Rep. Zack Hudgins is a strong progressive incumbent and the chair of the House Government Oversight Committee who is running for re-election. He has been a thoughtful and effective leader in the legislature who has led on issues of veterans affairs, election transparency, and affordable housing.
He faces conservative Erin Aboudara, a member of the Log Cabin Republicans of Washington. She has not addressed the issues of affordable housing, racial justice, and transportation that are facing the district. Hudgins has been endorsed by a wide variety of our progressive partners and deserves your vote.
Rep. Zack Hudgins is a strong progressive incumbent and the chair of the House Government Oversight Committee who is running for re-election. He has been a thoughtful and effective leader in the legislature who has led on issues of veterans affairs, election transparency, and affordable housing.
He faces conservative Erin Aboudara, a member of the Log Cabin Republicans of Washington. She has not addressed the issues of affordable housing, racial justice, and transportation that are facing the district. Hudgins has been endorsed by a wide variety of our progressive partners and deserves your vote.