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  • Democrat

    Nancy Skinner

    Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to build on her record of fighting for criminal justice reform, affordable housing, and increased environmental protections across the state.

    In the State Senate, Skinner has authored two significant criminal justice reform bills to increase police accountability and overhaul the felony murder rule. She has also authored legislation to improve California’s affordable housing shortage, and to protect the environment through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Skinner currently serves as the Chair of the Public Safety Committee and the Public Safety Budget Committee, and is a member of an additional six committees. Prior to her election to the State Senate, Skinner served three terms in the State Assembly, was the first student to be elected to the Berkeley City Council, and served as the Executive Director of ICLEI’s United States office which worked with international cities to stop climate change. As a graduate Student at Berkeley, Skinner co-founded the labor union that represents graduate student instructors.

    Nancy Skinner is running unopposed in this race. She scores a lifetime 97 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of legislators’ progressive voting record. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Skinner has consistently shown great courage by advocating for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians.

    According to our analysis, Nancy Skinner is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Nancy Skinner

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017.

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to build on her record of fighting for criminal justice reform, affordable housing, and increased environmental protections across the state.

    In the State Senate, Skinner has authored two significant criminal justice reform bills to increase police accountability and overhaul the felony murder rule. She has also authored legislation to improve California’s affordable housing shortage, and to protect the environment through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Skinner currently serves as the Chair of the Public Safety Committee and the Public Safety Budget Committee, and is a member of an additional six committees. Prior to her election to the State Senate, Skinner served three terms in the State Assembly, was the first student to be elected to the Berkeley City Council, and served as the Executive Director of ICLEI’s United States office which worked with international cities to stop climate change. As a graduate Student at Berkeley, Skinner co-founded the labor union that represents graduate student instructors.

    Nancy Skinner is running unopposed in this race. She scores a lifetime 97 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of legislators’ progressive voting record. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Skinner has consistently shown great courage by advocating for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians.

    According to our analysis, Nancy Skinner is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Nancy Skinner

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017.

  • Puntuación de Courage California:


Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Christine “Chris” Bubser is from Pennsylvania and has lived in Mammoth Lakes for over 13 years. According to campaign materials, she’s running for office to bring responsive representation to California’s 8th Congressional district.  

    Bubser is a biotech engineer and healthcare advocate. The 2017 attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act led her to advocate in Washington, and she decided to run for office after the indifference she experienced. In her community, Bubser is a trustee at her Temple and a co-founder of HODG (HangOutDoGood), a grassroots community of hundreds of volunteers who work to elect progressive candidates. 

    Bubser is running against nine other candidates: Bob Conaway (D), James Ellars (D), Tim Donnelly (R), Jerry Laws (R), Jay Obernolte (R), Jeremy Staat (R), Justin David Whitehead (R), Jeff Esmus (NPP). Incumbent Paul Cook (R) is not seeking re-election. Recent election results show it's hard for Democrats to win this seat. Chris Bubser is the best progressive choice thanks to endorsements from over a dozen progressive organizations, elected officials, and community leaders. 

    According to our analysis, Chris Bubser is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Chris Bubser

    Christine “Chris” Bubser is from Pennsylvania and has lived in Mammoth Lakes for over 13 years. According to campaign materials, she’s running for office to bring responsive representation to California’s 8th Congressional district.  

    Christine “Chris” Bubser is from Pennsylvania and has lived in Mammoth Lakes for over 13 years. According to campaign materials, she’s running for office to bring responsive representation to California’s 8th Congressional district.  

    Bubser is a biotech engineer and healthcare advocate. The 2017 attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act led her to advocate in Washington, and she decided to run for office after the indifference she experienced. In her community, Bubser is a trustee at her Temple and a co-founder of HODG (HangOutDoGood), a grassroots community of hundreds of volunteers who work to elect progressive candidates. 

    Bubser is running against nine other candidates: Bob Conaway (D), James Ellars (D), Tim Donnelly (R), Jerry Laws (R), Jay Obernolte (R), Jeremy Staat (R), Justin David Whitehead (R), Jeff Esmus (NPP). Incumbent Paul Cook (R) is not seeking re-election. Recent election results show it's hard for Democrats to win this seat. Chris Bubser is the best progressive choice thanks to endorsements from over a dozen progressive organizations, elected officials, and community leaders. 

