Judge Helen Halpert has served on the King County Superior Court since 1999. During her tenure, she has prioritized child welfare cases and addressing domestic violence, serving as the Chief Judge of the Criminal and Juvenile Divisions of the Court. She currently presides over all child welfare cases filed in King County. Judge Halpert is endorsed by a wide range of judges, including all nine members of the state Supreme Court, as well as our progressive partners.
Her opponent, Marc Stern, has not received the same broad community support. Due to her outstanding commitment to serving Washington’s families and children, Halbert deserves your vote.
Judge Helen Halpert has served on the King County Superior Court since 1999. During her tenure, she has prioritized child welfare cases and addressing domestic violence, serving as the Chief Judge of the Criminal and Juvenile Divisions of the Court. She currently presides over all child welfare cases filed in King County. Judge Halpert is endorsed by a wide range of judges, including all nine members of the state Supreme Court, as well as our progressive partners.
Her opponent, Marc Stern, has not received the same broad community support. Due to her outstanding commitment to serving Washington’s families and children, Halbert deserves your vote.