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33rd Legislative District

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Election Day November 5, 2019
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Welcome to the 2019 Fuse Progressive Voters Guide! The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. Please share this guide with your friends and remember to vote by November 5!

Statewide Ballot Measures


Vote "Approved" on Referendum 88

Referendum 88 is a public vote on I-1000, the affirmative action ballot measure signed by nearly 400,000 Washingtonians and approved by the Legislature this spring.

I-1000 would allow affirmative action policies in the areas of public education, public employment, and public contracting. It will restore fairness for veterans, small business owners, women, and people of color seeking to succeed in public employment, contracting, and university admissions – without the use of caps or quotas. Affirmative action, which is legal in 42 other states, will increase business contracts and college enrollment for women and people of color in Washington.

It's long past time to restore affirmative action in Washington. Vote to approve Initiative 1000.

Referendum 88 is a public vote on I-1000, the affirmative action ballot measure signed by nearly 400,000 Washingtonians and approved by the Legislature this spring.

I-1000 would allow affirmative action policies in the areas of public education, public employment, and public contracting. It will restore fairness for veterans, small business owners, women, and people of color seeking to succeed in public employment, contracting, and university admissions – without the use of caps or quotas. Affirmative action, which is legal in 42 other states, will increase business contracts and college enrollment for women and people of color in Washington.

It's long past time to restore affirmative action in Washington. Vote to approve Initiative 1000.

Endorsed By: Fuse , OneAmerica Votes , SEIU Healthcare 1199NW , Teamsters Joint Council 28 , UFCW 3000 , Washington State Labor Council , League of Women Voters of Washington,, Washington Education Association, ACLU of Washington

Vote NO on I-976

Initiative 976 is Tim Eyman's latest attempt to cut billions of dollars in funding from badly-needed transportation projects across the state. I-976 would derail our ability to fix dangerous roads, retrofit outdated bridges and overpasses, complete voter-approved light rail, provide transit for riders with disabilities, and more. More than $12 billion would be slashed from state and local projects with no plan for replacing any of the funding.

Every city and county in Washington depends on transportation infrastructure that would be impacted by the cuts from I-976. Vote NO on I-976!

Initiative 976 is Tim Eyman's latest attempt to cut billions of dollars in funding from badly-needed transportation projects across the state. I-976 would derail our ability to fix dangerous roads, retrofit outdated bridges and overpasses, complete voter-approved light rail, provide transit for riders with disabilities, and more. More than $12 billion would be slashed from state and local projects with no plan for replacing any of the funding.

Every city and county in Washington depends on transportation infrastructure that would be impacted by the cuts from I-976. Vote NO on I-976!


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 20

Washington's senior population has doubled since 1980 and will double again by 2040. Most seniors cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket for the long-term medical care they need. A bipartisan group of lawmakers moved to build upon the state's Paid Family and Medical Leave program through Second Substitute House Bill 1087. This legislation created a new long-term insurance benefit that will address the looming crisis of seniors who cannot afford the care they need. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 20.

Washington's senior population has doubled since 1980 and will double again by 2040. Most seniors cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket for the long-term medical care they need. A bipartisan group of lawmakers moved to build upon the state's Paid Family and Medical Leave program through Second Substitute House Bill 1087. This legislation created a new long-term insurance benefit that will address the looming crisis of seniors who cannot afford the care they need. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 20.


Vote "Repealed" on Advisory Vote 21

Legislators passed Engrossed Third Substitute House Bill 1324, also known as the Washington Rural Development and Distressed Opportunity Zone Act, that extends a business and occupation tax preference for timber companies. In addition, part of HB 1324 raises a small amount of revenue from timber companies for salmon recovery, which is what led to Advisory Vote 21. While the salmon recovery provision is laudable, HB 1324 will primarily serve as an unnecessary tax cut for timber companies at a time when we need to be investing more in affordable housing, education, health care, and other priorities. Vote “Repealed” on Advisory Vote No. 21.

Legislators passed Engrossed Third Substitute House Bill 1324, also known as the Washington Rural Development and Distressed Opportunity Zone Act, that extends a business and occupation tax preference for timber companies. In addition, part of HB 1324 raises a small amount of revenue from timber companies for salmon recovery, which is what led to Advisory Vote 21. While the salmon recovery provision is laudable, HB 1324 will primarily serve as an unnecessary tax cut for timber companies at a time when we need to be investing more in affordable housing, education, health care, and other priorities. Vote “Repealed” on Advisory Vote No. 21.


Vote "Maintained" On Advisory Vote 22

Washington is the latest state to adopt a recycling program for leftover architectural paint. The Legislature passed Substitute House Bill 1652 to add a small recycling fee to the price of paint to fund the program. This law will ensure that hundreds of thousands of gallons of paint will be disposed of responsibly and no longer pollute our environment. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 22.

Washington is the latest state to adopt a recycling program for leftover architectural paint. The Legislature passed Substitute House Bill 1652 to add a small recycling fee to the price of paint to fund the program. This law will ensure that hundreds of thousands of gallons of paint will be disposed of responsibly and no longer pollute our environment. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 22.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 23

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of vape products have not been paying regular tobacco taxes. The Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1873 to remedy this and create the Essential Public Health Services Account. Electronic cigarettes, electronic devices, and vape pens will now be classified and taxed as tobacco products. This account will fund health services, tobacco and vape product control and prevention, and enforcement by the state liquor and cannabis board to prevent the sale of vape products to minors. This legislation is even more important after several reports of lung injuries linked to vaping in Washington state as well as hundreds around the country. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 23.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of vape products have not been paying regular tobacco taxes. The Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1873 to remedy this and create the Essential Public Health Services Account. Electronic cigarettes, electronic devices, and vape pens will now be classified and taxed as tobacco products. This account will fund health services, tobacco and vape product control and prevention, and enforcement by the state liquor and cannabis board to prevent the sale of vape products to minors. This legislation is even more important after several reports of lung injuries linked to vaping in Washington state as well as hundreds around the country. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 23.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 24

The Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2158 to increase funding for higher education, including financial aid, raises for community college faculty, and a student loan program for middle-class students called the Washington College Grant. The Washington College Grant would replace the State Need Grant, which runs out of money every year and leaves thousands of eligible students without any money. The Workforce Education Investment Act is designed so that businesses that benefit the most from a highly-educated workforce will contribute to the cost of higher education. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 24.

The Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 2158 to increase funding for higher education, including financial aid, raises for community college faculty, and a student loan program for middle-class students called the Washington College Grant. The Washington College Grant would replace the State Need Grant, which runs out of money every year and leaves thousands of eligible students without any money. The Workforce Education Investment Act is designed so that businesses that benefit the most from a highly-educated workforce will contribute to the cost of higher education. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 24.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 25

Washington's low-income families pay six times more in taxes than the wealthiest residents. To begin to balance our tax code, the Legislature passed Substitute House Bill 2167 to increase the business and occupation tax on financial institutions that reported a net income of $1 billion or more during the previous calendar year. We think it's reasonable for these extremely profitable companies to pay a little more in taxes to support the services working families rely on. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 25.

Washington's low-income families pay six times more in taxes than the wealthiest residents. To begin to balance our tax code, the Legislature passed Substitute House Bill 2167 to increase the business and occupation tax on financial institutions that reported a net income of $1 billion or more during the previous calendar year. We think it's reasonable for these extremely profitable companies to pay a little more in taxes to support the services working families rely on. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 25.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 26

Washington legislators have moved to update our tax laws in the wake of the Supreme Court decision that forced internet retailers to charge sales tax in all states. Among other things, Substitute Senate Bill 5581 eliminates a tax advantage that out-of-state sellers long enjoyed over local companies. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 26.

