Senator Ebbin has fought to advance progressive priorities including establishing legislation to fight for equality in the Commonwealth. In 2022, Sen. Ebbin unsuccessfully passed SJ5, a bill that reapeals and replaces the ban on same-sex marriage in the Virginia Constitution with the right to marry affirmation. Two years prior, Sen. Ebbin also passed comprehensive ban on discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, making Virginia the first southern state to create legislation to protect the LGBTQ+ community.
Senator Ebbin understands the need for commonsense gun laws. He champions preventing gun violence most recently by introducing legislation that makes the selling of guns without serial numbers, or ghost guns, illegal. Sen. Ebbin also sponsored SB643, legislation that would’ve allowed law enforcement to prosecute those who are found with illegal firearms. Sen. Ebbin also serves as the co-chair of the General Assembly Gun Violence Prevention Caucus, where he was able to ban firearms in state buildings.
He is a member of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, the School Readiness Committee, the Commission on Economic Opportunity for Virginians in Aspiring and Diverse Communities, the Task force to Commemorate the Centennial Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote, and the Joint Commission on Technology and Science.
Running against Senator Ebbin is Republican Sophia Moshasha. A self-described technology advocate and community builder, as well as the vice president of the DC Chapter of the VR/AR Association, Moshasha prioritizes building sustainable solutions for Virginia’s growing economy, interested in lowering taxes small businesses, which will take away from funding in education and other programs. Moshasha also advocates for Glenn Youngkin’s Parental Rights in education, which is just another way of saying she does not trust our teachers to teach our student correct historically accurate information about school curriculum.
Because of his dedication to create commensense gun laws andhis fight for equality, Senator Ebbin is the progressive choice in this race.