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Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
    Endorsed by Courage California
  • Esmeralda Soria was born and raised in the central San Joaquin Valley, the daughter of Mexican immigrant farmworkers. She continues to live in the Valley, where she currently represents Council District 1 on the Fresno City Council. According to campaign materials, Councilmember Soria is running to represent CD 16 because she believes it's time for new leadership that will make Congress work for Central Valley families -- not corporations and powerful special interests.

    Councilmember Soria was elected to the Fresno City Council in 2014 and became the first Latina in the history of the City of Fresno to be elected as Council President in 2018. During her tenure, Councilmember Soria focused on creating opportunities and improving the quality of life for Fresno's families. She helped create thousands of jobs, expanded Fresno City College campuses in the city's two most low-income neighborhoods, and brought the first universally accessible park to the Central California region.

    She has been a notable positive influence in other areas as well, including housing and homelessness, where she has worked with community members and developers to bring hundreds of new housing units to Fresno. At the same time, some constituents have raised thoughtful concerns over those votes, viewing them as too friendly to local developers.

    Soria has proclaimed to be "unapologetically progressive," but her opposition has suggested otherwise pointing to her "business friendly" votes, and lack of support for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. While she supports the major principles of both and acknowledges the need for progressive healthcare and environmental policies, she believes alternative solutions would better serve Californians.

    In 2019, Councilmember Soria was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to serve on California's newly created Homeless and Supportive Housing Advisory Task Force where she is one of six elected officials overseeing California's new $1 billion budget to solve homelessness in California. Councilmember Soria is also a professor at Fresno City College, and chair of the Redevelopment Agency and the Fresno Revitalization Corporation.

    Councilmember Soria is challenging incumbent Representative Jim Costa (D), who has consistently opposed progressive priorities -- siding with corporate lobbyists and failing his constituents on immigration and the environment. In fact, Rep. Costa is the fifth most Trump-friendly Democrat in all of Congress according to's analysis of his voting record, supporting Trump's priorities far more often than his constituents. He is also known for having co-authored Costa-Hawkins, the state rent control ban from the 1990s that has exacerbated CA's affordable housing crisis.

    Other candidates in this race include Kevin Cookingham (R), and Kimberley Elizabeth Williams (D). While Williams is more ideologically aligned with Courage California given her clear unequivocal support for Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal, polling data shows there is no path for her to make the top-two in the March 2020 primary. Councilmember Soria is the only strong, viable Democratic challenger who can unseat Rep. Costa in this election cycle. Based on extensive conversations with local grassroots activists and organizations such as Dolores Huerta, Communities for a New California Action Fund, the Central Valley Progressive PAC, and Valley Forward, we believe Councilmember Soria is noteworthy in a crowded field as the strongest choice for progressive support. Her track record as a champion for Central Valley families and as an advocate for her region's priorities in California's gubernatorial administration is very strong.

    Voting for Councilmember Soria is an opportunity to elect a legislator who will dramatically improve the representation of her district in Congress. Courage California strongly endorses Councilmember Soria for Congress.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Esmeralda Soria

    Esmeralda Soria was born and raised in the central San Joaquin Valley, the daughter of Mexican immigrant farmworkers. She continues to live in the Valley, where she currently represents Council District 1 on the Fresno City Council.

    Esmeralda Soria was born and raised in the central San Joaquin Valley, the daughter of Mexican immigrant farmworkers. She continues to live in the Valley, where she currently represents Council District 1 on the Fresno City Council. According to campaign materials, Councilmember Soria is running to represent CD 16 because she believes it's time for new leadership that will make Congress work for Central Valley families -- not corporations and powerful special interests.

    Councilmember Soria was elected to the Fresno City Council in 2014 and became the first Latina in the history of the City of Fresno to be elected as Council President in 2018. During her tenure, Councilmember Soria focused on creating opportunities and improving the quality of life for Fresno's families. She helped create thousands of jobs, expanded Fresno City College campuses in the city's two most low-income neighborhoods, and brought the first universally accessible park to the Central California region.

    She has been a notable positive influence in other areas as well, including housing and homelessness, where she has worked with community members and developers to bring hundreds of new housing units to Fresno. At the same time, some constituents have raised thoughtful concerns over those votes, viewing them as too friendly to local developers.