Washington legislators have moved to update our tax laws in the wake of the Supreme Court decision that forced internet retailers to charge sales tax in all states. Among other things, Substitute Senate Bill 5581 eliminates a tax advantage that out-of-state sellers long enjoyed over local companies. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 26.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 27

Washington state has more than 13,000 known or suspected contaminated sites. The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) became law in 1989 and has supported efforts to clean up more than 7,000 contaminated sites. The MTCA is funded by a voter-approved tax on hazardous substances such as petroleum products and pesticides. This year, the Legislature passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5993 to update the law to improve transparency and increase funding for clean air, clean water, and toxic cleanup programs. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 27.

Washington state has more than 13,000 known or suspected contaminated sites. The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) became law in 1989 and has supported efforts to clean up more than 7,000 contaminated sites. The MTCA is funded by a voter-approved tax on hazardous substances such as petroleum products and pesticides. This year, the Legislature passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5993 to update the law to improve transparency and increase funding for clean air, clean water, and toxic cleanup programs. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 27.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 28

Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5997 closed a longstanding loophole that allowed many out-of-state shoppers to avoid paying sales tax in Washington. Visitors from states without a sales tax can still request a remittance from the Washington Department of Revenue. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 28.

Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5997 closed a longstanding loophole that allowed many out-of-state shoppers to avoid paying sales tax in Washington. Visitors from states without a sales tax can still request a remittance from the Washington Department of Revenue. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 28.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 29

This legislation is one step towards balancing our upside-down tax code by making Washington's real estate excise taxes (REET) progressive. Instead of a flat rate of 1.28 percent, property sales of less than $500,000 are reduced to a 1.1 percent tax rate, sales between $1.5 and $3 million would be taxed at 2.75 percent, and properties sold for more than $3 million would be taxed at 3 percent. All the funding from Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5998 will be dedicated to the Education Legacy Trust Account. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 29.

This legislation is one step towards balancing our upside-down tax code by making Washington's real estate excise taxes (REET) progressive. Instead of a flat rate of 1.28 percent, property sales of less than $500,000 are reduced to a 1.1 percent tax rate, sales between $1.5 and $3 million would be taxed at 2.75 percent, and properties sold for more than $3 million would be taxed at 3 percent. All the funding from Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5998 will be dedicated to the Education Legacy Trust Account. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 29.


Vote "Maintained" for Advisory Vote 30

This legislation eliminates a tax break for travel agents and tour operators for businesses who earn $250,000 or more per year. Businesses that earn less than $250,000 will continue to pay the lower rate. Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6004 will bring more revenue to the state and ensure that large out-of-state and online businesses pay their share. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 30.

This legislation eliminates a tax break for travel agents and tour operators for businesses who earn $250,000 or more per year. Businesses that earn less than $250,000 will continue to pay the lower rate. Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6004 will bring more revenue to the state and ensure that large out-of-state and online businesses pay their share. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 30.


Vote "Maintained" on Advisory Vote 31

This legislation passed Engrossed Senate Bill 6016 to reauthorize and narrow a sales tax exemption for certain international investment management companies. In order to receive the tax exemption, a business must have more than 25 percent of employees in the state, at least 500 full-time employees worldwide, and gross revenue of more than $400 million. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 31.

This legislation passed Engrossed Senate Bill 6016 to reauthorize and narrow a sales tax exemption for certain international investment management companies. In order to receive the tax exemption, a business must have more than 25 percent of employees in the state, at least 500 full-time employees worldwide, and gross revenue of more than $400 million. Vote “Maintained” on Advisory Vote No. 31.


Vote "Approved" on Senate Joint Resolution 8200

This measure would allow the Legislature to temporarily fill vacant public offices during an emergency by including "catastrophic incidents" like earthquakes or tsunamis in the definition of emergency powers. As Washington has been on high alert for an earthquake for years, legislators want to ensure governmental continuity in the event of massive damage from a natural disaster. While it is not pleasant to think about, Washington state needs to be prepared for a catastrophic event. This measure passed with bipartisan support. Vote "Approved" on Senate Joint Resolution No. 8200.

This measure would allow the Legislature to temporarily fill vacant public offices during an emergency by including "catastrophic incidents" like earthquakes or tsunamis in the definition of emergency powers. As Washington has been on high alert for an earthquake for years, legislators want to ensure governmental continuity in the event of massive damage from a natural disaster. While it is not pleasant to think about, Washington state needs to be prepared for a catastrophic event. This measure passed with bipartisan support. Vote "Approved" on Senate Joint Resolution No. 8200.

King County Ballot Measures


Vote YES on Proposition No. 1

King County relies on its Medic One emergency medical system to respond to 268,000 emergency medical calls a year - one every three minutes. Proposition No. 1 would replace an expiring levy of $0.265 on every $1,000 of assessed property value, which would cost a homeowner of a $500,000 property about $133 per year. Supporting the Medic One levy would continue 40 years of crucial medical services that we all rely on in an emergency.

Our rapidly-growing county can't afford to short change the firefighters and EMTs who keep us all safe. Vote Yes on Proposition No. 1 Medic One.

King County relies on its Medic One emergency medical system to respond to 268,000 emergency medical calls a year - one every three minutes. Proposition No. 1 would replace an expiring levy of $0.265 on every $1,000 of assessed property value, which would cost a homeowner of a $500,000 property about $133 per year. Supporting the Medic One levy would continue 40 years of crucial medical services that we all rely on in an emergency.

Our rapidly-growing county can't afford to short change the firefighters and EMTs who keep us all safe. Vote Yes on Proposition No. 1 Medic One.

King County

John Wilson is running unopposed for re-election for King County Assessor. He was first elected as county assessor in 2015 after spending four years as the county's chief deputy assessor. Wilson considers himself an "activist assessor" and wants to stop young potential homeowners and seniors from being priced out of King County. In August 2019, the assessor's office released a Taxpayer Transparency Tool, a website that provides taxpayers with a breakdown of where their property tax dollars go, as well as the estimated cost of proposed property taxes.

Wilson's years of experience make him a good choice for King County Assessor.

John Wilson is running unopposed for re-election for King County Assessor. He was first elected as county assessor in 2015 after spending four years as the county's chief deputy assessor. Wilson considers himself an "activist assessor" and wants to stop young potential homeowners and seniors from being priced out of King County. In August 2019, the assessor's office released a Taxpayer Transparency Tool, a website that provides taxpayers with a breakdown of where their property tax dollars go, as well as the estimated cost of proposed property taxes.

Wilson's years of experience make him a good choice for King County Assessor.

Julie Wise is running for re-election for King County Director of Elections. Wise has worked in King County Elections for more than 15 years and has held almost every job in the department. During her time as director, Wise has worked to reduce barriers for voters, including adding prepaid postage to ballots and increasing the number of ballot drop boxes. Her office also worked to ensure voting materials are available in additional languages and improved election integrity and security for the county. When concerns about VoteWA, the state's new voting system, were raised before the primary, Wise took steps to make sure the election was not impacted.

Wise is being challenged by Mark Greene, a perennial candidate who supports lowering the voting age to 16-years-old but does not support the current system of pre-registration for 16 and 17-year-olds. Greene has expressed distrust in vote tabulation machines and would institute random hand counts.