    According to our analysis, Chris Bubser is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Chris Bubser

    Christine “Chris” Bubser is from Pennsylvania and has lived in Mammoth Lakes for over 13 years. According to campaign materials, she’s running for office to bring responsive representation to California’s 8th Congressional district.  

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress

  • Rep. Josh Harder lives in his hometown of Turlock, CA. He is the incumbent, having beat the sitting republican in a tight race in 2018, which helped Democrats to win back control of Congress. According to campaign materials, Harder is running for re-election to protect access to health care, create good-paying jobs, reform our broken immigration system, and to secure and grow his area’s water supply.

    In Congress, Rep. Harder has advocated for the needs of the agriculture industry by addressing issues of climate change, and has fought to support California’s farmers. Rep. Harder currently sits on the House Committees on Education and Labor, as well as the Agriculture Committee. Prior to serving in congress, Harder was a business professor at Modesto Junior College. Harder has also passed on his small business knowledge to developing economies through volunteer efforts. While working at Boston Consulting Group, he took a leave of absence to help small farmers in Kenya and Uganda organize for economic cooperation and development.

    Rep. Harder is running against Michael “Mike” Barkley (D), Ryan Blevins (D), Bob Elliot (R), Maria Sousa Livengood (R), and Ted Howze (R). According to recent election results, it's difficult for Democrats to win this seat as Rep. Harder did in 2018. His strong progressive track record as well as his recent win in a recently flipped district make him the strongest choice in this race.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Rep. Josh Harder lives in his hometown of Turlock, CA. He is the incumbent, having beat the sitting republican in a tight race in 2018, which helped Democrats to win back control of Congress. According to campaign materials, Harder is running for re-election to protect access to health care, create good-paying jobs, reform our broken immigration system, and to secure and grow his area’s water supply.

    In Congress, Rep. Harder has advocated for the needs of the agriculture industry by addressing issues of climate change, and has fought to support California’s farmers. Rep. Harder currently sits on the House Committees on Education and Labor, as well as the Agriculture Committee. Prior to serving in congress, Harder was a business professor at Modesto Junior College. Harder has also passed on his small business knowledge to developing economies through volunteer efforts. While working at Boston Consulting Group, he took a leave of absence to help small farmers in Kenya and Uganda organize for economic cooperation and development.

    Rep. Harder is running against Michael “Mike” Barkley (D), Ryan Blevins (D), Bob Elliot (R), Maria Sousa Livengood (R), and Ted Howze (R). According to recent election results, it's difficult for Democrats to win this seat as Rep. Harder did in 2018. His strong progressive track record as well as his recent win in a recently flipped district make him the strongest choice in this race.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Representation
  • Congressional Representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of Baltimore Democratic Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. She is the incumbent, having represented District 12 in Congress since 1987. She first moved to San Francisco in 1969 and started a Democratic Party club at her home. When she entered politics, it was originally behind the scenes as a fundraiser and recruiter of Democratic candidates. It wasn’t until she turned 47, after her youngest child had left for college, that she ran for office herself in 1987, raising $1 million in seven weeks to win a special election and her first term representing District 12. 

    In representing the needs and interests of the 12th Congressional District, Speaker Pelosi has been able to advance policy priorities that have pushed the country in a strongly progressive direction. Speaker Pelosi played a large role in resetting the agenda on LGBTQ+ rights and the AIDS crisis during a time when both were vilified in the national debate. Speaker Pelosi also played a major role in architecting the landmark assault weapons ban that passed in 1994 and was in effect until it expired in 2004. 

    Speaker Pelosi is the 52nd Speaker of the House of Representatives. She is the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House and is in her third term in this position. 

    Notable legislation passed during her speakership includes the Affordable Care Act -- which she is credited with saving as it appeared to be falling apart in 2009-10 -- the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act. Speaker Pelosi will be remembered for her achievements in breaking down gender barriers on Capitol Hill and paving the way for women leaders to enter negotiations at every level in government.

    As she manages her ideologically diverse Democratic caucus in the House, progressives have advanced many substantive, thoughtful critiques of Speaker Pelosi’s leadership. These include her slowness to embrace the impeachment of Donald Trump, her support for impeachment only on the narrowest of grounds, her lack of support for a Green New Deal (or any other proposal) to avoid climate armageddon, and her choice of leadership at the DCCC -- which has actively tried to protect incumbent Democrats from progressive challengers, no matter how abhorrent their records.

