caso del asesino del Río Verde.

Aunque Reichert es hábil para sonar más moderado que algunos de sus colegas de MAGA, sus posiciones políticas dicen la verdad, especialmente cuando habla con grupos amistosos de republicanos a puerta cerrada. A principios de este año, Reichert dijo que se opone a la igualdad matrimonial, que los votantes de Washington aprobaron en 2012 y se convirtió en ley a nivel nacional en 2015. Más recientemente, Reichert finalmente admitió que planea votar por Trump en noviembre y citó su gorra MAGA firmada como evidencia de sus credenciales republicanas. Finalmente, Reichert cuestionó el impacto de los humanos en el cambio climático, a pesar del abrumador consenso científico. Reichert claramente está fuera de sintonía con los valores de la mayoría de los habitantes de Washington.

Bob Ferguson es un progresista consumado que lidera con integridad y determinación. Es la mejor opción para ser el próximo gobernador de Washington.

Content is machine translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Democrat Denny Heck is running for a second term as Washington’s lieutenant governor. Heck is a former representative who served the 10th Congressional District from 2013 until 2021. His professional background also includes serving five terms representing Legislative District 17 in the state House, starting small businesses in his community, serving as the chief of staff to Gov. Booth Gardner, and founding one of the nation’s largest statewide public affairs networks.

Heck has fought for a number of Democratic priorities, including rebalancing our upside-down tax code, investing in public infrastructure, reducing health care costs, increasing workforce development and employment opportunities, and making college more affordable. He's running to continue fighting for affordability, health and safety, and opportunity for all Washingtonians.

Heck is running against Republican Dan Matthews, a veteran and former school board member running to deprioritize public schools in favor of private education, cut spending on social services, and roll back laws that hold corporations accountable. He is not a progressive choice and doesn't represent the needs of our communities.

We recommend Denny Heck for another term as the state’s lieutenant governor.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Denny Heck is running for a second term as Washington’s lieutenant governor. Heck is a former representative who served the 10th Congressional District from 2013 until 2021. His professional background also includes serving five terms representing Legislative District 17 in the state House, starting small businesses in his community, serving as the chief of staff to Gov. Booth Gardner, and founding one of the nation’s largest statewide public affairs networks.

Heck has fought for a number of Democratic priorities, including rebalancing our upside-down tax code, investing in public infrastructure, reducing health care costs, increasing workforce development and employment opportunities, and making college more affordable. He's running to continue fighting for affordability, health and safety, and opportunity for all Washingtonians.

Heck is running against Republican Dan Matthews, a veteran and former school board member running to deprioritize public schools in favor of private education, cut spending on social services, and roll back laws that hold corporations accountable. He is not a progressive choice and doesn't represent the needs of our communities.

We recommend Denny Heck for another term as the state’s lieutenant governor.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Steve Hobbs is running for another term as Washington's secretary of state. He first joined the office when he was appointed in 2021 and was retained by voters in 2022. Hobbs, a first-generation Japanese American, previously served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Washington Army National Guard and a four-term state senator for the 44th Legislative District.

In office, Hobbs has pursued a progressive set of priorities to ensure Washington’s election integrity, making the state safe from attacks and accessible to all Washington voters. He has worked on strengthening digital security, preventing the spread of misinformation, and voter outreach. Unfortunately, in the last election, he expressed concerns about implementing ranked-choice voting for fear of the fragility of public trust and the accessibility of it to non-English-speaking voters.

In this race, Hobbs’ top two priorities are to ensure our elections remain both secure and accessible for every eligible voter. While he has and will continue to pursue security measures – such as cybersecurity investments and improvement grants, Hobbs also believes it’s his job to restore community trust in him and his office. He has also taken great strides to reach eligible voters from historically disenfranchised communities, including formerly incarcerated voters.

Republican Dale Whitaker, who owns a small tax business, is also in this race. Whitaker serves as the executive director of We Believe We Vote, which claims to educate Christian voters by supporting conservatives with some of the _most _extreme views in the state, including strong anti-abortion stances, homophobic positions, and a belief that the Christian Bible should be the ultimate guiding text for leaders. In this race, Whitaker’s top priority is election transparency and security. Unfortunately, the greatest threat to our democratic, electoral processes has been incursions from the far-right, of which Whitaker is affiliated. Washington voters deserve a secretary of state who is above divisive, conspiracy-based politics.

Hobbs is the best choice for Washington's secretary of state.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Steve Hobbs is running for another term as Washington's secretary of state. He first joined the office when he was appointed in 2021 and was retained by voters in 2022. Hobbs, a first-generation Japanese American, previously served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Washington Army National Guard and a four-term state senator for the 44th Legislative District.

In office, Hobbs has pursued a progressive set of priorities to ensure Washington’s election integrity, making the state safe from attacks and accessible to all Washington voters. He has worked on strengthening digital security, preventing the spread of misinformation, and voter outreach. Unfortunately, in the last election, he expressed concerns about implementing ranked-choice voting for fear of the fragility of public trust and the accessibility of it to non-English-speaking voters.

In this race, Hobbs’ top two priorities are to ensure our elections remain both secure and accessible for every eligible voter. While he has and will continue to pursue security measures – such as cybersecurity investments and improvement grants, Hobbs also believes it’s his job to restore community trust in him and his office. He has also taken great strides to reach eligible voters from historically disenfranchised communities, including formerly incarcerated voters.

Republican Dale Whitaker, who owns a small tax business, is also in this race. Whitaker serves as the executive director of We Believe We Vote, which claims to educate Christian voters by supporting conservatives with some of the _most _extreme views in the state, including strong anti-abortion stances, homophobic positions, and a belief that the Christian Bible should be the ultimate guiding text for leaders. In this race, Whitaker’s top priority is election transparency and security. Unfortunately, the greatest threat to our democratic, electoral processes has been incursions from the far-right, of which Whitaker is affiliated. Washington voters deserve a secretary of state who is above divisive, conspiracy-based politics.

Hobbs is the best choice for Washington's secretary of state.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic incumbent Mike Pellicciotti is running for re-election to Washington state treasurer. Pellicciotti was first elected to the position in 2020. Before that, Pellicciotti served as a representative for Legislative District 30 in the state House, an assistant state attorney general, and a deputy prosecuting attorney for King County.

In public office, he has advocated for transparency and public accountability. He has never accepted corporate campaign donations and previously worked to make the Legislature’s records open for public view. As a treasurer, he has prioritized economic security and prosperity for all, especially working families and retirees. In office, he has worked to strengthen budget reserves, increase pension funds, and manage debt costs.

Republican Sharon Hanek is challenging Pellicciotti in this race. Hanek is a certified public accountant and serves as the vice chair of the Pierce County Planning Commission. Hanek has run for office unsuccessfully several times before, including losing by more than 17 percent statewide in her 2012 run for state Treasurer. Hanek is the founder of My Family My Choice, a far-right group aligned with Moms for Liberty that wants to ban books and promotes conspiracy theories about public schools. We can't afford to give Hanek a statewide platform for her dangerous, far-right agenda.

Pellicciotti has been a reliable Democratic leader in the Washington state treasurer’s office and he has earned your vote for another term.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Democratic incumbent Mike Pellicciotti is running for re-election to Washington state treasurer. Pellicciotti was first elected to the position in 2020. Before that, Pellicciotti served as a representative for Legislative District 30 in the state House, an assistant state attorney general, and a deputy prosecuting attorney for King County.

In public office, he has advocated for transparency and public accountability. He has never accepted corporate campaign donations and previously worked to make the Legislature’s records open for public view. As a treasurer, he has prioritized economic security and prosperity for all, especially working families and retirees. In office, he has worked to strengthen budget reserves, increase pension funds, and manage debt costs.

Republican Sharon Hanek is challenging Pellicciotti in this race. Hanek is a certified public accountant and serves as the vice chair of the Pierce County Planning Commission. Hanek has run for office unsuccessfully several times before, including losing by more than 17 percent statewide in her 2012 run for state Treasurer. Hanek is the founder of My Family My Choice, a far-right group aligned with Moms for Liberty that wants to ban books and promotes conspiracy theories about public schools. We can't afford to give Hanek a statewide platform for her dangerous, far-right agenda.

Pellicciotti has been a reliable Democratic leader in the Washington state treasurer’s office and he has earned your vote for another term.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Incumbent Democrat Pat McCarthy is running for a third term as Washington state auditor. McCarthy made history as the state’s first woman auditor when she took office in 2017. Before that, she served Pierce County in the elected roles of both executive and auditor and was previously a member of the Tacoma School Board, including as board president. She serves in multiple community leadership positions including on the Asian Pacific Cultural Center Advisory Board and with the Pierce County Sexual Assault Center.

In her first two terms, McCarthy has worked hard to bring accountability and transparency to the auditor’s office. She previously launched important investigations into both white-collar crime and unemployment benefit cases and even oversaw the largest fraud case in state history pertaining to misappropriated local housing funds. Looking towards another term, McCarthy wants to prioritize public and private sector integrity, responsible resource use, and advancing the office’s technology infrastructure to serve the public better.

Spokane County Republican Party leader Matt Hawkins is challenging incumbent McCarthy in this race. Hawkins created the We The People interactive calendar, which details events in U.S. history that he deems important. He has run for elected office before including vying for the top Republican Party job in the state last year, as well as the Washington state Senate in 2018. In this race, Hawkins boasts a typically conservative platform which includes continuing to cast doubt on the security of our local elections and worsening the imbalance in our state’s tax code.

McCarthy has earned your vote for another term as Washington's state auditor.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Incumbent Democrat Pat McCarthy is running for a third term as Washington state auditor. McCarthy made history as the state’s first woman auditor when she took office in 2017. Before that, she served Pierce County in the elected roles of both executive and auditor and was previously a member of the Tacoma School Board, including as board president. She serves in multiple community leadership positions including on the Asian Pacific Cultural Center Advisory Board and with the Pierce County Sexual Assault Center.