Wise's experience and strong performance during her first term make her the best choice for King County Director of Elections.

Julie Wise is running for re-election for King County Director of Elections. Wise has worked in King County Elections for more than 15 years and has held almost every job in the department. During her time as director, Wise has worked to reduce barriers for voters, including adding prepaid postage to ballots and increasing the number of ballot drop boxes. Her office also worked to ensure voting materials are available in additional languages and improved election integrity and security for the county. When concerns about VoteWA, the state's new voting system, were raised before the primary, Wise took steps to make sure the election was not impacted.

Wise is being challenged by Mark Greene, a perennial candidate who supports lowering the voting age to 16-years-old but does not support the current system of pre-registration for 16 and 17-year-olds. Greene has expressed distrust in vote tabulation machines and would institute random hand counts.

Wise's experience and strong performance during her first term make her the best choice for King County Director of Elections.

Endorsed By: M. L. King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO , Teamsters 117 , Washington Education Association

King County, District 8

Depending on the county district you live in, you may have the following races on your ballot.

Incumbent Joe McDermott first joined the council in 2010 and in 2016 was chosen to be council chair. He has advocated for civil rights, safe communities, and transportation. In the last few years on the council, he has introduced the King County Gun Safety Action Plan to address the public health crisis of gun violence, supported county efforts to increase shelter capacity and build more affordable housing, and is working to address racial disproportionality in King County’s juvenile justice system.

McDermott is running against Michael Robert Neher, who is not running a viable campaign. McDermott is the clear choice in this race.

Incumbent Joe McDermott first joined the council in 2010 and in 2016 was chosen to be council chair. He has advocated for civil rights, safe communities, and transportation. In the last few years on the council, he has introduced the King County Gun Safety Action Plan to address the public health crisis of gun violence, supported county efforts to increase shelter capacity and build more affordable housing, and is working to address racial disproportionality in King County’s juvenile justice system.

McDermott is running against Michael Robert Neher, who is not running a viable campaign. McDermott is the clear choice in this race.

Port of Seattle

Sam Cho, the co-founder of an international export company, is running for Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 2. He served on Gov. Jay Inslee’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs and previously worked on trade issues for a member of Congress. As the son of South Korean immigrants, Cho is running to make the Port of Seattle work better for all people in King County, from reducing congestion at SeaTac Airport to supporting low-income families south of the airport who are impacted by noise and air pollution. He also wants to use the port as an economic engine to create opportunities for the county’s rapidly growing population.

Cho is running against attorney and former Bellevue City Councilmember Grant Degginger. His priorities for the port include balancing investment in clean fuels and carbon reduction with careful growth and ensuring contract equity at the airport for all businesses. As the port expands its construction projects, Degginger states his role as past chair of the Washington Public Disclosure Commission will mean more transparency for voters.

Cho is the best choice in this race because of his strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners.

Sam Cho, the co-founder of an international export company, is running for Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 2. He served on Gov. Jay Inslee’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs and previously worked on trade issues for a member of Congress. As the son of South Korean immigrants, Cho is running to make the Port of Seattle work better for all people in King County, from reducing congestion at SeaTac Airport to supporting low-income families south of the airport who are impacted by noise and air pollution. He also wants to use the port as an economic engine to create opportunities for the county’s rapidly growing population.

Cho is running against attorney and former Bellevue City Councilmember Grant Degginger. His priorities for the port include balancing investment in clean fuels and carbon reduction with careful growth and ensuring contract equity at the airport for all businesses. As the port expands its construction projects, Degginger states his role as past chair of the Washington Public Disclosure Commission will mean more transparency for voters.

Cho is the best choice in this race because of his strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partners.

Incumbent Fred Felleman is an environmental consultant and marine biologist. He is running to retain his seat on the Seattle Port Commission to continue fighting climate change and increase the port's green energy jobs. He has been a leader on the commission on protecting orcas, publicly opposing the dangerous Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, and advocating for well-paying jobs. The port faced criticism following Trump's Muslim ban when some protesters on the light rail were forced to skip the airport station. However, Felleman was among numerous leaders who released a statement condemning the ban and calling for an evaluation of the numerous government agencies’ response at the airport.

Felleman is being challenged by attorney Garth Jacobson. His priorities include pausing cruise line terminal growth until pollution cleanup efforts are further along, finding a way to eliminate the bus shuttles from the car rental facility, and installing availability lights in the airport parking structure. According to The Seattle Times, as of the primary election he has never attended a port commission meeting.

Felleman is the best choice for Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 5.

Incumbent Fred Felleman is an environmental consultant and marine biologist. He is running to retain his seat on the Seattle Port Commission to continue fighting climate change and increase the port's green energy jobs. He has been a leader on the commission on protecting orcas, publicly opposing the dangerous Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline, and advocating for well-paying jobs. The port faced criticism following Trump's Muslim ban when some protesters on the light rail were forced to skip the airport station. However, Felleman was among numerous leaders who released a statement condemning the ban and calling for an evaluation of the numerous government agencies’ response at the airport.

Felleman is being challenged by attorney Garth Jacobson. His priorities include pausing cruise line terminal growth until pollution cleanup efforts are further along, finding a way to eliminate the bus shuttles from the car rental facility, and installing availability lights in the airport parking structure. According to The Seattle Times, as of the primary election he has never attended a port commission meeting.

Felleman is the best choice for Port of Seattle, Commissioner Position 5.

Court of Appeals, Division One, District One

John H. Chun is running to retain Judge Position 1 on the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1. He was appointed to this seat in 2018 by Governor Inslee and was previously a King County Superior Court Judge as well as a private practice attorney and federal law clerk. Chun specializes in criminal, complex civil, and family law cases. He is endorsed by all of the Washington State Supreme Court Justices and many other judges around Washington. Chun is running unopposed and deserves your vote for the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1, Judge Position 1.

John H. Chun is running to retain Judge Position 1 on the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1. He was appointed to this seat in 2018 by Governor Inslee and was previously a King County Superior Court Judge as well as a private practice attorney and federal law clerk. Chun specializes in criminal, complex civil, and family law cases. He is endorsed by all of the Washington State Supreme Court Justices and many other judges around Washington. Chun is running unopposed and deserves your vote for the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1, Judge Position 1.

Judge Lori K. Smith is running to retain Position 2 on the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1. She was appointed to this seat by Governor Inslee in 2018 and previously served on the King County Superior Court as a Family Law Court Commissioner and as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Smith serves on the Minority and Justice Commission and co-chairs the Tribal and State Court Consortium. She often mentors young people and over her career has worked to increase access to justice and eliminate bias in the judicial system. Smith is running unopposed and deserves your vote for the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1, Position 2.

Judge Lori K. Smith is running to retain Position 2 on the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1. She was appointed to this seat by Governor Inslee in 2018 and previously served on the King County Superior Court as a Family Law Court Commissioner and as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. Smith serves on the Minority and Justice Commission and co-chairs the Tribal and State Court Consortium. She often mentors young people and over her career has worked to increase access to justice and eliminate bias in the judicial system. Smith is running unopposed and deserves your vote for the Court of Appeals, Division 1, District 1, Position 2.

City Races

Depending on where you live, you may have the following city races on your ballot.

Burien City Council

Community organizer and Burien Arts Association board member Cydney Moore is running for Burien City Council, Position 2. Moore has been actively working to make Burien a better place for all as the local People Power ACLU organizer. She also serves as an ICE rapid response team member pushing back against the Trump administration’s harmful anti-immigrant policies. If elected, she wants to establish a $16 minimum wage, tenants' rights and rent control, and low-barrier shelters. Moore would also look for ways to make the city more sustainable and explore implementing municipal broadband.