    Soria has proclaimed to be "unapologetically progressive," but her opposition has suggested otherwise pointing to her "business friendly" votes, and lack of support for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. While she supports the major principles of both and acknowledges the need for progressive healthcare and environmental policies, she believes alternative solutions would better serve Californians.

    In 2019, Councilmember Soria was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to serve on California's newly created Homeless and Supportive Housing Advisory Task Force where she is one of six elected officials overseeing California's new $1 billion budget to solve homelessness in California. Councilmember Soria is also a professor at Fresno City College, and chair of the Redevelopment Agency and the Fresno Revitalization Corporation.

    Councilmember Soria is challenging incumbent Representative Jim Costa (D), who has consistently opposed progressive priorities -- siding with corporate lobbyists and failing his constituents on immigration and the environment. In fact, Rep. Costa is the fifth most Trump-friendly Democrat in all of Congress according to's analysis of his voting record, supporting Trump's priorities far more often than his constituents. He is also known for having co-authored Costa-Hawkins, the state rent control ban from the 1990s that has exacerbated CA's affordable housing crisis.

    Other candidates in this race include Kevin Cookingham (R), and Kimberley Elizabeth Williams (D). While Williams is more ideologically aligned with Courage California given her clear unequivocal support for Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal, polling data shows there is no path for her to make the top-two in the March 2020 primary. Councilmember Soria is the only strong, viable Democratic challenger who can unseat Rep. Costa in this election cycle. Based on extensive conversations with local grassroots activists and organizations such as Dolores Huerta, Communities for a New California Action Fund, the Central Valley Progressive PAC, and Valley Forward, we believe Councilmember Soria is noteworthy in a crowded field as the strongest choice for progressive support. Her track record as a champion for Central Valley families and as an advocate for her region's priorities in California's gubernatorial administration is very strong.

    Voting for Councilmember Soria is an opportunity to elect a legislator who will dramatically improve the representation of her district in Congress. Courage California strongly endorses Councilmember Soria for Congress.

    Esmeralda Soria

    Esmeralda Soria was born and raised in the central San Joaquin Valley, the daughter of Mexican immigrant farmworkers. She continues to live in the Valley, where she currently represents Council District 1 on the Fresno City Council.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation

  • Rep. Ro Khanna was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended the University of Chicago and Yale Law School. Khanna served the Obama Administration in Washington D.C. from 2009-2011; afterwards he accepted a position at a law firm and moved to Silicon Valley. He is the incumbent in the district, having served in this position since 2017. He is running for re-election on a platform supporting the Green New Deal, internet privacy reforms, Medicare for All, immigration reform, and economic growth.

    In Congress, Khanna has been outspoken in support of legislation to fight climate change, including the Green New Deal. He has called for various online and cybersecurity reforms, including helping to draft an Internet Bill of Rights. He sponsored the VALOR Act, which became law in 2019 and makes it easier for employers to create apprenticeship programs for veterans. He is a member of the No PAC Caucus, which has pledged to not take donations from any PACs.

    He currently serves on the House Armed Services Committee, House Budget Committee, and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Prior to the election in 2016, Rep. Khanna was an attorney at Wilson Sonsini, and taught Stanford University, Santa Clara University, and San Francisco State University. From 2009-2011, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce and in 2012, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed him to the California Workforce Investment Board.

    Khanna is being challenged by Stephen Forbes (D), Joe Dehn (L) and Ritesh Tandon (R). Khanna has consistently demonstrated a commitment to progressive values, and a willingness to challenge the corporate power in his district. According to our analysis, Khanna is the strongest choice for continued progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Rep. Ro Khanna was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended the University of Chicago and Yale Law School. Khanna served the Obama Administration in Washington D.C. from 2009-2011; afterwards he accepted a position at a law firm and moved to Silicon Valley. He is the incumbent in the district, having served in this position since 2017. He is running for re-election on a platform supporting the Green New Deal, internet privacy reforms, Medicare for All, immigration reform, and economic growth.

    In Congress, Khanna has been outspoken in support of legislation to fight climate change, including the Green New Deal. He has called for various online and cybersecurity reforms, including helping to draft an Internet Bill of Rights. He sponsored the VALOR Act, which became law in 2019 and makes it easier for employers to create apprenticeship programs for veterans. He is a member of the No PAC Caucus, which has pledged to not take donations from any PACs.

