Tribal leader, mental health counselor, and Army veteran Ronda Metcalf is running for this open seat vacated by Rep. Elizabeth Scott. Metcalf supports an economy that works for everyone, increasing local transit options, and confronting our state's mental health crisis, including the rising drug epidemic in Snohomish County.
She faces far-right conservative John Koster, who is currently suing Snohomish County for nearly $1 million after being ousted for doing political advocacy while working for the county. Koster also lost his race against Suzan DelBene for Congress in 2012 after he made insensitive remarks about rape. Also in this race is Shane Driscoll, who is not running a competitive campaign. Due to her leadership experience and her work to better our community, Metcalf deserves your vote.
Tribal leader, mental health counselor, and Army veteran Ronda Metcalf is running for this open seat vacated by Rep. Elizabeth Scott. Metcalf supports an economy that works for everyone, increasing local transit options, and confronting our state's mental health crisis, including the rising drug epidemic in Snohomish County.
She faces far-right conservative John Koster, who is currently suing Snohomish County for nearly $1 million after being ousted for doing political advocacy while working for the county. Koster also lost his race against Suzan DelBene for Congress in 2012 after he made insensitive remarks about rape. Also in this race is Shane Driscoll, who is not running a competitive campaign. Due to her leadership experience and her work to better our community, Metcalf deserves your vote.