Moore's opponent in this race is Joel Manning, who is running to push back against progressive politics in Burien. He frames efforts to alleviate the homelessness crisis in as "misguided" and states that he will oppose "low/no barrier shelters," leaving members of the community to suffer the consequences. In addition, Manning does not support a $16 minimum wage.

Moore is by far the best choice in this race for Burien City Council, Position 2.

Community organizer and Burien Arts Association board member Cydney Moore is running for Burien City Council, Position 2. Moore has been actively working to make Burien a better place for all as the local People Power ACLU organizer. She also serves as an ICE rapid response team member pushing back against the Trump administration’s harmful anti-immigrant policies. If elected, she wants to establish a $16 minimum wage, tenants' rights and rent control, and low-barrier shelters. Moore would also look for ways to make the city more sustainable and explore implementing municipal broadband.

Moore's opponent in this race is Joel Manning, who is running to push back against progressive politics in Burien. He frames efforts to alleviate the homelessness crisis in as "misguided" and states that he will oppose "low/no barrier shelters," leaving members of the community to suffer the consequences. In addition, Manning does not support a $16 minimum wage.

Moore is by far the best choice in this race for Burien City Council, Position 2.

Kevin Schilling is a third-generation Burienite running for Position 4 on the Burien City Council. Having worked on a number of local civic issues, including his time as a legislative intern in Governor Inslee’s office, Schilling is currently finishing up his dual master’s degree from Columbia University and the London School of Economics. He is running to increase public safety, support local businesses, empower union workers, and to "bring an end to divisive politics."

Schilling's opponent in this race is conservative incumbent and former mayor Lucy Krakowiak. When she was mayor, Krakowiak spent $5,000 of her own money for anti-Seattle scare tactic postcards designed to promote her fellow conservative members. In 2017, she signed a petition to repeal her own city council's sanctuary city policy.

Schilling is the best choice for Burien City Council, Position 4.

Kevin Schilling is a third-generation Burienite running for Position 4 on the Burien City Council. Having worked on a number of local civic issues, including his time as a legislative intern in Governor Inslee’s office, Schilling is currently finishing up his dual master’s degree from Columbia University and the London School of Economics. He is running to increase public safety, support local businesses, empower union workers, and to "bring an end to divisive politics."

Schilling's opponent in this race is conservative incumbent and former mayor Lucy Krakowiak. When she was mayor, Krakowiak spent $5,000 of her own money for anti-Seattle scare tactic postcards designed to promote her fellow conservative members. In 2017, she signed a petition to repeal her own city council's sanctuary city policy.

Schilling is the best choice for Burien City Council, Position 4.

Sofia Aragon is a progressive running for the open Position 6 seat on the Burien City Council that was vacated by Austin Bell. Aragon is a registered nurse and the Executive Director of the Washington Center for Nursing. Aragon serves on the boards of the WA Low Income Housing Alliance and Asian Pacific Islander Americans for Civic Empowerment (APACE). Aragon is running to ensure Burien is a safe, healthy, and inclusive place for all residents. She is also passionate about creating more affordable housing and reducing homelessness in our communities.

Aragon is facing conservative Debi Wagner, a former Burien City Council member who lost her seat in 2017 to Mayor Jimmy Matta. Wagner was a previous supporter of Respect Washington, a group she was forced to disavow after they sent mailers to Burien residents with the names and addresses of allegedly undocumented immigrants. Her previous campaign platforms included distractions like fighting socialism.

Aragon is the best choice in this race because of her decades of community service and commitment to healthier communities for all.

Sofia Aragon is a progressive running for the open Position 6 seat on the Burien City Council that was vacated by Austin Bell. Aragon is a registered nurse and the Executive Director of the Washington Center for Nursing. Aragon serves on the boards of the WA Low Income Housing Alliance and Asian Pacific Islander Americans for Civic Empowerment (APACE). Aragon is running to ensure Burien is a safe, healthy, and inclusive place for all residents. She is also passionate about creating more affordable housing and reducing homelessness in our communities.

Aragon is facing conservative Debi Wagner, a former Burien City Council member who lost her seat in 2017 to Mayor Jimmy Matta. Wagner was a previous supporter of Respect Washington, a group she was forced to disavow after they sent mailers to Burien residents with the names and addresses of allegedly undocumented immigrants. Her previous campaign platforms included distractions like fighting socialism.

Aragon is the best choice in this race because of her decades of community service and commitment to healthier communities for all.

Des Moines City Council

Incumbent Luisa Bangs was first elected to the Des Moines City Council in 2015. She serves on several boards and commissions on the council, including the Public Safety/Emergency Management Committee, the Municipal Facilities Committee, and the Des Moines Arts Commission. Bangs states that she's proud of her work on fiscal responsibility, public safety, and economic diversity, and will continue to work on noise pollution, economic development in the downtown core, and more. She points to the city's solvent long term budget and contingencies, fully-funded police department, and doubling of the budget for human resources as proof of her and the current council's success.

Bangs is running against JC Harris, a retired professional musician and engineer. He previously ran for city council in 2017 on a platform of transparency and stronger code enforcement. He's running again on those issues, as well as reducing air traffic and making Des Moines more business-friendly.

Bangs' endorsements by local progressive organizations make her the best choice in this race.

Incumbent Luisa Bangs was first elected to the Des Moines City Council in 2015. She serves on several boards and commissions on the council, including the Public Safety/Emergency Management Committee, the Municipal Facilities Committee, and the Des Moines Arts Commission. Bangs states that she's proud of her work on fiscal responsibility, public safety, and economic diversity, and will continue to work on noise pollution, economic development in the downtown core, and more. She points to the city's solvent long term budget and contingencies, fully-funded police department, and doubling of the budget for human resources as proof of her and the current council's success.

Bangs is running against JC Harris, a retired professional musician and engineer. He previously ran for city council in 2017 on a platform of transparency and stronger code enforcement. He's running again on those issues, as well as reducing air traffic and making Des Moines more business-friendly.

Bangs' endorsements by local progressive organizations make her the best choice in this race.

Endorsed By: Laborers 242

Kent City Council

Appointed to the City Council in 2018 to replace Tina Buddell, Marli Larimer is running with a focus on economic development, public safety, and affordable housing. She is a senior content editor at Amazon with an extensive history of volunteering on community councils, local PTAs, and other organizations. She also serves on the King County Affordable Housing Committee as well as the King County Advisory Council on Aging and Disabilities Services. Unfortunately, Larimer hired Bailey Stober, the former King County Democrats chair who resigned after being accused of harassment, to work on her campaign.

Larimer is facing Todd Minor, a director at Microsoft and a member of Kent's Police Diversity Task Force and a commissioner on the city's Parks and Recreation Commission. He is running on a platform of public safety and fiscal and environmental stewardship. He plans to advocate for police officers and create non-tax revenue sources, though he does not have details about the latter.

Larimer's support from local progressive organizations makes her the best choice in this race.

Appointed to the City Council in 2018 to replace Tina Buddell, Marli Larimer is running with a focus on economic development, public safety, and affordable housing. She is a senior content editor at Amazon with an extensive history of volunteering on community councils, local PTAs, and other organizations. She also serves on the King County Affordable Housing Committee as well as the King County Advisory Council on Aging and Disabilities Services. Unfortunately, Larimer hired Bailey Stober, the former King County Democrats chair who resigned after being accused of harassment, to work on her campaign.

