Del. Torian has done critical work to reform criminal justice in Virginia. He wrote and helped pass the 2020 Community Policing Act, which enforces the collection and release of police data. The increased transparency has helped reveal and address racial biases in the police force. He also voted to abolish the death penalty. He voted in favor of a bill to introduce automatic expungement of certain criminal records in the Commonwealth. This policy will help people with misdemeanor convictions on their record have access to education, housing, and jobs.
In 2021, Del. Torian carried legislation creating the VirginiaSaves retirement program, which establishes a state-facilitated retirement plan for those who do not receive one through their employers. This program helps decrease the racial and economic disparities in building long-term wealth and saving for the future. Torian also supported workers’ rights by voting to allow collective bargaining for public workers He also voted to raise the minimum wage and increase the salaries of teachers, social workers, and other public employees.
Del. Torian is also working to address the affordable housing crisis in the district. In 2021, he sponsored legislation to protect the rights of people living in manufactured home parks and slow down the foreclosure process, ensuring fewer Virginians lose their homes. He also voted to strengthen the rights of tenants to prevent evictions and to protect their health during emergencies like the pandemic.
Del. Torian has also worked to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. In 2018, he voted to expand Medicaid, which resulted in 500,000 Virginians having access to health coverage. He successfully passed a bill ending "surprise billing" by healthcare providers to increase transparency in the medical billing process and ensure Virginians are protected from predatory practices by insurance companies. Additionally, he voted in favor of ensuring abortions are covered by health insurance companies in the state exchange.
Delegate Torian is not facing an opponent this year and because of his support of criminal justice reform, working families, affordable housing and health care, Delegate Torian is the most progressive choice for Virginia’s 24th District.