In her first two terms, McCarthy has worked hard to bring accountability and transparency to the auditor’s office. She previously launched important investigations into both white-collar crime and unemployment benefit cases and even oversaw the largest fraud case in state history pertaining to misappropriated local housing funds. Looking towards another term, McCarthy wants to prioritize public and private sector integrity, responsible resource use, and advancing the office’s technology infrastructure to serve the public better.

Spokane County Republican Party leader Matt Hawkins is challenging incumbent McCarthy in this race. Hawkins created the We The People interactive calendar, which details events in U.S. history that he deems important. He has run for elected office before including vying for the top Republican Party job in the state last year, as well as the Washington state Senate in 2018. In this race, Hawkins boasts a typically conservative platform which includes continuing to cast doubt on the security of our local elections and worsening the imbalance in our state’s tax code.

McCarthy has earned your vote for another term as Washington's state auditor.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Nick Brown is a former U.S. attorney for Western Washington running to protect the climate, our democracy, and Washingtonians' civil rights. Before his appointment by the Biden Administration in 2021, Brown worked as the general counsel for Gov. Jay Inslee. He also served in the US Army as a judge advocate general (JAG) officer, where he represented soldiers and the Army in legal matters, followed by working as a prosecutor. Brown has also served as chair of the attorney general’s Advisory Subcommittee on Civil Rights.

As the first Black U.S. attorney in the state's history, Brown notes that Washington is experiencing the highest number of hate crimes in 20 years. He wants to use the attorney general's office to implement laws that prosecute domestic terrorists, especially the burgeoning white supremacist movements that have threatened local leaders and committed violent hate crimes.

In our interview with Brown, he identified his top three priorities as strengthening the operations of the office, holding local jurisdictions accountable for upholding the law, and environmental enforcement. He emphasized his work with the attorney general's office as a special assistant attorney general and said that he would strive to build a more representative office and ensure they resolve problems with legal standards that led to the office receiving a fine last year. One of Brown's biggest accomplishments as an attorney was helping write Initiative 1639, Safe Schools and Safe Communities, which makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to own a semi-automatic rifle. He later defended the law against the NRA. Building from that success, Brown wants to continue to enforce laws against deadly weapons and defend the state against voter suppression, wage theft, and more. Brown also wants to enforce environmental laws strictly and uphold strong consumer protections by, for example, pursuing the ongoing investigation on monopolistic practices by landlords and rental companies to keep prices inflated.

Republican and Pasco attorney Pete Serrano is running to bring a conservative agenda to the attorney general's office. Serrano is the board president and general counsel of an organization that fights commonsense gun laws and public health mandates, and he was recently elected mayor of Pasco. He states that while he disagrees with these laws he will follow the state Constitution, but the Seattle Times also reported that he intended to remain "actively engaged" with the organization in a Facebook video on the organization's page. If elected he promises to "Make Washington Safe Again" and make the office more transparent. Serrano is not a progressive choice in this race.

Brown is the clear choice in the race to be the next Attorney General of Washington.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Nick Brown is a former U.S. attorney for Western Washington running to protect the climate, our democracy, and Washingtonians' civil rights. Before his appointment by the Biden Administration in 2021, Brown worked as the general counsel for Gov. Jay Inslee. He also served in the US Army as a judge advocate general (JAG) officer, where he represented soldiers and the Army in legal matters, followed by working as a prosecutor. Brown has also served as chair of the attorney general’s Advisory Subcommittee on Civil Rights.

As the first Black U.S. attorney in the state's history, Brown notes that Washington is experiencing the highest number of hate crimes in 20 years. He wants to use the attorney general's office to implement laws that prosecute domestic terrorists, especially the burgeoning white supremacist movements that have threatened local leaders and committed violent hate crimes.

In our interview with Brown, he identified his top three priorities as strengthening the operations of the office, holding local jurisdictions accountable for upholding the law, and environmental enforcement. He emphasized his work with the attorney general's office as a special assistant attorney general and said that he would strive to build a more representative office and ensure they resolve problems with legal standards that led to the office receiving a fine last year. One of Brown's biggest accomplishments as an attorney was helping write Initiative 1639, Safe Schools and Safe Communities, which makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to own a semi-automatic rifle. He later defended the law against the NRA. Building from that success, Brown wants to continue to enforce laws against deadly weapons and defend the state against voter suppression, wage theft, and more. Brown also wants to enforce environmental laws strictly and uphold strong consumer protections by, for example, pursuing the ongoing investigation on monopolistic practices by landlords and rental companies to keep prices inflated.

Republican and Pasco attorney Pete Serrano is running to bring a conservative agenda to the attorney general's office. Serrano is the board president and general counsel of an organization that fights commonsense gun laws and public health mandates, and he was recently elected mayor of Pasco. He states that while he disagrees with these laws he will follow the state Constitution, but the Seattle Times also reported that he intended to remain "actively engaged" with the organization in a Facebook video on the organization's page. If elected he promises to "Make Washington Safe Again" and make the office more transparent. Serrano is not a progressive choice in this race.

Brown is the clear choice in the race to be the next Attorney General of Washington.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

King County Council chair Dave Upthegrove is running for commissioner of public lands to fill the vacancy left by Hilary Franz. Upthegrove previously served in the Legislature for five terms, where he made history as the first openly gay representative from outside of Seattle. He joined the King County Council in 2013, where he has been a strong advocate for climate concerns and environmental protections. 

Upthegrove has an inclusive vision for using the office to improve the quality of life for all Washingtonians. Upthegrove wants to mitigate the damage of wildfire seasons, bring good jobs and services to rural Washington, preserve mature legacy forests, expand recreational opportunities on public lands, and center the idea of environmental justice to guide policy. While he lauds the incumbent Franz for her work on wildfire prevention, Upthegrove wants to be more ambitious when it comes to reforming forestry policies. He believes the department needs a more honest accounting of the carbon impacts of forestry and timber work, which he is well positioned to lead having managed King County's forest carbon program. Upthegrove also wants to use his experience and relationships in the legislature to help pass laws and increase funding for the department's conservation work.

Former congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler is back on the ballot this election. In 2022, she lost her re-election primary to ultra-conservative Joe Kent and current Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez. In Congress, Herrera Beutler voted with Trump more than 80 percent of the time, though she has received criticism from her party after voting to impeach Donald Trump following the January 6th insurrection. Herrera Beutler has overwhelmingly opposed bills that protect our environment including the 2021 Build Back Better Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act which, both contained bold policies to alleviate the climate crisis. She lacks a detailed campaign platform in this race but mentions wildfire mitigation, habitat preservation, and public land use as top issues.

The race for this open seat will determine whether our state will be a leader in fighting climate change, protecting our forests, and preventing forest fires or bow to the demands of big timber companies. Upthegrove's environmental track record in office and endorsements from Washington Conservation Action, the Sierra Club, and other environmental champions make him the clear choice in this race.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

King County Council chair Dave Upthegrove is running for commissioner of public lands to fill the vacancy left by Hilary Franz. Upthegrove previously served in the Legislature for five terms, where he made history as the first openly gay representative from outside of Seattle. He joined the King County Council in 2013, where he has been a strong advocate for climate concerns and environmental protections. 

Upthegrove has an inclusive vision for using the office to improve the quality of life for all Washingtonians. Upthegrove wants to mitigate the damage of wildfire seasons, bring good jobs and services to rural Washington, preserve mature legacy forests, expand recreational opportunities on public lands, and center the idea of environmental justice to guide policy. While he lauds the incumbent Franz for her work on wildfire prevention, Upthegrove wants to be more ambitious when it comes to reforming forestry policies. He believes the department needs a more honest accounting of the carbon impacts of forestry and timber work, which he is well positioned to lead having managed King County's forest carbon program. Upthegrove also wants to use his experience and relationships in the legislature to help pass laws and increase funding for the department's conservation work.

Former congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler is back on the ballot this election. In 2022, she lost her re-election primary to ultra-conservative Joe Kent and current Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez. In Congress, Herrera Beutler voted with Trump more than 80 percent of the time, though she has received criticism from her party after voting to impeach Donald Trump following the January 6th insurrection. Herrera Beutler has overwhelmingly opposed bills that protect our environment including the 2021 Build Back Better Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act which, both contained bold policies to alleviate the climate crisis. She lacks a detailed campaign platform in this race but mentions wildfire mitigation, habitat preservation, and public land use as top issues.

The race for this open seat will determine whether our state will be a leader in fighting climate change, protecting our forests, and preventing forest fires or bow to the demands of big timber companies. Upthegrove's environmental track record in office and endorsements from Washington Conservation Action, the Sierra Club, and other environmental champions make him the clear choice in this race.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Incumbent Chris Reykdal is running for a third term in the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Reykdal has been a strong champion for public education as superintendent, during his six years in the Legislature, and in 14 years on local school boards or in leadership positions at educational institutions.

The superintendent's office provides resources and guidance on language access, student safety, school district budgeting, and meeting student needs to Washington's 295 public school districts and 6 state-tribal education compact schools. In office, Reykdal has worked to reduce learning gaps, raise educator salaries, increase free meal access, and expand dual and tribal language learning programs.

In our interview, Reykdal acknowledged that the pandemic and declining birth rates have affected enrollment rates in public schools. Despite this challenge, he was proud that districts have made gains in other areas like retaining teachers of color. He identified the decrease in state funding, relative to inflation, as a fundamental challenge facing public schools. He reiterated his commitment to advocating for the Legislature to increase funding per student and allow districts to fund special education. He also expressed his commitment to keeping schools public, rejecting vouchers, and improving mental health support for students. This year, OSPI offered legislation to increase paraeducator pay to attract and retain these critical classroom supports. Finally, he cited his experience running a large state agency for the last eight years as a key strength compared with his less experienced opponents.

