City of Bellingham
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Return Ballots By February 8
Welcome to the Fuse Progressive Voters Guide to the 2022 general election! The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. You can learn about our partners and decision-making process here. Please share this guide with your friends and family!
Bellingham School District
Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below school district races on your ballot.
We believe that every child, regardless of their race or where they were born, deserves a quality education that prepares them for a rapidly-changing world.
Last year, Bellingham Public Schools convened a series of meetings to determine which school buildings in the district were most in need of replacement, as well as where new facilities should be built. Based on community input, Proposition No. 1 now asks the community to fund additions and upgrades to Bellingham schools.
This plan includes the redesign of Carl Cozier, Columbia and Roosevelt elementary schools, completing the Gordon Carter environmental education site and the district office, making several parking lots and playground structures more accessible, and much more. If approved, the levy rate of $3.47 per $1,000 in assessed home value for 2022 would increase to $3.72 starting in 2023.
Bellingham voters have come together in the past to help make new schools like Alderwood and Parkview elementaries a reality. Vote YES on Proposition No. 1 to ensure all Bellingham students have the facilities they need to learn and thrive.
We believe that every child, regardless of their race or where they were born, deserves a quality education that prepares them for a rapidly-changing world.
Last year, Bellingham Public Schools convened a series of meetings to determine which school buildings in the district were most in need of replacement, as well as where new facilities should be built. Based on community input, Proposition No. 1 now asks the community to fund additions and upgrades to Bellingham schools.
This plan includes the redesign of Carl Cozier, Columbia and Roosevelt elementary schools, completing the Gordon Carter environmental education site and the district office, making several parking lots and playground structures more accessible, and much more. If approved, the levy rate of $3.47 per $1,000 in assessed home value for 2022 would increase to $3.72 starting in 2023.
Bellingham voters have come together in the past to help make new schools like Alderwood and Parkview elementaries a reality. Vote YES on Proposition No. 1 to ensure all Bellingham students have the facilities they need to learn and thrive.