Larimer is facing Todd Minor, a director at Microsoft and a member of Kent's Police Diversity Task Force and a commissioner on the city's Parks and Recreation Commission. He is running on a platform of public safety and fiscal and environmental stewardship. He plans to advocate for police officers and create non-tax revenue sources, though he does not have details about the latter.

Larimer's support from local progressive organizations makes her the best choice in this race.

Hira Singh Bhullar is a senior software developer for Starbucks who is running for Kent City Council, Position 3 on a progressive platform. Bhullar is a board member of several nonprofits, including Kent Youth and Family Services, the Khalsa Gurmat Center, the Kent Schools Foundation, and the Kent YMCA. His campaign is centered on job creation that supports families, improving transportation, creative revenue generation, and transparency in city government. As an immigrant himself, Bhullar supports immigration reform and embraces diversity in the community. He wants to increase funding for the police department and reduce traffic congestion in Kent.

Bhullar is facing 16-year incumbent Les Thomas, who has missed time on the council recently for health reasons. A former Republican and independent candidate in the early 2000s, Thomas is a more moderate voice on the council. Thomas does not have a detailed re-election platform available, but states that he will focus on traffic congestion, homelessness, and budget constraints. In 2016, he referred to Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shooting victim from Ferguson, MO, as a "thief" and objected to a moment of silence for his killing in the Kent City Council.

Bhullar is the best choice in this race.

Hira Singh Bhullar is a senior software developer for Starbucks who is running for Kent City Council, Position 3 on a progressive platform. Bhullar is a board member of several nonprofits, including Kent Youth and Family Services, the Khalsa Gurmat Center, the Kent Schools Foundation, and the Kent YMCA. His campaign is centered on job creation that supports families, improving transportation, creative revenue generation, and transparency in city government. As an immigrant himself, Bhullar supports immigration reform and embraces diversity in the community. He wants to increase funding for the police department and reduce traffic congestion in Kent.

Bhullar is facing 16-year incumbent Les Thomas, who has missed time on the council recently for health reasons. A former Republican and independent candidate in the early 2000s, Thomas is a more moderate voice on the council. Thomas does not have a detailed re-election platform available, but states that he will focus on traffic congestion, homelessness, and budget constraints. In 2016, he referred to Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shooting victim from Ferguson, MO, as a "thief" and objected to a moment of silence for his killing in the Kent City Council.

Bhullar is the best choice in this race.

Mizan Rahman is currently the Senior Capital Project Manager for the King County Wastewater Division. He has deep connections in Kent and is active with the local Muslim community. Rahman has a very detailed plan available on his website, including his priorities of balancing the budget, improving infrastructure, helping the homeless, public safety, and immigration. He wants to ensure that zoning accommodates a variety of affordable housing types, advocate for community-based policing, provide rehab and transitioning homes for the homeless, and streamline department budgets in the city's general fund, among other policies.

Rahman is running against Bill Boyce, the Kent City Council president. Boyce was appointed last year to the King County Children and Youth Advisory Board, serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, and chairs the council's Economic & Community Development Committee, among other leadership roles. However, he hasn't released a detailed progressive platform like Rahman.  

Rahman is the best choice for Kent City Council, Position 5 because of his broad support in the progressive community and thoughtful plans to improve the city. 

Mizan Rahman is currently the Senior Capital Project Manager for the King County Wastewater Division. He has deep connections in Kent and is active with the local Muslim community. Rahman has a very detailed plan available on his website, including his priorities of balancing the budget, improving infrastructure, helping the homeless, public safety, and immigration. He wants to ensure that zoning accommodates a variety of affordable housing types, advocate for community-based policing, provide rehab and transitioning homes for the homeless, and streamline department budgets in the city's general fund, among other policies.

Rahman is running against Bill Boyce, the Kent City Council president. Boyce was appointed last year to the King County Children and Youth Advisory Board, serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, and chairs the council's Economic & Community Development Committee, among other leadership roles. However, he hasn't released a detailed progressive platform like Rahman.  

Rahman is the best choice for Kent City Council, Position 5 because of his broad support in the progressive community and thoughtful plans to improve the city. 

Endorsed By: Fuse , M. L. King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO , SEIU Local 6 , SEIU 775 , UFCW 3000 , King County Democrats

Awale Farah is currently pursuing a master's degree in Innovative Leadership from Saybrook University. Farah's campaign is focused on increasing access to public transportation, affordable housing, and more well-paid jobs for families. As a passionate learner about food security and access to healthy foods in Kent, he has served as a volunteer at the Living Well Kent greenhouse and the Kent Farmer’s Market.

Farah is running against Zandria Michaud, a student at UW Tacoma. Michaud, along with Larimer and Bhullar in Positions 1 and 3, was among 8 candidates shortlisted from a pool of 36 candidates to fill the vacancy in Position 1 in 2018 after Tina Budell's departure from the city council. Disappointingly, Michaud is pushing hard for more policing of homeless people rather than addressing the root causes of the issue. In addition, Michaud been stoking fear and division in the community through her exaggerated claims about crime in Kent. 

Farah is the best choice for Kent City Council, Position 7 because of his broad endorsements by local progressive organizations.

Awale Farah is currently pursuing a master's degree in Innovative Leadership from Saybrook University. Farah's campaign is focused on increasing access to public transportation, affordable housing, and more well-paid jobs for families. As a passionate learner about food security and access to healthy foods in Kent, he has served as a volunteer at the Living Well Kent greenhouse and the Kent Farmer’s Market.

Farah is running against Zandria Michaud, a student at UW Tacoma. Michaud, along with Larimer and Bhullar in Positions 1 and 3, was among 8 candidates shortlisted from a pool of 36 candidates to fill the vacancy in Position 1 in 2018 after Tina Budell's departure from the city council. Disappointingly, Michaud is pushing hard for more policing of homeless people rather than addressing the root causes of the issue. In addition, Michaud been stoking fear and division in the community through her exaggerated claims about crime in Kent. 

Farah is the best choice for Kent City Council, Position 7 because of his broad endorsements by local progressive organizations.

SeaTac City Council

Senayet Negusse is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 1. She is an educator, dual-language coach for immigrant and refugee communities, and a commissioner on the King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission. She is running on a platform of improving infrastructure, making transportation more accessible, and community safety. Negusse wants the city council to reflect the diversity and interests of the residents of SeaTac and has been spending time in different community spaces to learn what matters to them.

Negusse is running against Tony Anderson, who previously served as the mayor and as a city council member in SeaTac. During his time on the council, Anderson was known to Skype into some council meetings instead of attending in person. He does not have a robust campaign presence this time around.

Senayet Negusse is the best choice for fresh leadership on the SeaTac City Council.

Senayet Negusse is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 1. She is an educator, dual-language coach for immigrant and refugee communities, and a commissioner on the King County Immigrant and Refugee Commission. She is running on a platform of improving infrastructure, making transportation more accessible, and community safety. Negusse wants the city council to reflect the diversity and interests of the residents of SeaTac and has been spending time in different community spaces to learn what matters to them.

Negusse is running against Tony Anderson, who previously served as the mayor and as a city council member in SeaTac. During his time on the council, Anderson was known to Skype into some council meetings instead of attending in person. He does not have a robust campaign presence this time around.