    Speaker Pelosi is being challenged by Agatha Bacelar (D), Shahid Buttar (D), Tom Gallagher (D), John Dennis (R), and DeAnna Lorraine (R). Ideologically speaking, her Democratic challengers have stronger progressive positions, particularly Shahid Buttar (a self-identified democratic socialist) who has emerged at Pelosi’s most prominent challenger. While we are not recommending Buttar in this guide, we appreciate that he is pushing Speaker Pelosi to be bolder. Perhaps Buttar will succeed Pelosi in 2022, as there have been numerous reports that Speaker Pelosi plans to step down soon.

    According to our analysis, despite progressive critiques with which we agree, Speaker Pelosi deserves your vote in 2020 as the strongest choice to maintain Democratic momentum and make real progressive change under a Democratic president in 2021.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Nancy Pelosi

    Congressional Representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of Baltimore Democratic Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. She is the incumbent, having represented District 12 in Congress since 1987.

    Congressional Representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of Baltimore Democratic Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. She is the incumbent, having represented District 12 in Congress since 1987. She first moved to San Francisco in 1969 and started a Democratic Party club at her home. When she entered politics, it was originally behind the scenes as a fundraiser and recruiter of Democratic candidates. It wasn’t until she turned 47, after her youngest child had left for college, that she ran for office herself in 1987, raising $1 million in seven weeks to win a special election and her first term representing District 12. 

    In representing the needs and interests of the 12th Congressional District, Speaker Pelosi has been able to advance policy priorities that have pushed the country in a strongly progressive direction. Speaker Pelosi played a large role in resetting the agenda on LGBTQ+ rights and the AIDS crisis during a time when both were vilified in the national debate. Speaker Pelosi also played a major role in architecting the landmark assault weapons ban that passed in 1994 and was in effect until it expired in 2004. 

    Speaker Pelosi is the 52nd Speaker of the House of Representatives. She is the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House and is in her third term in this position. 

    Notable legislation passed during her speakership includes the Affordable Care Act -- which she is credited with saving as it appeared to be falling apart in 2009-10 -- the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act. Speaker Pelosi will be remembered for her achievements in breaking down gender barriers on Capitol Hill and paving the way for women leaders to enter negotiations at every level in government.

    As she manages her ideologically diverse Democratic caucus in the House, progressives have advanced many substantive, thoughtful critiques of Speaker Pelosi’s leadership. These include her slowness to embrace the impeachment of Donald Trump, her support for impeachment only on the narrowest of grounds, her lack of support for a Green New Deal (or any other proposal) to avoid climate armageddon, and her choice of leadership at the DCCC -- which has actively tried to protect incumbent Democrats from progressive challengers, no matter how abhorrent their records.

    Speaker Pelosi is being challenged by Agatha Bacelar (D), Shahid Buttar (D), Tom Gallagher (D), John Dennis (R), and DeAnna Lorraine (R). Ideologically speaking, her Democratic challengers have stronger progressive positions, particularly Shahid Buttar (a self-identified democratic socialist) who has emerged at Pelosi’s most prominent challenger. While we are not recommending Buttar in this guide, we appreciate that he is pushing Speaker Pelosi to be bolder. Perhaps Buttar will succeed Pelosi in 2022, as there have been numerous reports that Speaker Pelosi plans to step down soon.

    According to our analysis, despite progressive critiques with which we agree, Speaker Pelosi deserves your vote in 2020 as the strongest choice to maintain Democratic momentum and make real progressive change under a Democratic president in 2021.

    Nancy Pelosi

    Congressional Representative and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and is the daughter of Baltimore Democratic Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. She is the incumbent, having represented District 12 in Congress since 1987.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation

  • Jackie Speier was born and raised in San Francisco. She has been a lifelong public servant, having first been elected to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 1980. She won a special primary election for the 14th Congressional District on April 8, 2008 and has run on platforms advocating for gender equity, gun violence prevention, and LGBTQ equality.

    Speier began her political career as a congressional staffer for Congressman Leo Ryan. While a congressional staffer for Congressman Leo Ryan, Speier went on a fact finding mission to investigate the Jonestown settlement, where she sustained five gunshot wounds during the massacre. She has co-sponsored and supported numerous pieces of legislation on gun violence prevention in her time in office since.