    He currently serves on the House Armed Services Committee, House Budget Committee, and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Prior to the election in 2016, Rep. Khanna was an attorney at Wilson Sonsini, and taught Stanford University, Santa Clara University, and San Francisco State University. From 2009-2011, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Commerce and in 2012, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed him to the California Workforce Investment Board.

    Khanna is being challenged by Stephen Forbes (D), Joe Dehn (L) and Ritesh Tandon (R). Khanna has consistently demonstrated a commitment to progressive values, and a willingness to challenge the corporate power in his district. According to our analysis, Khanna is the strongest choice for continued progressive leadership in office.

No Good Choices

Jim Patterson is the incumbent, having served as State Senator for District 23 since 2013. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Patterson has shown that he does NOT advocate for the needs of constituents or face down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. Patterson scored 0 out of 100 on this year’s Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records.

Patterson has no challengers in this race. According to recent election results, Democrat do not usually win this seat.

Our analysis shows that there isn’t a progressive candidate that is likely to advance to the general election in this race. We encourage you to write in a candidate of your choice to show support for progressives in this district. Keep reading for progressive recommendations in other key races and on ballot measures where your vote can make a critical difference.

No Recommendation - AD 23

Jim Patterson is the incumbent, having served as State Senator for District 23 since 2013. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Patterson has shown that he does NOT advocate for the needs of constituents or face down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. Patterson scored 0 out of 100 on this year’s Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records.

Patterson has no challengers in this race. According to recent election results, Democrat do not usually win this seat.

Our analysis shows that there isn’t a progressive candidate that is likely to advance to the general election in this race. We encourage you to write in a candidate of your choice to show support for progressives in this district. Keep reading for progressive recommendations in other key races and on ballot measures where your vote can make a critical difference.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Ann Ravel was born in Chile, moved to San Jose when she was 11 years old, and raised her family in District 15. According to campaign materials, she is running to bring her lifetime of advocacy and social justice experience to the State Senate to continue to work for the protection and empowerment of marginalized communities.

    Ravel is an accomplished attorney, which she says allows her to hold special interest groups accountable and improve equity for Californians. Ravel’s interest in activism began before she completed her law degree, when she worked to improve labor conditions by helping to unionize the wait staff at a restaurant where she worked. After completing her J.D., Ravel acted as the Santa Clara County Counsel for over a decade, working to restrict Big Tobacco and Big Banks, challenge Prop 8, protect children from lead paint, and create the Educational Rights Project to protect youth living in foster care. Ravel then served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Department of Justice, where she continued her work to hold corporations accountable, including BP and the pharmaceutical industry. Ravel was then appointed by Governor Brown to serve as the Chair of the Fair Political Practices Commission, where she led efforts to push back against the dark money being used to push through Proposition 32. After demonstrating her ethics in this role, she was selected by President Obama to serve on the Federal Election Commission and was confirmed with a unanimous Senate vote. Today, Ravel is suing Google to adjust their practices around sexual misconduct and retaliation against female employees.

    Ravel is running against candidate Nora Campos (D), Dave Cortese (D), Ken Del Valle (R), Robert Howell(R), Johnny Khamis (NPP), and Tim Gildersleeve (NPP) in this open race. According to recent election results, Democrats usually win this seat. Ravel is a noteable progressive choice because of her lifelong commitment to working to improve the experience of Californians by holding powerful entities accountable.

    According to our analysis, Ann Ravel is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Ann Ravel

    Ann Ravel was born in Chile, moved to San Jose when she was 11 years old, and raised her family in District 15.

    Ann Ravel was born in Chile, moved to San Jose when she was 11 years old, and raised her family in District 15. According to campaign materials, she is running to bring her lifetime of advocacy and social justice experience to the State Senate to continue to work for the protection and empowerment of marginalized communities.