Gig Harbor School Board member David Olson is challenging Reykdal on a reactionary right-wing. Like many conservative school board directors, he welcomes conservative, politically-motivated censorship that would block access to books and multicultural programming. Olson also wants to employ strict guidelines in our schools that penalize students who are struggling the most. According to The Seattle Times, he told the Washington Republican Party convention "that if every high school graduate opted for the skilled trades instead of pursuing a four-year degree, universities 'could all go bankrupt and that would save America.'" Olson's extremism and conspiracy theories are completely disqualifying for someone looking to lead our state's public education system.

Reykdal has strong support from educators across the state and has earned your vote for re-election.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Incumbent Chris Reykdal is running for a third term in the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Reykdal has been a strong champion for public education as superintendent, during his six years in the Legislature, and in 14 years on local school boards or in leadership positions at educational institutions.

The superintendent's office provides resources and guidance on language access, student safety, school district budgeting, and meeting student needs to Washington's 295 public school districts and 6 state-tribal education compact schools. In office, Reykdal has worked to reduce learning gaps, raise educator salaries, increase free meal access, and expand dual and tribal language learning programs.

In our interview, Reykdal acknowledged that the pandemic and declining birth rates have affected enrollment rates in public schools. Despite this challenge, he was proud that districts have made gains in other areas like retaining teachers of color. He identified the decrease in state funding, relative to inflation, as a fundamental challenge facing public schools. He reiterated his commitment to advocating for the Legislature to increase funding per student and allow districts to fund special education. He also expressed his commitment to keeping schools public, rejecting vouchers, and improving mental health support for students. This year, OSPI offered legislation to increase paraeducator pay to attract and retain these critical classroom supports. Finally, he cited his experience running a large state agency for the last eight years as a key strength compared with his less experienced opponents.

Gig Harbor School Board member David Olson is challenging Reykdal on a reactionary right-wing. Like many conservative school board directors, he welcomes conservative, politically-motivated censorship that would block access to books and multicultural programming. Olson also wants to employ strict guidelines in our schools that penalize students who are struggling the most. According to The Seattle Times, he told the Washington Republican Party convention "that if every high school graduate opted for the skilled trades instead of pursuing a four-year degree, universities 'could all go bankrupt and that would save America.'" Olson's extremism and conspiracy theories are completely disqualifying for someone looking to lead our state's public education system.

Reykdal has strong support from educators across the state and has earned your vote for re-election.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

State Senator and attorney Patty Kuderer is running for Washington insurance commissioner. She has served the 48th Legislative District since 2015 when she was appointed to the state House before being appointed to fill the Senate seat vacancy in 2017.

Kuderer has been one of the most active sponsors of progressive bills in the Legislature. This year, she was the primary sponsor of a successful bill to ensure NARCAN is available in Washington schools. As a secondary sponsor, she helped to pass a slate of progressive bills, including ensuring that valid ballots are not unduly rejected, limiting the ability to bring firearms to public places like zoos, transit stations, and libraries, and aligning state and federal financial aid programs. Kuderer is now campaigning for insurance commissioner on a progressive platform that includes exploring universal health care, reducing auto insurance costs, expanding cancer screening for firefighters, and improving access to climate change insurance for homeowners and businesses.

Republican state Senator Phil Fortunato is also running for the commissioner position. Fortunato was first elected to represent the 31st Legislative District in Olympia in 2016 as a representative before being immediately appointed to an open Senate seat. Outside public service, his professional background is in erosion control and stormwater management. In the Legislature, Fortunato was the primary sponsor of many far-right bills, including legislation to strip abortion rights for some Washingtonians and to oppose commonsense gun safety policy. If he's elected insurance commissioner, Fortunato wants to remove regulations that keep health care costs lower. He is vehemently opposed to universal health care policies that would allow all Washingtonians, regardless of income status, to access the care and medicine they need.

We recommend Patty Kuderer for Washington insurance commissioner because of her strong background in public service and clear vision for the office.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

State Senator and attorney Patty Kuderer is running for Washington insurance commissioner. She has served the 48th Legislative District since 2015 when she was appointed to the state House before being appointed to fill the Senate seat vacancy in 2017.

Kuderer has been one of the most active sponsors of progressive bills in the Legislature. This year, she was the primary sponsor of a successful bill to ensure NARCAN is available in Washington schools. As a secondary sponsor, she helped to pass a slate of progressive bills, including ensuring that valid ballots are not unduly rejected, limiting the ability to bring firearms to public places like zoos, transit stations, and libraries, and aligning state and federal financial aid programs. Kuderer is now campaigning for insurance commissioner on a progressive platform that includes exploring universal health care, reducing auto insurance costs, expanding cancer screening for firefighters, and improving access to climate change insurance for homeowners and businesses.

Republican state Senator Phil Fortunato is also running for the commissioner position. Fortunato was first elected to represent the 31st Legislative District in Olympia in 2016 as a representative before being immediately appointed to an open Senate seat. Outside public service, his professional background is in erosion control and stormwater management. In the Legislature, Fortunato was the primary sponsor of many far-right bills, including legislation to strip abortion rights for some Washingtonians and to oppose commonsense gun safety policy. If he's elected insurance commissioner, Fortunato wants to remove regulations that keep health care costs lower. He is vehemently opposed to universal health care policies that would allow all Washingtonians, regardless of income status, to access the care and medicine they need.

We recommend Patty Kuderer for Washington insurance commissioner because of her strong background in public service and clear vision for the office.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Elecciones legislativas

Dependiendo de su lugar de residencia, es posible que en su papeleta figure una de las elecciones legislativas que se indican a continuación.

1st del distrito legislativo

Derek Stanford is running unopposed for re-election for the 1st Legislative District Senate seat. He served nearly 10 years as a state representative before earning an appointment to the state Senate to replace Guy Palumbo in 2019. Stanford runs an analytics and statistical consulting business outside of the Senate.

During his time in the Senate, Stanford has focused on education, mental health funding, and improvements in the district. This year, he was the prime sponsor of two successful bills to fund more paraeducators in Washington schools and crack down on predatory loans from out-of-state banks. Locally, Stanford has helped secure funding for important projects like supportive housing in Kenmore and infrastructure at UW Bothell, on top of $28 million for youth behavioral health and $140 million for emergency housing and rental assistance statewide.

Stanford has earned another term in the Senate representing the 1st District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Derek Stanford is running unopposed for re-election for the 1st Legislative District Senate seat. He served nearly 10 years as a state representative before earning an appointment to the state Senate to replace Guy Palumbo in 2019. Stanford runs an analytics and statistical consulting business outside of the Senate.

During his time in the Senate, Stanford has focused on education, mental health funding, and improvements in the district. This year, he was the prime sponsor of two successful bills to fund more paraeducators in Washington schools and crack down on predatory loans from out-of-state banks. Locally, Stanford has helped secure funding for important projects like supportive housing in Kenmore and infrastructure at UW Bothell, on top of $28 million for youth behavioral health and $140 million for emergency housing and rental assistance statewide.

Stanford has earned another term in the Senate representing the 1st District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Davina Duerr is running for re-election to House Position 1 representing the 1st Legislative District. Duerr replaced Derek Stanford in the state House in 2019 when he moved to the district’s Senate seat. Before that, she worked as the deputy mayor and city council member in Bothell. Duerr also previously founded the M.I.L.K. Money campaign to support Northshore students experiencing homelessness.

In office this past session, Rep. Duerr was the primary sponsor of several bills to promote environmental justice and climate protections. One of the bills, which came through a collaboration with local environmental leaders, established that climate concerns must be considered in building plans. Her priorities include supporting public schools, reducing gun violence, and expanding affordable housing options for all income levels.

Mark Davies, a typical party-line Republican, is challenging Duerr on a platform that would take the district backward. He spent more than 30 years at Boeing and has also been an active community member with his local Boy Scouts, church, and Habitat for Humanity. Davies was motivated to run because he and his wife, who has a disability, are struggling with the rising cost of living. Unfortunately, he does not have progressive solutions to the question of affordability. Instead, he wants to reduce public revenue, maintain our regressive tax system where working people pay more than their share, and oppose efforts to reduce health care costs.

Rep. Duerr has been a reliable progressive advocate in the House and deserves another term in Legislative District 1, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Davina Duerr is running for re-election to House Position 1 representing the 1st Legislative District. Duerr replaced Derek Stanford in the state House in 2019 when he moved to the district’s Senate seat. Before that, she worked as the deputy mayor and city council member in Bothell. Duerr also previously founded the M.I.L.K. Money campaign to support Northshore students experiencing homelessness.

In office this past session, Rep. Duerr was the primary sponsor of several bills to promote environmental justice and climate protections. One of the bills, which came through a collaboration with local environmental leaders, established that climate concerns must be considered in building plans. Her priorities include supporting public schools, reducing gun violence, and expanding affordable housing options for all income levels.

Mark Davies, a typical party-line Republican, is challenging Duerr on a platform that would take the district backward. He spent more than 30 years at Boeing and has also been an active community member with his local Boy Scouts, church, and Habitat for Humanity. Davies was motivated to run because he and his wife, who has a disability, are struggling with the rising cost of living. Unfortunately, he does not have progressive solutions to the question of affordability. Instead, he wants to reduce public revenue, maintain our regressive tax system where working people pay more than their share, and oppose efforts to reduce health care costs.

Rep. Duerr has been a reliable progressive advocate in the House and deserves another term in Legislative District 1, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Rep. Shelley Kloba is running unopposed for another term representing Legislative District 1, Position 2, which she has held since her first election in 2016. Kloba previously served on the Kirkland City Council and the Kirkland Parks Board. She has been a long-standing community advocate and worked with the King County Domestic Violence Initiative and the King County Cities Climate Collaboration.

In Olympia, some of Kloba’s top priorities have included data privacy, economic opportunity, and equitable education. This past session, she helped pass a slate of progressive bills as a secondary sponsor, including legislation to streamline voting address changes, tightening loopholes for licensed firearm dealers to prevent gun violence, and expanding wage discrimination protections in the Washington Equal Pay and Opportunities Act. Her track record makes it clear Rep. Kloba will continue to be a reliable Democratic voice in Olympia.

