Bolling's top priority if elected to the Virginia House of Delegates is to expand access to quality, affordable healthcare, especially for children and older adults. She aims to lower the cost of prescription drugs, expand notice and education on available care resources, streamline the process for obtaining proper certifications for home healthcare providers, enhance access to incentives for caregivers, increase funding for grants and expand access to resources for older adults, and leverage community partnerships to improve access to services for individuals in need.
Since she works at the Virginia AFL-CIO, Bolling deeply understands the struggles of working families. She has fought for equal, equitable, and safe worker rights and protections for all Virginians. She aims to improve the lives of her community by fighting for higher wages, better working conditions, comprehensive benefits, and access to opportunity. Bolling plans to protect minimum wage increases, expand unemployment insurance, ensure equitable safety and health protections on the job, increase funding for worker training programs, and build on Virginia's collective bargaining law to ensure everyone has a fair shot.
Bolling believes in building an equitable, restorative justice system where every person affected by the actions of people in the position she seeks must have a voice, including those who have paid their debts to society after being convicted of a crime. She aims to hold Governor Youngkin accountable for rolling back the restoration of rights process, assist constituents in their efforts to get their rights restored, and work with her colleagues to pass a resolution allowing for voters to consider a constitutional amendment to guarantee the automatic restoration of voting rights.
Bolling aims to build the strongest public schools in the nation and provide every child access to a top-notch public education. She plans to raise teacher pay, improve staffing ratios, increase access to reading and math volunteers and specialists, end the school-to-prison pipeline, ensure access to pre-K, increase funding for apprenticeship programs, expand vocational and technical education curricula, engage students and parents about career pathways and college funding opportunities, offer diverse career fair opportunities, and invest in incentives for individuals interested in becoming an educator in the Commonwealth.
Bolling’s only opponent in the race is Independent Michael Harned. At the time of research, we could find no information on his positions.
Because of her commitments to providing healthcare, advocating for workers’ rights, and building an equitable justice system, Bolling is the progressive choice in this race.