    Ravel is an accomplished attorney, which she says allows her to hold special interest groups accountable and improve equity for Californians. Ravel’s interest in activism began before she completed her law degree, when she worked to improve labor conditions by helping to unionize the wait staff at a restaurant where she worked. After completing her J.D., Ravel acted as the Santa Clara County Counsel for over a decade, working to restrict Big Tobacco and Big Banks, challenge Prop 8, protect children from lead paint, and create the Educational Rights Project to protect youth living in foster care. Ravel then served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Department of Justice, where she continued her work to hold corporations accountable, including BP and the pharmaceutical industry. Ravel was then appointed by Governor Brown to serve as the Chair of the Fair Political Practices Commission, where she led efforts to push back against the dark money being used to push through Proposition 32. After demonstrating her ethics in this role, she was selected by President Obama to serve on the Federal Election Commission and was confirmed with a unanimous Senate vote. Today, Ravel is suing Google to adjust their practices around sexual misconduct and retaliation against female employees.

    Ravel is running against candidate Nora Campos (D), Dave Cortese (D), Ken Del Valle (R), Robert Howell(R), Johnny Khamis (NPP), and Tim Gildersleeve (NPP) in this open race. According to recent election results, Democrats usually win this seat. Ravel is a noteable progressive choice because of her lifelong commitment to working to improve the experience of Californians by holding powerful entities accountable.

    According to our analysis, Ann Ravel is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ann Ravel

    Ann Ravel was born in Chile, moved to San Jose when she was 11 years old, and raised her family in District 15.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
  • Dave Cortese is from East San Jose and is a lifelong resident of Santa Clara County. According to campaign materials, he is running for State Senate because he has a long history of public service at the local level that has provided him with a strong understanding of the unique challenges of the region. Cortese hopes to build on his progressive foundation by continuing to legislate on affordable housing, homelessness, and environmental protections.

    Cortese has been a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors since 2008, which he does to bring increased social equity and justice to his community. Cortese served as Board President for four years, and has several accomplishments as a member, including addressing and reducing homelessness in the region, advocating for changes to criminal justice custody operations, and decreasing the number of children involved in the child welfare system. Prior to his election to the Board, Cortese ran a large family agriculture and real estate business, served as a member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Valley Transportation Authority, and as a trustee for the East Side Union High School District. In each of these roles, Cortese worked to build funding for capital projects intended to support local communities.

    Cortese is running against Nora Campos (D), Ann Ravel (D), Ken Del Valle (R), Robert Howell(R), Johnny Khamis (NPP), and Tim Gildersleeve (NPP) in this open race. According to recent election results, Democrats usually win this seat. Cortese is a noteable progressive choice because of his long career in public service and his track record of pushing for policies that benefit vulnerable populations, and improve the wellbeing of the community.

    According to our analysis, Cortese is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Dave Cortese

    Dave Cortese is from East San Jose and is a lifelong resident of Santa Clara County.

    Dave Cortese is from East San Jose and is a lifelong resident of Santa Clara County. According to campaign materials, he is running for State Senate because he has a long history of public service at the local level that has provided him with a strong understanding of the unique challenges of the region. Cortese hopes to build on his progressive foundation by continuing to legislate on affordable housing, homelessness, and environmental protections.

    Cortese has been a member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors since 2008, which he does to bring increased social equity and justice to his community. Cortese served as Board President for four years, and has several accomplishments as a member, including addressing and reducing homelessness in the region, advocating for changes to criminal justice custody operations, and decreasing the number of children involved in the child welfare system. Prior to his election to the Board, Cortese ran a large family agriculture and real estate business, served as a member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Valley Transportation Authority, and as a trustee for the East Side Union High School District. In each of these roles, Cortese worked to build funding for capital projects intended to support local communities.

    Cortese is running against Nora Campos (D), Ann Ravel (D), Ken Del Valle (R), Robert Howell(R), Johnny Khamis (NPP), and Tim Gildersleeve (NPP) in this open race. According to recent election results, Democrats usually win this seat. Cortese is a noteable progressive choice because of his long career in public service and his track record of pushing for policies that benefit vulnerable populations, and improve the wellbeing of the community.

    According to our analysis, Cortese is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Dave Cortese

    Dave Cortese is from East San Jose and is a lifelong resident of Santa Clara County.

Depending on where you live, you may have the below county-districted races on your ballot.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Kansen Chu is from Taiwan and moved to the United States in 1976. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to bring government, business, local community leaders, and organizations together to solve critical issues. 