Vote Shelley Kloba for another term in Legislative District 1, House Position 2.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Rep. Shelley Kloba is running unopposed for another term representing Legislative District 1, Position 2, which she has held since her first election in 2016. Kloba previously served on the Kirkland City Council and the Kirkland Parks Board. She has been a long-standing community advocate and worked with the King County Domestic Violence Initiative and the King County Cities Climate Collaboration.

In Olympia, some of Kloba’s top priorities have included data privacy, economic opportunity, and equitable education. This past session, she helped pass a slate of progressive bills as a secondary sponsor, including legislation to streamline voting address changes, tightening loopholes for licensed firearm dealers to prevent gun violence, and expanding wage discrimination protections in the Washington Equal Pay and Opportunities Act. Her track record makes it clear Rep. Kloba will continue to be a reliable Democratic voice in Olympia.

Vote Shelley Kloba for another term in Legislative District 1, House Position 2.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

10th del distrito legislativo

Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair is challenging Republican incumbent Ron Muzzal for the Legislative District 10 Senate seat. St. Clair has served as a county commissioner since 2018 and has spent her three-decade-long career in social work, including as a director of large social service organizations. She is also a proud volunteer foster parent.

On the Island County Commission, St. Clair has been a strong advocate for affordability and environmental protections so that county residents of all income levels can build sustainable futures. She is running on a pragmatic Democratic platform in this race while continuing to value bipartisanship, affordability, and community service. St. Clair’s top priorities include reducing corporate price gouging, advocating for reproductive freedom, ensuring prescription drugs and health care are affordable, protecting air, water, and local ecosystems, and supporting veterans. St. Clair also wants to bridge first responder and law enforcement resources to address the fentanyl crisis with compassion.

Ron Muzzall, the Republican incumbent, is running for another term in the state Senate. He was first elected in 2019 and works in the agriculture industry as a farm owner and manager. In his first year in office, Muzzall failed to provide strong leadership during the coronavirus pandemic and the following economic downturn. Last year, he voted against an abortion shield law that protects Washington state health care workers when they provide abortion care to patients from Washington and from out of state. In the 2024 legislative session, he voted against key bills to protect consumer data privacy and opposed bills that would reduce gun violence through stronger background checks.

We recommend Janet St. Clair for the state Senate position representing the 10th Legislative District to continue leading with community needs at the state level.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair is challenging Republican incumbent Ron Muzzal for the Legislative District 10 Senate seat. St. Clair has served as a county commissioner since 2018 and has spent her three-decade-long career in social work, including as a director of large social service organizations. She is also a proud volunteer foster parent.

On the Island County Commission, St. Clair has been a strong advocate for affordability and environmental protections so that county residents of all income levels can build sustainable futures. She is running on a pragmatic Democratic platform in this race while continuing to value bipartisanship, affordability, and community service. St. Clair’s top priorities include reducing corporate price gouging, advocating for reproductive freedom, ensuring prescription drugs and health care are affordable, protecting air, water, and local ecosystems, and supporting veterans. St. Clair also wants to bridge first responder and law enforcement resources to address the fentanyl crisis with compassion.

Ron Muzzall, the Republican incumbent, is running for another term in the state Senate. He was first elected in 2019 and works in the agriculture industry as a farm owner and manager. In his first year in office, Muzzall failed to provide strong leadership during the coronavirus pandemic and the following economic downturn. Last year, he voted against an abortion shield law that protects Washington state health care workers when they provide abortion care to patients from Washington and from out of state. In the 2024 legislative session, he voted against key bills to protect consumer data privacy and opposed bills that would reduce gun violence through stronger background checks.

We recommend Janet St. Clair for the state Senate position representing the 10th Legislative District to continue leading with community needs at the state level.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Clyde Shavers is running for re-election as state representative for the 10th Legislative District in Position 1. He is a U.S. Navy veteran who previously served as a public affairs officer and now works as a reserve officer.

In his first term, Rep. Shavers focused on several of the big issues he campaigned on, including addressing the housing crisis and prioritizing environmental sustainability. He was the prime sponsor for a successful bill that loosened limits on food bank funding for necessary items like diapers and menstrual products. Shavers also sponsored bills to expand hydrogen and fusion power to reduce our reliance on dirty fossil fuels.

Shavers is a member of the Capital Budget committee and states that he's proud to have supported a budget that funds clean drinking water infrastructure in Island County, the Camano Lutheran Childcare Center, and housing services for people with developmental disabilities.

Conservative Carrie Kennedy is another conservative challenger in this race. Kennedy is a self-described “Navy wife” who previously ran for the state Legislature and U.S. Congress. Her campaign website contains no platform details in this race as of early June, but her 2022 campaign included disavowals of both racial justice and COVID safety policy. With her lack of community leadership experience and strong MAGA alignment, it is clear Kennedy is not a good choice.

While Shavers faced some controversy during his previous hard-fought campaign, his solid track record during his first term in Olympia has earned your vote for re-election.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-24

Clyde Shavers is running for re-election as state representative for the 10th Legislative District in Position 1. He is a U.S. Navy veteran who previously served as a public affairs officer and now works as a reserve officer.

In his first term, Rep. Shavers focused on several of the big issues he campaigned on, including addressing the housing crisis and prioritizing environmental sustainability. He was the prime sponsor for a successful bill that loosened limits on food bank funding for necessary items like diapers and menstrual products. Shavers also sponsored bills to expand hydrogen and fusion power to reduce our reliance on dirty fossil fuels.

Shavers is a member of the Capital Budget committee and states that he's proud to have supported a budget that funds clean drinking water infrastructure in Island County, the Camano Lutheran Childcare Center, and housing services for people with developmental disabilities.

Conservative Carrie Kennedy is another conservative challenger in this race. Kennedy is a self-described “Navy wife” who previously ran for the state Legislature and U.S. Congress. Her campaign website contains no platform details in this race as of early June, but her 2022 campaign included disavowals of both racial justice and COVID safety policy. With her lack of community leadership experience and strong MAGA alignment, it is clear Kennedy is not a good choice.

While Shavers faced some controversy during his previous hard-fought campaign, his solid track record during his first term in Olympia has earned your vote for re-election.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-24

Democratic Rep. Dave Paul is running for re-election in the 10th Legislative District for Position 2. He joined the Legislature in 2019 after working for Skagit Valley College for more than a decade. As a member of the Transportation and Postsecondary Education and Workforce Committees, Paul has worked hard to improve Washingtonians' career opportunities and connectivity to work, play, and school around the state.

This year, Paul led efforts to cap the cost of life-saving inhalers and epinephrine injectors at $35 a month and to implement the 988 behavioral health crisis and suicide prevention system.  Locally, Paul helped secure funding for the Central Whidbey Fire and Rescue's new station, outreach and services for rural youth mental health in Island County, the new La Conner library, the Anacortes Family Center, and Ebey’s Landing preservation. His strong track record of improving life in the district and his progressive vision for another term have attracted impressive endorsements in this race, including from a number of our partner organizations.

Republican Gary Wray is challenging Paul for state House. Wray is the immediate past president of the Building Industry Association of Washington, a conservative group that advocates for big developers and opposes protections for working people. Wray's platform repeats many of the usual Republican Party talking points about attacking the LGBTQ+ community and fear-mongering about crime. We deserve a leader who won’t pit us against each other for what makes us different, but who advocates for our shared needs, like housing, health care, and clean air.

Paul has been one of the most thoughtful leaders in Olympia during his first two terms, reaching across the aisle to get things done for the district. We enthusiastically recommend Paul to continue representing the 10th Legislative District with strong community-centered leadership in the House.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic Rep. Dave Paul is running for re-election in the 10th Legislative District for Position 2. He joined the Legislature in 2019 after working for Skagit Valley College for more than a decade. As a member of the Transportation and Postsecondary Education and Workforce Committees, Paul has worked hard to improve Washingtonians' career opportunities and connectivity to work, play, and school around the state.

This year, Paul led efforts to cap the cost of life-saving inhalers and epinephrine injectors at $35 a month and to implement the 988 behavioral health crisis and suicide prevention system.  Locally, Paul helped secure funding for the Central Whidbey Fire and Rescue's new station, outreach and services for rural youth mental health in Island County, the new La Conner library, the Anacortes Family Center, and Ebey’s Landing preservation. His strong track record of improving life in the district and his progressive vision for another term have attracted impressive endorsements in this race, including from a number of our partner organizations.

Republican Gary Wray is challenging Paul for state House. Wray is the immediate past president of the Building Industry Association of Washington, a conservative group that advocates for big developers and opposes protections for working people. Wray's platform repeats many of the usual Republican Party talking points about attacking the LGBTQ+ community and fear-mongering about crime. We deserve a leader who won’t pit us against each other for what makes us different, but who advocates for our shared needs, like housing, health care, and clean air.

Paul has been one of the most thoughtful leaders in Olympia during his first two terms, reaching across the aisle to get things done for the district. We enthusiastically recommend Paul to continue representing the 10th Legislative District with strong community-centered leadership in the House.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

12th del distrito legislativo

Former Snoqualmie City Council member and Democrat Jim Mayhew is running for departing Republican Brad Hawkins’ 12th Legislative District Senate seat. Republicans have held the seat Hawkins is vacating for more than half of a century. Mayhew’s professional background is in the corporate world, where he spent most of his career as an accountant at a large consulting firm before serving as the CFO of a locally based company.

On the city council, Mayhew established himself as a pragmatic, moderate voice for community needs. He prioritized public transit, community services, and affordability in Snoqualmie. He is particularly proud of his work partnering with the private sector to increase the number of affordable housing units in a major development and sponsoring legislation to create the Community Center Expansion in Snoqualmie.