    Speier has long fought for women’s rights as well as LGBTQ equality. She supports adding LGBTQ protections to ENDA, Title IX protections, gender pay equity, the Equal Rights Amendment, the #MeToo movement, and abortion protections. She has opposed discrimination on the basis of religious protection, and Trump’s Transgender Military Service Ban.

    In Congress, Speier also helped secure funding for the district’s CalTrain services, and been active on legislation to address climate change. She supports the Green New Deal and policies to develop renewable energies and make them more accessible.

    Jackie Speier is being challenged by Cristos Goodrow (D), Ran S. Petel (R), and Eric Taylor (NPP). Based on our analysis, Speier has consistently been a strong progressive voice in Congress and is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Jackie Speier was born and raised in San Francisco. She has been a lifelong public servant, having first been elected to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 1980. She won a special primary election for the 14th Congressional District on April 8, 2008 and has run on platforms advocating for gender equity, gun violence prevention, and LGBTQ equality.

    Speier began her political career as a congressional staffer for Congressman Leo Ryan. While a congressional staffer for Congressman Leo Ryan, Speier went on a fact finding mission to investigate the Jonestown settlement, where she sustained five gunshot wounds during the massacre. She has co-sponsored and supported numerous pieces of legislation on gun violence prevention in her time in office since.

    Speier has long fought for women’s rights as well as LGBTQ equality. She supports adding LGBTQ protections to ENDA, Title IX protections, gender pay equity, the Equal Rights Amendment, the #MeToo movement, and abortion protections. She has opposed discrimination on the basis of religious protection, and Trump’s Transgender Military Service Ban.

    In Congress, Speier also helped secure funding for the district’s CalTrain services, and been active on legislation to address climate change. She supports the Green New Deal and policies to develop renewable energies and make them more accessible.

    Jackie Speier is being challenged by Cristos Goodrow (D), Ran S. Petel (R), and Eric Taylor (NPP). Based on our analysis, Speier has consistently been a strong progressive voice in Congress and is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to build on her record of fighting for criminal justice reform, affordable housing, and increased environmental protections across the state.

    In the State Senate, Skinner has authored two significant criminal justice reform bills to increase police accountability and overhaul the felony murder rule. She has also authored legislation to improve California’s affordable housing shortage, and to protect the environment through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Skinner currently serves as the Chair of the Public Safety Committee and the Public Safety Budget Committee, and is a member of an additional six committees. Prior to her election to the State Senate, Skinner served three terms in the State Assembly, was the first student to be elected to the Berkeley City Council, and served as the Executive Director of ICLEI’s United States office which worked with international cities to stop climate change. As a graduate Student at Berkeley, Skinner co-founded the labor union that represents graduate student instructors.

    Nancy Skinner is running unopposed in this race. She scores a lifetime 97 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of legislators’ progressive voting record. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Skinner has consistently shown great courage by advocating for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians.

    According to our analysis, Nancy Skinner is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Nancy Skinner

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017.

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to build on her record of fighting for criminal justice reform, affordable housing, and increased environmental protections across the state.

    In the State Senate, Skinner has authored two significant criminal justice reform bills to increase police accountability and overhaul the felony murder rule. She has also authored legislation to improve California’s affordable housing shortage, and to protect the environment through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Skinner currently serves as the Chair of the Public Safety Committee and the Public Safety Budget Committee, and is a member of an additional six committees. Prior to her election to the State Senate, Skinner served three terms in the State Assembly, was the first student to be elected to the Berkeley City Council, and served as the Executive Director of ICLEI’s United States office which worked with international cities to stop climate change. As a graduate Student at Berkeley, Skinner co-founded the labor union that represents graduate student instructors.

    Nancy Skinner is running unopposed in this race. She scores a lifetime 97 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of legislators’ progressive voting record. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Skinner has consistently shown great courage by advocating for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians.

    According to our analysis, Nancy Skinner is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Nancy Skinner

    Nancy Skinner has lived in Berkley, CA for over 40 years. She is the incumbent State Senator in District 9, having served in this position since 2017.

  • Puntuación de Courage California:

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below judicial races on your ballot.