    Kansen Chu currently serves in the State Assembly, where he works to promote economic development, increase access to quality education, and advance environmental preservations. While in the State Assembly, Chu has used his position as Chair of the Health and Human Services committee to ensure vulnerable communities have access to efficient support services. Chu has fought to improve child welfare programs, the foster care system, and other support services such as Cal-Works and Cal-Fresh. Chu has also worked as an electronics engineer and served on the San Jose City Council and Berryessa School Board. 

    Kansen Chu is running against Magdalena Carrasco, Otto Lee, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. In 2019, Chu scored a 98 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Kansen Chu has consistently shown great courage in standing up for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. 

    According to our analysis, Kansen Chu is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Kansen Chu

    Kansen Chu is from Taiwan and moved to the United States in 1976. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to bring government, business, local community leaders, and organizations together to solve critical issues. 

    Kansen Chu currently serves in the State Assembly, where he works to promote economic development, increase access to quality education, and advance environmental preservations. While in the State Assembly, Chu has used his position as Chair of the Health and Human Services committee to ensure vulnerable communities have access to efficient support services. Chu has fought to improve child welfare programs, the foster care system, and other support services such as Cal-Works and Cal-Fresh. Chu has also worked as an electronics engineer and served on the San Jose City Council and Berryessa School Board. 

    Kansen Chu is running against Magdalena Carrasco, Otto Lee, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. In 2019, Chu scored a 98 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Kansen Chu has consistently shown great courage in standing up for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. 

    According to our analysis, Kansen Chu is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Kansen Chu is from Taiwan and moved to the United States in 1976. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to bring government, business, local community leaders, and organizations together to solve critical issues. 

    Kansen Chu currently serves in the State Assembly, where he works to promote economic development, increase access to quality education, and advance environmental preservations. While in the State Assembly, Chu has used his position as Chair of the Health and Human Services committee to ensure vulnerable communities have access to efficient support services. Chu has fought to improve child welfare programs, the foster care system, and other support services such as Cal-Works and Cal-Fresh. Chu has also worked as an electronics engineer and served on the San Jose City Council and Berryessa School Board. 

    Kansen Chu is running against Magdalena Carrasco, Otto Lee, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. In 2019, Chu scored a 98 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Kansen Chu has consistently shown great courage in standing up for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. 

    According to our analysis, Kansen Chu is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Kansen Chu

    Kansen Chu is from Taiwan and moved to the United States in 1976. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to bring government, business, local community leaders, and organizations together to solve critical issues. 

    Kansen Chu currently serves in the State Assembly, where he works to promote economic development, increase access to quality education, and advance environmental preservations. While in the State Assembly, Chu has used his position as Chair of the Health and Human Services committee to ensure vulnerable communities have access to efficient support services. Chu has fought to improve child welfare programs, the foster care system, and other support services such as Cal-Works and Cal-Fresh. Chu has also worked as an electronics engineer and served on the San Jose City Council and Berryessa School Board. 

    Kansen Chu is running against Magdalena Carrasco, Otto Lee, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. In 2019, Chu scored a 98 out of 100 on Courage Score, our annual analysis of a legislator's progressive voting records. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Kansen Chu has consistently shown great courage in standing up for the needs of constituents and facing down corporate lobbyists and interest groups that exploit Californians. 

    According to our analysis, Kansen Chu is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

  • Puntuación de Courage California:
  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Magdalena Carrasco grew up in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to be a voice for the voiceless and strengthen her community.  

    Carrasco currently serves on the San Jose City Council, which she does to improve the quality of life for the residents of East San Jose and the rest of the city. She has helped to pass the city’s Women’s Bill of Rights, which increased resources to support survivors of domestic abuse, as well as improved policies to combat human trafficking, and increased access to economic opportunities. Also, while on the city council, she has developed clean energy programs, promoted infrastructure improvements, increased access to affordable housing, been a champion for labor rights, and increased access to educational opportunities. Carrasco has also served as Vice Mayor of San Jose where she focused on increasing representation of women and people of color in all levels of government. 

    Carrasco is running against Kansen Chu, Otto Lee, and John Leyba candidate for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Carrasco stands out as a progressive choice because of her track record of successfully advancing progressive initiatives and increasing political representation in all levels of government. 

    According to our analysis, Carrasco is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Magdalena Carrasco

    Magdalena Carrasco grew up in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to be a voice for the voiceless and strengthen her community.  

