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  • Bob Dingethal is running for Congress because he supports a stronger middle class, equal pay for equal work, and investments in education, infrastructure, and good jobs here in the United States. Dingethal would bring more than 35 years of experience in the public, private and non-profit sector with him to Congress.

    Dingethal faces a tough race against incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler, an extremely conservative Republican. She has consistently sided with some of the most conservative members of her party on issues like health care, environmental protection, immigration reform, economic fairness. Far right Republican Michael Delavar is also challenging Herrera Beutler. Dingethal is the best choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Bob Dingethal

    Bob Dingethal is running for Congress because he supports a stronger middle class, equal pay for equal work, and investments in education, infrastructure, and good jobs here in the United States.

    Bob Dingethal is running for Congress because he supports a stronger middle class, equal pay for equal work, and investments in education, infrastructure, and good jobs here in the United States. Dingethal would bring more than 35 years of experience in the public, private and non-profit sector with him to Congress.

    Dingethal faces a tough race against incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler, an extremely conservative Republican. She has consistently sided with some of the most conservative members of her party on issues like health care, environmental protection, immigration reform, economic fairness. Far right Republican Michael Delavar is also challenging Herrera Beutler. Dingethal is the best choice in this race.

    Bob Dingethal

    Bob Dingethal is running for Congress because he supports a stronger middle class, equal pay for equal work, and investments in education, infrastructure, and good jobs here in the United States.

  • Apoyadas Por: Washington State Labor Council, Vancouver Firefighters IAFF 452, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555
  • Michael Savoca is focused on getting money out of politics and reducing the influence of corporations over our political system. He also wants to reform our state's tax system to make it more progressive and provide enough funding for our schools. He is challenging conservative Republican Richard DeBolt, who has been an obstacle to progress in the state House. Savoca faces an uphill fight in this conservative district that is made more difficult because he's not accepting campaign contributions of more than $5.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Michael Savoca

    Michael Savoca is focused on getting money out of

    politics and reducing the influence of corporations over our political system.

    He also wants to reform our state's tax system to make it more progressive and

    Michael Savoca is focused on getting money out of politics and reducing the influence of corporations over our political system. He also wants to reform our state's tax system to make it more progressive and provide enough funding for our schools. He is challenging conservative Republican Richard DeBolt, who has been an obstacle to progress in the state House. Savoca faces an uphill fight in this conservative district that is made more difficult because he's not accepting campaign contributions of more than $5.

    Michael Savoca

    Michael Savoca is focused on getting money out of

    politics and reducing the influence of corporations over our political system.

    He also wants to reform our state's tax system to make it more progressive and

No Good Choices

There are no good choices in this race, as exceptionally conservative incumbent Ed Orcutt is being challenged by another conservative, John Morgan. If you are interested in running for office in the future, please contact our friends at Progressive Majority.

Ed Orcutt

There are no good choices in this race, as exceptionally

conservative incumbent Ed Orcutt is being challenged by another conservative,

John Morgan. If you are interested in running for office in the future, please

contact our friends at Progressive Majority.

Elecciones del condado

Dependiendo de su lugar de residencia, es posible que en su papeleta figure una de las elecciones del condado que se indican a continuación.

  • Jenifer Slemp is hoping to take the seat of Gary Zandell, who is in his seventh and final term. She is currently on the Napavine City Council. Her vision for the position of Auditor includes advancing technology in the departments of records and licensing, thereby allowing citizens greater online access to records. Her opponent is Republican Larry Grove. His website states that his duties as CFO limit the time he can devote to “traditional campaign activities;” this has manifested itself in a campaign that publicizes few solutions. Jenifer Slemp is running a more articulate campaign and is the better choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Jenifer Slemp

    Jenifer Slemp is hoping to take the seat of Gary Zandell, who is in his seventh and final term. She is currently on the Napavine City Council.

    Jenifer Slemp is hoping to take the seat of Gary Zandell, who is in his seventh and final term. She is currently on the Napavine City Council. Her vision for the position of Auditor includes advancing technology in the departments of records and licensing, thereby allowing citizens greater online access to records. Her opponent is Republican Larry Grove. His website states that his duties as CFO limit the time he can devote to “traditional campaign activities;” this has manifested itself in a campaign that publicizes few solutions. Jenifer Slemp is running a more articulate campaign and is the better choice in this race.

    Jenifer Slemp

    Jenifer Slemp is hoping to take the seat of Gary Zandell, who is in his seventh and final term. She is currently on the Napavine City Council.

  • Mary Hall is a smart and innovative progressive with 16 years experience in election administration. Hall is running to ensure that all couples seeking a marriage license feel welcome and are treated equally, supports Election Day registration, and wants to increase voter participation among youth and communities of color. Hall is running unopposed.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Mary Hall

    Mary Hall is a smart and innovative progressive with 16 years experience in election administration.

    Mary Hall is a smart and innovative progressive with 16 years experience in election administration. Hall is running to ensure that all couples seeking a marriage license feel welcome and are treated equally, supports Election Day registration, and wants to increase voter participation among youth and communities of color. Hall is running unopposed.

    Mary Hall

    Mary Hall is a smart and innovative progressive with 16 years experience in election administration.