Now, Mayhew is running to bring Democratic leadership and representation to the purple district, which is currently led exclusively by Republicans. His priorities in this race include investing in education and housing, protecting abortion rights and reproductive freedom in our state, and uplifting our economy in the areas of workforce development, clean energy markets, and local supply chains. Mayhew also wants to carefully manage public resources and services in order to ensure all Washingtonians can meet basic needs, including addiction recovery treatment, affordable housing and emergency shelter, and mental health support.

Mayhew's opponent is Republican Rep. Keith Goehner, who has served in House Position 1 for the district since 2018. Goehner has led with typically conservative priorities such as cutting investments in community services and infrastructure, eliminating police accountability measures, and prioritizing business interests. His voting record in office includes recent opposition to bills that would protect consumers’ private data, create greater access to reproductive health care, and protect crucial services for youth who are either experiencing homelessness or are in the foster system. He is not a progressive choice, and will not advocate for community needs if he is elected to the state Senate.

Mayhew is the best choice for state Senate from the 12th Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Former Snoqualmie City Council member and Democrat Jim Mayhew is running for departing Republican Brad Hawkins’ 12th Legislative District Senate seat. Republicans have held the seat Hawkins is vacating for more than half of a century. Mayhew’s professional background is in the corporate world, where he spent most of his career as an accountant at a large consulting firm before serving as the CFO of a locally based company.

On the city council, Mayhew established himself as a pragmatic, moderate voice for community needs. He prioritized public transit, community services, and affordability in Snoqualmie. He is particularly proud of his work partnering with the private sector to increase the number of affordable housing units in a major development and sponsoring legislation to create the Community Center Expansion in Snoqualmie.

Now, Mayhew is running to bring Democratic leadership and representation to the purple district, which is currently led exclusively by Republicans. His priorities in this race include investing in education and housing, protecting abortion rights and reproductive freedom in our state, and uplifting our economy in the areas of workforce development, clean energy markets, and local supply chains. Mayhew also wants to carefully manage public resources and services in order to ensure all Washingtonians can meet basic needs, including addiction recovery treatment, affordable housing and emergency shelter, and mental health support.

Mayhew's opponent is Republican Rep. Keith Goehner, who has served in House Position 1 for the district since 2018. Goehner has led with typically conservative priorities such as cutting investments in community services and infrastructure, eliminating police accountability measures, and prioritizing business interests. His voting record in office includes recent opposition to bills that would protect consumers’ private data, create greater access to reproductive health care, and protect crucial services for youth who are either experiencing homelessness or are in the foster system. He is not a progressive choice, and will not advocate for community needs if he is elected to the state Senate.

Mayhew is the best choice for state Senate from the 12th Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Heather Koellen is running to fill Rep. Keith Goehner’s seat as he runs for the 12th District's Senate seat this year. Koellen has served on the North Bend City Council since 2020 where she currently chairs the Transportation and Public Works Committee. She has spent her career as a registered nurse and currently provides care at Harborview Medical Center.

Back in 2019, she had a strong community vision for North Bend that included investments in public infrastructure, improving transit options so residents drive less, and increasing public greenspaces. In this race, Koellen wants to invest in high-quality and equitable education as well as affordable childcare. To address the region's housing crisis, she supports expanded affordable housing paired with protections for tenants' rights. If elected, Koellen would also strengthen reproductive freedom, take bold measures to mitigate climate change, support workers' rights including workplace safety and collective bargaining, and ensure affordable health care access for all.

Former Chelan County sheriff and law enforcement professional Brian Burnett is the other candidate in this race. Burnett served as the county sheriff for three terms before losing his re-election bid in 2022. He has also served as past president of both the Washington Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs and the Washington State Sheriffs Association and was appointed by Gov. Inslee to be a Washington state criminal justice training commissioner. Burnett has a disappointing track record in his leadership positions. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, he pushed back against commonsense public health guidelines and even attempted to sue Gov. Inslee in an attempt to end the state of emergency. He is running on a typically right-wing platform that fails to address the needs of Legislative District 12.

Koellen is the best choice for state Legislature from the 12th District in Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Heather Koellen is running to fill Rep. Keith Goehner’s seat as he runs for the 12th District's Senate seat this year. Koellen has served on the North Bend City Council since 2020 where she currently chairs the Transportation and Public Works Committee. She has spent her career as a registered nurse and currently provides care at Harborview Medical Center.

Back in 2019, she had a strong community vision for North Bend that included investments in public infrastructure, improving transit options so residents drive less, and increasing public greenspaces. In this race, Koellen wants to invest in high-quality and equitable education as well as affordable childcare. To address the region's housing crisis, she supports expanded affordable housing paired with protections for tenants' rights. If elected, Koellen would also strengthen reproductive freedom, take bold measures to mitigate climate change, support workers' rights including workplace safety and collective bargaining, and ensure affordable health care access for all.

Former Chelan County sheriff and law enforcement professional Brian Burnett is the other candidate in this race. Burnett served as the county sheriff for three terms before losing his re-election bid in 2022. He has also served as past president of both the Washington Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs and the Washington State Sheriffs Association and was appointed by Gov. Inslee to be a Washington state criminal justice training commissioner. Burnett has a disappointing track record in his leadership positions. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, he pushed back against commonsense public health guidelines and even attempted to sue Gov. Inslee in an attempt to end the state of emergency. He is running on a typically right-wing platform that fails to address the needs of Legislative District 12.

Koellen is the best choice for state Legislature from the 12th District in Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

There are no progressive choices in this race. Republican incumbent Mike Steele is running for re-election to Position 2 representing the 12th Legislative District in the state House. Steele was first elected to the position in 2016 and serves as the executive director of the Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce. 

Steele has been a consistently conservative voice in office. This year, he took a number of disappointing votes against requiring Washington’s private prisons to respect basic human rights, providing important services for working families, and protecting consumer data privacy. Residents in the 12th Legislative District deserve a representative in Olympia who will make it easier to afford rent, earn a fair wage, and access health care; Rep. Steele is not that candidate.

Republican challenger Daniel Scott has no campaign website available as of late August. He lists experience with the Cashmere City Council and a current role with the transmission and distribution engineering department of the Chelan County Public Utility District. In his voters' pamphlet statement, Scott expressed typical conservative ideas about cutting public funding from critical social services and programs.

Write in a more progressive candidate of your choice in this race.

There are no progressive choices in this race. Republican incumbent Mike Steele is running for re-election to Position 2 representing the 12th Legislative District in the state House. Steele was first elected to the position in 2016 and serves as the executive director of the Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce. 

Steele has been a consistently conservative voice in office. This year, he took a number of disappointing votes against requiring Washington’s private prisons to respect basic human rights, providing important services for working families, and protecting consumer data privacy. Residents in the 12th Legislative District deserve a representative in Olympia who will make it easier to afford rent, earn a fair wage, and access health care; Rep. Steele is not that candidate.

Republican challenger Daniel Scott has no campaign website available as of late August. He lists experience with the Cashmere City Council and a current role with the transmission and distribution engineering department of the Chelan County Public Utility District. In his voters' pamphlet statement, Scott expressed typical conservative ideas about cutting public funding from critical social services and programs.

Write in a more progressive candidate of your choice in this race.

21st del distrito legislativo

Democratic Rep. Strom Peterson is running for re-election to represent the 21st Legislative District in House Position 1. Prior to joining the Legislature, Peterson served on the Edmonds City Council for six years and now serves on the Snohomish County Council.

In Olympia, Peterson has had a hand in passing several important progressive bills, including sponsoring legislation to limit the sale of ghost guns and to provide meals for hungry students through the Breakfast Before the Bell program. He was also the primary sponsor of the Secure Drug Take-Back Act. This year, Peterson sponsored important bills to strengthen the Voting Rights Act and to create a basic income pilot program. He is proud to have been the primary sponsor of the successful Economic Security for All program, which allocates grants to families and individuals below 200 percent of the federal poverty level to uplift individuals and families to self-sufficiency, especially people of color and rural residents.

Peterson's platform includes bold action on housing to establish permanent supportive shelters, fund workforce housing, and invest in affordable options for all income levels. He also wants to protect reproductive freedom, increase behavioral health support, strengthen gun violence prevention laws, and expand addiction treatment options. 

Peterson faces a challenge from former Democrat Riaz Khan. He crossed party lines and registered as a Republican this year, stating in an interview with the Everett Herald that "his values no longer align with the Democratic Party." Khan is a former Mukilteo City Council member and resigned from his seat as vice-chair of the 21st District Democrats right before filing as a Republican this year. Though his campaign website is not functioning as of late August, in the same article, Khan promoted single-family housing instead of solutions that would improve affordability for all residents. He also expressed his opposition to a 2021 law banning single-use plastic bags and said he disagrees with progressive proposals to balance our tax code so that the wealthy and corporations pay their share.

Strom Peterson's progressive track record and support from our partner organization have earned him another term in Legislative District 21, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic Rep. Strom Peterson is running for re-election to represent the 21st Legislative District in House Position 1. Prior to joining the Legislature, Peterson served on the Edmonds City Council for six years and now serves on the Snohomish County Council.

In Olympia, Peterson has had a hand in passing several important progressive bills, including sponsoring legislation to limit the sale of ghost guns and to provide meals for hungry students through the Breakfast Before the Bell program. He was also the primary sponsor of the Secure Drug Take-Back Act. This year, Peterson sponsored important bills to strengthen the Voting Rights Act and to create a basic income pilot program. He is proud to have been the primary sponsor of the successful Economic Security for All program, which allocates grants to families and individuals below 200 percent of the federal poverty level to uplift individuals and families to self-sufficiency, especially people of color and rural residents.

Peterson's platform includes bold action on housing to establish permanent supportive shelters, fund workforce housing, and invest in affordable options for all income levels. He also wants to protect reproductive freedom, increase behavioral health support, strengthen gun violence prevention laws, and expand addiction treatment options. 

