Danny Herrera is a public school teacher who is running to utilize his experience in education and racial justice on the city council. He has served in the community in several roles, including as a member of NAACP Yakima Branch, as a youth room tutor at YMCA Downtown, and as co-founder of the College Success Foundation Yakima Alumni Board. Herrera was lauded by our endorsing partners as a committed educator who has clear knowledge about the importance of reforming the state tax code so that everyone benefits, not just the wealthy. He is ready to join the council as an advocate for community investment in safer infrastructure, youth programming, and equitable economic growth.
Herrera is running against Edgar Hernandez, Raúl Martínez, and Christina Martinez. Hernandez has no statement listed in the official voter's guide as of mid-July. Some of the goals listed in his candidate literature include addressing the drug crisis and homelessness, though he does not expand on what policies he might put in place. However, he is endorsed by a right-wing organization whose priorities include removing historical discussions on race from schools and perpetuating fraudulent claims about rigged 2020 elections. Similarly, Raúl Martínez does not have a detailed campaign available as of mid-July. He states that he will prioritize safety and the economy if elected, but gives no details about how this would be achieved. Realtor Christina Martinez's candidate statement states that she has managed subsidized low-income housing in California, and her primary priority is securing affordable housing. She does not have a more detailed platform available as of mid-July.
For his dedication to improving the lives of youths and his support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners, we recommend Danny Herrera in this race.
Danny Herrera is a public school teacher who is running to utilize his experience in education and racial justice on the city council. He has served in the community in several roles, including as a member of NAACP Yakima Branch, as a youth room tutor at YMCA Downtown, and as co-founder of the College Success Foundation Yakima Alumni Board. Herrera was lauded by our endorsing partners as a committed educator who has clear knowledge about the importance of reforming the state tax code so that everyone benefits, not just the wealthy. He is ready to join the council as an advocate for community investment in safer infrastructure, youth programming, and equitable economic growth.
Herrera is running against Edgar Hernandez, Raúl Martínez, and Christina Martinez. Hernandez has no statement listed in the official voter's guide as of mid-July. Some of the goals listed in his candidate literature include addressing the drug crisis and homelessness, though he does not expand on what policies he might put in place. However, he is endorsed by a right-wing organization whose priorities include removing historical discussions on race from schools and perpetuating fraudulent claims about rigged 2020 elections. Similarly, Raúl Martínez does not have a detailed campaign available as of mid-July. He states that he will prioritize safety and the economy if elected, but gives no details about how this would be achieved. Realtor Christina Martinez's candidate statement states that she has managed subsidized low-income housing in California, and her primary priority is securing affordable housing. She does not have a more detailed platform available as of mid-July.
For his dedication to improving the lives of youths and his support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners, we recommend Danny Herrera in this race.