Senayet Negusse is the best choice for fresh leadership on the SeaTac City Council.

Damiana Merryweather is a small business owner running for SeaTac City Council, Position 3. Merryweather is running to rectify the division and disenfranchisement being carried out by SeaTac's current conservative council. She believes that promoting the value of diverse communities is key to weathering change and growth, and wants to use her skills as a business owner on the council. Merryweather was inspired to run after the current council continued to promote large commercial interests over local residents and small businesses.

Merryweather is challenging incumbent SeaTac Councilmember Peter Kwon. He previously supported a diversity resolution and the creation of an arts and culture committee. Unfortunately, those efforts are outweighed by the consistently conservative actions of Kwon and the rest of the incumbents on the council.

The SeaTac City Council is badly in need of fresh progressive leadership. Merryweather is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 3.

Damiana Merryweather is a small business owner running for SeaTac City Council, Position 3. Merryweather is running to rectify the division and disenfranchisement being carried out by SeaTac's current conservative council. She believes that promoting the value of diverse communities is key to weathering change and growth, and wants to use her skills as a business owner on the council. Merryweather was inspired to run after the current council continued to promote large commercial interests over local residents and small businesses.

Merryweather is challenging incumbent SeaTac Councilmember Peter Kwon. He previously supported a diversity resolution and the creation of an arts and culture committee. Unfortunately, those efforts are outweighed by the consistently conservative actions of Kwon and the rest of the incumbents on the council.

The SeaTac City Council is badly in need of fresh progressive leadership. Merryweather is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 3.

Takele Gobena is a labor organizer who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 5. Gobena helped lead the fight to raise the minimum wage in SeaTac to $15 an hour. He works with the Teamsters and has been organizing Lyft and Uber drivers. As the only renter in the race, Gobena is emphasizing affordable housing as well as addressing public safety, including working with King County to bring more diversity to the police force.

Gobena is running against Stan Tombs, who was appointed to fill Position 5 earlier this year. Tombs is a retired lawyer and real estate developer, and is running on a conservative platform that would short-change essential city services.

Gobena is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 5 because of his progressive values and strong community support.

Takele Gobena is a labor organizer who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 5. Gobena helped lead the fight to raise the minimum wage in SeaTac to $15 an hour. He works with the Teamsters and has been organizing Lyft and Uber drivers. As the only renter in the race, Gobena is emphasizing affordable housing as well as addressing public safety, including working with King County to bring more diversity to the police force.

Gobena is running against Stan Tombs, who was appointed to fill Position 5 earlier this year. Tombs is a retired lawyer and real estate developer, and is running on a conservative platform that would short-change essential city services.

Gobena is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 5 because of his progressive values and strong community support.

Mohamed Ali Egal is a job developer with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 7. Egal immigrated to the United States decades ago and has lived in SeaTac for more than 10 years. He served as a job developer at Hopelink before transitioning into similar work with the Somali community at Career Path Services (which operates within the DSHS).

Egal's campaign is focused on expanding affordable, multi-family housing, increasing employment, and improving human services. He was also one of the many community members who expressed frustration when Stan Tombs was appointed to replace former SeaTac Councilmember Amina Ahmed after her death. Egal reminded the council that a majority of SeaTac's residents are people of color and he called for representation from those with shared life experiences with the community.

Egal is challenging the current conservative mayor of SeaTac, Councilmember Erin Sitterley. She is infamous for being a far-right Trump supporter who posted a photo of herself in a hat with "infidel" in phony Arabic script. SeaTac deserves better, and Mohamed Ali Egal is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 7.

Mohamed Ali Egal is a job developer with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) who is running for SeaTac City Council, Position 7. Egal immigrated to the United States decades ago and has lived in SeaTac for more than 10 years. He served as a job developer at Hopelink before transitioning into similar work with the Somali community at Career Path Services (which operates within the DSHS).

Egal's campaign is focused on expanding affordable, multi-family housing, increasing employment, and improving human services. He was also one of the many community members who expressed frustration when Stan Tombs was appointed to replace former SeaTac Councilmember Amina Ahmed after her death. Egal reminded the council that a majority of SeaTac's residents are people of color and he called for representation from those with shared life experiences with the community.

Egal is challenging the current conservative mayor of SeaTac, Councilmember Erin Sitterley. She is infamous for being a far-right Trump supporter who posted a photo of herself in a hat with "infidel" in phony Arabic script. SeaTac deserves better, and Mohamed Ali Egal is the best choice for SeaTac City Council, Position 7.

City of Seattle, District #1

Incumbent Lisa Herbold was first elected to the Seattle City Council in 2015 on a platform of affordable housing, paid sick leave, and raising the minimum wage. While on the council, Herbold has passed a slate of reforms, including an anti-discrimination law to protect tenants and a police observer's bill of rights. In the face of a recent spike of hate crimes, Herbold has introduced legislation to increase the penalties for people who commit hate crimes. If re-elected, Herbold will continue working to expand community access to healthy food, support a wage transparency law for companies that have public works contracts with the city, and expand affordable housing.

Herbold is running against video game company co-founder Phil Tavel, who has served as a public defender and judge pro tem. He has served as the vice president of the Morgan Community Association and on the board of Allied Arts. He'd like to see more police hired to deal with property crime but hasn't articulated a detailed plan for increasing affordable housing and reducing homelessness. Tavel has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Herbold is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 1 because of her strong track record and broad support from progressive advocates and elected officials.

Incumbent Lisa Herbold was first elected to the Seattle City Council in 2015 on a platform of affordable housing, paid sick leave, and raising the minimum wage. While on the council, Herbold has passed a slate of reforms, including an anti-discrimination law to protect tenants and a police observer's bill of rights. In the face of a recent spike of hate crimes, Herbold has introduced legislation to increase the penalties for people who commit hate crimes. If re-elected, Herbold will continue working to expand community access to healthy food, support a wage transparency law for companies that have public works contracts with the city, and expand affordable housing.

Herbold is running against video game company co-founder Phil Tavel, who has served as a public defender and judge pro tem. He has served as the vice president of the Morgan Community Association and on the board of Allied Arts. He'd like to see more police hired to deal with property crime but hasn't articulated a detailed plan for increasing affordable housing and reducing homelessness. Tavel has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Herbold is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 1 because of her strong track record and broad support from progressive advocates and elected officials.

City of Seattle, District #2

Tammy Morales is a longtime community organizer who is running for Seattle City Council in District 2. Morales narrowly lost her 2015 race against Councilmember Bruce Harrell, who is stepping down this year. Morales works at the Rainier Beach Action Coalition mentoring young people and fighting displacement. She supports a housing-first approach to homelessness that provides permanent supportive housing to those most in need. She also wants to do more for the "missing middle" that earn 30 to 60 percent of the median income and are struggling to afford rent. Morales supports a tax on real estate speculation and some form of a payroll tax on large corporations to fund the investments in affordable housing that District 2 and the city of Seattle need.

Morales is running against Mark Solomon, a Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Seattle Police Department and an Air Force veteran. If elected, Solomon's priorities include hiring more police officers, convening a District 2 Mandatory Housing Affordability Evaluation Committee, and marketing District 2 to attract more businesses. Solomon has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Morales is the clear progressive choice for Seattle City Council in District 2.