Peterson faces a challenge from former Democrat Riaz Khan. He crossed party lines and registered as a Republican this year, stating in an interview with the Everett Herald that "his values no longer align with the Democratic Party." Khan is a former Mukilteo City Council member and resigned from his seat as vice-chair of the 21st District Democrats right before filing as a Republican this year. Though his campaign website is not functioning as of late August, in the same article, Khan promoted single-family housing instead of solutions that would improve affordability for all residents. He also expressed his opposition to a 2021 law banning single-use plastic bags and said he disagrees with progressive proposals to balance our tax code so that the wealthy and corporations pay their share.

Strom Peterson's progressive track record and support from our partner organization have earned him another term in Legislative District 21, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self is running for re-election to the 21st Legislative District, House Position 2. She has served families and children throughout her career as the regional coordinator for the Illinois State Board of Education and former director and founder of the Comunidad Unida Project, a center for Latino families and youth. Ortiz-Self also serves as chair of the Washington State Latino Democratic Caucus and secretary of the executive committee of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators.

Since joining the House in 2015, Ortiz-Self has put her expertise to work improving the lives of students and workers in her district and beyond. This year she was the primary sponsor for successful bills to help workers who've filed wage complaints and to provide dual and tribal language education. Ortiz-Self also sponsored bills to enhance the College Bound Scholarship program, provide free school meals for all students, remove barriers to hiring paraeducators, and more. 

Kristina Mitchell, who has aligned herself with the “Conservative Party,” is challenging Ortiz-Self in this race. Mitchell is a Republican Precinct Committee officer who works in youth education and engagement. Her campaign parrots exclusionary and divisive rhetoric about multicultural curriculums in our schools and our neighbors struggling to afford housing. Mitchell does not seem versed in what it takes to make change at the state level and offers criticism instead of concrete policy solutions.

Over the years Ortiz-Self has spearheaded many efforts to secure more resources for students, prevent gun violence, and lead in the House. She is the best choice in the race for Position 2.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self is running for re-election to the 21st Legislative District, House Position 2. She has served families and children throughout her career as the regional coordinator for the Illinois State Board of Education and former director and founder of the Comunidad Unida Project, a center for Latino families and youth. Ortiz-Self also serves as chair of the Washington State Latino Democratic Caucus and secretary of the executive committee of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators.

Since joining the House in 2015, Ortiz-Self has put her expertise to work improving the lives of students and workers in her district and beyond. This year she was the primary sponsor for successful bills to help workers who've filed wage complaints and to provide dual and tribal language education. Ortiz-Self also sponsored bills to enhance the College Bound Scholarship program, provide free school meals for all students, remove barriers to hiring paraeducators, and more. 

Kristina Mitchell, who has aligned herself with the “Conservative Party,” is challenging Ortiz-Self in this race. Mitchell is a Republican Precinct Committee officer who works in youth education and engagement. Her campaign parrots exclusionary and divisive rhetoric about multicultural curriculums in our schools and our neighbors struggling to afford housing. Mitchell does not seem versed in what it takes to make change at the state level and offers criticism instead of concrete policy solutions.

Over the years Ortiz-Self has spearheaded many efforts to secure more resources for students, prevent gun violence, and lead in the House. She is the best choice in the race for Position 2.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

32nd del distrito legislativo

Democratic incumbent Cindy Ryu is running for another term in House Position 1 representing the 32nd District. She joined the Legislature in 2011, becoming the first Korean American to serve in the state Legislature. Before that, she became the first Korean American woman mayor in the country when she was elected mayor of Shoreline. Outside of elected office, Ryu runs a property management business.

Ryu is a reliable Democratic voice in Olympia with top policy focuses on public education, the climate, transit infrastructure, and small businesses. As a secondary sponsor, Ryu helped pass a slate of progressive bills this past session, including bills to strengthen voting processes, support professional licensing for undocumented Washingtonians, and enact the Nothing About Us Without Us Act to ​​promote disability justice.

Republican Lisa Rezac is challenging Ryu in this race. Rezac has attempted to paint herself as a moderate by pointing to her previous Democratic voting record. However, she actually chairs the 32nd Legislative District Republicans, leading the conservative agenda for the area. Like other right-wing candidates in this election, Rezac is running on a divisive platform that prioritizes business interests and misinformation.

Cindy Ryu is the best choice in this race.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic incumbent Cindy Ryu is running for another term in House Position 1 representing the 32nd District. She joined the Legislature in 2011, becoming the first Korean American to serve in the state Legislature. Before that, she became the first Korean American woman mayor in the country when she was elected mayor of Shoreline. Outside of elected office, Ryu runs a property management business.

Ryu is a reliable Democratic voice in Olympia with top policy focuses on public education, the climate, transit infrastructure, and small businesses. As a secondary sponsor, Ryu helped pass a slate of progressive bills this past session, including bills to strengthen voting processes, support professional licensing for undocumented Washingtonians, and enact the Nothing About Us Without Us Act to ​​promote disability justice.

Republican Lisa Rezac is challenging Ryu in this race. Rezac has attempted to paint herself as a moderate by pointing to her previous Democratic voting record. However, she actually chairs the 32nd Legislative District Republicans, leading the conservative agenda for the area. Like other right-wing candidates in this election, Rezac is running on a divisive platform that prioritizes business interests and misinformation.

Cindy Ryu is the best choice in this race.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Rep. Lauren Davis is running for another term in Legislative District 32, House Position 2. Davis has served in the state Legislature since 2019 and serves as the strategy director of the Washington Recovery Alliance, a nonprofit supporting those experiencing addiction and mental illness that she helped found.

Davis has made gun violence prevention, addiction recovery, public education, and affordable housing her top priorities in office. In the most recent session, she supported several successful progressive bills, including legislation to strengthen protections against gun violence, authorize professional licenses for undocumented Washingtonians, and expand wage anti-discrimination protections.

Republican Lori Theis is running on a conservative that echoes some of the MAGA movement's conspiracy theories. She claims to be running because of what she perceives to be corruption and "criminal enterprises" but fails to offer specific details or solutions.

Davis has earned your vote for another term representing the 32nd Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat Rep. Lauren Davis is running for another term in Legislative District 32, House Position 2. Davis has served in the state Legislature since 2019 and serves as the strategy director of the Washington Recovery Alliance, a nonprofit supporting those experiencing addiction and mental illness that she helped found.

Davis has made gun violence prevention, addiction recovery, public education, and affordable housing her top priorities in office. In the most recent session, she supported several successful progressive bills, including legislation to strengthen protections against gun violence, authorize professional licenses for undocumented Washingtonians, and expand wage anti-discrimination protections.

Republican Lori Theis is running on a conservative that echoes some of the MAGA movement's conspiracy theories. She claims to be running because of what she perceives to be corruption and "criminal enterprises" but fails to offer specific details or solutions.

Davis has earned your vote for another term representing the 32nd Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

38th del distrito legislativo

Progressive Rep. Julio Cortes is seeking a second term in Legislative District 38, Position 1. Outside of the Legislature, Cortes manages communications and marketing for the City of Everett. He is a strong community leader who currently serves on the Everett Arena Public Facilities District board and previously worked with Cocoon House to support families and children experiencing housing insecurity.

Rep. Cortes has led with a thoughtful understanding of the root causes of community issues and a commitment to addressing them compassionately and effectively. This session, he helped to pass a number of critical bills as a secondary sponsor, including legislation to provide 100% clean energy school buses, expand the wage discrimination protections in the Washington Equal Pay and Opportunities Act, and streamline access to early learning and childcare programs for low-income and working Washington families. Now, Cortes is campaigning to invest in workforce development and small businesses, expand affordable housing, provide wraparound services to Washingtonians struggling the most, and address our upside-down tax code so everyone pays their share.

Democratic challenger Annie Fitzgerald is a disability activist and private investigator. She is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and has grown up with disabilities that she says shaped her life. As of late August, the policies section of her campaign website was empty, but Fitzgerald states that she holds progressive political views and wants to bring about change if elected.

We recommend Julio Cortes for another term in Legislative District 38, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Progressive Rep. Julio Cortes is seeking a second term in Legislative District 38, Position 1. Outside of the Legislature, Cortes manages communications and marketing for the City of Everett. He is a strong community leader who currently serves on the Everett Arena Public Facilities District board and previously worked with Cocoon House to support families and children experiencing housing insecurity.

Rep. Cortes has led with a thoughtful understanding of the root causes of community issues and a commitment to addressing them compassionately and effectively. This session, he helped to pass a number of critical bills as a secondary sponsor, including legislation to provide 100% clean energy school buses, expand the wage discrimination protections in the Washington Equal Pay and Opportunities Act, and streamline access to early learning and childcare programs for low-income and working Washington families. Now, Cortes is campaigning to invest in workforce development and small businesses, expand affordable housing, provide wraparound services to Washingtonians struggling the most, and address our upside-down tax code so everyone pays their share.

Democratic challenger Annie Fitzgerald is a disability activist and private investigator. She is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and has grown up with disabilities that she says shaped her life. As of late August, the policies section of her campaign website was empty, but Fitzgerald states that she holds progressive political views and wants to bring about change if elected.

We recommend Julio Cortes for another term in Legislative District 38, Position 1.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic Rep. Mary Fosse is running for re-election to Legislation Position 38, House Position 2. Prior to her first term in office, she served as a member of the Everett City Council, advocating for the city’s underserved Delta neighborhood, and as a chair of the Delta Neighborhood Association. She also runs a local plant nursery which involves teaching community plant workshops.

Fosse is a strong community advocate who has worked tirelessly to bring opportunity and prosperity to her constituents. As a secondary sponsor, she helped pass bills to streamline the voter address change process to reduce barriers to voting, enable working people to access professional licensing regardless of immigration status, and strengthen wage discrimination protections to ensure all workers are paid fairly. If re-elected, Fosse will continue prioritizing housing for all, accessible health care, workers' rights, and an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy.

