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Mark Gormley

Mark Gormley is a first time candidate running for Thornton City Council, Ward 3. Gormley is a father and technical writer. Gormley is running to ensure that the voices of working Thornton families are represented and that growth in Thornton does't exacerbate the climate crisis. Gormley is running to ensure that growth happens thoughtfully and to hold the fossil fuels industry accountable.

Mark Gormley is a first time candidate running for Thornton City Council, Ward 3. Gormley is a father and technical writer. Gormley is running to ensure that the voices of working Thornton families are represented and that growth in Thornton does't exacerbate the climate crisis. Gormley is running to ensure that growth happens thoughtfully and to hold the fossil fuels industry accountable.

City of Thornton

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Election Day November 7, 2023
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City of Thornton

Jan Kulmann is an establishment conservative seeking re-election for Thornton Mayor. Kulmann is an oil and gas industry proponent. In 2022, Kulmann failed in her primary bid for new Colorado Congressional District 8 after her cover up as board chair of scandals at Stargate Academy in Thornton

Jan Kulmann is an establishment conservative seeking re-election for Thornton Mayor. Kulmann is an oil and gas industry proponent. In 2022, Kulmann failed in her primary bid for new Colorado Congressional District 8 after her cover up as board chair of scandals at Stargate Academy in Thornton

Julia Marvin is running for Thornton Mayor. A marketing and public outreach professional, Marvin was born and raised in Colorado. Marvin is running to make local politics more accessible and transparent to everyone. Marvin has served on the Thornton City Council since 2019.

Julia Marvin is running for Thornton Mayor. A marketing and public outreach professional, Marvin was born and raised in Colorado. Marvin is running to make local politics more accessible and transparent to everyone. Marvin has served on the Thornton City Council since 2019.

School Board

Depending on where you live, you may have the following school district races on your ballot.

Adams 12 Five Star Schools

We believe Alexis Marsh-Holschen is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Alexis Marsh-Holschen is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

Lori Goldstein

We believe Lori Goldstein is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Lori Goldstein is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Paula Battistelli is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Paula Battistelli is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

Adams 27J

Rachel Wilhelm

We believe Rachel Wilhelm is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Rachel Wilhelm is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

Melinda Carbajal

We believe Melinda Carbajal is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Melinda Carbajal is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

Tom Green

We believe Tom Green is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

We believe Tom Green is the best choice in this race based on endorsements from our partners and trusted community leaders. While we have not been able to conduct our standard independent research on this race, we encourage you to visit their website, social media, or voters’ pamphlet statement to learn more.

Statewide Ballot Measures


Support Proposition HH for property tax relief that also protects Colorado schools.

Proposition HH is a measure referred by the Colorado General Assembly to voters to address rising property taxes as a result of the enormous appreciation in home values in Colorado in recent years. Proposition HH reduces the rate of property tax increase while ensuring that public school districts reliant on property tax funding don't lose out in the bargain. Proposition HH would reduce but not eliminate refunds paid under the 1992 Taxpayer's Bill of Rights to backfill education funding that would otherwise be lost.

Proposition HH is a measure referred by the Colorado General Assembly to voters to address rising property taxes as a result of the enormous appreciation in home values in Colorado in recent years. Proposition HH reduces the rate of property tax increase while ensuring that public school districts reliant on property tax funding don't lose out in the bargain. Proposition HH would reduce but not eliminate refunds paid under the 1992 Taxpayer's Bill of Rights to backfill education funding that would otherwise be lost.