Tammy Morales is a longtime community organizer who is running for Seattle City Council in District 2. Morales narrowly lost her 2015 race against Councilmember Bruce Harrell, who is stepping down this year. Morales works at the Rainier Beach Action Coalition mentoring young people and fighting displacement. She supports a housing-first approach to homelessness that provides permanent supportive housing to those most in need. She also wants to do more for the "missing middle" that earn 30 to 60 percent of the median income and are struggling to afford rent. Morales supports a tax on real estate speculation and some form of a payroll tax on large corporations to fund the investments in affordable housing that District 2 and the city of Seattle need.

Morales is running against Mark Solomon, a Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Seattle Police Department and an Air Force veteran. If elected, Solomon's priorities include hiring more police officers, convening a District 2 Mandatory Housing Affordability Evaluation Committee, and marketing District 2 to attract more businesses. Solomon has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Morales is the clear progressive choice for Seattle City Council in District 2.

City of Seattle, District #3

Kshama Sawant is a former economics professor and member of Socialist Alternative running for re-election to the Seattle City Council in District 3. Sawant has played a valuable role in an impressive number of progressive victories on the city council, from the historic $15 minimum wage to blocking rent increases for public low-income housing. Her campaign platform takes aim squarely at Amazon and she pledges to tax large corporations to fund a large investment in social housing and a Green New Deal for Seattle. She has also been an advocate for city-wide rent control and believes the city council must have the courage to pass bold policies at the scale necessary to address our city’s challenges. She has been a consistent voice for low-income families in Seattle who are struggling to get by.

Sawant is also a controversial and polarizing figure. Her uncompromising positions and disregard for collaboration have not made her popular with her peers at City Hall and have reduced her effectiveness as a council member. In addition, Sawant is one of the few candidates who has opted-out of the Democracy Voucher system. She has stated that she needs to raise as much money as possible to fend off campaign attacks from corporate interests. 

The electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars against Sawant and in support of her opponent, Egan Orion. This is part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda. We believe Sawant is the best choice to maintain a strong progressive majority on the Seattle City Council.

Egan Orion

Sawant is facing a challenge from Egan Orion, a moderate small business owner and former director of the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Broadway Business Improvement area. Orion is a prominent member of Seattle’s LGBTQ community who is best known for taking over Seattle’s struggling PrideFest in 2007 and building it into one of the largest and most popular pride celebrations in the country.  

Orion is running a centrist campaign that promises to bring a collaborative approach to the council, in contrast to what he sees as Sawant’s hard-line approach. He has earned the endorsement of Teamsters Local 117 and several other unions. In our interview, he did not take a position on the increased Seattle Police emphasis patrols this summer and is a “maybe” on allowing safe injection sites. While Egan is a moderate Democrat who is an advocate on social issues like LGBTQ rights, it’s unclear if he’s willing to fight to balance our upside tax code by making Seattle’s most successful businesses to pay their share in taxes.

While we have concerns about both candidates, we think it’s important not to let conservative business groups gain undue influence over the council's policymaking. We believe Sawant is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 3.

Kshama Sawant is a former economics professor and member of Socialist Alternative running for re-election to the Seattle City Council in District 3. Sawant has played a valuable role in an impressive number of progressive victories on the city council, from the historic $15 minimum wage to blocking rent increases for public low-income housing. Her campaign platform takes aim squarely at Amazon and she pledges to tax large corporations to fund a large investment in social housing and a Green New Deal for Seattle. She has also been an advocate for city-wide rent control and believes the city council must have the courage to pass bold policies at the scale necessary to address our city’s challenges. She has been a consistent voice for low-income families in Seattle who are struggling to get by.

Sawant is also a controversial and polarizing figure. Her uncompromising positions and disregard for collaboration have not made her popular with her peers at City Hall and have reduced her effectiveness as a council member. In addition, Sawant is one of the few candidates who has opted-out of the Democracy Voucher system. She has stated that she needs to raise as much money as possible to fend off campaign attacks from corporate interests. 

The electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars against Sawant and in support of her opponent, Egan Orion. This is part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda. We believe Sawant is the best choice to maintain a strong progressive majority on the Seattle City Council.

Egan Orion

Sawant is facing a challenge from Egan Orion, a moderate small business owner and former director of the Capitol Hill Chamber of Commerce and the Broadway Business Improvement area. Orion is a prominent member of Seattle’s LGBTQ community who is best known for taking over Seattle’s struggling PrideFest in 2007 and building it into one of the largest and most popular pride celebrations in the country.  

Orion is running a centrist campaign that promises to bring a collaborative approach to the council, in contrast to what he sees as Sawant’s hard-line approach. He has earned the endorsement of Teamsters Local 117 and several other unions. In our interview, he did not take a position on the increased Seattle Police emphasis patrols this summer and is a “maybe” on allowing safe injection sites. While Egan is a moderate Democrat who is an advocate on social issues like LGBTQ rights, it’s unclear if he’s willing to fight to balance our upside tax code by making Seattle’s most successful businesses to pay their share in taxes.

While we have concerns about both candidates, we think it’s important not to let conservative business groups gain undue influence over the council's policymaking. We believe Sawant is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 3.

City of Seattle, District #4

Advocacy journalist Shaun Scott is running on a bold progressive platform for Seattle City Council in District 4. One of Scott’s top priorities is to pass a Green New Deal for Seattle. He proposes reforming the city's single-family zoning to allow taller buildings and build a comprehensive bike network paid for by congestion pricing and taxation of wealthy companies like Amazon. Scott also wants to use the city’s debt capacity to borrow money to accelerate the development of affordable public housing. Scott is committed to reforming our upside-down tax structure with proposals like a tax on vacant homes, a progressive real estate excise tax, and a “re-tooled” employee hours tax. If elected, he would maintain a strong grassroots organizing presence to build public support for these policies.

Scott is running against Alex Pedersen, who is running a campaign that leans more conservative in his approach to taxes and relies too much on law enforcement instead of affordable housing and services to reduce homelessness. Pederson has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Scott is the best choice in this race because of his ambitious progressive platform that will prioritize environmental and racial justice.

Advocacy journalist Shaun Scott is running on a bold progressive platform for Seattle City Council in District 4. One of Scott’s top priorities is to pass a Green New Deal for Seattle. He proposes reforming the city's single-family zoning to allow taller buildings and build a comprehensive bike network paid for by congestion pricing and taxation of wealthy companies like Amazon. Scott also wants to use the city’s debt capacity to borrow money to accelerate the development of affordable public housing. Scott is committed to reforming our upside-down tax structure with proposals like a tax on vacant homes, a progressive real estate excise tax, and a “re-tooled” employee hours tax. If elected, he would maintain a strong grassroots organizing presence to build public support for these policies.

Scott is running against Alex Pedersen, who is running a campaign that leans more conservative in his approach to taxes and relies too much on law enforcement instead of affordable housing and services to reduce homelessness. Pederson has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Scott is the best choice in this race because of his ambitious progressive platform that will prioritize environmental and racial justice.

City of Seattle, District #5

Incumbent city council member and attorney Debora Juarez is running for re-election in District 5 on her record of engagement with her district's needs. The first native council member in Seattle, she chairs the Civic Development, Public Assets, and Native Communities Committee, one of the nation's first formalized municipal legislative voices for Native governments and leaders. In her time of the council, she helped secure $16 million in funding for the Lake City Community Center and pushed to get the NE 130th Street Light Rail Station, as well as have the station open 7 years early in 2024 instead of in 2031. She also points to $20,000 she secured for the local food bank, as well as her support for funding Clement Place, a 100-unit low-income housing project. If re-elected, Juarez would push for a public development authority that could directly build affordable housing in the city.