Republican Marnie Claywell is challenging Fosse in this race. Claywell serves as the director of operations for a nonprofit focused on providing housing for community members who are low-income and/or have disabilities. Her platform in this race is typically right-wing, and she wants to eliminate abortion and reproductive health care access. If elected, Claywell wants to defend “God-given rights” in Olympia while pushing far-right policy in the Legislature. Her views are not representative of the district.

Mary Fosse has worked hard in her first term to bring progress to Legislative District 38 and she has earned another term in Olympia.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democratic Rep. Mary Fosse is running for re-election to Legislation Position 38, House Position 2. Prior to her first term in office, she served as a member of the Everett City Council, advocating for the city’s underserved Delta neighborhood, and as a chair of the Delta Neighborhood Association. She also runs a local plant nursery which involves teaching community plant workshops.

Fosse is a strong community advocate who has worked tirelessly to bring opportunity and prosperity to her constituents. As a secondary sponsor, she helped pass bills to streamline the voter address change process to reduce barriers to voting, enable working people to access professional licensing regardless of immigration status, and strengthen wage discrimination protections to ensure all workers are paid fairly. If re-elected, Fosse will continue prioritizing housing for all, accessible health care, workers' rights, and an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy.

Republican Marnie Claywell is challenging Fosse in this race. Claywell serves as the director of operations for a nonprofit focused on providing housing for community members who are low-income and/or have disabilities. Her platform in this race is typically right-wing, and she wants to eliminate abortion and reproductive health care access. If elected, Claywell wants to defend “God-given rights” in Olympia while pushing far-right policy in the Legislature. Her views are not representative of the district.

Mary Fosse has worked hard in her first term to bring progress to Legislative District 38 and she has earned another term in Olympia.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

39th del distrito legislativo

Democrat John Snow is a U.S. Navy veteran who is running to make a difference in the lives of 39th Legislative District residents. Snow supports reforms that empower working Washingtonians, including supporting the right to unionize, rebalancing the state's tax code to make the wealthiest finally pay their share, and increasing wages. He also supports funding public education so that teachers no longer struggle to survive. Unlike the incumbent, Snow also supports the right to abortion care. His platform has earned him the endorsement of three local Democratic organizations.

Snow is challenging conservative incumbent Sen. Keith Wagoner. Wagoner is a Navy veteran and a former Sedro-Woolley mayor who has served in the state Senate since 2018. He has supported a right-wing agenda in Olympia. Last year, he was the face of opposition to a Democrat-proposed bill requiring anyone purchasing a firearm to take a safety course beforehand. In the Senate, Wagoner also recently voted against bills to continue assistance programs to keep working families on their feet, to expand reproductive health access for all Washingtonians, and to provide the basic needs for our students.

Snow is by far the best choice in this race for the Legislative District 39 state Senate seat.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Democrat John Snow is a U.S. Navy veteran who is running to make a difference in the lives of 39th Legislative District residents. Snow supports reforms that empower working Washingtonians, including supporting the right to unionize, rebalancing the state's tax code to make the wealthiest finally pay their share, and increasing wages. He also supports funding public education so that teachers no longer struggle to survive. Unlike the incumbent, Snow also supports the right to abortion care. His platform has earned him the endorsement of three local Democratic organizations.

Snow is challenging conservative incumbent Sen. Keith Wagoner. Wagoner is a Navy veteran and a former Sedro-Woolley mayor who has served in the state Senate since 2018. He has supported a right-wing agenda in Olympia. Last year, he was the face of opposition to a Democrat-proposed bill requiring anyone purchasing a firearm to take a safety course beforehand. In the Senate, Wagoner also recently voted against bills to continue assistance programs to keep working families on their feet, to expand reproductive health access for all Washingtonians, and to provide the basic needs for our students.

Snow is by far the best choice in this race for the Legislative District 39 state Senate seat.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Republican incumbent Sam Low is running for another term in the state House. Low previously served on both the Lake Stevens City Council and Snohomish County Council before joining the Legislature in 2023. This past year, he largely voted along typical Republican lines against bills to increase reproductive health access and fund the basic needs of Washington students. However, Low’s positions on family-wage jobs and farmland preservation plans have set him apart from his ultra-conservative MAGA opponent. His platform in this race reflects a more moderate vision for addressing pressing needs in the district such as accessible broadband, roadway improvements, some environmental protections, and upgrades to district transit.

Former Rep. Robert Sutherland preceded Sam Low in this district and is now seeking his old seat again in this election. Sutherland is a biochemist and former U.S. Air Force aircraft mechanic who served in the state House from 2019 to 2023. He previously ran unsuccessfully for Snohomish County auditor despite denying the results of the 2020 election, promoting Trump’s dangerous lie. In this race, Sutherland is echoing the talking points of some of the most far-right conservatives who want to promote divisive and inaccurate information in our public school curriculums. Sutherland is not fit to hold elected office.

While we disagree with Low on many important issues, he would be a far better representative than Sutherland in this very conservative district. In this race with no progressive choice, we recommend Sam Low or writing in a progressive candidate of your choice.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-27

Republican incumbent Sam Low is running for another term in the state House. Low previously served on both the Lake Stevens City Council and Snohomish County Council before joining the Legislature in 2023. This past year, he largely voted along typical Republican lines against bills to increase reproductive health access and fund the basic needs of Washington students. However, Low’s positions on family-wage jobs and farmland preservation plans have set him apart from his ultra-conservative MAGA opponent. His platform in this race reflects a more moderate vision for addressing pressing needs in the district such as accessible broadband, roadway improvements, some environmental protections, and upgrades to district transit.

Former Rep. Robert Sutherland preceded Sam Low in this district and is now seeking his old seat again in this election. Sutherland is a biochemist and former U.S. Air Force aircraft mechanic who served in the state House from 2019 to 2023. He previously ran unsuccessfully for Snohomish County auditor despite denying the results of the 2020 election, promoting Trump’s dangerous lie. In this race, Sutherland is echoing the talking points of some of the most far-right conservatives who want to promote divisive and inaccurate information in our public school curriculums. Sutherland is not fit to hold elected office.

While we disagree with Low on many important issues, he would be a far better representative than Sutherland in this very conservative district. In this race with no progressive choice, we recommend Sam Low or writing in a progressive candidate of your choice.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-27

There are no good choices in this race. Republican Rep. Carolyn Eslick is running for another term in Legislative District 39, Position 2. Eslick has been in office since she was first appointed in 2017 and served as the mayor of Sultan before that. She also previously worked in restaurant ownership and has a strong business bent in the Legislature.

Eslick has not released a campaign platform in this race but it is fair to assume she won’t bring progressive priorities to another term. Recently, she voted against bills to require the state’s private prisons to respect human rights. Eslick has also opposed the last three bills to protect access to reproductive health care access despite widespread support for the right of everyone to make their own personal medical decisions.

Republican challenger Jackie Huey works in event organizing and her own button business. Huey is running an ill-informed, MAGA-aligned campaign that echoes Trump’s racist immigration ideas, criticizes commonsense gun violence prevention efforts, and promotes heavier policing and conservative “parental rights” instead of community-driven safety alternatives and accurate, multicultural curriculums for all public school students.

Write in a more progressive candidate of your choice.

There are no good choices in this race. Republican Rep. Carolyn Eslick is running for another term in Legislative District 39, Position 2. Eslick has been in office since she was first appointed in 2017 and served as the mayor of Sultan before that. She also previously worked in restaurant ownership and has a strong business bent in the Legislature.

Eslick has not released a campaign platform in this race but it is fair to assume she won’t bring progressive priorities to another term. Recently, she voted against bills to require the state’s private prisons to respect human rights. Eslick has also opposed the last three bills to protect access to reproductive health care access despite widespread support for the right of everyone to make their own personal medical decisions.

Republican challenger Jackie Huey works in event organizing and her own button business. Huey is running an ill-informed, MAGA-aligned campaign that echoes Trump’s racist immigration ideas, criticizes commonsense gun violence prevention efforts, and promotes heavier policing and conservative “parental rights” instead of community-driven safety alternatives and accurate, multicultural curriculums for all public school students.

Write in a more progressive candidate of your choice.

44th del distrito legislativo

Incumbent Rep. Brandy Donaghy is running unopposed for a second term representing Position 1 in the 44th District. She was appointed to the House by the Snohomish County Council in late 2021 when former representative John Lovick moved to the Senate and she was retained by voters in 2022. She is a Navy veteran and community organizer who has been involved in emergency preparedness training.

In her first term, Donaghy sponsored legislation to address safe staffing levels for health care workers in order to improve health and safety for patients and practitioners alike. This year, she has sponsored legislation to reduce the record-high number of recent driving deaths by reinvesting speeding ticket fines from traffic cameras into better traffic safety measures. With speeding being the second most common risk factor in fatal crashes in our state, Donaghy hopes to save lives on the road. She was also the prime sponsor for a bill that applies a consistent set of resources and training for paraeducators across school districts, giving educators the skills and confidence to more effectively teach their students.

Donaghy has earned your vote for another term in the House representing Legislative District 44.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Incumbent Rep. Brandy Donaghy is running unopposed for a second term representing Position 1 in the 44th District. She was appointed to the House by the Snohomish County Council in late 2021 when former representative John Lovick moved to the Senate and she was retained by voters in 2022. She is a Navy veteran and community organizer who has been involved in emergency preparedness training.

In her first term, Donaghy sponsored legislation to address safe staffing levels for health care workers in order to improve health and safety for patients and practitioners alike. This year, she has sponsored legislation to reduce the record-high number of recent driving deaths by reinvesting speeding ticket fines from traffic cameras into better traffic safety measures. With speeding being the second most common risk factor in fatal crashes in our state, Donaghy hopes to save lives on the road. She was also the prime sponsor for a bill that applies a consistent set of resources and training for paraeducators across school districts, giving educators the skills and confidence to more effectively teach their students.