    Carrasco currently serves on the San Jose City Council, which she does to improve the quality of life for the residents of East San Jose and the rest of the city. She has helped to pass the city’s Women’s Bill of Rights, which increased resources to support survivors of domestic abuse, as well as improved policies to combat human trafficking, and increased access to economic opportunities. Also, while on the city council, she has developed clean energy programs, promoted infrastructure improvements, increased access to affordable housing, been a champion for labor rights, and increased access to educational opportunities. Carrasco has also served as Vice Mayor of San Jose where she focused on increasing representation of women and people of color in all levels of government. 

    Carrasco is running against Kansen Chu, Otto Lee, and John Leyba candidate for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Carrasco stands out as a progressive choice because of her track record of successfully advancing progressive initiatives and increasing political representation in all levels of government. 

    According to our analysis, Carrasco is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Magdalena Carrasco grew up in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to be a voice for the voiceless and strengthen her community.  

    Carrasco currently serves on the San Jose City Council, which she does to improve the quality of life for the residents of East San Jose and the rest of the city. She has helped to pass the city’s Women’s Bill of Rights, which increased resources to support survivors of domestic abuse, as well as improved policies to combat human trafficking, and increased access to economic opportunities. Also, while on the city council, she has developed clean energy programs, promoted infrastructure improvements, increased access to affordable housing, been a champion for labor rights, and increased access to educational opportunities. Carrasco has also served as Vice Mayor of San Jose where she focused on increasing representation of women and people of color in all levels of government. 

    Carrasco is running against Kansen Chu, Otto Lee, and John Leyba candidate for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Carrasco stands out as a progressive choice because of her track record of successfully advancing progressive initiatives and increasing political representation in all levels of government. 

    According to our analysis, Carrasco is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Magdalena Carrasco

    Magdalena Carrasco grew up in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, she is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to be a voice for the voiceless and strengthen her community.  

    Carrasco currently serves on the San Jose City Council, which she does to improve the quality of life for the residents of East San Jose and the rest of the city. She has helped to pass the city’s Women’s Bill of Rights, which increased resources to support survivors of domestic abuse, as well as improved policies to combat human trafficking, and increased access to economic opportunities. Also, while on the city council, she has developed clean energy programs, promoted infrastructure improvements, increased access to affordable housing, been a champion for labor rights, and increased access to educational opportunities. Carrasco has also served as Vice Mayor of San Jose where she focused on increasing representation of women and people of color in all levels of government. 

    Carrasco is running against Kansen Chu, Otto Lee, and John Leyba candidate for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Carrasco stands out as a progressive choice because of her track record of successfully advancing progressive initiatives and increasing political representation in all levels of government. 

    According to our analysis, Carrasco is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

  • Puntuación de Courage California:
  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Otto Lee is from Hong Kong and immigrated to California at 15 years old with his family. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to continue his public service and to use his experience to address challenges his community faces, such as the increased cost of housing and traffic congestion. 

    Lee is an intellectual property attorney, where he fosters economic development by protecting the rights’ of innovators. Lee has served on the Sunnyvale Planning Commission, the Sunnyvale City Council, and as Mayor, where he championed environmental issues such as banning single-use plastic bags, successfully promoting solar energy, and ensuring that development projects are environmentally sustainable. He has also served as a Democratic National Committee member and in the US Navy, where he received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal for his honorable service. 

    Otto Lee is running against Kansen Chu, Magdalena Carrasco, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Lee stands out as a progressive choice because of his strong environmental track record and his vision to address issues that directly impact his community, such as the rising unhoused population and the need to invest in sustainable infrastructure. 

    According to our analysis, Lee is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Otto Lee

    Otto Lee is from Hong Kong and immigrated to California at 15 years old with his family. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to continue his public service and to use his experience to address challenges his community faces, such as the increased cost of housing and traffic congestion. 

    Lee is an intellectual property attorney, where he fosters economic development by protecting the rights’ of innovators. Lee has served on the Sunnyvale Planning Commission, the Sunnyvale City Council, and as Mayor, where he championed environmental issues such as banning single-use plastic bags, successfully promoting solar energy, and ensuring that development projects are environmentally sustainable. He has also served as a Democratic National Committee member and in the US Navy, where he received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal for his honorable service. 

