Joe Pakootas is a community and business leader credited with turning around the Colville Tribe’s business enterprises during his time as CEO. He is passionate about addressing income inequality, protecting the environment, and protecting women’s access to health care. He is challenging conservative Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who continues to support Donald Trump for President despite some of the sexist, racist, and derogatory remarks he has made. Rodgers helped lead the House Republicans' extremely conservative agenda, including blocking emergency benefits for the unemployed, cutting $40 billion from food stamps, and opposing laws to end pay discrimination against women.
Pakootas would be a refreshing change of leadership for the 5th Congressional District.
Joe Pakootas is a community and business leader credited with turning around the Colville Tribe’s business enterprises during his time as CEO. He is passionate about addressing income inequality, protecting the environment, and protecting women’s access to health care. He is challenging conservative Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who continues to support Donald Trump for President despite some of the sexist, racist, and derogatory remarks he has made. Rodgers helped lead the House Republicans' extremely conservative agenda, including blocking emergency benefits for the unemployed, cutting $40 billion from food stamps, and opposing laws to end pay discrimination against women.
Pakootas would be a refreshing change of leadership for the 5th Congressional District.