  • Elena Condes an LGBTQ+ Latinx attorney who has been in private practice in the Bay Area for over 20 years. Her practice offers criminal defense, work-related crimes, clearing criminal records, and other services. In her campaign materials, she says she will bring together all of her experiences to provide “equal access to justice” for all. 

    Condes is currently the treasurer for East Bay La Raza Lawyers Association, which she has been a member of for 18 years. She also served on the board of Women Defenders, a professional organization of women criminal defense attorneys and served on the Executive Committee of Alameda County Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP). 

    Condes received the sole endorsement from the East Bay Times, who said Condes “stands out as the best experienced and most familiar with the workings of Alameda County courts. Condes’ practice focuses on courtroom advocacy that’s a key part of the day-to-day operations of the local judicial system.” Condes has been endorsed by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Carol Brosnahan, the judge who is retiring and leaving this seat open. 

    Condes received her undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona and her law degree from Golden Gate University School of Law. 

    Condes is being challenged by Mark Fickes, a partner at Partner, Cannata O’Toole Fickes & Olson, who previously worked at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Lilla Julia Szelenyi, an administrative law judge for the state workers compensation agency.

    Based on our analysis, Elena Condes is the best choice for judge in Alameda County. 

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Elena Condes

    Elena Condes an LGBTQ+ Latinx attorney who has been in private practice in the Bay Area for over 20 years. Her practice offers criminal defense, work-related crimes, clearing criminal records, and other services.

    Elena Condes an LGBTQ+ Latinx attorney who has been in private practice in the Bay Area for over 20 years. Her practice offers criminal defense, work-related crimes, clearing criminal records, and other services. In her campaign materials, she says she will bring together all of her experiences to provide “equal access to justice” for all. 

    Condes is currently the treasurer for East Bay La Raza Lawyers Association, which she has been a member of for 18 years. She also served on the board of Women Defenders, a professional organization of women criminal defense attorneys and served on the Executive Committee of Alameda County Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP). 

    Condes received the sole endorsement from the East Bay Times, who said Condes “stands out as the best experienced and most familiar with the workings of Alameda County courts. Condes’ practice focuses on courtroom advocacy that’s a key part of the day-to-day operations of the local judicial system.” Condes has been endorsed by Alameda County Superior Court Judge Carol Brosnahan, the judge who is retiring and leaving this seat open. 

    Condes received her undergraduate degree from the University of Arizona and her law degree from Golden Gate University School of Law. 

    Condes is being challenged by Mark Fickes, a partner at Partner, Cannata O’Toole Fickes & Olson, who previously worked at the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Lilla Julia Szelenyi, an administrative law judge for the state workers compensation agency.

    Based on our analysis, Elena Condes is the best choice for judge in Alameda County. 

    Elena Condes

    Elena Condes an LGBTQ+ Latinx attorney who has been in private practice in the Bay Area for over 20 years. Her practice offers criminal defense, work-related crimes, clearing criminal records, and other services.


    Vote YES On Prop 13, School and College Facilities Bond

  • This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    CA Prop 13

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system.

Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below school races on your ballot.

  • Dr. George McKenna is from New Orleans. His is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2014. According to campaign materials, he is running for re-election to the LAUSD School Board to continue to create a system of education that promotes positive change through emphasizing justice, equal opportunities, and cultivating non-violent learning spaces.

    As Vice President of the LAUSD Board of Education, Dr. McKenna has implemented reforms to that aim to boost inclusive learning environments and improve student achievement. Prior to his election to the School Board, Dr. McKenna received a PhD in Education and has worked as a teacher, principal, and superintendent where developed a reputation for his innovative education solutions that decreased violence in inner-city schools, addressed low-achievement, increased community engagement and college enrollment. He has also authored legislation that allows parents to receive time off of work so that they are able to attend students’ activities.

    Dr. McKenna is running unopposed and is the best progressive choice because of his track record of fighting for students and teachers, which he has received wide national recognition from Time magazine to The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as a movie documenting his accomplishments and educational approaches titled “The George McKenna Story.”

    According to our analysis, Dr. McKenna is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Dr. George J. McKenna

    Dr. George McKenna is from New Orleans. His is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2014.

    Dr. George McKenna is from New Orleans. His is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2014. According to campaign materials, he is running for re-election to the LAUSD School Board to continue to create a system of education that promotes positive change through emphasizing justice, equal opportunities, and cultivating non-violent learning spaces.