    Otto Lee is running against Kansen Chu, Magdalena Carrasco, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Lee stands out as a progressive choice because of his strong environmental track record and his vision to address issues that directly impact his community, such as the rising unhoused population and the need to invest in sustainable infrastructure. 

    According to our analysis, Lee is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Otto Lee is from Hong Kong and immigrated to California at 15 years old with his family. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to continue his public service and to use his experience to address challenges his community faces, such as the increased cost of housing and traffic congestion. 

    Lee is an intellectual property attorney, where he fosters economic development by protecting the rights’ of innovators. Lee has served on the Sunnyvale Planning Commission, the Sunnyvale City Council, and as Mayor, where he championed environmental issues such as banning single-use plastic bags, successfully promoting solar energy, and ensuring that development projects are environmentally sustainable. He has also served as a Democratic National Committee member and in the US Navy, where he received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal for his honorable service. 

    Otto Lee is running against Kansen Chu, Magdalena Carrasco, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Lee stands out as a progressive choice because of his strong environmental track record and his vision to address issues that directly impact his community, such as the rising unhoused population and the need to invest in sustainable infrastructure. 

    According to our analysis, Lee is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Otto Lee

    Otto Lee is from Hong Kong and immigrated to California at 15 years old with his family. According to campaign materials, he is running for Santa Clara Board of Supervisors to continue his public service and to use his experience to address challenges his community faces, such as the increased cost of housing and traffic congestion. 

    Lee is an intellectual property attorney, where he fosters economic development by protecting the rights’ of innovators. Lee has served on the Sunnyvale Planning Commission, the Sunnyvale City Council, and as Mayor, where he championed environmental issues such as banning single-use plastic bags, successfully promoting solar energy, and ensuring that development projects are environmentally sustainable. He has also served as a Democratic National Committee member and in the US Navy, where he received the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal for his honorable service. 

    Otto Lee is running against Kansen Chu, Magdalena Carrasco, and John Leyba for the open Board of Supervisors seat. Lee stands out as a progressive choice because of his strong environmental track record and his vision to address issues that directly impact his community, such as the rising unhoused population and the need to invest in sustainable infrastructure. 

    According to our analysis, Lee is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

  • Puntuación de Courage California:

    Vote YES On Prop 13, School and College Facilities Bond

  • This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system. This will allow the state of California to use tax revenue to pay for improvements that local communities cannot afford. 

    The funding would come from bonds the state would pay back over 35 years, totaling an estimated $26 billion, which includes $15 billion in principal and $11 billion in interest. This investment is well worth the costs. It takes money, after all, to ensure that students -- especially those in districts that can’t afford major capital improvement projects -- do not have to learn in dangerous environments. 

    The vast majority of Democrats in the state legislature support it, as does Gov. Newsom, and the only major opposition is a group called the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. This is the group famous for destroying California’s school funding system in 1978 through another proposition, ironically one that was also dubbed Prop 13. The group spends most of its time lobbying to reduce tax rates. It has never shown any interest in supporting California’s children, at least if that means wealthy individuals or giant corporations would pay their fair share in taxes.

    Critics of the measure have pointed out that the ballot measure’s language includes a provision that frees new multi-family developments around subway stops and bus stations from school impact fees. This provision will make it easier for developers to build apartment buildings within a half-mile of public transit but could also drive up the cost of new housing and take funds away from school districts across the state. Despite this provision, the measure is still supported by most education groups in the state, who believe the overall funding allocation to schools outweighs the impact of reduced funding to school districts located near transit hubs. 2020’s Prop 13 is worth the investment since it means children will soon be able to attend school in buildings that are retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and no longer have lead in their water. 

    We strongly recommend a YES vote on Prop 13.

    CA Prop 13

    This proposition would provide $9 billion for desperately needed renovations to public preschools and grade schools throughout the state, and $6 billion for construction to community colleges, the Cal State system, and the UC system.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
  • David Cohen has resided in District Four for the past two decades. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to bring his community together and make his distinct a place people are happy to call home.

    Cohen is an engineer and serves on the Berryessa Union School District Board as trustee, which he does to contribute to innovation in high technology and build strong community relationships among families, teachers, staff, and students. While serving on the school board, Cohen has created a dual immersion program for Mandarin and Spanish speakers, pushed back against increases to class size, preserved art and science programs. Furthermore, he has worked to ensure that students have access to counselors and social workers, secured additional funding for local schools, and transformed Berryessa’s school's energy source off of fossil fuels to solar. Cohen has also served as Chair of the San Jose Library Commission, where he advocated for local libraries and led an effort to ensure that community libraries have sufficient funds to operate.

