Jones knows that climate change is real and that we must take action to reduce emissions and protect the public health of Richmond citizens. He believes that it is unacceptable that Richmond has some of the highest rates of asthma in the country and flooding in our neighborhoods. He also understands the need for environmental justice, as some parts of the 77th district are 10% hotter than others. He believes that we need to fight at the state level for tree canopies, greenspace, and improvements to the James River Park System. Jones has taken a pledge not to take any campaign contributions from Dominion Energy and has been endorsed by Sierra Club.
Jones has garnered a reputation of fighting for the streets. Black, White or Brown, he has sought to amplify the voices of those that are too often overlooked. In a part of the City that has been left out of so many conversations, Jones has a way of matching problems with legislation. He has shown his ability to lead during tough times by chairing the Council’s Finance Committee, calling for more fiscal responsibility. He is willing to say what so many are afraid to say in a tone of empathy and compassion. Jones tries to educate and inform while others might seek to alienate.
As a Black man, Jones knows people of color are over-represented in the criminal justice system and underrepresented in elected office. We need to rectify some of the wrongs of the past, but more importantly, stop the next generation from being pulled into the system. Jones wants to slow the school-to-prison pipeline, reform policing, help returning citizens get into the workforce, and eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. On the city council, Jones led the fight to gain local control of the Confederate Monuments in the City of Richmond. Standing alone, he endured backlash and death threats. That did not stop him. He is leading the charge for more accountability with Law Enforcement seeking to move to a true form of public safety.
Jones also supports access to abortion and feels strongly that the government should never limit access to or prevent someone from making their own reproductive choices. He also wants to give kids a pathway to the middle class by providing jobs with good benefits, a $15/hr minimum wage, and creating a great economy that works for everyone.
Councilman Jones is running unopposed, but given his stance on criminal justice reform, climate change, and racial justice, he is decidedly the progressive choice in this race.