    As Vice President of the LAUSD Board of Education, Dr. McKenna has implemented reforms to that aim to boost inclusive learning environments and improve student achievement. Prior to his election to the School Board, Dr. McKenna received a PhD in Education and has worked as a teacher, principal, and superintendent where developed a reputation for his innovative education solutions that decreased violence in inner-city schools, addressed low-achievement, increased community engagement and college enrollment. He has also authored legislation that allows parents to receive time off of work so that they are able to attend students’ activities.

    Dr. McKenna is running unopposed and is the best progressive choice because of his track record of fighting for students and teachers, which he has received wide national recognition from Time magazine to The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as a movie documenting his accomplishments and educational approaches titled “The George McKenna Story.”

    According to our analysis, Dr. McKenna is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Dr. George J. McKenna

    Dr. George McKenna is from New Orleans. His is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2014.

  • Scott Schmerelson is a career educator with over 30 years of experience with LAUSD. He is the School Board District 3 incumbent, having served in this position since 2015. According to campaign materials, he is running for re-election to reduce class size, support and improve public schools, ensure classrooms and teachers have the resources they require while maintaining a responsible budget, and to make certain that schools are led by individuals who reflect the needs of the communities they serve.

    On the School Board, Schmerelson has been an outspoken supporter of teachers and their demands, as well as a leading voice to reduce class size so that students have the attention required for an effective learning environment and quality education. Prior to Schmerelson’s election to the School Board, he worked as a teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, and principal where he accomplished increasing test scores and boosting the morale of students, teachers, and parents.

    Schmerelson is running against Marilyn Koziatek and Elizabeth Bartels-Badger. Schmerelson is the best progressive choice because of his career-long dedication to improving education throughout LAUSD and his track record of fighting to make sure that children have access to the quality education they deserve.

    According to our analysis, Schmerelson is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Scott Mark Schmerelson

    Scott Schmerelson is a career educator with over 30 years of experience with LAUSD. He is the School Board District 3 incumbent, having served in this position since 2015.

    Scott Schmerelson is a career educator with over 30 years of experience with LAUSD. He is the School Board District 3 incumbent, having served in this position since 2015. According to campaign materials, he is running for re-election to reduce class size, support and improve public schools, ensure classrooms and teachers have the resources they require while maintaining a responsible budget, and to make certain that schools are led by individuals who reflect the needs of the communities they serve.

    On the School Board, Schmerelson has been an outspoken supporter of teachers and their demands, as well as a leading voice to reduce class size so that students have the attention required for an effective learning environment and quality education. Prior to Schmerelson’s election to the School Board, he worked as a teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, and principal where he accomplished increasing test scores and boosting the morale of students, teachers, and parents.

    Schmerelson is running against Marilyn Koziatek and Elizabeth Bartels-Badger. Schmerelson is the best progressive choice because of his career-long dedication to improving education throughout LAUSD and his track record of fighting to make sure that children have access to the quality education they deserve.

    According to our analysis, Schmerelson is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Scott Mark Schmerelson

    Scott Schmerelson is a career educator with over 30 years of experience with LAUSD. He is the School Board District 3 incumbent, having served in this position since 2015.

  • Jackie Goldberg is from Los Angeles and has resided in Echo Park, CA, for nearly 40 years. She is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2019. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to be the School Board’s progressive voice and ensure that students interests always come first.

    On the School Board, she has worked to restore integrity and leadership to her seat following the corruption chargers from the previous occupant. In addition, she’s worked to reduce class size, establish a productive and reasonable budget, bring the community together to raise students’ achievement levels, improve schools learning conditions, increase the resources available to students and teachers, as well as defend LAUSD schools from ongoing federal attacks from the current administration. Golberg has also worked as a teacher, community activist, Ethics Deputy and Children’s Services Deputy, served on the Los Angeles City Council, California State Assembly, as well as served on the LAUSD school board from 1983 to 1991. Through these positions, Golberg has created a dual language education program, authored the first citywide ordnance on a living wage, instituted protections for LA renters, increased funding for LAUSD, authored the first citywide and statewide domestic partner legislation, and is a co-founder of LACER Afterschool Program which helps nearly 4,000 students annually in the Los Angeles area.