    Cohen is running against Lan Diep, who is the incumbent and has held the seat since 2016, as well as Huy Tran. Cohen is a noteworthy progressive choice because of his track record of bringing his community together, his ability to find solutions to issues his community faces, as well as his support from local progressive partners. 

    According to our analysis, Cohen is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    David Cohen

    David Cohen has resided in District Four for the past two decades. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to bring his community together and make his distinct a place people are happy to call home.

    David Cohen has resided in District Four for the past two decades. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to bring his community together and make his distinct a place people are happy to call home.

    Cohen is an engineer and serves on the Berryessa Union School District Board as trustee, which he does to contribute to innovation in high technology and build strong community relationships among families, teachers, staff, and students. While serving on the school board, Cohen has created a dual immersion program for Mandarin and Spanish speakers, pushed back against increases to class size, preserved art and science programs. Furthermore, he has worked to ensure that students have access to counselors and social workers, secured additional funding for local schools, and transformed Berryessa’s school's energy source off of fossil fuels to solar. Cohen has also served as Chair of the San Jose Library Commission, where he advocated for local libraries and led an effort to ensure that community libraries have sufficient funds to operate.

    Cohen is running against Lan Diep, who is the incumbent and has held the seat since 2016, as well as Huy Tran. Cohen is a noteworthy progressive choice because of his track record of bringing his community together, his ability to find solutions to issues his community faces, as well as his support from local progressive partners. 

    According to our analysis, Cohen is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    David Cohen

    David Cohen has resided in District Four for the past two decades. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to bring his community together and make his distinct a place people are happy to call home.

  • Builds Power
    Builds Progress
    Builds Representation
  • Huy Tran is from Hawthorne, CA, and currently resides in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to be the voice his community needs to protect and improve the quality of life for all residents of San Jose. 

    Tran is a Steering Committee member on the Santa Clara County Wage Theft Coalition and serves on the board of Vietnamese American Roundtable, which he does to advocate and fight for working families. Furthermore, Tran is a co-founder of Justice at Work Law Group where he successfully represented the interests of working families on employment issues involving wage theft, cases of harassment, and discrimination. He was also appointed to the Housing and Community Development Commission for the City of San Jose by the incumbent, Lan Diep; through this experience, he gained further insight into the housing issues District Four is facing and the type of representative his community needs to advocate on their behalf. 

    Tran is running against Lan Diep who is the incumbent and has held the seat since 2016, as well as David Cohen. Tran is a notable progressive choice because of his dedication to real solutions to issues his community faces, such as access to affordable housing, as well as his support from local progressive partners. 

    According to our analysis, Tran is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Huy Tran

    Huy Tran is from Hawthorne, CA, and currently resides in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to be the voice his community needs to protect and improve the quality of life for all residents of San Jose. 

    Huy Tran is from Hawthorne, CA, and currently resides in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to be the voice his community needs to protect and improve the quality of life for all residents of San Jose. 

    Tran is a Steering Committee member on the Santa Clara County Wage Theft Coalition and serves on the board of Vietnamese American Roundtable, which he does to advocate and fight for working families. Furthermore, Tran is a co-founder of Justice at Work Law Group where he successfully represented the interests of working families on employment issues involving wage theft, cases of harassment, and discrimination. He was also appointed to the Housing and Community Development Commission for the City of San Jose by the incumbent, Lan Diep; through this experience, he gained further insight into the housing issues District Four is facing and the type of representative his community needs to advocate on their behalf. 

    Tran is running against Lan Diep who is the incumbent and has held the seat since 2016, as well as David Cohen. Tran is a notable progressive choice because of his dedication to real solutions to issues his community faces, such as access to affordable housing, as well as his support from local progressive partners. 

    According to our analysis, Tran is a strong choice for progressive leadership in office.

    Huy Tran

    Huy Tran is from Hawthorne, CA, and currently resides in San Jose, CA. According to campaign materials, he is running for City Council to be the voice his community needs to protect and improve the quality of life for all residents of San Jose.