Donaghy has earned your vote for another term in the House representing Legislative District 44.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-18

Rep. April Berg is running for re-election to the 44th Legislative District, House Position 2. She is a former small business owner, director at the Everett School District, and a planning commissioner for the City of Mill Creek. She currently serves as chair of the Finance Committee in the House, where she plays a lead role in working to close tax loopholes and balance our state's upside-down tax code.

First elected to the House in 2020, Berg spent her second term continuing her advocacy for youth, families, and an affordable Washington. This year she was the prime sponsor for Yori's Law, which aims to reduce child drowning deaths through increased access to swimming lessons and water safety awareness. She also sponsored bills to fund special education and worked previously to modernize transit, eliminate lunch co-pays for hungry students, and make menstrual products available for free in public school bathrooms.

Berg is running against Sam Sim, the Snohomish County Republican Party's Community Outreach chair. Sim owns a teriyaki business along with an app-based food delivery service and a sauce line. In this campaign, he opposes the capital gains tax, which only applies to fewer than 4,000 wealthiest people in the state who make more than $250,000 in profits from the sales of stocks and bonds. He also mentions supporting "parental rights," a catchall term that conservatives in Washington have been using to remove any discussion of race from schools and to ban books.

April Berg has earned your vote for state House from the 44th Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Rep. April Berg is running for re-election to the 44th Legislative District, House Position 2. She is a former small business owner, director at the Everett School District, and a planning commissioner for the City of Mill Creek. She currently serves as chair of the Finance Committee in the House, where she plays a lead role in working to close tax loopholes and balance our state's upside-down tax code.

First elected to the House in 2020, Berg spent her second term continuing her advocacy for youth, families, and an affordable Washington. This year she was the prime sponsor for Yori's Law, which aims to reduce child drowning deaths through increased access to swimming lessons and water safety awareness. She also sponsored bills to fund special education and worked previously to modernize transit, eliminate lunch co-pays for hungry students, and make menstrual products available for free in public school bathrooms.

Berg is running against Sam Sim, the Snohomish County Republican Party's Community Outreach chair. Sim owns a teriyaki business along with an app-based food delivery service and a sauce line. In this campaign, he opposes the capital gains tax, which only applies to fewer than 4,000 wealthiest people in the state who make more than $250,000 in profits from the sales of stocks and bonds. He also mentions supporting "parental rights," a catchall term that conservatives in Washington have been using to remove any discussion of race from schools and to ban books.

April Berg has earned your vote for state House from the 44th Legislative District.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-25

Tribunal Supremo del Estado

Sal Mungia es un abogado local galardonado y experimentado que se postula para el puesto 2 de la Corte Suprema del estado que dejará vacante la jueza Susan Owens. Mungia es socio de un bufete con sede en Tacoma y Seattle, donde trabaja en derecho de juicio y de apelación, principalmente enfocado en derecho de lesiones y negligencia médica. Tiene una larga historia de liderazgo y servicio, incluyendo, entre otras experiencias, su cargo anterior como presidente de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Washington, ex presidente de la Coalición por la Justicia Igualitaria y abogado colaborador con la ACLU de Washington. La carrera de Mungia ha estado fuertemente orientada hacia la comunidad. Ha realizado un trabajo legal pro bono significativo mientras trabajaba para mejorar nuestro sistema legal penal. Ahora, ha obtenido un amplio y impresionante apoyo en su candidatura para la corte, incluyendo el respaldo del actual juez de la Corte Suprema Yu y del jefe de justicia González. El juez del Tribunal Municipal de Federal Way, Dave Larson, también está en esta carrera. Larson ha sido juez durante 16 años y antes de eso fue abogado de juicio durante 23 años. Afirma tener apoyo bipartidista y quiere servir como un "equilibrio" si es elegido. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, Larson perpetúa el temor de un aumento en las tasas de criminalidad como razón para su candidatura, a pesar de que los jueces deben ser árbitros imparciales y la Corte Suprema del estado se ocupa más de casos grandes que afectan a todos los habitantes de Washington en lugar de casos individuales de delitos no violentos. Hasta finales de agosto, no ha mencionado ningún respaldo, pero está claro que los progresistas apoyan a Mungia en esta carrera. Recomendamos a Sal Mungia en esta carrera para llevar un liderazgo confiable, justo y orientado a la comunidad a la Corte Suprema de Washington.

Content is machine translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-24

Sal Mungia es un abogado local galardonado y experimentado que se postula para el puesto 2 de la Corte Suprema del estado que dejará vacante la jueza Susan Owens. Mungia es socio de un bufete con sede en Tacoma y Seattle, donde trabaja en derecho de juicio y de apelación, principalmente enfocado en derecho de lesiones y negligencia médica. Tiene una larga historia de liderazgo y servicio, incluyendo, entre otras experiencias, su cargo anterior como presidente de la Asociación de Abogados del Estado de Washington, ex presidente de la Coalición por la Justicia Igualitaria y abogado colaborador con la ACLU de Washington. La carrera de Mungia ha estado fuertemente orientada hacia la comunidad. Ha realizado un trabajo legal pro bono significativo mientras trabajaba para mejorar nuestro sistema legal penal. Ahora, ha obtenido un amplio y impresionante apoyo en su candidatura para la corte, incluyendo el respaldo del actual juez de la Corte Suprema Yu y del jefe de justicia González. El juez del Tribunal Municipal de Federal Way, Dave Larson, también está en esta carrera. Larson ha sido juez durante 16 años y antes de eso fue abogado de juicio durante 23 años. Afirma tener apoyo bipartidista y quiere servir como un "equilibrio" si es elegido. Sin embargo, lamentablemente, Larson perpetúa el temor de un aumento en las tasas de criminalidad como razón para su candidatura, a pesar de que los jueces deben ser árbitros imparciales y la Corte Suprema del estado se ocupa más de casos grandes que afectan a todos los habitantes de Washington en lugar de casos individuales de delitos no violentos. Hasta finales de agosto, no ha mencionado ningún respaldo, pero está claro que los progresistas apoyan a Mungia en esta carrera. Recomendamos a Sal Mungia en esta carrera para llevar un liderazgo confiable, justo y orientado a la comunidad a la Corte Suprema de Washington.

Content is machine translated. Ultima actualización 2024-09-24

Chief Justice Steven González is running unopposed for re-election to Position 8 on the Washington Supreme Court. González was first appointed to the bench in 2012 and was chosen by his peers to serve in the chief justice position in 2021, making him Washington’s first chief justice of color. Before becoming a judge, González’s law career ranged from international business law and terrorism prosecution to civil rights pro bono work. He serves on the board of the Washington Leadership Institute to provide opportunities and support for legal professionals from backgrounds and identities that have previously been excluded from legal spaces.

In his leadership role on the state’s top court, González has sought to make the legal system a place for justice and dignity for all Washingtonians. He worked to make our courts more accessible to non-English speakers. González has received bipartisan support in past races but consistently received support from some of the state’s top progressive leaders. González has been ranked highly by some of the state’s most progressive bar associations including QLaw, Latina/o Bar Association of Washington, Washington Women Lawyers, and more.

We recommend Justice Steven González for another term in Position 8 on Washington's Supreme Court to continue bringing just and experienced judicial leadership to our top court.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19

Chief Justice Steven González is running unopposed for re-election to Position 8 on the Washington Supreme Court. González was first appointed to the bench in 2012 and was chosen by his peers to serve in the chief justice position in 2021, making him Washington’s first chief justice of color. Before becoming a judge, González’s law career ranged from international business law and terrorism prosecution to civil rights pro bono work. He serves on the board of the Washington Leadership Institute to provide opportunities and support for legal professionals from backgrounds and identities that have previously been excluded from legal spaces.

In his leadership role on the state’s top court, González has sought to make the legal system a place for justice and dignity for all Washingtonians. He worked to make our courts more accessible to non-English speakers. González has received bipartisan support in past races but consistently received support from some of the state’s top progressive leaders. González has been ranked highly by some of the state’s most progressive bar associations including QLaw, Latina/o Bar Association of Washington, Washington Women Lawyers, and more.

We recommend Justice Steven González for another term in Position 8 on Washington's Supreme Court to continue bringing just and experienced judicial leadership to our top court.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19

Justice Sheryl McCloud is running unopposed for re-election to Position #9 on the Washington Supreme Court. McCloud is a former public defender who has served on Washington’s top court since 2013. She co-chairs the court’s Gender & Justice Commission and serves as the liaison to the state bar's Council on Public Defense. On the bench, Justice McCloud’s top areas of attention include constitutional and individual rights, and she authored the 2017 opinion barring a private business open to the general public from refusing to serve a gay couple. She was the founding member of the Washington Appellate Lawyers Association.

In this election, her focus is on protecting constitutional rights. She has been rated “Exceptionally Well Qualified” by a number of the state’s top bar associations, including the King County Bar Association, QLaw, and the Washington Women Lawyers. These organizations ensure that our justices are treating all Washingtonians fairly and protecting constitutionally outlined civil rights.

Justice McCloud deserves your vote to continue bringing fair and experienced leadership to the state Supreme Court.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19

Justice Sheryl McCloud is running unopposed for re-election to Position #9 on the Washington Supreme Court. McCloud is a former public defender who has served on Washington’s top court since 2013. She co-chairs the court’s Gender & Justice Commission and serves as the liaison to the state bar's Council on Public Defense. On the bench, Justice McCloud’s top areas of attention include constitutional and individual rights, and she authored the 2017 opinion barring a private business open to the general public from refusing to serve a gay couple. She was the founding member of the Washington Appellate Lawyers Association.

In this election, her focus is on protecting constitutional rights. She has been rated “Exceptionally Well Qualified” by a number of the state’s top bar associations, including the King County Bar Association, QLaw, and the Washington Women Lawyers. These organizations ensure that our justices are treating all Washingtonians fairly and protecting constitutionally outlined civil rights.

Justice McCloud deserves your vote to continue bringing fair and experienced leadership to the state Supreme Court.

Ultima actualización 2024-09-19