    Goldberg is running against Chistina Martinez Duran. Goldberg is the best progressive choice because of her career-long reputation of supporting students and underserved communities throughout the Los Angeles area.

    According to our analysis, Goldberg is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Jackie Goldberg

    Jackie Goldberg is from Los Angeles and has resided in Echo Park, CA, for nearly 40 years. She is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2019.

    Jackie Goldberg is from Los Angeles and has resided in Echo Park, CA, for nearly 40 years. She is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2019. According to campaign materials, she is running for re-election to continue to be the School Board’s progressive voice and ensure that students interests always come first.

    On the School Board, she has worked to restore integrity and leadership to her seat following the corruption chargers from the previous occupant. In addition, she’s worked to reduce class size, establish a productive and reasonable budget, bring the community together to raise students’ achievement levels, improve schools learning conditions, increase the resources available to students and teachers, as well as defend LAUSD schools from ongoing federal attacks from the current administration. Golberg has also worked as a teacher, community activist, Ethics Deputy and Children’s Services Deputy, served on the Los Angeles City Council, California State Assembly, as well as served on the LAUSD school board from 1983 to 1991. Through these positions, Golberg has created a dual language education program, authored the first citywide ordnance on a living wage, instituted protections for LA renters, increased funding for LAUSD, authored the first citywide and statewide domestic partner legislation, and is a co-founder of LACER Afterschool Program which helps nearly 4,000 students annually in the Los Angeles area.

    Goldberg is running against Chistina Martinez Duran. Goldberg is the best progressive choice because of her career-long reputation of supporting students and underserved communities throughout the Los Angeles area.

    According to our analysis, Goldberg is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.


    Jackie Goldberg

    Jackie Goldberg is from Los Angeles and has resided in Echo Park, CA, for nearly 40 years. She is the incumbent, having served in this position since 2019.

  • Patricia Castellanos is from Carson, CA, and currently resides in San Pedro, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for School Board to bring her knowledge of building coalitions and alliances to the LAUSD to enact progressive education policies.

    Castellanos is the Workforce Deputy for L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, where she develops and implements economic policies that create job opportunities for members of her community. Prior to becoming a Workforce Deputy, she worked as the Director of Policy Training and Education for Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education, held an appointment as Port Commission by Mayor Eric Garcetti, and was Deputy Director for the L.A. Alliance for a New Economy. Furthermore, Castellanos led the Coalition for Clean and Safe Ports, where she secured a historic agreement to reduce emissions, and was also a co-founder of Reclaim Our Schools L.A., where she successfully created a coalition of community members to rally support for quality public education.

    Castellanos is running against Mike Lansing, Tanya Ortiz Franklin, Silke M. Bradford, and Lydia A. Gutierrez. Castellanos is the progressive choice because of her track record of activism, service, and support to underserved and disadvantaged communities throughout the Los Angeles area. 

    According to our analysis, Castellanos is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Patricia Castellanos

    Patricia Castellanos is from Carson, CA, and currently resides in San Pedro, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for School Board to bring her knowledge of building coalitions and alliances to the LAUSD to enact progressive education policies.

    Patricia Castellanos is from Carson, CA, and currently resides in San Pedro, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for School Board to bring her knowledge of building coalitions and alliances to the LAUSD to enact progressive education policies.

    Castellanos is the Workforce Deputy for L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, where she develops and implements economic policies that create job opportunities for members of her community. Prior to becoming a Workforce Deputy, she worked as the Director of Policy Training and Education for Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education, held an appointment as Port Commission by Mayor Eric Garcetti, and was Deputy Director for the L.A. Alliance for a New Economy. Furthermore, Castellanos led the Coalition for Clean and Safe Ports, where she secured a historic agreement to reduce emissions, and was also a co-founder of Reclaim Our Schools L.A., where she successfully created a coalition of community members to rally support for quality public education.

    Castellanos is running against Mike Lansing, Tanya Ortiz Franklin, Silke M. Bradford, and Lydia A. Gutierrez. Castellanos is the progressive choice because of her track record of activism, service, and support to underserved and disadvantaged communities throughout the Los Angeles area. 

    According to our analysis, Castellanos is the strongest choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Patricia Castellanos

    Patricia Castellanos is from Carson, CA, and currently resides in San Pedro, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for School Board to bring her knowledge of building coalitions and alliances to the LAUSD to enact progressive education policies.