Juarez is being challenged by conservative Ann Davidson Sattler, a former Seattle Sonics employee. Unfortunately, Sattler favors a law-enforcement heavy approach to homelessness that ignores the underlying causes of homelessness in our community.

Juarez is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 5.

Incumbent city council member and attorney Debora Juarez is running for re-election in District 5 on her record of engagement with her district's needs. The first native council member in Seattle, she chairs the Civic Development, Public Assets, and Native Communities Committee, one of the nation's first formalized municipal legislative voices for Native governments and leaders. In her time of the council, she helped secure $16 million in funding for the Lake City Community Center and pushed to get the NE 130th Street Light Rail Station, as well as have the station open 7 years early in 2024 instead of in 2031. She also points to $20,000 she secured for the local food bank, as well as her support for funding Clement Place, a 100-unit low-income housing project. If re-elected, Juarez would push for a public development authority that could directly build affordable housing in the city.

Juarez is being challenged by conservative Ann Davidson Sattler, a former Seattle Sonics employee. Unfortunately, Sattler favors a law-enforcement heavy approach to homelessness that ignores the underlying causes of homelessness in our community.

Juarez is the best choice for Seattle City Council in District 5.

City of Seattle, District #6

Dan Strauss is a senior policy advisor to Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw on transportation, planning, land use, and more. In his former role as a legislative assistant to Senator Dan Frockt, Strauss worked on the Extreme Risk Protection Order, a law that temporarily restricts firearm access for those who are a demonstrated risk to themselves or others. Strauss wants to invest in permanent supportive housing at four times the current rate to match the state of the homelessness crisis and enhanced shelters so that those experiencing homelessness will have access to services. He advocates for dedicated bus lanes and protected bike lanes, incentivizing space for childcare facilities in new developments, passing a tree canopy ordinance, and building income-restricted homes so lower-income people can afford to live in the city.

Strauss is facing Heidi Wills, a former Seattle City Council member. Despite a previous ethics violation from her time on the council in 2003, Wills has proven herself to be a good advocate for the environment. Wills helped create the city's Green Power Programs as well as the first wind contract at Seattle City Light. In her current bid for office, she states that neighborhoods like Ballard are "underpoliced" and that more police officers should be hired and emphasis patrols continued. Wills has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Strauss is the best choice in this race because of his progressive vision for Seattle, detailed knowledge of city policies, and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations. 

Dan Strauss is a senior policy advisor to Seattle City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw on transportation, planning, land use, and more. In his former role as a legislative assistant to Senator Dan Frockt, Strauss worked on the Extreme Risk Protection Order, a law that temporarily restricts firearm access for those who are a demonstrated risk to themselves or others. Strauss wants to invest in permanent supportive housing at four times the current rate to match the state of the homelessness crisis and enhanced shelters so that those experiencing homelessness will have access to services. He advocates for dedicated bus lanes and protected bike lanes, incentivizing space for childcare facilities in new developments, passing a tree canopy ordinance, and building income-restricted homes so lower-income people can afford to live in the city.

Strauss is facing Heidi Wills, a former Seattle City Council member. Despite a previous ethics violation from her time on the council in 2003, Wills has proven herself to be a good advocate for the environment. Wills helped create the city's Green Power Programs as well as the first wind contract at Seattle City Light. In her current bid for office, she states that neighborhoods like Ballard are "underpoliced" and that more police officers should be hired and emphasis patrols continued. Wills has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

Strauss is the best choice in this race because of his progressive vision for Seattle, detailed knowledge of city policies, and strong support from our Progressive Voters Guide partner organizations. 

City of Seattle, District #7

Andrew Lewis is a progressive assistant city attorney running for Seattle City Council in District 7. He served on the Seattle Human Rights Commission and managed the 2009 campaign for former City Councilmember Nick Licata. As an assistant city attorney, Lewis has focused on diversion programs, especially the Choose 180 program, which keeps youth out of the criminal justice system. As a candidate, Lewis’s top campaign priority is to build more affordable homes and increase support for tenants struggling to stay in their homes. He’s fully committed to reforming our upside-down tax code that has driven up the cost of living for low-and-middle-income Seattleites. He also supports replacing the Magnolia bridge and pairing it with increased transit service connected to urban villages.

Lewis is facing Jim Pugel, a former assistant chief and interim chief with the Seattle Police Department, as well as a Chief Deputy at the King County Sheriff’s Office. He was also the executive sponsor for the establishment of the LEAD program, which diverts low-level, nonviolent offenders and sex workers away from jail and into other services. Pugel supports a statewide capital gains tax, which would fund needed programs in the city. He has a four pillars approach to addressing homelessness, which is "prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and enforcement." Pugel has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

We believe Lewis is the best choice in this race because of his progressive values, commitment to public service, and detailed policy platform for how to address the challenges facing our city.

Andrew Lewis is a progressive assistant city attorney running for Seattle City Council in District 7. He served on the Seattle Human Rights Commission and managed the 2009 campaign for former City Councilmember Nick Licata. As an assistant city attorney, Lewis has focused on diversion programs, especially the Choose 180 program, which keeps youth out of the criminal justice system. As a candidate, Lewis’s top campaign priority is to build more affordable homes and increase support for tenants struggling to stay in their homes. He’s fully committed to reforming our upside-down tax code that has driven up the cost of living for low-and-middle-income Seattleites. He also supports replacing the Magnolia bridge and pairing it with increased transit service connected to urban villages.

Lewis is facing Jim Pugel, a former assistant chief and interim chief with the Seattle Police Department, as well as a Chief Deputy at the King County Sheriff’s Office. He was also the executive sponsor for the establishment of the LEAD program, which diverts low-level, nonviolent offenders and sex workers away from jail and into other services. Pugel supports a statewide capital gains tax, which would fund needed programs in the city. He has a four pillars approach to addressing homelessness, which is "prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and enforcement." Pugel has the backing of CASE, the electoral arm of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, as part of their unprecedented $2 million campaign to flip the Seattle City Council and push their conservative corporate agenda.

We believe Lewis is the best choice in this race because of his progressive values, commitment to public service, and detailed policy platform for how to address the challenges facing our city.

Renton School District

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below school district races on your ballot.


Vote YES on Renton School Bond Proposition 1

Renton School District No. 403's Proposition No. 1, the Building for Excellence School Building Construction Bond, will provide critical resources for the district. It would fund the construction of an elementary school in the quickly-growing northeastern part of the district, improved safety and security measures, renovations, additional science classrooms in high schools, and more. Because a greater number of families have moved into the district, the average homeowner will actually pay a lower tax rate under this levy, which will cost $3.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value through 2025. At this rate, the owner of a median-priced $400,000 home would pay $116 per month.

Our students deserve the best possible resources to kickstart their educations and secure their futures. Vote yes on the Building for Excellence School Building Construction Bond!

Renton School District No. 403's Proposition No. 1, the Building for Excellence School Building Construction Bond, will provide critical resources for the district. It would fund the construction of an elementary school in the quickly-growing northeastern part of the district, improved safety and security measures, renovations, additional science classrooms in high schools, and more. Because a greater number of families have moved into the district, the average homeowner will actually pay a lower tax rate under this levy, which will cost $3.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value through 2025. At this rate, the owner of a median-priced $400,000 home would pay $116 per month.

Our students deserve the best possible resources to kickstart their educations and secure their futures. Vote yes on the Building for Excellence School Building Construction Bond!