Mike Karnofski has served on the County Commission since 2010. The former Weyerhauser executive has worked to streamline Cowlitz's technology and transparency in his six years on the commission. Though it is disappointing that he wants to see the Longview coal terminal project move forward, he has demonstrated a moderate record on the council.
Karnofski faces Woodland City Council woman Marliee McCall, who "cannot find any major fault" with Karnofski's record, as well as no party preference candidate Jim Hill, Libertarian Curtis Hart, and Republican Party activist Arne Mortensen. Due to his leadership and experience, Karnofski has earned another term.
Mike Karnofski has served on the County Commission since 2010. The former Weyerhauser executive has worked to streamline Cowlitz's technology and transparency in his six years on the commission. Though it is disappointing that he wants to see the Longview coal terminal project move forward, he has demonstrated a moderate record on the council.
Karnofski faces Woodland City Council woman Marliee McCall, who "cannot find any major fault" with Karnofski's record, as well as no party preference candidate Jim Hill, Libertarian Curtis Hart, and Republican Party activist Arne Mortensen. Due to his leadership and experience, Karnofski has earned another term.