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  • Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border. A former executive at Microsoft and other technology companies, she has used her technology background to become a leader of protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She has also been a strong advocate for job development, economic fairness, women’s health, and immigration reform. DelBene’s top challenger is Pedro Celis, a Republican and retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. Edwin Moats, Robert Sutherland, and several other extremely conservative candidates in this race are not running competitive campaigns. DelBene’s experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Suzan DelBene

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border.

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border. A former executive at Microsoft and other technology companies, she has used her technology background to become a leader of protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She has also been a strong advocate for job development, economic fairness, women’s health, and immigration reform. DelBene’s top challenger is Pedro Celis, a Republican and retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. Edwin Moats, Robert Sutherland, and several other extremely conservative candidates in this race are not running competitive campaigns. DelBene’s experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.

    Suzan DelBene

    Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border.

  • Representative Luis Moscoso has more than 30 years experience serving as a labor leader and community organizer. He distinguished himself as a progressive champion for education, racial equity, and preventing deeper budget cuts. His opponents include Democrat Dave Griffin and Republican Edward Barton, both of whom are not running effective campaigns. Moscoso is a rising star in the Legislature and deserves another term.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Luis Moscoso

    Representative Luis Moscoso has more than 30 years

    experience serving as a labor leader and community organizer. He distinguished

    himself as a progressive champion for education, racial equity, and preventing

    deeper budget cuts.

    Representative Luis Moscoso has more than 30 years experience serving as a labor leader and community organizer. He distinguished himself as a progressive champion for education, racial equity, and preventing deeper budget cuts. His opponents include Democrat Dave Griffin and Republican Edward Barton, both of whom are not running effective campaigns. Moscoso is a rising star in the Legislature and deserves another term.

    Luis Moscoso

    Representative Luis Moscoso has more than 30 years

    experience serving as a labor leader and community organizer. He distinguished

    himself as a progressive champion for education, racial equity, and preventing

    deeper budget cuts.

  • King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg is running unopposed for re-election. Satterberg is a competent prosecutor with broad support. He is a responsible, moderate voice who has endorsed I-594 to require background checks for all gun sales in Washington. He also dismissed all misdemeanor marijuana possessions immediately after voters approved I-502 to legalize marijuana in Washington.
    Ultima actualización 2023-04-05

    Dan Satterberg

    King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg is running unopposed for re-election. Satterberg is a competent prosecutor with broad support. He is a responsible, moderate voice who has endorsed I-594 to require background checks for all gun sales in Washington.

    King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg is running unopposed for re-election. Satterberg is a competent prosecutor with broad support. He is a responsible, moderate voice who has endorsed I-594 to require background checks for all gun sales in Washington. He also dismissed all misdemeanor marijuana possessions immediately after voters approved I-502 to legalize marijuana in Washington.

    Dan Satterberg

    King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg is running unopposed for re-election. Satterberg is a competent prosecutor with broad support. He is a responsible, moderate voice who has endorsed I-594 to require background checks for all gun sales in Washington.

  • Apoyadas Por: SEIU 775, Joint Council of Teamsters 28